Chapter 31: The Last Union

Chapter 31: The Last Union

A Chapter by Shin

                        Amarth arrives where the party is.

            “A little late, I presume.” Shizuru comments as she sees the party on the ground.

            “Are they?” Kyoshi asks.

            “They’re not dead.” Amarth responds.

                        Kyoshi runs towards the party, Kazumi is the only one that isn’t unconscious.

            “What happened?” Kyoshi asks.

            “……A big battle against hordes of demons.” Kazumi replies sitting next to Kirisu.

                        Kirisu wakes up and says holding his stomach. “Crap…”

            “You look like crap too.” Kyoshi comments.

            “Kuzan and another guy was here with him, I guess it’s that guy Zero said that was summoning demons.” Kirisu says.

                        A blue light appears next to them, it is the rest of the party.

            “Kirisu!” Lloyd says shocked.

            “Yo.” Kirisu waves his hand.

            “The others okay?” Lloyd asks worried.

            “Seems like it, what happened?” Zero asks.

            “Kuzan and a man with a strange gauntlet on his right arm.” Kirisu responds.

            “That’s-!” Zero cuts Luna off. “Zelcius.”

                        Seshiro and Hisana also wake up hearing what they just said.

            “So you finally say his name after all this time.” Seshiro says.

            “It was my business after all.” Zero remarks.

            “Not anymore.” Hisana says.

            “Yeah, we’ve encountered so many problems with demons that it’s our problem as well.” Yumi says.

            “…Hmm.” Shizuru looks around the ruins of the base’s parking lot.

            “Things are getting more complicated than before.” Kyoshi states.

            “Well, all of you have your share of problems.” Lloyd says.

            “We shouldn’t be here any longer, things might get worse considering we’re at the base, I bet they’ve already dispatched some forces towards this direction because of all the disturbance the battle caused.” Hisana says calmly.

            “You’re right, let’s go to where I was staying at.” Kirisu says standing up.

            “Where was that?” Lloyd asks.

            “In the north outskirts of this city, in a private property.” Kirisu answers.

            “You’re place?” Kazumi asks curiously.

            “No, it’s master J.S.’s place.” Kirisu replies.

            “J.S.?” Shizuru asks raising an eyebrow.

            “Yeah, you’ll see when we get there.” Kirisu says.

            “How about you guys hitch a ride on me.” Amarth proposes.

            “What the hell? A talking dragon?!” Kirisu asks shocked.

            “All the time.” Amarth shakes his head.

            “What’s so surprising of a talking dragon?” Zero asks.

            “Beats me.” Amarth says.

            “Let’s just go, I’m sick of this place.” Shizuru comments.

            “Right on.” Amarth nods.

                        The whole party gets on Amarth’s back.

            “It’s a little ways off, so we might take a while.” Kirisu comments.

            “Hey, I’m faster than you think short stuff.” Amarth says.

            “You a*****e!” Kirisu shouts annoyed.

            “Well, you are kinda short.” Luna comments.

            “What’s wrong in being short?” Hisana asks.

            “Hisana, you’re just a little petite, that’s all.” Seshiro says.

            “No one has nothing against that.” Yumi shrugs her shoulders.

                        After a little while flying on the air Amarth feels uneasy.

            “Do you guys feel it?” Amarth asks.

                        As soon as Zero is about to answer Amarth dodges a very powerful lightning bolt and lands quickly on the ground.

            “I’ve never seen such a powerful lightning based attack.” Zero remarks.

            “Damn, are we problem magnets or what?” Yumi asks annoyed.

            “Look!” Kazumi points towards some mysterious people that are standing on a nearby cliff; there are five people in all.

            “Who the hell?” Lloyd asks.

                        Amarth lands, the party jumps off, Jaye lifts his head and says. “Kyo, it’s been long hasn’t it?”

            “Jaye!” Kyoshi says shocked to his appearance. “But you’re… dead!” Kyoshi takes a step forward.

            “I’m not, as you can see.” Jaye says with his smile widening.

            “Careful, he’s dangerous.” Amarth says blocking Kyoshi’s way with his tail.

            “What?” Kyoshi asks.

            “He might be right Kyo.” Jaye says still smirking.

            “He is allied with Jony Chronic.” Amarth says.

            “No… It can’t be… How is it possible that you’re alive?” Kyoshi asks.

            “I felt your Spirit Force and couldn’t help but bring you down, though I’m not here to waste my time on you.” Jaye says.

            “This is getting awkward.” Lloyd says.

            “You alright Zero? You’ve been staring at that guy behind that Jaye person.” Luna asks.

            “Do you know him?” Yumi asks.

            “I’m not sure, I can’t see his face clearly with that hood, but his Spirit Force, I definitely know it.” Zero answers.

            “I want to see for myself how much stronger you’ve grown Kyo.” Jaye says smiling.

            “Jaye, don’t do this.” Kyoshi says.

            “Oh I won’t be the one doing something, they will.” Jaye says moving aside letting the hooded people step in front of him. Zero keeps staring at one of them intently, and unexpectedly Zero’s sword begins to shake.

            “What the?” Zero grips his sword tightly.

                        Zero looks at the man again holding his sword, but his sword swiftly gets free from Zero’s grip and flies towards the man Zero is staring at, he catches it swiftly. Luna is surprised.

            “It's returning to the rightful owner.” The hooded man says as he removes his hood; he has golden slit eyes like Zero and blue spiky hair.

            “Father! Noooo!” Zero yells.

            “Oh, now that’s what I call a twist, I never thought Kraven’s son would be here.” Jaye remarks.

                        Kraven brandishes the Lightning Edge.

            “Father, why? How are you alive?” Zero asks shocked.

            “No need to tell him that Kraven, remember your orders.” Jaye says.

            “Who are you people?” Luna asks.

            “I don’t have to tell you, but you can at least know our groups name, we’re the Last Union, that’s all I’ll say.” Jaye answers.

            “The Last Union?” Shizuru asks.

            “That’s the name that Jony Chronic is using to call these mysterious group.” Amarth says.

            “Damn.” Kyoshi clenches his fists.

            “So this is Zero’s dad huh.” Seshiro says.

            “Yeah, why are you that surprised in seeing him?” Hisana asks.

            “He’s supposed to be dead, but, here he is, alive, how is it possible?” Zero asks himself still shocked.

            “Don’t mind the small things Van, come, why don’t you try getting the Lightning Edge back?” Kraven asks beckoning Zero with the sword.

            “So you’re just going to fight alone?” Kirisu asks.

            “I have to confront this on my own.” Zero says.

            “It’s not just your problem, it’s mine as well.” Kyoshi says.

            “Zero, catch.” Seshiro throws his Zweihander towards Zero, Zero catches it. “Don’t let them take my Requiem.”

            “Thanks.” Zero nods.

                        Zero charges towards Kraven quickly swinging his sword horizontally, Kraven easily blocks and pushes Zero back. Zero then rushes and keep swinging his sword all over the place trying to hit his father, but Kraven doesn’t even move, just blocking all of Zero’s fast attacks like nothing.

            “Whoa, check this guy out; I never thought Zero would be easily handled like that.” Kirisu comments.

            “I agree, it’s almost as if Kraven is toying with him.” Lloyd says.

            “Not just that, he’s going so easy on Zero that he’s just blocking.” Yumi remarks.

            “Kinda of looks like Kraven is teaching Zero how to fight.” Hisana says.

            “How sad, getting handled that easy.” Shizuru says shaking her head.

            “Shut up! All of you! You’re not helping at all!” Luna yells angrily.

            “Whoa.” Yumi says stepping back slightly.

            “How about we help him instead of just looking, he might get killed you know.” Luna suggests.

            “More like slaughtered if you get what I mean.” Shizuru comments.

            “She’s right guys, we should help.” Kyoshi says worried.

            “You? Help? Of all people? You never want to fight.” Lloyd scoffs.

            “I will… it’s just that… I have my reasons.” Kyoshi says.

            “P***y.” Lloyd says.

                        Zero keeps struggling against Kraven, Lloyd abruptly jumps in as well making a vertical slash on Kraven, but one of the mysterious persons behind Kraven blocks him. Lloyd and the mysterious man lands on the ground.

            “You wanna dance?” Lloyd asks.

            “How about tango?” The hooded man asks as he takes of his hood to reveal short black hair with light brown eyes.

            “I’ll let you have some fun Aster.” Jaye says.

            “Great.” Aster says taking out his spear, Lloyd readies himself in fighting position.

            “Are you sure you want to fight me, boy?” Aster asks mockingly.

                        Aster lets out a horrifying Spirit Force that makes even the rocks nearby float, Lloyd widens his eyes in surprise.

            “Sacred yet?” Aster asks still mocking Lloyd.

            “Damn, why do I always mess with the very strong guys? Talking about tough luck.” Lloyd says shaking his head.

            “Master Jaye, what about us?” The hooded woman asks.

            “Fine, Coral, you stay next to me, Ruby, I want you to test Kyo for me.” Jaye says.

            “Okay.” Ruby says swiftly disappearing and appearing in front of Kyoshi quickly throwing a punch at him, but Shizuru catches Ruby’s fist.

            “You think you can touch Kyo, b***h?” Shizuru asks annoyed.

            “B***h? Look who’s talking; I’m not the one showing cow tits all around.” Ruby replies annoyed.

            “You s**t! How dare you talk about my perfect breasts like that! You flat chest w***e!” Shizuru says angrily.

            “Flat chest? Oh, now it’s on!” Ruby says angrily as well.

            “Looks like I won’t be testing Kyo.” Jaye says.

            “What about me?” Coral asks.

            “I need you here just in case, though I know the Last Union’s strength and these people are hardly a threat.” Jaye answers.

                        Shizuru let’s go of Ruby’s hand, Ruby takes off her hood; she is a Satsume with short hair and green eyes. Ruby reaches her pocket and takes out what seems like a pair of brass knuckles, she puts them on her fists. Shizuru draws her twin daggers and readies herself to fight.

            “I’ll give it to you; you have a nice pair of daggers there.” Ruby says smiling.

            “Too bad I can’t say the same about your flat chest.” Shizuru says.

            “Too bad, I was trying to be friendly.” Ruby remarks.

                        Shizuru speedily attacks, Ruby evades every attack and hits Shizuru very hard on her stomach, Shizuru takes advantage of this, and cuts Ruby’s arm, Ruby backs off rapidly and asks. “That’s all? A small cut like this isn’t going to help you.”

            “I just wanted a taste of your blood.” Shizuru says about to lick Ruby’s blood off her dagger, but Ruby swiftly attacks Shizuru. She evades all of Ruby’s attacks yet again, but this time Shizuru is having more difficulty. Luna and the rest are going to help Lloyd, Zero and Shizuru, but a very powerful force field locks the party in including Amarth, leaving Shizuru, Zero and Lloyd at these warriors mercy.

            “Huh? A barrier?” Luna steps back.

            “They don’t want us helping them.” Kazumi says observing the barrier.

            “We have to do something to break this barrier!” Kyoshi says anxiously.

            “But what?” Yumi asks.

            “Let me try.” Kirisu makes many dark spears and tries to hit the barrier, it is unaffected by Kirisu’s power.

            “My turn!” Yumi covers her whip-sword in light elemental powers and makes a vertical slash on the barrier, this time the barrier cracks a little bit.

            “Hey, it cracked!” Kazumi says amazed.

            “We might stand a chance in breaking it then.” Kyoshi says.

            “How about we all keep hitting the barrier until it brakes.” Luna suggests.

            “Good idea.” Kirisu nods.

            “Let’s go!” Yumi says raising her whip-sword again.

                        Meanwhile Aster attacks Lloyd with his spear; Lloyd easily dodges everything Aster throws at him.

            “Not so bad at dodging.” Aster comments.

            “Of course not, it’s just a spear.” Lloyd says smugly.

            “Careful, it’s not just a spear.” Aster says.

            “Whatever.” Lloyd rolls his eyes.

                        Lloyd attacks Aster, he blocks Lloyd’s attack, and counters, Lloyd blocks, but to his surprise Aster’s spear is not a normal spear as he said, it splits into a three-sectioned spear and ends up cutting a little of Lloyd’s arm.

            “What?” Lloyd says surprised.

            “You see? I warned you.” Aster says rotating his spear rapidly.

            “Damn!” Lloyd says.

            “Like I said, my weapon is not a spear, but a Sansetsukon.” Aster explains.

            “I want you all to end this meaningless fight with these weaklings.” Jaye orders.

            “This one isn’t that weak, but whatever, here I go.” Ruby says covering her hands in black flames, Shizuru quickly attacks her, but Ruby quickly evades one of Shizuru’s attacks to make a follow-up combo. Ruby keeps hitting Shizuru repeatedly with her fists until Shizuru falls on the ground very wounded. Kraven keeps toying with Zero, but as soon as he hears Jaye he goes on offensive and counters Zero’s attacks, Zero blocks as much as he can, but fatigue is catching up with him. Kraven then steps back and rushes at Zero swiftly slashing Zero’s ribs with his sword in a matter of seconds, Zero falls down on the ground.

            “You disappoint me Van; I thought you would be stronger than this.” Kraven comments points his sword towards Zero.

            “Father…” Zero says looking up to Kraven.

                        Kraven throws the Lightning Edge next to Zero, it lands on its edge on the ground, he begins to walk away. Aster kept hitting Lloyd repeatedly, Lloyd is covered in blood, Aster then comes in for the final blow and stabs his Sansetsukon in Lloyd’s stomach, Lloyd falls on the ground. Aster leaves him there bleeding to death.

            “Until we meet again Kyo.” Jaye leaves along with the Last Union group.

                        The barrier that keeps the party at bay is very cracked all over by all the attacks the party had done. It suddenly disappears, Yumi hastily runs towards Lloyd, Lloyd is unconscious because of all the blood loss.

            “Quickly, we gotta get him to master J.S.’s place! It’s nearby.” Kirisu says anxiously.

            “Amarth!” Kyoshi yells.

            “Yeah, hurry, get him on my back!” Amarth says.

                        The party hops on his back, Amarth rapidly ascends; he flies at a very high speed, they pass a city and reach a house a little father in the north outskirts as Kirisu had told the party earlier. They see a very big house with a big pool in front of it surrounded by many shrine rocks; it very much looks like a shrine in itself.

            “It’s there!” Kirisu points.

                        Amarth swiftly lands, a man with white hair and a long ponytail walks towards Amarth.

            “Kirisu, back so soon?” The man asks.

            “Master, hurry, I got a wounded friend here!” Kirisu says getting Lloyd off Amarth and placing him on the ground.

            “Let me see.” The man looks at Lloyd’s wound, there is a lot of blood, the man just places his hand on Lloyd’s stomach. A blue light comes from his hand and Lloyd stops bleeding. The man then says. “For those of you that don’t know me, my name is John Smith, nice too meet you all.”

                        The party tilts their heads confused.

            “What kind of name is John Smith?” Shizuru asks.

            “Hehe, it is kind of funny.” Seshiro comments.

            “Hahaha.” Yumi laughs.

            “Pft, hahaha.” Kyoshi laughs with his mouth covered.

            “Not funny.” Hisana says.

            “I agree.” Luna nods.

            “It does sound kind of ridiculous.” Zero remarks.

            “No comment.” Kazumi shrugs her shoulders.

            “Well, that’s why I call him J.S.” Kirisu says.

            “Amarth, why don’t you bring Lloyd in front of the house?” John Smith asks.

            “Huh? You know my name?” Amarth asks.

            “Well of course, I remember when you were just a little dragon, and you look like your father.” John Smith says smiling.

            “Ugghh…” Amarth makes a puzzled expression.

            “What about you? How’s your father, you know, Arnold Schneider? Still very strict I bet, military got to his head.” John Smith asks.

            “What the hell?” Yumi widens her eyes astonished.

            “Is he psychic?” Luna asks amazed.

            “You don’t look like a princess at all with those clothes, how’s old king Aelfric?” John Smith asks.

                        Luna widens her eyes shocked.

            “I know you, you know my dad as well, looks like you know just about everyone.” Kazumi comments.

            “Yeah, I forgot to mention master J.S. is like a phonebook with names.” Kirisu states.

            “Weird huh?” Kazumi says.

                        Shizuru then leans towards Kyoshi’s ear and whispers. “Just how old is this guy?”

            “I don’t know, but with the white hair and all, he looks pretty old, but he looks so young at the same time.” Kyoshi whispers back.

            “He doesn’t even look that strong to be a master.” Shizuru whispers.

            “Better not judge by the cover of the book.” Kyoshi whispers.

            “Well come in my humble home.” John Smith says walking ahead.

            “You call this humble?” Seshiro asks raising an eyebrow.

            “More like come into my mansion.” Hisana says sarcastically.

            “Kids.” John Smith says shaking his head as he walks.

                        They go in John Smith’s house, there they lay Lloyd on a bed, and John Smith puts some bandages on Lloyd’s stomach and says. “Looks like he was hurt in the same place before, no wonder he’s so messed up.”

            “Is he going to be alright?” Kirisu asks.

            “Well, don’t worry about that, it’s lunch time, now that’s more important.” John Smith answers.

            “What the crap? Lunch more important than a wounded person? Are you nuts?” Yumi asks angrily.

            “Nuts? You want some nuts to eat for lunch?” John Smith asks.

            “You son of a b***h!” Yumi says clenching her fist.

            “Hey, hey, let’s just calm down, you gotta get used to him; he’s weirder than you think.” Kirisu says.

            “This is just a waste of time, Lloyd’s alright, I should be going already.” Zero says.

            “Right.” Luna nods.

                        Lloyd wakes up and says. “Uggh, Zero, don’t go yet, let’s just rest here for today and tomorrow we part ways again, I know we all have something to do right now, but a nice rest won’t do any harm.”

            “Hey! You’re awake!” Kazumi says joyfully.

            “He’s right…” Luna says looking at Zero.

            “Hm… Fine.” Zero crosses his arms.

© 2013 Shin

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huh lloyd got wounded in the same place again? and messe dup with the opponent out of his lengue? talk about bad luck, weird that yumi ran at him when wounded but didn't say anything, anyways great chap man

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2013

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin