![]() Chapter 32: Story of the YearA Chapter by ShinThey stay the night; everyone is in the living room just talking, there are a lot of couches around the big television where the party is sitting down. Shizuru is just staring at the enormous television. “Now that’s what I call a T.V.” Shizuru says very excited. “Yeah, an eighty two inch HDTV, it cost me three thousand, pretty cheap huh, it’s perfect for online play and porn videos, heh.” John Smith smirks. “Hmm… Looks like you got tons of money!” Shizuru says. “Damn right.” John Smith nods. “You’re pretty handsome too.” Shizuru comments. “Hey! Shizuru!” Kyoshi says annoyed. “Oh, sorry, I was just joking, really, I only have eyes for you little Kyo.” Shizuru crawls next to Kyoshi and kisses his cheek. “Wanna watch some T.V. people?” John Smith asks. “Sure!” Shizuru says excited. “Ahh well.” Kyoshi shrugs his shoulders. “Not really my style, hanging around doing nothing.” Zero says crossing his arms. “Just relax man, gotta rest from time to time.” Lloyd says leaning on the couch. “He’s right; we’ve been moving everywhere without resting much.” Luna states. “Yeah, it’s been pretty long since we had a good night’s rest.” Seshiro comments yawning and stretching his arms. John Smith turns on the television only to see a commercial of a beautiful woman marketing cosmetics. “And this great product is brought to you by Gen-Exis Corporation, in stores near you.” “Darn, now they sell cosmetics too?” Kyoshi asks. “Not just that, they are now the leading company of pharmaceuticals worldwide, they bought everything it seems.” John Smith comments. “What’s next? Viral weaponry?” Shizuru asks with a sigh. The whole party looks at Shizuru giving serious thought on her comment. “What? I wouldn’t be surprised.” Shizuru says. “So now they even control what make-up we use and the meds, not good.” Kazumi says. “When it comes to Gen-Exis, don’t let anything surprise you, I heard rumors of them having huge underground bases on almost every city they’ve gotten their hands on.” John Smith says. “……” Kirisu smiles nervously, but remains silent. “I don’t believe that rumor, it just doesn’t seem likely, why would they make bases under cities if they already have public bases on every country they’ve conquered?” Kazumi asks. “If the rumors are true, just imagine all the kinds of top secret things they’re up to, they couldn’t conduct anything like that out in a public base now can they?” John Smith asks. “I guess, but it just sounds too much like a thing they would use in a movie.” Kazumi says. “Look we all know Gen-Exis has their hands in everything, the military, the pharmacy industry, politics, the news, science, technology, education, even the food we eat, everything and anything related to world economy, they have the best lawyers, scientists and doctors of the world working for them, there’s just no way they’re going down anytime soon. And all this Gen-Exis talking is boring me, we all know the answers to this, let’s change the subject…” Yumi says with a bored expression. “Good idea.” Kirisu says relieved. “Hehehe, you’re always bored Yumi, wanna talk outside a little?” Lloyd asks flirting slightly. “Huh? Forget it; you’re messed up right now, so let’s leave it for another occasion.” Yumi says. “I guess…” Lloyd sighs. “Kirisu, you alright?” Kazumi asks staring at Kirisu who is sitting next to Lloyd. “Yeah, why do you ask?” Kirisu asks. “You seem out of it.” Kazumi comments observing Kirisu’s face. “Yeah… a little.” Kirisu says with a slight smile. “What happened after you got caught by Gen-Exis? Why did they take you?” Kazumi asks. “……” Kirisu lowers his head. “So this is Kirisu!” Faye says cheerfully. “Huh?” Kirisu looks at Faye shocked. “Oh, this is Faye, my fairy.” Kazumi says. “You got a fairy now?” Kirisu asks still shocked. “Well, long story.” Kazumi shrugs her shoulders. “Nice to meet you Faye, you’re pretty hot for a little woman like yourself.” Kirisu checking Faye out. “Damn right, the things I would do with that little bug.” Lloyd says trying to look under Faye’s small skirt. “Oh God, please!” Yumi smacks Lloyd behind his head. “Hehe, I don’t mind.” Faye blushes. “Weird.” Kazumi shakes her head. “Kirisu, come with me for a second.” John Smith says standing up from the couch. “Huh? Where to?” Kirisu asks. “Do you have to ask? Just come on.” John Smith says walking past Kirisu. “Okay, wait for me Kazumi.” Kirisu says walking behind him. “Sure.” Kazumi nods. “Lloyd, you should come as well, Kirisu, help him up.” John Smith says. “But he’s injured.” Yumi says. “He won’t die from just moving.” John Smith remarks. “Yeah, no worries there.” Lloyd says. Kirisu places Lloyd’s arm around his neck and lifts him up. “Now I’m surprised, so short, and you can pick up Lloyd that’s about six foot one.” Zero comments. “Shut up!” Kirisu says annoyed. “Heh.” Zero chuckles. Kirisu walks behind John Smith, they reach a summit lying next to the house, John Smith sits down on the ledge and takes out a sandwich. “What the hell? Where’d that sandwich come from?” Lloyd asks amazed. “Oh, I always have one in reserve.” John Smith says with a smile, then taking a bite. “Weird.” Lloyd says shaking his head. “Not the first time.” Kirisu says shrugging his shoulders. “So, what do you want to talk about?” Lloyd asks. “Mostly about Kirisu.” John Smith says with his mouth full. “Me?” Kirisu asks surprised. “Yes, you still seem down even after all the time you’ve been hiding here.” John Smith comments still with his mouth full. “You were hiding?” Lloyd says turning his view towards Kirisu. “Well yeah, trying to find myself I guess…” Kirisu says in a low tone. “You could’ve told us you know.” Lloyd says. “……” Kirisu lowers his head. “You hiding something aren’t ya?” Lloyd asks. “……”Kirisu keeps his head low. “Hey, it’s alright, we all got something to hide, a dark little secret.” Lloyd says with a smirk. “You too?” Kirisu raises his head as he asks. “Like I said, everyone.” Lloyd nods. “It’s hard to say.” Kirisu states. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to dude.” Lloyd says patting Kirisu’s back. “Kirisu, when you came here you just wanted to give up on everything, like I told you before, fighting for what’s really dear to you is the most important thing, even if you lose your life in the process.” John Smith remarks. “……” Kirisu looks away. “I have a story to tell you, it’s about Razphel and Yusuke.” John Smith says. “Razphel? My adoptive mother’s father?” Kirisu asks. “My master?” Lloyd asks skeptically. “Yes, it all started when the last Great War was at its end, Razphel met a woman, she was of the enemy army, her name was Ameena, she as well as Razphel fell in love with each other. It was a forbidden romance; they had a baby together that was born in the battle field, the war ended after this. Ameena’s family prohibited Razphel from seeing her and her daughter, Razphel tried many times to see them for many years, but it was all for naught, so he came to me like you did, giving up on everything and seriously wounded.” John Smith begins to relate the story. At John Smith’s house, Razphel appeared very injured crawling up the stairs; he was a man with short red-brown hair and brown eyes dressed in military uniform. John Smith quickly got him inside and attended his wounds. The night had passed and Razphel woke up the next day with pains. “Ughhh.” “You alright?” John Smith asked. “Where am I?” Razphel asked. “Well, you’re the one that came here.” John Smith remarked. “Thank you for saving me.” Razphel said. “Sure, but what’s your name?” John Smith asked. “It’s Razphel Lazay.” Razphel answered. “Ohh, I know who you are, I owe your father some money, you don’t look much like him though, you probably look like your mother.” John Smith commented. “Who are you?” Razphel asked curiously. “The names John Smith.” He responded. “A weird name.” Razphel commented. “Likewise Razphel.” John Smith said with a smirk. “Haha.” Razphel laughed. “Tell me, how did you end up hurt like this?” John Smith asked attentively. “I was trying to see my daughter, but her family’s soldiers gave me a good beating.” Razphel explained. “And you don’t know how to fight back?” John Smith questioned. “I do, I’m a soldier, but there were too many.” Razphel replied. “Who exactly are the people that gave you the a*s whopping?” John Smith asked. “The Rosenberg family.” Razphel responded. “This is getting interesting.” John Smith said as he turned around and smiled. “Why do you say that?” Razphel asked confused. “I’m usually called by them to train their young ones.” John Smith replied. “Oh crap, you going to tell on me?” Razphel asked worried. “No, I’m no snitch.” John Smith said as he turned to Razphel again. “Can you help me get close to my daughter? Please, I’m begging you!” Razphel asked almost on his knees. “Hmm… You could slip by as a trainer, but I can’t help you; you have no knowledge of the Chikyuu art.” John Smith stated. “You mean their fighting style?” Razphel asked. “Yes.” John Smith nodded. “Then teach me, please.” Razphel said bowing his head. “You think I would teach you just like that? Without any money or anything?” John Smith asked. “You do owe my father, so why not repay him by training me?” Razphel asked. “You little devil, you got me, cunning, like your father, very well.” John Smith said with a sigh. “Thank you master Smith.” Razphel said with his head still lowered. “I like it better when people call me J.S.” John Smith commented. “Alright.” Razphel nodded. John Smith began training Razphel in the Chikyuu arts, a few more years passed, one day Razphel went to the city to buy some food and supplies as usual. There a young man with long dark silver-blue hair about thirteen years old carrying a sword on his waist who was clearly a Satsume appeared, making problems at a restaurant, Razphel walked in. “What? This is ridiculous! This bun is rotten! I want my money back or else!” The Satsume youth shouted angrily. “I can’t give you your money back, you already took a bite.” The clerk said. “Looks like I’ll have to take my money by force!” The Satsume young man said snapping his knuckles. “Hey!” Razphel shouted. “Huh? What do you want old man? Mind your own business!” The Satsume young man said rudely. “Nobody wants any problems here, so I think its best you leave kid.” Razphel said. “Not without my cash.” The Satsume young man said annoyed. “I’m warning you, I don’t want to hurt you boy.” Razphel said. “Then go on, hurt me, I’m gonna get my money no matter what!” The Satsume young man said about to jump over the counter, Razphel grabbed the boy’s arm, but the boy quickly turned around and got under Razphel swiftly hitting the back of his arm in a pressure point thus making Razphel let go of him. “Huh? This is no regular boy.” Razphel thought to himself amazed. “Don’t you dare grab me again.” The Satsume young man shouted angrily. “What’s your name boy?” Razphel asked. “Not that it’s your business, but for kicks my names Shiro.” The Satsume young man answered. “Shiro huh, nice name.” Razphel remarked. “You?” Shiro asked. “Razphel Lazay.” Razphel responded. “Whoa, too long didn’t read dude.” Shiro said. “Pretty long, I know.” Razphel nodded. “Okay, now, on to my money.” Shiro said. “I told you to quit it.” Razphel said getting annoyed. Shiro again tried to get into the clerks counter, Razphel unsheathed his rapier, Shiro stopped. “You’re really serious aren’t ya.” Shiro said. “I warned you boy.” Razphel said as he pointed his sword towards Shiro. “I don’t care.” Shiro said. Shiro still tried to walk towards the clerk, but Razphel rapidly made a diagonal slash, Shiro easily evaded and hit Razphel’s pressure point on his right hand, making him let go of his sword and engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Razphel threw a punch, but Shiro joint locked him and kicked his foot making Razphel lose balance and falling on the ground, Shiro took his money from the counter and left, but before left, he said. “You suck at mano a mano dude; don’t judge a book by its cover.” Shiro left the restaurant and Razphel very shocked thought to himself. “I can’t believe I got beat up by a kid, after all this time training.” Razphel very embarrassed headed to John Smith’s house, as he walked the long flight of stairs he saw Shiro talking to John Smith to his surprise. “Huh? You again? Want more?” Shiro said facing Razphel. “What the hell?” Razphel asked. “Seems you both met already.” John Smith said. “Yeah, I kicked his a*s in a restaurant.” Shiro said mockingly. “Is that so?” John Smith asked. “Master J.S. how did I get beat by this kid?” Razphel asked. “You fought hand-to-hand with Shiro?” John Smith asked. “Yeah.” Razphel nodded. “No wonder, Shiro is the best in hand-to-hand combat using Wing Chun fighting style, I only taught you Chikyuu which uses only weapons.” John Smith explained. “Crap, but I unsheathed my rapier!” Razphel said annoyed. “I bet you let him get too close to you underestimating him, you let your guard down; don’t judge a book by its cover.” John Smith added. “True, I wouldn’t have gotten beaten like that if I hadn’t my guard down cause you’re just a kid.” Razphel remarked. “Don’t get too cocky.” Shiro said as he stared with narrow eyes. “Shiro is right, don’t underestimate him, he’s just as good with his swordsmanship.” John Smith commented. “I just can’t believe it.” Razphel said shaking his head. “Don’t worry, he’s just been at it for a lot of years, and you’ll get just as good in no time.” John Smith said cheerfully. “Let’s hope so.” Razphel said. “You’re a good fighter, really, but there’s always someone that knows more, you’ve only been using a sword for a few years, you were using a rifle as a soldier, so it’s different.” John Smith commented. “Yeah.” Razphel said with a sigh. “Shiro, why don’t you help Razphel with his training?” John Smith said. “I didn’t come here to train this sissy.” Shiro said. “I’ll help you after you help him.” John Smith said. “What do you want me to teach him?” Shiro asked. “How about some hand-to-hand training?” John Smith answered. “Fine…” Shiro sighed. They began their training in a big shack between John Smith’s house and a shrine. “I feel awkward, trained by a kid.” Razphel thought. “Hey, pay attention.” Shiro shouted. “Fine.” Razphel said. Some time passed after this, a year and a half, Razphel had mastered what Shiro and John Smith had taught him, Razphel was sparring with Shiro in the same big shack. Shiro had thrown a punch at Razphel, Razphel swiftly dodged and threw a direct punch to Shiro’s stomach, but Shiro side stepped and threw a mid-level kick towards Razphel, he then evaded the kick making a back flip. “You’ve gotten very good at it; I’d say you’re my equal in this.” Shiro complimented. “Thanks to you and Master J.S.” Razphel said with a smile. “You still planning on going to see your daughter?” Shiro asked. “Yeah, I can’t wait to go there tomorrow.” Razphel said excited. “But you’ll be there only as a trainer.” Shiro said. “Seeing her is enough for me.” Razphel said. “What about Ameena?” Shiro questioned. “I want to see her as well.” Razphel answered. “Do you think her family will recognize you?” Shiro asked. “Ameena will, but it’s been eight and a half years, so I bet her family won’t remember.” Razphel responded. “I see…” Shiro said as he sat down on a corner. “Razphel, you better go rest, tomorrow is a big day for you, I already recommended you as a trainer in my place, so it’ll go smoothly if you don’t mess it up.” John Smith explained as he walked in the shack. “Yeah.” Razphel nodded. Night fell; there was a mild cold breeze shaking slightly the branches of the trees, Shiro and John Smith began to talk outside sitting on the stairs at the entrance. “I’m leaving.” Shiro said. “Ohh, what are you going to do now?” John Smith questioned. “I want to expand my knowledge in making weapons, though I had one of the best masters I want to know even more, there has to be something more to learn.” Shiro said. “Hmm… I know just the place.” John Smith said. “Oh really?” Shiro asked. “Yeah, from here you have to head west and take a ship to the Medirrania continent, keep heading west and take a ship to the Raemia continent, you will be in Xordania. From there head far south, you’ll reach the snowy fields of Laska, follow the semi natural snow road and you’ll reach a hidden fortress called Fort Heim, when you get there show them this.” John Smith explained as he took off his strange necklace; it had a weird runic symbol engraved in the middle. “This is?” Shiro asked. “A necklace, the people there will let you pass, you’ll discover a whole new world when you get there, just ask for a person named Eldrick Venart.” John Smith instructed. “Sounds weird, but you always know your stuff.” Shiro said as he took the necklace. “Indeed I do.” John Smith said as he grinned. “See ya, we’ll meet again some other time, it’ll take me a few hours to take a ship, then another few hours to reach the Medirrania continent. Then a few days of travel to reach the west docks if I go by horse, then a hours to Xordania and a few more days to reach Fort Heim, probably a week and a half, so I better get going.” Shiro said and stood up. “Sure, good luck.” John Smith said. Shiro left to the west as John Smith had told him, the next day Razphel got up early and changed to his master robes. “Up early, let’s go have breakfast and leave to Quadimor city, its ways off.” John Smith said. “Alright.” Razphel nodded. They left to have breakfast, they had a long trip, but they got to Quadimor city after a while, then they went to the Rosenberg family fortress, the soldiers let them in as soon as they saw John Smith. A woman with shoulder length long light brown hair appeared. “Master J.S. it’s been long, but we need your assistance in training in the upcoming-” The woman suddenly stopped talking as she looked at Razphel, he was also staring at her. “You’re-” “Raz, the new trainer in Master J.S.’s place and you’re?” Razphel asked as if he didn’t know who she was. “Ameena, staff sergeant of the fortress.” She replied still surprised to see him. “Nice, Ameena can show you around Raz, I have to go, so, take care.” John Smith said and left. “Yeah.” Razphel said. “Come with me to my office mister Raz.” Ameena said as she walked ahead. “Just call me Raz miss Ameena.” Razphel said as he walked behind her through the wide hallway. “You can call me Ameena.” Ameena said. “Right.” Razphel said. They walked to Ameena’s office after passing many soldiers on the way, they arrived at the office. Ameena sat down as well as Razphel, and they kept staring at each other for a while until Ameena spoke. “Razphel…” “Ameena, I knew you remembered me.” Razphel said with a warm smile. “How can I forget?” Ameena asked, both standing up and hugging each other. “I love you Ameena, I always have.” Razphel said. “I love you too, I missed you!” Ameena said as she shed a tear. They kissed each other, Razphel then asked. “Our daughter, where is she? Is she alright? What’s her name?” “Yes, she’s fine, she’s receiving training, her name is Sylvia, and you’re to be her trainer from today on.” Ameena replied. “Sylvia, a beautiful name, but does she know about me?” Razphel asked. “Yes, I’ve told her everything about you.” Ameena nodded.. Razphel smiled filled with happiness. “I want to see her.” Razphel said. “And you will, but you can’t tell her who you are right now, they’ll throw you away like they did before.” Ameena stated. “Yes, I’m aware of that, but we have to escape from here if we want to be a family and be happy.” Razphel said. “You’re right, but I can’t leave right now, I’ve been under surveillance all these years.” Ameena explained. “There has to be a way.” Razphel said. “A war between Quadimor and Asrael is at hand, we’ll use all the commotion to escape with our daughter.” Ameena said. “Seems like you had this planned.” Razphel said surprised. “Yes, I was going to escape with my daughter to look for you, but now we can escape together now that you’re here.” Ameena said with a smile. “Not a bad plan.” Razphel said grinning. “But we have to wait a while till the war actually starts.” Ameena remarked. “So we have to keep up a façade till then.” Razphel said. “Yes…” She said. “Fine, let’s do it.” He said. After this reunion, Razphel went to the training grounds where he saw his daughter. “So, this is Sylvia, she’s beautiful.” Razphel said as he stared at the small Sylvia. “Yes, our daughter.” Ameena said happily. “Are you going to assemble the young students?” Razphel asked with anticipation. “Of course, everyone, get on line, this is your new trainer, Raz, he’ll be teaching you even further in the Chikyuu fighting style.” Ameena explained. “Hi mister Raz.” Sylvia greeted. “Hi little Sylvia.” Razphel said bending down. “How do you know my name?” Sylvia asked. “Uhh.” Razphel was short of answers. “I told him sweetheart.” Ameena replied for Razphel. “Yes, your mother has told me much about you.” Razphel confirmed. “Ohh, great.” Sylvia said joyfully. “Okay, no more introductions, time to train.” Ameena said clapping her hands quickly. “Right, everyone, time to learn about fighting, I bet everyone knows the basics, so now I’ll teach you even more.” Razphel said with a lot of enthusiasm. Ameena left smiling at Razphel, he smiled back as well, he began his training as planned, and meanwhile Shiro had reached a small village in Asrael. “Damn, I’m still ways off, better get something to eat.” Shiro said as he walked into a restaurant, there he saw a young girl around his age surrounded by some big robust men. “Hey there brat, you got any money on ya?” The biggest man asked the girl. “No, leave me alone.” The girl replied turning around and walking away, but another big man got in her way and said. “Hey, just give us any money you have and we’ll let you go.” “I said no!” The girl shouted. “The girl said no you idiots, get the hell outta here or I’ll kick your asses.” Shiro said rudely. “Oh, we got ourselves a little hero.” The biggest man said mockingly. “What guts for a boy with a skinny body like that.” The second big man remarked. “Like I’ve said to countless guys like you, don’t judge a book by its cover.” Shiro said with a serious expression. “I’ll shut you up right now!” The biggest man yelled as he threw a punch towards Shiro, Shiro rapidly side stepped grabbing his arm then twisting it and breaking it in the process, then making him fall on the ground kicking him in the stomach. The other big man threw a mid-level kick, but Shiro swiftly caught his leg and raised it up making him fall on the ground as well then kicking the big man on his genitals. “Ahhhhhhhhh, that freaking hurts!!!” The big man yelled in pain as he grunted. “He broke my arm!!! Ahhh!” The biggest man shouted. “I told you so.” Shiro said rolling his head. “Thank you…” The girl said blushing. “What’s your name?” “Shiro, and you?” He responded. “Irene.” She replied. “Nice name, it’s, peaceful.” Shiro commented. “That’s what it means, peace, hehe.” Irene giggled. “Lucky me, so where you headed?” Shiro questioned. “I’m going back home, I was getting something to give my father for his birthday, but I already got it.” Irene said cheerfully. “I can escort you there if you want?” Shiro asked. “Uhh, no, thank you, but I’d rather not.” Irene said hesitantly. “Come on, it’ll be fun.” Shiro said with a smile and extending his hand. “No, I can’t take you with me.” Irene said. “How come? Your dad will be mad if he sees me?” Shiro asked sarcastically. “Not that, but…” Irene cut herself off unable to finish her sentence. “No buts, I’m going with you no matter what.” Shiro said taking her by the hand and walking. “Don’t you have to go somewhere or something?” Irene asked as she was being almost dragged after him. “Yeah, but it can wait, there’s a girl in need right now, so I’m going.” Shiro said with a smirk. “I’m going to the snowy field of the Laska region, that’s on the Raemia continent, we have to take a ship west from here.” Irene explained. “What? Really? I was headed there myself as well.” Shiro said. “Huh? You have business there?” Irene asked curiously. “Yeah.” Shiro replied. “Well, alright, let’s go then.” Irene said. They began to walk westward towards the ship docks in Finurey, after a few weeks they reached the Laska region. It was snowing a lot; they both had coats on, until Irene stopped walking. “Huh? Why’d you stop?” Shiro asked. “Umm, we’re here.” Irene said. “Here? I don’t see a thing.” Shiro said as he looked around. Irene passed through the invisible barrier around the Fort Heim, Shiro followed; he saw the fortress and gasped in surprise. “Whoa!” Shiro said still amazed at the sight. “Come on.” Irene said as she took him by his hand. They both walked towards the main entrance; there the Elven guards stopped them. “Hutb fu ayu, wush ym ith kerm.” The Elven guard said in his native language. “Huh?” Shiro looked at the guard confused. “It’s Elven language, he asked us to show the mark.” Irene said. “Elven language? Mark?” Shiro asked puzzled. Irene showed a mark on her neck after transforming back into an Elf. “What the hell? Elves? I thought you were just myths!” Shiro said unsure what to make of this. “You didn’t know? But you said you were headed here, so I assumed you knew.” Irene said worried. “You, the Satsume, show me the seal on your neck or leave.” The Elven guard said. “I don’t have a damn seal on my neck.” Shiro said annoyed. “Then you must leave.” The Elven guard said. “Hell no!” Shiro shouted. “Shiro…” Irene mumbled. Irene noticed John Smith’s necklace barely hanging out of Shiro’s pocket and saw the runic symbol, she quickly took it out of his pocket. “Hey, that’s mine!” Shiro said. “Look, he has the necklace, he can pass through.” Irene said showing the necklace to the guard. “Very well, you may pass.” The Elven guard said stepping aside from the entrance. “Huh?” Shiro is confused to this situation. They both pass and make it to the teleport device after marking Shiro. “What was all that about?” Shiro asked still puzzled. “You had this necklace, so you can come in to the Elven city, Edenheim.” Irene answered. “Edenheim?” Shiro asked. “You really are lost aren’t you?” Irene remarked. “I guess so.” Shiro said. “What does the necklace have to do with letting me in?” “That necklace is one of the gifts given to people outside of Edenheim, it symbolizes friendship with our race, it is given to select people that are worthy of coming into our city.” Irene explained. “So I’m guessing this isn’t the only one.” Shiro commented. “No, but not many people have one.” Irene said. “Why did you want to come here anyways? How did you obtain this necklace?” “I was given the necklace by a man named John Smith; he said I would need it, but I’m really here looking for a man named Eldrick Venart.” Shiro said. “Hmm… I think I’ve heard his name before, but I’m not sure, maybe my father will know.” Irene said. They were instantly transported into the city of Edenheim right in the skies. They walked out of the room; Shiro was surprised by the city. “Whoa! This is awesome! We’re really in the sky?” Shiro said as he looked around excited. “Yeah, hehehe. Now, on to my house.” Irene giggled. “Right.” Shiro said as he looked around. They both walked the city, after a while they reached a big house surrounded by many trees; an Elven man with short hair came out of the house. “Irene! Why did you leave? I was worried about you!” The Elf said very concerned. “Father, I was getting you a present for your birthday.” Irene said. “But why not buy me one from a store nearby?” Her father asked. “I wanted to get you something from the human domain.” Irene responded. “I’ve told you many times, the human domain is dangerous!” Her father said. “I know, but I was guarded by Shiro.” Irene said. “Shiro?” Her father looked at Shiro. “Yeah, he defended me from some humans that wanted to mug me.” Irene explained. “Is this true? Shiro, you have my thanks, come inside, anything for the person who helped my daughter, and by the way, my name is Eibobr. “Thanks.” Shiro said. They all went inside; Shiro sat down as well as Irene and her father. “Irene, promise me you’ll never do something like that again.” Eibobr said worried. “I won’t.” Irene shook her head. “You have to consider your health.” Eibobr said. “Health? Are you sick?” Shiro asked satring at Irene. “It’s nothing.” Irene said. “It is something, sadly, she inherited her mother’s sickness, not even with our advance medical treatment she can be cured, it’s a rare sickness that only triggers on us Elves, but only a handful despite us Elves being immune to all human diseases.” Eibobr explained. “Rare sickness? Does it have a name?” Shiro asked. “Yes, it’s called Mana Death.” Eibobr replied. “Mana Death?” Shiro asked. “But she won’t die right?” “……” Eibobr lowered his head. “It doesn’t matter.” Irene said. “……” Shiro remained silent and then asked. “What does it do exactly?” “It’s an equivalent to human cancer, but instead of eating your body away, it eats all the Mana in your body, eventually eating up your Life Force, and then leading to… death.” “Is it painful?” Shiro asked. “Not at all.” Irene said. An awkward silence fell in the room. “So tell me, anything I can do for you?” Eibobr asked Shiro. “Yeah, I’m looking for a man named Eldrick Venart, do you know him by any chance?” Shiro asked. “Yes I do, he lives in the other side of the city.” Eibobr answered. “Great, I’ll be leaving then.” Shiro said and stood up and left. As Shiro was leaving the house, Irene called out to him outside. “Shirooo!” “What’s up?” Shiro turned around and asked. “I just wanted to thank you again for saving me and coming with me all the way here.” Irene said with a smile. “Don’t mention it; I’m glad you’re safe and sound.” Shiro said. “Sorry for not telling you I’m an Elf, it’s forbidden to tell anyone from the human domain.” Irene said. “I understand, anyways, about that sickness you have, is it really that bad, your condition I mean?” Shiro asked. “…… Well, I don’t have much time to live; I was diagnosed to live at least one more year, a year and a half at best.” Irene replied. “God, no, it can’t be, there’s really no way to help you?” Shiro asked. “No, I was told to live as happily as I could and not to use any Mana Force.” Irene responded. “But isn’t there a way to postpone it by transferring Mana Force into your body?” Shiro asked. “Yes, at first the treatment helped, but the disease destroys the receptors that produce and receive energy, so Mana Force transfer is now impossible.” Irene replied. “No…” Shiro mumbled. “But don’t worry about me, it’ll be fine, I already accepted my fate.” Irene said cheerfully. “Would you come with me to see Eldick Venart?” Shiro asked. “Huh? Why?” Irene asked. “I need a guide in this city, I’ll get lost.” Shiro said with a smirk. “Hehehe, okay, I’ll help you.” Irene nodded. Irene and Shiro began to walk towards Eldrick Venart’s house; they reached Venart’s place after a while walking. “Eldrick!!!” Shiro yelled outside of the house. An Elf appeared next to Shiro and Irene with a bag of groceries. “Why are you yelling my name?” The Elf questioned. “Huh? You’re Eldrick Venart?” Shiro asked. “Yeah, you have business with me?” Venart asked. “Yeah, Master J.S. told me to come here, said you might help me with learning more.” Shiro explained. “That damned J.S.” Venart shakes his head and heads into his house. “O…k…” Shiro says with his eyebrow raised. “I guess I’ll get going now that you don’t need me anymore.” Irene said and turned around. As Irene was about to leave Shiro grabbed her hand and said. “Don’t go, I really like having you around.” Irene blushed and said. “Okay, I’ll hang with you a little longer.” A few weeks passed, Shiro and Irene had fallen for each other, they were at the public garden park sitting on a bench. “I wanted to tell you something.” Shiro said. “I wanted to tell you something too.” She said as well. “Oh, then go on.” He said. “I’m not going to stall on what I’m going to say because I don’t have as much time as I wished to, so here it goes… I love you.” She said after lowering her head. “Haha, I wanted to tell you that too.” He said with a smile. “Really?” She asked looking at him. “Yeah.” He nodded. “Hehehe.” She smiled. Shiro quickly goes in and kissed her, she kept kissing him back and they hugged each other. “I know this might sound rushed, but I want to have a baby before I die.” Irene commented. “Whoa!! Wait a second! I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Shiro said alarmed. “Yeah, I’m sorry, I’m not going to force you into it, I’m so selfish, thinking only about myself, I just wished to leave something behind so that my father wouldn’t be so sad before I died. I always wished to be a mother, but if I can’t be a mother, then it’s alright, I’m not in the age of having babies because I’m only sixty two years old, but it’s okay.” Irene said, then smiled warmly at Shiro, Shiro was speechless for a moment and said. “Irene… come with me.” “Where to?” Irene asked. “To an inn.” Shiro replied. “What?” Irene blushed. “So suddenly.” “That’s what I thought, but let’s just go with it.” Shiro said as he grabbed her by her hand and left to the inn. Meanwhile Razphel was talking to Ameena in the office. “The war of Oto Ottorishita is about to start, you still remember the plan right?” Ameena asked. “Yeah, only a few more months.” Razphel nodded. “It’s been almost eight months since you arrived here, so you know what to do anyways.” Ameena said. “Yeah.” Razphel nodded again. Everything went normal after this, months passed and the war started; Razphel was enlisted in the war as well as Ameena. The battle approached, Ameena was readying for the battle, Razphel had talked to the family elders of the Rosenberg family about aiding them in battle. “Are you ready? Did you secure the escape routes?” Ameena asked. “Don’t worry its full proof.” Razphel replied. Razphel and Ameena gave a reassuring look at each other and walked out of the room, just then Sylvia walked by this late at night and asked. “Mommy, why are you always with master Raz?” Ameena looked warmly at her and then looked at Razphel, Razphel saw her look and knew it was time for Sylvia to know, he came close to her and pat her head. “Because…” Razphel hesitated. “Because?” Little Sylvia waited for his answer. “Because I’m your daddy…” Razphel said with a smile. Sylvia just looked at him speechless. “Then… then where have you been all this time?” Sylvia asked. Razphel's expression changed from one of joy to one of painful memories. “Because…” Razphel hesitated. “Because?” Sylvia again waited for his answer. “Because daddy had to endure a lot of pain and obstacles to get here.” Razphel replied. “Razphel…” Ameena mumbled. Razphel looked at Sylvia and gave her a big hug. “But I want you to know I love you very much my daughter.” Razphel said. Sylvia hugged Ameena, she then turned to Razphel and hugged him as well. “Take care, we’ll be back.” Razphel said letting Sylvia go. “Yeah!” Sylvia said excited. After this they left the room and went to get equipped, after getting equipped with everything they needed they got out of the base and took a helicopter to the war zone. “Will this work out?” Razphel questioned. “Of course.” Ameena smiled warmly. “You’re right.” Razphel said. After a while the helicopter stopped at one of the bases, they got off and entered the base, then Ameena started to talk to all the soldiers there. “We’ll be stopping the Asrael forces a few miles from here, so I suggest you re-check your equipment; we’re heading out in a few minutes.” “We should start leaving if we want to hurry it up.” Razphel stated. “Yeah.” Ameena nodded. After these few minutes passed, they got out of the base, many soldiers got into jeeps equipped with machineguns, and others got into tanks, the fewer ones into helicopters and jets. On their way, they saw the enemy frontlines, there were hundreds almost thousands. “They don’t seem as much; we also have the same number of soldiers.” Razphel said as he looked at the horizon. “The war is just starting, soon they’ll deploy and send many more soldiers, maybe around ten thousand to start, so will our government.” Ameena said. “So tell me, why do you train your young ones in the Chikyuu arts if we’re all fighting with firepower weapons?” Razphel asked. “Oh, that’s just in the Rosenberg family, the Rosenberg family is the highest commanding officers in the army and the Chikyuu arts are not just an art to assist you in combat, but it’s also a tradition to our family.” Ameena explained. “Oh, I get it now.” Razphel said. “We’re here; I hope you didn’t forget how to use assault rifles, hehe.” Ameena jested. “Not a chance!” Razphel said. The troops stopped advancing, Razphel and Ameena as well as many soldiers got off the jeeps. “It’s time to battle, everyone, charge!” Ameena shouted. All the soldiers charged head-on against the Asrael army, Razphel and Ameena charged as well and helped hold back the army. The Asrael army began to deploy child soldiers in the front lines, Razphel and Ameena held back once they saw. Afterwards the army still fighting the Asrael army was losing its numbers. Ameena and Razphel were left with a couple of hundred soldiers. “I already requested the army to supply more troops, but they’re taking their sweet time.” Ameena said annoyed. “We’ll have to retreat at this rate.” Razphel said. “Let’s issue the order right away; we won’t survive if we keep waiting.” Ameena stated. “What about our plans?” Razphel asked. “After we issue the retreat order we’ll head back quickly, they’ll be busy with the injured soldiers and ordering more troops to battle.” Ameena explained. “Nice thinking.” Razphel complimented. “Listen up troops! We’re going to retreat for now until our army supplies more troops.” Ameena shouted. They all got in the jeeps, Ameena and Razphel guided the army back to headquarters; they were trying to avoid enemy contact as much as possible. “Your family’s fortress is not too far from headquarters, we can get Sylvia while your family is busy with the injured men.” Razphel suggested. “Yeah, listen up men, our headquarters might be exposed if we go there, so we’ll go to the Rosenberg fortress where it’s much safer and we won’t be jeopardizing the war.” Ameena shouted to the soldiers once again. On their way to the fortress to get Sylvia and escape they encountered more than five hundred Asraelian soldiers in front of them, the hundreds outnumbered them. “Oh no!” Ameena said with a worried expression. The enemy hastily charged and began killing many soldiers, Ameena and Razphel grabbed their hands and lifted their remaining hand, Spirit Force surrounded their bodies’ whole, both said in unison. “God’s Quake!” When suddenly a very strong earthquake violently shakes the ground and cracks it provoking stalagmites to rise, killing over one hundred enemy soldiers. Ameena and Razphel let out a breath of tiredness. “Ugghh… That attack got me tired.” Ameena commented. “Me too, uhh… We used a little too much Spirit Force.” Razphel said panting. Ameena and Razphel unsheathed their swords after wasting all their ammo, with the little energy they had left they killed nearly one hundred more enemies, though Razphel and Ameena killed many of them, they were tired mostly from the earth elemental attack, fatigue had caught them a long time ago. “I guess this is where we end…” Razphel said gasping. “I wanted to live a great life with Sylvia…” Ameena also breathing heavily. “I know what you mean… I wanted a happy life as well…” Razphel said. Many more soldiers arrived; both of them were surrounded and finished off dramatically by the enemy, before they gave their last breath they told one another. “I love you…” They were both shot afterwards and died, the war ended a few months later, Irene had Shiro’s baby. “She’s so cute.” Irene said as she held her baby girl around her arms. “Mayumi, you’ll grow up to be a strong girl, I’m certain of that.” Shiro said. “Yes.” Irene nodded. “You left me a reason to live Irene.” Eibobr stated. “Yes father, I wanted to have a baby more than anything and make you happy as well.” Irene said. Eibobr started to cry. “Don’t cry, you’ll just make the happy moments disappear.” Shiro said. “Yeah, I’m sorry.” Eibobr wiped his tears away. “I understand, but I still have some time before I leave.” Irene said. “Yeah, I promise I’ll make you as happy as I can till then.” Shiro said with a smile. “You already have, more than anyone could.” Irene said cheerfully.© 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing