![]() Chapter 34: New JourneyA Chapter by ShinAfter Lloyd’s departure with his unknown friends, the party had gone back to the city to think better and rest. Everyone is quiet lost in thought and depressed in the lobby of the inn, Yumi with bags under her eyes and looking out the window, Kazumi is also looking outside shedding tears. Kirisu sitting right next to her holding her hand with a dead serious expression and looking at the floor. Seshiro has his right hand placed on his face still in disbelief; Hisana is sitting next to him lost in thought. Kyoshi is lying against Shizuru’s shoulder; Luna is lying against the wall very quiet. Zero is outside sitting on a bench near the inn thinking to himself as he looks up to the night sky. “Strange… I have no idea what kind of demon Lloyd is, the other two seemed like the same kind, not to mention they’re not just some regular low rank demons that’s for sure. They seemed unnaturally strong, more like too strong to be in the human world.” Kirisu abruptly walks out of the inn and spots Zero; he walks towards him and sits next to him. Kirisu just lies back a little and looks to the night sky full of stars taking out a cigarette, he lights it and begins smoking it, he then asks. “Thinking about Lloyd?” “You make it sound weird.” Zero says. “You know what I mean, of all people; I didn’t think Lloyd would be a demon too… I mean, it was him! He helped us fight against demons; he could never do something like this to us, it’s impossible.” Kirisu says in denial. “Well he did, I had my doubts at first, he smelled kind of different.” Zero says. “Different? What do demons smell like?” Kirisu asks. “Hard to explain, but I guess the simplest way to describe it is that they smell like sulfur.” Zero replies. “Sounds logical.” Kirisu says taking a puff. “What I can’t figure out is what kind of demon Lloyd and the other two could possibly be.” Zero says looking up at the sky. “Hmm… They have wind elemental powers in common; maybe that’s a good clue.” Kirisu says. “There are a variety of wind demons.” Zero remarks. “Oh, I see…” Kirisu says with a sad expression, he then thinks. “Lloyd, you can’t be serious… we’re bro’s, why would you do this to us? There has to be an explanation, you must have reasons… right? Who am I kidding…? He already left… I’m getting my hopes up for nothing…” At the inn, all the girls head to their room, Kyoshi and Seshiro head to theirs. Kazumi is talking to Yumi. “I just can’t believe it, I mean, we grew up together, he can’t be a demon, you know that’s not possible.” “There’s a lot of confusion, you all grew up together, and up until now you didn’t know he was a demon, which means that he isn’t like the rest of the demons, he’s the person you always knew.” Hisana says. “When Kazumi asked if everything he had said to Yumi was a lie he didn’t respond.” Luna comments. “Yeah! Maybe he’s faking it or something and left to do something important.” Kazumi says in denial. “Enough about Lloyd! He just smirked when I asked; he was clearly mocking me…” Yumi says angrily. “Yumi… He was like my little brother, I refuse to believe it! There’s no way!” Kazumi says desperately. “Just don’t make things any worse, he’s a f*****g traitor, that’s all, we have more important things to do.” Yumi says irritated and coldly. “Finally, someone says something; I was tired of hearing all this bullshit.” Shizuru says rolling her eyes. The guys in the other room are having their talks about Lloyd as well. “I really didn’t know he was a demon, I’ve known Lloyd for more than four years, he can’t possibly be a bad person even if he’s a demon…” Seshiro comments. “True, not all demons can be evil, just like humans; there are always evil and good ones.” Kyoshi says with a cheerful expression. “He has to have his reasons to leave; I still believe he’s our friends no matter what the others think.” Seshiro says smiling. “Let’s hope you’re right.” Kyoshi says. “I wonder who the other guys were, they called him Shin.” Seshiro ponders. “I was thinking about that too, why did they call him Shin, his name is Lloyd right?” Kyoshi asks curiously. “Actually no, his real name is Shinsuke; he prefers to be called Lloyd, though Shin is a correct nickname instead of Lloyd.” Seshiro explains. “Whoa! I didn’t know Shinsuke was his real name.” Kyoshi says surprised. Meanwhile, outside on the roof of the inn are Amarth and Faye relaxing. “I feel left out.” Faye comments. “Welcome to my world.” Amarth says with a sigh. “Heheh.” Faye smiles. “Oh well, I prefer to be alone anyways; I don’t want to listen to a whole bunch of humans talk depressing stuff.” Amarth remarks. “What do you think of that Lloyd guy?” Faye asks. “Well, I knew he wasn’t normal from the start, seems he’s more powerful than he might have let us witness.” Amarth says. As they keep talking, it begins to rain very hardly, Yumi stands from her bed at night, Kazumi notices and asks. “Where are you going Yumi?” “To get some fresh air.” Yumi answers. “Hmm… Need any company?” Kazumi asks. “Nah, it’s alright, I need to be alone.” Yumi replies. “Okay, be careful.” Kazumi says then covering her face with the sheets. Yumi walks outside, it’s late and still raining, she doesn’t care, she just walks out and gets all wet, a lot of water dripping all over her face. She looks up in the night sky, she has a longing feeling towards the past, remembering many events of her life before the story with Lloyd and her when they were children. “It’s unbelievable… When I was finally trusting him.” Yumi thinks to herself, then closing her eyes still thinking to herself, Zero watches from afar near the inn. “She’s more hurt than what she lets us see, not my problem anyways, I have to get going to find Zelcius.” Zero thinks, he then walks up to Yumi, she slightly turns her head staring at him coldly and says. “I hope you’re not here to talk about him.” “No, I’m here because I have some thinking to do of my own.” Zero comments. “Now that I think about it, we never had a good chance to ever talk.” Yumi remarks. “Tch, hell, I wouldn’t want to.” Zero states. “Why’s that?” Yumi asks turning her view towards Zero. “A cold and bold woman like you, I don’t think we’re suited to have a decent chat.” Zero says. “We are right now.” Yumi says. “Must be coincidence we’re talking, or maybe fate.” Zero says with a grin. “What are you going to do from tomorrow on?” Yumi asks. “Same as always, hunt demons and track that man I’m after.” Zero replies. “Hmm…” Yumi looks up again. “The question is, what are you going to do?” Zero asks. “I’ve been thinking about looking for a man too.” Yumi answers. “Really now?” Zero asks raising his eyebrow. “Not the one you might think.” Yumi says. “Then who?” Zero asks. “A man that kidnapped me, he as well as I has light elemental powers, I want to know the mystery of my power.” Yumi explains. “Sounds like a good start, but what if you find Lloyd on the way?” Zero asks. “I don’t mind killing him either.” Yumi states. “Humph… I think you would just beat him to a pulp.” Zero comments. “We’ll see.” Yumi says. “Anyways, it was a nice chat for once, I’m not sure if we’ll ever meet again, if I find Lloyd on the road I’ll be sure to reserve him for you, so, nice knowing ya.” Zero says walking away. “Likewise.” Yumi nods. “Oh, and you should cover up, humans get sick easily.” Zero remarks still walking away. Luna watches from the inns entrance, Zero waves at her, she then follows him under the heavy rain. Yumi then goes inside the inn all drenched in water, she hits the shower and goes to bed afterwards. It’s now morning; everyone is awake and meets at the lobby of the inn. “What are we all going to do now?” Kazumi asks rubbing her eyes. “Now that we finally found Kirisu I have to go back to Evergray with Shizuru and Amarth.” Kyoshi says. “You don’t need any help Kyo?” Seshiro asks. “Nah, it’s fine, I have enough help, but thanks Seshi, you’re a great friend.” Kyoshi says cheerfully. “Whoa hey, you make it sound like we won’t meet again.” Seshiro says making a frown. “Hehehe, of course not, we’ll meet again some other time, besides, that’s why we have cell phones for.” Kyoshi says. “Yeah, good luck.” Seshiro says shaking Kyoshi’s hand. “Yeah, thanks, bye.” Kyoshi nods. “Finally, later.” Shizuru says. Kyoshi and Shizuru gets out of the inn and hops on Amarth’s back and leaves. “I guess we’re the only ones left.” Hisana says. “Yeah, so, what’s the plan?” Kisiru asks. “Well, I kind of had my own plans.” Seshiro says. “Still looking for Keisuro?” Hisana asks. “Yeah, now that Kuzan is finally dead, he’s the only one left on my revenge list.” Seshiro answers. “……” Kirisu lowers his head. “We didn’t see him die though.” Hisana comments. “But he received a fatal injury, he’s long gone by now.” Seshiro says. “Where do you suppose is this Keisuro?” Kirisu asks curiously. “Somewhere in one of the bases of Gen-Exis.” Seshiro replies. “How do you know that?” Kirisu asks warily. “Like I said before, he betrayed our side in the war and sided with Gen-Exis.” Seshiro answers. “How do you plan on infiltrating Gen-Exis?” Kirisu asks. “Well…” Seshiro says unsure what to reply. “He has this crazy idea of enlisting in the Gen-Exis army.” Hisana says. “What! Are you insane?” Kirisu asks shocked. “You can say that.” Seshiro nods. “It’s way too risky.” Kirisu says. “Why don’t you guys give me some ideas instead of saying how bad the idea is?” Seshiro suggests annoyed. “Okay, sorry, well, there is a way you can join up without suspicion.” Kirisu says. “How?” Seshiro asks. “You would have to join as a rookie soldier.” Kirisu replies. “But then it’ll be harder for me to find him, I think he’s in a higher rank.” Seshiro says. “Listen to me first, there’s a practical exam after you join the rookies, if you pass it without a sweat, you’ll automatically get promoted, afterwards there’s another practical exam, but this one is special, if you score it you’ll be promoted to a special soldier unit, like a mercenary kind of job.” Kirisu explains. “Ohhh, that’s a great idea, because the special soldier unit has access to many unrestricted Gen-Exis areas.” Hisana says agreeing to Kirisu’s explanation. “Exactly, but how do you know that?” Kirisu asks suspiciously staring at Hisana. “Uhh, I’ve heard some rumors here and there.” Hisana replies. Kirisu looks at her with a suspicious look again and says. “Alright then.” “How do you know that too Kirisu?” Seshiro asks raising his eyebrow. “Well, I have some relatives that know some things.” Kirisu answers. Hisana looks at Kirisu suspiciously as well. “Hisana, you use an Altergun right?” Kirisu asks. “Yeah, why do you ask?” Hisana asks. “It’s strange, I heard only very highly specialized ops in Gen-Exis use them, they’re a rare unit, I heard they’re very skilled fighters, much like you.” Kirisu comments. “I have some relatives that taught me some things too.” Hisana explains. “I see…” Kirisu says nodding. “Anyways, it’s a great idea, but which base should I enlist in?” Seshiro asks. “Vakidor.” Hisana and Kirisu say in unison, they then stare at each other surprised. “Huh?” “Why Vakidor?” Seshiro asks. “It’s the main Gen-Exis base.” Kirisu responds. “I heard they have the best equipment out of all bases.” Hisana remarks. “It’s decided then, that’s where I’m heading, you coming too right Hisana?” Seshiro asks. “To the main Gen-Exis base?” Hisana asks hesitantly. “Yeah, you don’t want to go?” Seshiro asks. “…… Okay then, I’ll go.” Hisana says after a pause. “You sure? You seem hesitant? Something wrong?” Seshiro asks worried. “No, it’s nothing, let’s get going.” Hisana answers. “Good luck then.” Kirisu says waving his hand. “Right, you guys be careful too.” Seshiro says walking away. “Yeah, bye.” Hisana says walking right after him and leaving the inn. “I guess we’re the last ones now.” Faye comments. “What are we going to do?” Kazumi asks. “Look for Lloyd maybe?” Kirisu asks looking at Yumi. “No, at least I’m not going to look for him; I’m going to look for Lucien.” Yumi says. “Who’s Lucien?” Faye asks. “A man that has the same powers as me, I’m going to find him and get some answers out of him, even if it means by force.” Yumi says determined. “You serious?” Kirisu asks. “More than ever.” Yumi replies. “We better help her; once she makes up her mind she won’t change it.” Kazumi states. “Woo hoo, a brand new journey!” Faye says excited flying around the party. “This isn’t a game Faye.” Kirisu says seriously. “Don’t be so negative, try to be optimistic.” Faye says cheerfully. “Whatever, let’s get going.” Kirisu sighs. The party leaves the inn; they begin to walk until Kazumi speaks out. “I don’t know about you guys, but where are we going?” “Good question, Yumi?” Kirisu asks. “To look for Lucien of course.” Yumi replies walking ahead of them. “Yeah, we know that, but where do we start looking for him?” Kirisu asks. “I can feel Lucien’s Spirit Force southwest from here.” Yumi says stopping for a second. “Hmm… Southwest, that would be the great Britannica country.” Kirisu says. “Then that’s where we’re headed.” Yumi says. “Let’s take the train then.” Kazumi says. “Good idea.” Kirisu nods. The party walks towards the train station; they pay for their tickets and head straight with no stops towards Britannica. After some hours they arrive at the city, Faye hurriedly looks out to see the enormous city, very tall modern buildings, a lot of activity in the streets as well as cars passing by and the sky as pale as most of the days. “Faye! Don’t get out of my bag, people might see you!” Kazumi whispers. “Oh, sorry.” Faye whispers back and gets into Kazumi’s backpack. “Is Lucien here Yumi?” Kirisu asks. “No, I feel he’s farther southwest from here.” Yumi replies. “Damn, we’ll have to cross by sea to the Mavaragu islands, he might be there.” Kirisu says. “Yeah.” Yumi nods. “Then let’s go to the docks.” Kazumi says. “Yeah, it’s not far from here.” Kirisu says pointing at some signs. “Looks like you always know where you’re standing.” Yumi comments. “I do, I’ve traveled all over.” Kirisu says proudly. “Nice.” Yumi says casually. The party walks to the docks, they are surprised to see there are no ships except for a rundown ship that is located in the farthest end of the docks, the ship’s side reads. “The Four Winds.” The party walks to the only ship there; there is absolutely no one on the ship. “This is just great, the only ship and no one’s here to give any service.” Yumi says annoyed. Suddenly a man in his mid-forties with white beard and short hair appears out of the blue and asks. “What do you want?” “Whoa! Where did you come from? Holy s**t you look like Sean Connery!” Kirisu says surprised. “Hahaha, you’re not the first to say that kid, so, what can I help you with?” The man asks. “We need to take a ship to the nearest islands.” Yumi says. “To the Mavaragu isle?” The man asks warily. “Yeah.” Yumi nods. “I wouldn’t recommend youngsters like you to travel there.” The man states. “Why not?” Yumi asks. “…… You have a look on your face that no matter what I say you’ll still go anyways.” The man remarks. “You got that right.” Yumi says. “Hmm… Okay then, hop aboard.” The man says walking up to his ship. “Alright mister… uhhh.” Yumi says waiting for him to respond. “Rick Addams at your service.” He says. The party gets on the ship after paying the fee and sets sails on the ocean. Yumi looks at the horizon lost in thought, Kazumi walks up to her and begins to stare at the horizon as well. “It’s wonderful isn’t it?” Kazumi asks as the wind blows through both their hairs. “Not a bad view.” Yumi says without taking her sight off the horizon. “Hahaha, as always, you contradicting people.” Kazumi says giggling. “Don’t mind me, I’m always like this.” Yumi says. “You seem colder than usual.” Kazumi comments. “I know what you want to say, but keep it to yourself.” Yumi says. “Okay.” Kazumi shrugs her shoulders. “I was wondering what the captain was talking about earlier.” Yumi says. “Yeah, seems suspicious.” Kazumi says. “At least we’re getting closer to finding Lucien.” Yumi states. “Let’s hope you find out about your powers.” Kazumi says. “It’s weird, I haven’t told anyone, but my powers are getting even stranger.” Yumi says. “How so?” Kazumi asks curiously. “I’m not sure how to explain it.” Yumi says thinking of a way to explain. “How about demonstrating it?” Kazumi asks. “What if the captain sees me?” Yumi asks. “I don’t think so; he’s probably somewhere else by now.” Kazumi says looking behind her trying to spot the captain. “You see that rope over there in the corner?” Yumi asks pointing at a very dark brown soaked rope. “Yeah.” Kazumi nods. “Watch.” Yumi raises her hand slightly while pointing at the rope, after a few seconds the rope begins to move on its own. “Huh? What? How?” Kazumi asks in disbelief staring at the rope. “You see, I wouldn’t have been looking for Lucien if it was just my light powers, but it looks like I also have telekinesis, though not strong enough to move big things.” Yumi says dropping the rope. “Maybe it will grow stronger after some time.” Kazumi remarks. “Maybe, I don’t know what’s happening to me.” Yumi says. “You’ll be fine.” Kazumi says cheerfully placing her hand on Yumi’s shoulder. “I hope so, I need to find him and get some answers.” Yumi says. “We’ll find him together.” Kazumi says with a smile. “Yeah, where’s Kirisu anyways?” Yumi asks. “He’s taking a nap.” Kazumi responds. “I think we should rest too.” Yumi says. “I think we should.” Kazumi nods. “Let’s go then.” Yumi says. “Okay.” Kazumi smiles. Both Yumi and Kazumi leave to take naps as well, from the ship’s main deck above, the captain had seen everything. “What hell is going on? Who are these people? … Wait a minute… maybe they can help the village in the island…” Rick thinks to himself. After a few more hours the island is barely visible, everyone still napping peacefully, Kirisu is the first to wake up and head to the deck. “We’re pretty close to the island already, I better tell the girls to wake up… but no, I’ll let them rest for now, I’ll wake them up later.” Kirisu says shrugging his shoulders. © 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing