Chapter 36: Snow Peak Castle

Chapter 36: Snow Peak Castle

A Chapter by Shin

                        Meanwhile, the ninja party, Mikae and Shiemi wake up.

            “Finally up.” Tesshu says.

            “What happened?” Shiemi asks rubbing her eyes.

            “More like what didn’t happen.” Shou comments as he crosses his arm lying against some ruins.

            “Did you guys take her out or did she escape?” Mikae asks.

            “She left, unfortunately.” Shou says.

            “I wonder why she didn’t kill us then.” Shiemi says standing up.

            “Don’t look at me; I’m not a fortune teller.” Shou comments sarcastically.

            “Bright side is we still alive.” Tesshu says with a smile.

            “What do we do now?” Shiemi asks.

            “What am I now, your travel agent?” Shou asks sarcastically.

            “……” Shiemi shakes her head as she rolls her eyes.

            “You still haven’t got your memory back right?” Mikae asks.

            “Partially.” Shou answers.

            “Better than nothin’.” Tesshu says.

            “True.” Shiemi nods.

            “Well, in the meantime, you can help me with my original journey.” Tesshu says.

            “Huh? Original journey? You weren’t looking for me?” Shou asks cautiously.

            “We were looking for ya along the way son, we were lucky to feel your Spirit Force in a nick of time, but we’ve actually been looking for a man.” Tesshu explains.

            “A man? Don’t drag me into this; I don’t play for that team, seriously.” Shou says.

            “Even if ya had your memories back you wouldn’t know anyways.” Tesshu states.

            “A job? We better get paid well, because my services aren’t cheap, I got expenses you know.” Shou remarks.

            “It’s personal.” Tesshu says.

            “We ended up in Lemuria in the first place because we were looking for him and found you, but he wasn’t there anyways.” Mikae says.

            “But who is Mr. Mystery exactly?” Shou asks.

            “……” Shiemi sighs.

            “Well, he’s the man that killed my mother, after my father finally found him; he killed my father as well… Mother f****r…” Tesshu explains, he frowns at the subject.

            “Oh, I’m sorry…” Shou says scratching his head.

            “Hey, hey! No need to be all depressing and s**t n***a.” Tesshu says patting Shou’s back.

            “Then I’ll go too, maybe while we go to other places looking for that guy I’ll remember bits and pieces of my memory.” Shou says.

            “Good idea.” Mikae says.

            “Heh, yeah, that’s Shou for ya.” Tesshu smiles.

            “Where to?” Shou asks.

            “We should go to the next location we had originally planned.” Shiemi answers.

            “And that is?” Shou asks.

            “Radingel.” Mikae says.

            “But didn’t we miss that place just to get over here for my sake?” Shou asks.

            “Hey, you’re more important right now, I’ve been searching for this guy for years, and you’re more of a priority, you’re my brotha.” Tesshu says.

            “Now let’s make it both my memory recovering and your revenge a priority.” Shou says.

            “Not just revenge, but a hunt.” Tesshu says with fierce eyes.

            “The black wolf stalks it’s pray.” Mikae comments with a smile.

            “The black what now?” Shou asks.

            “That’s what they call me.” Tesshu says.

            “First we have to cross to the next island, then take a boat to the Laska region, then walk by foot to Radingel.” Shiemi explains.

            “Road trip anyone?” Shou asks with a smirk.

            “It is, you could say.” Mikae says.

            “Less talkin’ and mo’ walkin’.” Tesshu says.

            “Yeah, let’s go people.” Shou says.

                        The party begins to walk to the border of the island where the water is shallow, they are able to cross to the next island, and they then walk to the other end where there is a small boat dock and very few people.

            “So now we take a boat to the Laska region right?” Shou asks.

            “Yeah.” Shiemi replies.

                        An old man from the docks approaches the party and asks. “You interested in a ride to the good ol’ icicle town?”

            “Yep.” Mikae responds.

            “Good, it’ll be one hundred bucks each.” The old man says opening the palm of his hand waiting for the money.

            “Whoa! That’s a rip-off.” Shou says annoyed.

            “Nonsense child, it’s pretty cheap if ya ask me, you don’t know the dangers of the icy ocean.” The old man says.

            “Mikae, pay the man.” Shiemi says.

            “Here you go.” Mikae hands over the money to the old man.

            “Thank ya, hop on board.” The old man says.

            “It isn’t even a ship, it’s a boat, and a small one too.” Shou says staring at the old man with narrow eyes.

            “Better than crossing a few countries.” Tesshu comments.

            “True, but why didn’t we cross through here in the first place?” Shou asks.

            “Well, thing is, I didn’t want to cross a whole chilly valley to get to the icicle town, plus I’ve been hearin’ some silly rumors about some Yeti or somethin’.” Tesshu explains.

            “Rumors say that they’ve gone wild in that region.” Shiemi says.

            “So we’ll have to be careful when we pass through there then.” Shou says.

            “Can’t believe you guys believe that s**t!” Tesshu says annoyed.

            “I think they’re for real.” Shou says. “I mean, I’ve seen a lot of stuff that I thought was impossible.”

            “The area is infested of those I heard, so running into one of them is almost certain if it’s true.” Mikae says.

            “Oh come on girl, that s**t aint real I tell ya.” Tesshu says.

            “Almost certain? So let’s make believe they’re true, that means we can slip by quietly without making a commotion, if by chance we do run into one of those, all we gotta do is take it out.” Shou

            “I like the way you think dog though I doubt it’ll be happening.” Tesshu says with a grin.

            “Well, we are ninjas; we can slip through if they exist.” Mikae states.

            “Let’s hope so, unlike humans I’ve heard they have heighted sense of smell and hearing.” Shiemi comments.

            “Anyways, let’s get going already, the old man is waiting, we wouldn’t want him to die on us now do we?” Shou asks sarcastically.

            “Yeah, cut the crap ya’ll and get your asses movin’.” Tesshu says making some hand motions.

                        They get on the old man’s boat, after a few hours on the boat and the hard crossing of the cold ocean with icebergs around; Shou is already starting to protest.

            “Guys, it’s really cold!” Shou says with his own arms wrapped around himself trying to warm himself.

            “What did you expect?” Shiemi asks covering her nose and mouth with her hands.

            “Luckily I brought these coats, a few extras ones too just in case we needed them as sheets, hehe.” Mikae says cheerfully.

            “Hand them over!” Shou says desperately.

            “Right, here you go.” Mikae handed over the coats.

            “Thanks, I owe you one, though you should’ve handed them a little sooner, one more minute and we’d end up being popsicles.” Shou says quickly putting on the coat.

            “We all need them Mikae, pass them over.” Shiemi says with her arm extended towards Mikae, waiting for Mikae to hand her a coat as well.

            “Sure.” Mikae nods.

                        Mikae gives everyone a coat except for the old man since he already had one from the start. They keep warm for a while until they finally reach the small port full of snow.

            “Here we are, thanks for the money, take care out there.” The old man says.

            “Sure thing old man, see ya.” Tesshu says.

                        The party walks out of the small port to what seems like a snowy path.

            “Where does the hell does this lead to?” Shou asks.

            “Icicle town.” Shiemi answers.

            “Hope we don’t run into any Yeti.” Mikae says looking around.

            “Again with that s**t?” Tesshu asks annoyed.

            “Sorry.” Mikae says.

            “Let’s go, we need somewhere to rest.” Shiemi states as she walks ahead.

            “Yeah.” Shou walks behind her.

                        The party keeps walking until they reach the snowy town’s entrance.

            “I like how this place looks, so pale yet something so nice to it.” Shou says observing the town.

            “I get what you mean.” Mikae says.

            “Let’s look for an inn.” Shiemi says walking ahead again.

                        They walk to the nearby inn which has a sign outside that reads. “Full”.

            “Huh?” Tesshu tilts his head confused.

            “I hate to state the obvious, but it says that it’s full.” Shiemi says.

            “F**k…” Tesshu kicks a piece of log next to the sign.

            “How the hell does a place in the boondocks like this gets full? Who visits this place?” Shou asks in disbelief.

            “Tourists, rich tourists I’m guessing.” Shiemi replies.

            “Where do we go now?” Mikae asks.

            “Don’t look at me.” Shou says.

            “Let’s go inside anyways; we’ll keep ourselves warm in the lobby at least.” Shiemi says.

            “Good one.” Mikae says.

                        They head inside the inn; it’s very bright, unlike outside, with red rugs, dark brown couches, a big fire place, a few wooden tables, big stairs to the upper floor, and the male clerk at the counter.

            “I’m sorry, I’m afraid we’re full for the night, sorry for the inconvenience.” The clerk says.

            “So there’s nowhere to stay in this town then?” Mikae asks.

            “No, I’m afraid not, but if you want, make yourselves comfortable in front of the fireplace for a while, I’ll prepare some hot chocolate as an apology for this mess.” The clerk says.

            “Nice!” Mikae smiles.

            “Heh, give me a minute.” Clerk says going into the backdoor next to the counter.

            “Take your time.” Shou says out loud.

                        The party takes off their coats and sits in front of the fireplace and waits for the clerk. After a few minutes an old woman enters the inn, leaving her coat in the hanger at the entrance, and then noticing the party.

            “Ohh, you’re not from around here are you folks?” The old woman asks.

            “No ma’am.” Shou responds.

            “I can just tell by the looks of you youngsters, are you here for anything in particular?” The old woman asks curiously.

            “Well, we were going to rent a room, but they’re full and well, the kind clerk told us to warm ourselves here for a while.” Shiemi answers.

            “I see, well I’m the owner of this inn and if you want, you’re welcome to stay at my house; I have a few extra rooms you can rent in place of rooms here.” The old woman says.

            “Sounds great.” Tesshu says with relief.

                        The clerk walks towards the party with a large plate holding four cups of hot chocolate.

            “Here you go.” The clerk says lowering down the plate for everyone.

            “Thank you.” Mikae says taking one of the cups.

            “Thanks bud.” Tesshu says taking a cup as well.

            “I appreciate it.” Shiemi says also taking a cup.

            “Me too.” Shou says taking the final cup.

            “I see Ralph is taking good care of you.” The old woman says with a warm smile.

            “Yes.” Mikae nods.

            “Ms. Wendy, the inn is full and I don’t know what to do with the customers.” Ralph says with a worried voice.

            “Don’t worry, they’re going to rent the extra rooms at my cabin.” Ms. Wendy explains.

            “Okie dokie then.” Ralph nods.

                        The party finishes their cups of hot chocolate and leaves with Ms. Wendy to her cabin that is near the inn. She leads the party to their rooms; the party then heads down to the fireplace in the living room and sits in front of it.

            “I’ll turn on the heaters of the rooms shortly.” Ms. Wendy comments.

            “Thank you.” Shiemi bows down.

            “Are you planning on crossing the snow valley?” Ms. Wendy asks.

            “Yes we are.” Shiemi responds.

            “It’ll be a little difficult.” Ms. Wendy states as she sits down in a big one person dark brown couch.

            “Why is that?” Mikae asks turning her view to Ms. Wendy.

            “You see, the path was blocked a few weeks ago by an avalanche, we don’t know what caused it, but there’s an alternate way through.” Ms. Wendy explains.

            “And that is?” Shou asks.

            “Through the road that leads to the abandoned castle, it has a gate which leads to the other side of the mountain.” Ms. Wendy adds.

            “Oh really now?” Tesshu asks.

            “Yes really.” Ms. Wendy nods.

            “Is there anything dangerous on the way or anything we should know?” Mikae asks.

            “Well, other than avalanches, wild bears and there’s always the myth of the Yeti.” Ms. Wendy replies.

            “Ah d****t.” Tesshu rolls his eyes as he shakes his head and turns to the fireplace.

            “Of course, I haven’t seen one myself, the last time I heard one was seen was more than twenty years ago.” Ms. Wendy explains.

            “……” Tesshu sighs.

            “I guess we’ll have to take this road then, whatever.” Shou shrugs his shoulders.

            “Yes, well, I guess it’s pretty late now, you should head on to sleep, I’ll turn on the heaters like I said, so good night, sleep well, and don’t let the Yeti get you at night.” Ms. Wendy says cheerfully.

            “Give me a break woman.” Tesshu says annoyed.

                        Shiemi and Mikae goes to sleep in one of the rooms, Shou and Tesshu go to sleep in the room across. Very late at night Shou wakes up only to find Tesshu looking outside the window.

            “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of what the old woman said? About the Yeti getting you at night, haha.” Shou laughs.

            “Hell no! I was just wondering what that light over the mountain peak is.” Tesshu says pointing out the window.

            “What light?” Shou looks outside the window and notices the light as well. “What the crap?”

            “That’s what I said too.” Tesshu says.

            “Maybe that’s the abandoned mansion the old woman was talking about.” Shou says.

            “Could be, though she did say it was abandoned and that it’s a castle.” Tesshu says correcting Shou.

            “Mansion, castle, is all the same to me.” Shou says shrugging his shoulders.

            “Guess we’ll find out tomorrow, let’s get some rest, I think we’re gonna need it.” Tesshu says.

            “Yeah, sleep tight.” Shou says lying on his bed.

            “This aint no prison, why would I hafta to sleep wit my a*s tight?” Tesshu asks.

            “Uhh… forget it, night.” Shou says shaking his head.

            “Night, bro.” Tesshu says getting under the sheets.

                        They go to sleep once again, the hours fly by quickly, and it’s now morning. The party has already paid and packed up; they are on their way to the castle road. They keep on walking for at least almost an hour when they encounter the land rising, there is a sign where it points two direction with arrows, the left arrow reads. “Castle Path” and the right arrow reads “Blocked Mountain Path”.

            “It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.” Shou says sarcastically.

            “Haha, yeah.” Tesshu chuckles.

                        The party takes the left path, as they walk the temperature starts to rise slightly. On their way they start hearing some noises, like bushes moving and spot some rather big footprints.

            “Look guys!” Shou says pointing out the footprints with an amazed expression.

            “Giant footprints.” Shiemi further describes.

            “This must be the Yeti’s footprints!” Mikae says shocked.

            “That’s probably the footprint of one of those big apes you see in the discovery channel, s**t, you n****s gotta go back to school.” Tesshu says shaking his head.

            “Riiight.” Shou sighs.

            “Let’s just keep going.” Tesshu says walking ahead.

                        The party moves, but after a few minutes they begin to see more and more footprints when suddenly they see a Yeti walking out of the corner of a tree. Tesshu very shocked quickly points at the Yeti and says. “Look! A Yeti!”

                        The Yeti looks at the party surprised.

            “Oh look! A black man! Not so funny when I say it huh.” The Yeti says in an exaggerating tone.

            “Hahahaha! Dude, that’s freaking funny.” Shou says wiping his tears.

            “Hehe.” Mikae smirked lightly.

            “……” Shiemi stares at the Yeti without amusement.

            “I’ll kill ya you racist mother f****r!” Tesshu says walking towards the Yeti very angrily.

            “Who’s the racist here? You started it!” The Yeti says irritably.

            “I thought the Yeti were a myth.” Tesshu says calming down.

            “We thought that black people were a myth too.” The Yeti says still mad.

            “Hey! Cut it out!” Tesshu says pissed off.

            “How the crap do you understand our language?” Shou asks.

            “Google, over thirty thousand results.” The Yeti replies.

            “The internet, seriously?” Shou asks with an eyebrow raised.

            “Not really, I just heard a guy from the village say something like that.” The Yeti says.

            “Does internet even reach that isolated town?” Mikae asks puzzled.

            “If it does online play must suck mayor balls, lagging like crazy.” Tesshu remarks.

            “They have a satellite in the town, I saw it, so it must be pretty fast.” Shiemi comments.

            “Ohhh, ok, no wonder.” Tesshu and Shou say at the same time.

            “Got a name?” Shiemi questions.

            “Of course, Sam.” The Yeti nods.

            “I thought it would be like some native weird name.” Mikae comments.

            “I do have a weird native name, but Sam is short for my name, too long.” Sam answers.

            “Cool.” Mikae says.

            “What are you guys doing here anyways?” Sam asks.

            “We’re gonna cross the castle road to the other side of the mountain.” Shou explains.

            “Whoa! Wait a minute; you can’t cross just like that.” Sam says desperately.

            “What do you mean?” Shiemi asks.

            “I don’t know what the humans told you, but the castle is off limits now.” Sam replies.

            “What do you mean?” Tesshu asks.

            “The castle has been occupied and the persons that live there won’t let you by.” Sam explains.

            “Why not? We’ll talk with them, no problem.” Tesshu says.

            “Not a good idea.” Sam says shaking his head.

            “Why?” Shou asks.

            “You see, believe it or not, these people are vampires!” Sam says staring at the party with wide eyes.

                        Tesshu’s expression turns sour and dead serious.

            “Lead me there.” Tesshu demands.

            “Didn’t you hear what I just said?” Sam asks.

            “I’m looking for a vampire, and one of those might be the one. If they’re not, they might know where the vampire I’m looking for is.” Tesshu says.

            “Vampires? Pfft, first Yeti’s and now Vampires? How fictional could this get?” Shou asks.

            “Yeah, the man I’m looking for is a vampire.” Tesshu says.

            “They’re dangerous, they have all my kind enslaved excavating the mountain.” Sam explains.

            “And how come you’re here?” Shiemi asks.

            “I was sent to get food for my brethren.” Sam responds.

            “Why don’t you escape?” Mikae asks.

            “I’m not going to abandon my brothers.” Sam answers.

            “Okay then.” Shou says.

            “Lead the way Sam.” Tesshu says in a serious tone.

            “Alright, your funeral.” Sam shrugs his shoulders.

                        Sam and the party walks through the snowy valley where the weather gets even worse; from afar they see the castle sitting on the side of the mountain.

            “Whoa! It’s snowing like crazy!” Shou says.

            “This part of the valley is known for the unending snowstorm.” Sam says.

            “That sucks sweaty balls.” Shou says.

            “We’re almost there, let’s keep moving.” Sam says walking ahead.

                        The party walks until they reach a huge fence, Sam opens it, they walk in, there seems to be a small town, with poorly made wooden houses and the castle can be seen from high up.

            “This is where we live, but the vampires live up there.” Sam points up to the castle.

            “Where is everyone?” Shiemi asks looking around.

            “Working in the mountain mine.” Sam responds.

            “What are they excavating?” Shou asks.

            “I heard they’re looking for a casket.” Sam replies.

            “Typical of a vampire.” Mikae remarks.

            “They already found it though, but it’s still trapped by the ores of the mine.” Sam says.

            “Why didn’t you fight back?” Tesshu asks.

            “At first they came in peace, very humbly, so the elder invited them in, that was a mistake since they were then immune to garlic and all the typical stuff vampires dislike, they then soon revealed they’re true nature and threatened us, they said that if we didn’t help them excavate they would kill the elder, they have him imprisoned in the castle dungeon.” Sam explains.

            “Hmm… is the castle guarded?” Shiemi asks.

            “Not really, one of the vampires stays in the castle while the other inspects the excavation progress.” Sam answers.

            “Just two vampires?” Tesshu asks.

            “Yeah.” Sam nods.

            “They’re probably very strong considering just the two of them.” Shou comments.

            “Maybe.” Shiemi says.

            “What are we waitin’ for? Let’s go.” Tesshu says.

                        The party heads up to the castle with Sam; it’s rather a generic castle, grayish bricks, metal full of rust and old wood. They climb one of the outer walls; they then jump into a big open window where they land safely on some stairs.

            “Where do we go now Sam?” Shou asks.

            “We have to go to the dungeon to find the elder.” Sam replies.

            “Basement it is.” Mikae says.

                        The party walks down the stairs, they end up in a huge lobby full of room to spare. There is an old door next to the opposite staircase.

            “Through that door next to the staircase, that’s where the dungeon is.” Sam points towards the door.

            “We’ll have to pass by this huge lobby quietly just in case.” Shiemi says.

                        Shiemi does some hand seals and she becomes a shadow, she quickly crosses the lobby. Tesshu and Mikae do the same, now only Shou and Sam are left.

            “We’ll have to walk quietly as fast as we can.” Shou says.

            “Okay.” Sam nods.

                        Shou and Sam start walking slowly and in a crouched position, there was no sign of anyone, they made it to the door without any problems.

            “Maybe we could’ve crossed without being all quiet and still made it here.” Shou sighing.

            “As ninjas, we have to be as stealthy as possible in every situation.” Shiemi says.

            “Yeah.” Mikae nods.

            “Let’s move on, we don’t want the elder to wait much longer.” Tesshu says.

                        The party opens the door and walks down the stairs to the dungeon, everything is dark, except for the very few torches barely lighting anything.

            “Where is he?” Mikae asks looking around the darkness.

            “I can smell him, he’s around here somewhere.” Sam says.

            “Who’s there?” A rough voice says.

            “It’s the elder!” Sam says excited.

            “Is that you Sam?” The Yeti elder asks walking into the light behind some iron bars.

                        He’s taller and even hairier than Sam.

            “Damn he’s hairy!” Shou says shocked.

            “The biggest and hairiest Yeti is always chosen as the elder.” Sam explains.

            “What are you humans doing here?” The Yeti elder asks.

            “We came here to rescue you!” Sam says.

            “What about the vampires?” The Yeti elder asks.

            “I don’t know.” Sam answers.

            “Hmmm… I bet our brethren are still working in the mine.” The Yeti elder says.

            “They are.” Sam nods.

            “We have to save them as well.” The Yeti elder says.

            “We will.” Sam says.

            “Let’s get him outta here.” Tesshu says as he takes out a kunai and concentrates a little bit of Spirit Force on the blade, he then cuts the steel bars like butter. The elder walks out, the party then walks up to the lobby again.

            “Now all we have to do is go to the roof, that’s where the entrance of the mountain mine is.” Sam says.

            “Let’s hurry up.” Shou says in a hurry.

                        They all hurry to the roof without making much noise. As they reach the roof they open the door to walk outside, as they do this they notice a figure standing in the blizzard looking towards the mine entrance.

            “Who’s that?” Mikae asks staring at the figure.

            “That’s one of the vampires, the guardian of the mansion, Emma.” The Yeti elder answers with a whisper.

            “Emma?” Shou asks trying to get a better view.

                        The blizzard slightly decreases, the party gets a better view of this vampire, she has shoulder length blonde hair with green eyes dressed in leather clothing, like a biker, she has a strap on her leg that holsters a fancy looking knife.

            “A female vampire?” Tesshu asks.

            “Yeah, she looks dangerous.” Sam comments.

                        Emma tilts her head slightly to the left like if she had noticed the party; she then looks forward and walks into the mine.

            “What is she doing?” Shiemi asks.

            “Strange, she left the mansion unguarded and walked into the mine.” The Yeti elder says to himself.

            “We should head in as well.” Shiemi says.

            “Yeah, they might be plannin’ somethin’.” Tesshu says.

                        The party quietly sneaks in the mine; they see Emma up ahead walking deeper in the mine. The party keeps following without being noticed, after a few minutes walking they reach a rather big area where all the Yeti are working their way around the casket in the middle of this large space. There they see Emma walking towards a man with short messy black hair and black eyes dressed in black baggy clothes that is observing the Yeti’s work.

            “Looks like we have some visitors, Yahn.” Emma says.

            “Where?” Yahn asks.

            “They’ve been following me, so they must be near.” Emma answers.

            “Hmm… I’ll have to deal with them after William wakes up.” Yahn says.

            “That’ll be in a few moments.” Emma states.

            “They got here just in time then.” Yahn says.

            “Take care of William first, and then deal with the pests.” Emma says.

            “No problem.” Yahn smirks.

            “I’ll be off.” Emma says.

            “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Yahn says indicating with his head to leave.

                        Emma leaves the mine, the party hides from her sight beforehand; Yahn walks towards the casket.

            “Open it.” Yahn says.

                        The Yeti opens the casket, a vampire is inside sleeping. The Yeti backs off very scared. Inside is a man with crossed arms, he has very short black hair and is dressed in black armor, his armor only covers part of his arms and torso, his muscular arms and chest can be half seen.

            “Lord William, wake up from your slumber for I will drink of your blood and become more powerful.” Yahn says with his smile widening.

                        William opens his eyes and looks coldly at Yahn, then getting out of his casket.

            “You lowly vampire dare to wake me up from my slumber?” William asks angrily as he gets out of the casket.

            “Lowly? Hahaha.” Yahn laughs.

            “Do you want to prove me wrong young one?” William asks.

            “With pleasure!” Yahn replies.

                        Yahn charges towards William quickly unsheathing a silver stake and attacking him, William catches his hand in a matter of seconds.

            “What!?” Yahn widens his eyes in surprise.

            “Like I said, a lowly vampire is no match for a full blood vampire.” William smirks.

                        Suddenly a dark aura surrounds William, the whole mine begins to shake, and his black aura forms two big red eyes behind him. Yahn looks up in surprise as to what is happening. William breaks Yahn’s arm quickly taking the silver stake from his hand and piercing his heart.

            “Uhhggg… He… tricked me! He said… I was superior to… him….” Yahn says in pain.

                        Yahn turns to ashes, William then turns his attention to the Yeti, his eyes shining blood red. “Who’s next?”

                        The party quickly jumps in front of William to save the Yeti.

            “Sam, get everyone out of here.” Shiemi shouts.

            “Okay!” Sam says.

                        Sam and the elder quickly evacuate the Yeti.

            “You too have a death wish?” William asks.

            “The only motha f***a that’s going to die here is you.” Tesshu says.

            “And how exactly are we going to handle with this guy huh?” Shou asks. “Didn’t you feel his energy? It’s freaking big!”

            “His weakness is his heart or we can simply chop his head off.” Shiemi says.

            “I don’t think you realize the gravity of this situation.” William says.

                        Mikae and Shiemi charge first, quickly throwing many shurikens, William quickly jumps up in the air, Shou jumps towards him with his spear covered in dark flames. William quickly lands on the spear and kicks Shou, then jumping towards Mikae and Shiemi and kicking them as well.

            “You see? What about you? Are you afraid now that you saw what I did to your friends?” William asks.

            “They aint down yet, they won’t be so easily beatin’.” Tesshu says.

            “Oh really?” William asks sarcastically.

            “Yeah.” Tesshu answers.

                        Shou suddenly appears on top of William while Shiemi and Mikae appear beside him on opposite ends all attacking at once. They are all successful at piercing him.

            “Ughh… hahaha, that’s all?” William asks with a chuckle.

            “What!?” The whole party asks shocked in unison.

            “Don’t make me laugh.” William says.

            “Damn it! How about this!” Shou says.

                        While William is still pierced, Shou makes his spear ignite in dark flames, making the flames come from inside out of William.

            “Parlor tricks.” William as he hits Shiemi with his elbow then grabbing her right arm and slamming her against Mikae sending them flying against the wall. William then pulls Shou’s spear from his back through his stomach, leaving Shou defenseless without his spear.

            “I believe this is yours.” William says.

                        William throws the spear at Shou at a great speed; Tesshu instantly appears in front of Shou and catches the spear on time before it hits Shou.

            “You mess with my bro, you mess with me.” Tesshu says handing the spear to Shou. “My turn, Willy!”

                        Tesshu quickly unsheathes his sword and attacks William, William is able to evade easily all of Tesshu strikes one after the other. Then Tesshu makes a backflip quickly making hand seals and making another Tesshu appear behind William and stabbing him through the heart.

            “Just stabbing me through my heart isn’t enough I’m afraid.” William says.

            “What!?” Tesshu asks surprised.

            “You see I’m a pure blood vampire; it’s not possible for you to defeat me.” William says.

                        Shiemi and Mikae once again attack appearing from behind William; they unsheathe their swords as well and pierce his heart at the same time.

            “You’re getting annoying!” William says quickly kicking both of them once again, then removing both swords from his chest and tossing them at Shiemi and Mikae, each sword stabs they’re right arms.

            “Ugghhh!” Shiemi and Mikae grunt.

            “Shiemi! Mikae!” Tesshu yells.

            “You damn b*****d!” Shou shouts as he covers himself in dark flames instantly and charges at William, William disappears from his view and appears right beside him crouching slightly and giving Shou a very strong uppercut sending him flying and breaking some boulders.

            “You’re the last, are you going to run away or end up like these fools?” William asks.

            “I guess anything I try is useless…” Tesshu says.

            “You finally understand.” William says.

            “I guess I have no choice.” Tesshu shakes his head.

            “Huh?” William observes Tesshu closely.

                        Tesshu does some hand seals when suddenly his muscles from his legs and arms expand.

            “Gate opened!” Tesshu whispers.

            “What the?” William widens his eyes slightly.

                        Tesshu instantly appears in front of William and punches him multiple times then kicking him and sending him flying against a wall, then quickly running to him and piercing William’s chest with his fist.

            “Ughhhhhh!!! How?” William asks surprised.

            “You gonna pay sucka!” Tesshu yells.

                        Tesshu grabs him by his neck and throws him against another wall.

            “Ugh… Not bad, seems like you had a trump card under your sleeve, but I’m afraid that’s not enough to kill me as I already said.” William says as he stands up.

            “Let’s see about that.” Tesshu says.

            “Hahaha.” William vanishes in plain sight.

            “Where is he?” Tesshu asks.

            “Right next to you.” Wlliam answers.

                        Tesshu quickly looks, but William punches him hard in the face, then grabs his right arm and slams him on the ground, he then kicks him against a boulder.

            “You’re strong, but you’re still going to die.” William says.

                        Suddenly Shiemi and Mikae throw some kunai’s at William, which pierces his back.

            “Foolish girls.” William says as he turns around towards Mikae and Shiemi, Tesshu rushes at William and attacks, but William evades all of his attacks, William counters and is surprised to see that Tesshu also evades and counters back.

            “I guess you’re not as weak as I thought, I underestimated you.” William comments.

            “Damn right!” Tesshu says.

            “Then I guess you don’t mind if I use my full power!” William says as he suddenly covers himself in his dark aura and unleashes dark energy attacks at Tesshu. Tesshu quickly makes some hand seals and throws a fireball with his hands at William, but the dark aura is much stronger and overwhelms Tesshu’s fireball. Tesshu then side steps evading the dark aura and trying to attack William, but the dark aura doesn’t let Tesshu pass without consequences.

            “Since you’re using yo’ full power, I should use mo’ power as well.” Tesshu says.

            “Stop bluffing, you and I know that you have no more power; the limit of a human is great than your little mind might think.” William says.

            “Suit yourself.” Tesshu says as he makes similar hand seals as he did before buffing up, his muscles expanded slightly more, but this time he grows a few more inches taller, fangs start to grow from his mouth and his eyes turn light blue.

            “Second gate opened!” Teeshu says with a slightly rougher voice.

            “What!? Are you a-?” William is cut off by Tesshu. “Cut the chit chat, let’s finish this.”

            “I won’t let you near me!” William shouts.

                        Tesshu passes right through the dark aura unaffected and punches William many times once again, then making a quick hand seal that makes a stalagmite come from the wall behind William and piercing almost his whole chest and stomach, he starts to cough blood.

            “Ughhh, hahaha, you missed my heart…” William says with his mouth full of blood.

            “Don’t worry; I’ll get it this time.” Tesshu says.

                        Just as Tesshu is about to land the finishing blow, a man is seen jumping above Tesshu with his arms crossed like an ‘x’ with a silver stake on his right hand quickly landing in between Tesshu and William. He then hits Tesshu’s chest with his elbow, sending him flying and landing on the ground. The man quickly opens his mouth to reveal long sharp fangs and biting William’s neck and sucking his blood, the unknown man’s eyes shining blood red. The man has black short slightly spiky hair with black eyes, dressed in a black hoody with black pants and boots.

            “You! Who are you?” William asks.

            “It’s no concern for a dead man.” The man coldly replies.

                        The man thrusts William’s heart with the silver stake and chopped his head off with his long claws.

            “No! It’s you! I’ve been looking for you! Darko!” Tesshu shouts.

            “Hmm… I don’t remember knowing you, have we met before?” Darko asks walking towards Tesshu.

            “You killed my parents!” Tesshu shouts.

            “Let’s see now, I’ve killed many people, but I don’t remember killing any parents recently.” Darko says as he looks up, trying to remember.

            “My parents of the ninja village!” Tesshu yells.

            “Ohhhhh! Now I remember, well, they got their selves killed, nothing we can do about right?” Darko says.

                        Darko starts digging his long claws into Tesshu’s right shoulder.

            “Ughh.” Tesshu grunts.

            “What should I do with you?” Darko asks.

            “Bite me!” Tesshu says angrily.

            “Nah, I‘m on a liquid diet.” Darko says.

            “I swear I’ll kill you!” Tesshu shouts as he still grunts in pain.

                        Darko closes up his face and says. “I’m already dead.”

                        Suddenly Emma appears.

            “Hey Darko, we out? We have to find the next one remember?” Emma asks.

            “You’re right, no need to waste my precious time with these guys, saved by the bell my friend, you did put up quite a show, I didn’t even have to move a finger thanks to you, so I’ll let you live as appreciation.” Darko says as he removes his claws out of Tesshu.

            “Ugghhh…” Tesshu grunts in even more pain.

                        Darko and Emma walk out of the mine.

            “Where to, my love?” Emma asks.

            “The next strong vampire on the list.” Darko answers.

            “And that is?” Emma asks.

            “You’ll see when we get there, by the way, I need another lackey now that Yahn is dead, so why don’t you go and transform the next unlucky human?” Darko says.

            “Hmm… Sure.” Emma nods.

            “Hehehe.” Darko chuckles as he looks up to the snowy sky.

© 2013 Shin

My Review

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this was a very good chap, well written, and interesting, couln't help but laugh how
Teshu got owned by the yeti XD i do wonder what Teshu really is though i do have an idea already, anyways hope to read more, keep up the good work man

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2013

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin