Chapter 29: The Oracle of Edenheim

Chapter 29: The Oracle of Edenheim

A Chapter by Shin

                        Meanwhile, in a Gen-Exis base, Redhizer, Naty and two other people are having a discussion in the table, it seems like a meeting of some sort, the other two people are of male and female gender. The female has what seems like a vertical line tattoo on her left eye, the other is a man with wine colored hair, he has fangs, and both dressed in military suits.

            “I can’t believe what happened to big brother…” Naty says with a sad expression.

            “I still can’t accept it…” Redhizer says seriously.

            “I understand your grief… but we have to move on…” The woman says with watery eyes.

            “Sylvia… We have to tell our elder, Xak, about what happened.”  The man says closing his eyes saddened.

            “Zin, I don’t think he’ll be pleased to hear it.” Sylvia says in a sad tone.

            “But we have little choice…” Zin says.

            “No! I will not accept his death, I cannot believe it! It can’t be true!” Redhizer says angrily slamming the table.

                        Natalie covers her face with her left hand, all of a sudden, a man’s voice asks casually. “So, what can’t you accept? Hmm…”

                        Everyone widens their eyes, as they did not notice he had arrived, the man has dark blue shoulder length long hair.

            “Xak, how long were you here?” Sylvia asks wiping her watery eyes.

            “I arrived just now, so tell me general Redhizer, what can’t you accept?” Xak asks.

                        Redhizer remains silent.

            “Colonel Nit-Mazu Kirisu is dead…” Naty says abruptly.

                        Xak sharpens his eyes and asks raising his tone. “Is this is a joke?”

            “No sir, I wish it was.” Zin says.

            “I was not speaking to you major general Diecaz, I was talking to brigadier general Di Curtis.” Xak says staring at Zin with narrow eyes.

            “Sir, a missile from a base near Lemuria hit our truck and killed everyone including the colonel.” Naty explains.

            “Why didn’t you report it as soon as it happened, lieutenant general Lazay?” Xak asks.

            “Well, I-” Sylvia is cut off by Redhizer.

            “Sir, I was going to report to you personally in a moment until you arrived.” Redhizer says coldly.

            “Well, it was your responsibility from the start general, brigadier general Di Curtis; did you bring back the rests of his body?” Xak asks turning his view towards Naty.

            “Sir, I brought everything, the lab is confirming whether or not the colonel is among the rests.” Naty responds.

            “I await your results and a full detailed report on my desk.” Xak says.

            “Yes sir.” Naty nods.

            “Oh, one other thing, take off those masks brigadier general Di Curtis, general Redhizer, it’s not Halloween yet.” Xak says as he leaves the room.

            “Yes sir!” Redhizer and Naty nod.

            “That was close; I thought it would be much worse.” Zin says with relief.

            “I wonder why Xak wanted brother back so eagerly…” Naty comments.

            “He originally named Kirisu as lieutenant general, but Kirisu left it to Sylvia, so I guess he had very high expectations of him, plus you know he was fond of Kirisu’s fighting abilities.” Zin explains.

            “There are some mysterious people in Gen-Exis we don’t know of, the thing is that it’s hard to investigate about them. The only thing I was able to investigate is that these people excluding the elders are meeting up with Krade and also the mysterious disappearance of some of our soldiers.” Redhizer says.

            “You mean that group you were talking about?” Sylvia asks.

            “Yes, they seem suspicious, and I hardly ever see them, I think they’re behind the soldiers’ disappearance.” Redhizer replies.

            “I’ll see what I can investigate as well, things are going on, and we seem to be left out.” Zin says.

            “They might be plotting something against us and more people.” Naty assumes.

            “Let’s hope not.” Sylvia says making a sad expression as she remembers Kirisu.

                        As they speak, Venart is teaching Kazumi more about magic and incantations.

            “I guess you’re ready.” Venart says dropping his magazine on a table.

            “The final lesson?” Kazumi asks.

            “Yes.” Venart nods.

            “So… how do I start?” Kazumi asks.

            “Since you are a very perceptive person and already know the meaning of the basic spells then all you have to do is pop the meaning of the spell on your head and fire away.” Venart explains.

            “I didn’t think it would be so simple…” Kazumi says scratching one of her ears.

            “Hehe, I’m full of surprises, come here, I’m going to show you something I show everyone that visits my house.” Venart says walking into his house.

            “O…k…” Kazumi says puzzled.

                        They walk to a hallway where many paintings are; the paintings are of people that look shockingly like Venart.

            “Why do you have so many paintings of yourself? Are you a narcissist?” Kazumi asks looking at Venart warily.

            “What? No, these are all the Venart’s before me, my father, my grandfather and so on.” Venart answers.

            “And who’s this woman that’s before your painting?” Kazumi asks curiously.

            “That’s Faris Venart, my late mother.” Venart replies.

            “Hmm… Aren’t you supposed to have your father’s last name instead of your mothers?”

            “We Elves don’t have the same traditions as humans; we inherit the last name of the Elf that has more powerful Mana Force, and in case both have the same amount, we inherit the last name of the Elf that belongs to a more famous family.” Venart explains.

            “And in case both have the same Mana Force and have a famous last name?” Kazumi asks curiously.

            “We inherit the mother’s last name.” Venart responds.

            “Why the mother?” Kazumi keeps asking.

            “You ask too many questions, because the mother formed the life in her womb.” Venart replies.

            “Alright, alright, last one, do you have any family?” Kazumi asks.

            “Why yes, two sons, Zieg Venart and Jiro Venart.” Venart answers.

            “I see… So if your sons have a first name before Venart, you must have a first name too, right?” Kazumi asks.

            “Of course.” Venart says.

            “Can you tell me your name?” Kazumi asks.

            “Eldrick Venart.” Venart replies.

            “Hey! Listen!” Faye says flying in front of Venart.

            “What?” Venart asks shooing her away with his hand.

            “Nothing, just bugging you.” Faye says smiling.

            “Faye… cut it out… I swear the next time you make stupid jokes like those I’ll roast me a fairy for dinner.” Venart says slightly annoyed.

            “Hehehe.” Faye giggles.

                        The party all reunite in the lobby of Venart’s home, Lloyd quickly speaks out. “Venart, I need to use your Spirit Tracker, we need to find a friend that was captured by Gen-Exis, I’m not gonna stall any longer.”

            “Do you know this person’s Spirit Wavelength?” Venart asks.

            “Obviously.” Lloyd answers.

            “Then come with me, you know what to do.” Venart says as he walks away to another room.

            “Yeah.” Lloyd nods following Venart along with the party to a room with some sort of holographic world globe, Lloyd stands on a platform.

            “Now, remember his Spirit Wavelength, it’ll come out on the map.”

                        Lloyd concentrates, when all of a sudden the holographic globe begins to blur, then completely fading.

            “What?” Venart says shocked.

            “What’s wrong? Why did it turn off?” Lloyd asks.

            “It seems the Spirit Tracker had some problems with your friend’s Spirit Wavelength, I’m not sure whether your friend’s Spirit Wavelength is impossible to track or that he’s dead.” Venart says uncertain.

            “Dead?” Kazumi asks worried.

            “Let’s not make any assumptions yet.” Seshiro says calmly.

            “He did have strange powers, it could be the cause.” Zero says.

            “Venart, can you track where the disturbance came from?” Yusuke asks.

            “I can try.” Venart says, and then turning on the hologram again using magic, many runic symbols begin to appear on the globe. “Hmm… I found an area where the disturbance was close.”

            “So, is he alive?” Kazumi asks anxiously.

            “I don’t know.” Venart says casually.

            “Can you send us there? Lloyd mentioned you can.” Yumi remarks.

            “I can’t send you in the specific place, but I can send you a little away from the disturbance, this Spirit Wavelength is quite rare. Though it seems familiar somehow, I think there might be some information in the library.” Venart says.

            “It’s better than nothing, let’s go.” Kazumi says in a hurry.

            “Alright, do you want to be sent immediately?” Venart asks.

            “Yes…” Kazumi nods.

            “Well, I’ll send you guys then, but it will be one by one, Princess Luna, I have many things to talk with you, so I implore you to stay.” Venart says.

            “It was my intention, Zero, are you going?” Luna asks.

            “I guess I’ll help you out for now.” Zero says.

            “The rest?” Venart asks.

            “Shinsuke, Yumi, I must also have a word with you.” Yusuke says.

            “Anyone else that’s going to stay behind?” Venart asks.

            “Shizuru and I will reach you guys with Amarth, we don’t want to leave him behind.” Kyoshi says.

            “Oh yes, Amarth, well, I guess it’s you guys for now.” Venart says looking at the rest of the party.

            “Okay then, Seshiro, Kazumi, you ready?” Hisana asks.

            “Yeah.” Kazumi and Seshiro nod.

            “Hisana wait…” Luna says all of a sudden.

            “Yeah?” Hisana says.

            “Don’t you want to confront your sister?” Luna asks.

            “No, I know she’s my sister, but I was never really very close to her, we were always distant… So you handle her, she has always been evil, so I won’t really mind if you kill her.” Hisana comments calmly.

                        Luna lowers her head and ponders.

            “I’ll teleport you with my magic from here.” Venart says raising his right hand, a blue light surrounds Seshiro, Kazumi and Hisana and instantly disappear.

            “Venart, before we leave, I need to ask you something.” Kyoshi says.

            “Yes, what is it?” Venart asks.

            “The Phoenix temple is sealed, is there any way to open it?” Kyoshi asks.

            “Yes, there is, you would have to take this.” Venart says as he materializes a strange rather big key on his hand using magic. “The key as how it is now will not open it; the doors in the temple are locked by special magical that only high priests Satsume’s were taught how to use. I know because my ancestors are the ones that built the temple in the first place. You have to take the key there, afterwards, the magic from the door will enter the key, then you have to take it all the way to Toshi Kaze Nami.”

            “Toshi Kaze Nami?” Kyoshi asks.

            “Lemurian dialect, because it’s their property, anyways, it’s between all four continents, right in the center. There is a temple there, it was called the wind temple ages ago, the temple has the same kind of magic in the entrance, but the only difference is that it has a negative magic inside.” Venart explains.

            “You lost me.” Kyoshi says shaking his head.

            “Think of it as a positive and negative of magnets, in the Phoenix temple it was made positive, in the wind temple it was made negative. They cancel each other out, anyway, all you have to do, is show the key to the positive magic in the Phoenix temple, the key will absorb part of it, it will recognize the magic. Afterwards, go to the wind temple and the key will absorb the negative magic. The key will be able to lock and unlock any of those doors anytime.” Venart explains further.

            “Question, what exactly is the purpose of even getting the negative magic?” Shizuru asks.

            “The negative magic will collide with the positive effectively gaining the power to null the positive magic, in other words, opening the doors.” Venart replies.

            “Another question, why can’t you make this positive and negative magic right here and end us all the trouble?” Shizuru asks.

            “You see, I can’t, the magical powers of positive and negative are unique to the makers of those magic’s. Kinda like a locksmith, I can’t open what I don’t know how it works, the only thing I can provide is the negative magic, the positive has to be gained from the Phoenix temple, so the negative magic knows which lock to open.” Venart explains.

            “Then can’t you put this negative magic thing in the key right now so we don’t have to backtrack? I really hate backtracking.” Kyoshi asks.

            “No, you need the positive magic first, if I put the negative magic now and you obtain the positive magic it will not unlock. It will just unlock the negative magic I just used, there’s a magical law, kinda like physical laws, I can’t do something that cannot be done. Magic has limits like everything in this world, there are things that are impossible even for magic I’m afraid.” Venart responds.

            “So when we get the positive magic, do we come back here or go the wind temple?” Shizuru questions.

            “I recommend wind temple, because the negative magic there is perfect, plus I avoid in making the negative magic, which takes time, a lot of time, magic mechanics are far more complicated than what you think.” Venart answers.

            “Alright then, Shizuru and I will leave now, thanks for the key Venart, see ya guys.” Kyoshi says as he leaves the room along with Shizuru.

            “Sorry for the delay Princess Luna, things in the castle has gone from bad to worse, seems like king Aelfric has ordered the seclusion of the Elven people, I am the only person who can reach the castle without many inconveniences.” Venart explains.

            “Why has my father ordered this?” Luna asks.

            “That I don’t know, but I bet it’s the oracle, everyone has noticed that since she arrived the king has been acting different.” Venart replies.

            “We must get in somehow…” Luna says as she wonders.

                        All of a sudden they feel the ground shake slighty, outside of Venart’s house, the Elven guards attack. They begin to concentrate Mana Force outside, they all begin enchanting a spell, a red magic circle appears around Venart’s house.

            “I think we have company.” Zero says.

                        Many ice spikes along with fireballs and lightning bolts appear around the house, the magic attack then strikes the house, but a magic barrier stops the attack on its tracks.

            “Luckily, I made an anti-magic barrier outside.” Venart comments.

            “We have to do something to stop them.” Lloyd says.

            “We’ll go the old way, charging head on.” Zero says as he walks ahead out of the house.

                        The party follows him; they see more than thirty Elven soldiers ready to take them on.

            “Lloyd, Yumi, this is why I asked you to stay; I need you two to help the princess sneak into the castle.” Yusuke comments.

            “Whoa, easy there, I don’t think it’ll be that easy, especially with all these Elven guards in front of us.” Yumi says looking at all the guards.

            “Yeah, any plans?” Lloyd asks.

            “Yes, I do have one, first we beat these guards, then I’ll go to the castle, they’ll let me in, you guys quickly knock the guards out, and enter.” Venart explains.

            “Simple, but there may be more guards than that.” Zero says.

            “True, there are more guards, the thing is the royal knights, and they’re strong and must be kept busy for the princess to enter the throne room.” Venart says.

            “That’s where we come in I bet.” Lloyd says.

            “They’re no pushover’s Shinsuke, Venart and I are stronger than them, but not by a long shot.” Yusuke remarks.

            “Right, let’s get moving before things get nastier.” Zero says charging towards the guards.

            “Yeah.” Luna says forming a longsword with her bracelet.

                        The party begins to fight their way through, while Kyoshi and Shizuru are on their way towards the other party.

            “Kyo, I can feel very strong Spirit Forces where the rest were sent.” Shizuru says.

            “I can feel it too, we need to hurry.” Kyoshi says.

            “Always playing hero for silly humans.” Shizuru comments.

            “Hehehe.” Kyoshi laughs.

            “Seems you guys finally learned to feel Spirit Force the correct way, though we still are ways off to reaching them.” Amarth remarks.

            “I trust we’ll get there on time.” Kyoshi says.

            “Sounds like you’re telling me to hurry it up.” Amarth says sarcastically.

            “Less talking and more flying please.” Shizuru says sighing.

            “That’s a rude thing to say for a little girl like you.” Amarth states.

            “What? And you’re just a stupid cliché fairytale dragon!” Shizuru says annoyed.

            “Hey, hey, don’t get all personal here; I haven’t mentioned your mother… yet.” Amarth says.

            “You son of a-” Shizuru angrily says until Kyoshi cuts her off. “Please stop fighting; can’t you two keep it down for five minutes? Geez.”

            “Fine.” Amarth and Shizuru say at the same time annoyed.

                        As they are on their way, Seshiro, Kazumi and Hisana appear on a road.

            “Talking about a change of scenery.” Hisana comments.

            “Tell me about it.” Kazumi says.

            “I guess we’re a little off ways, Venart said so.” Seshiro states.

            “Where do we go now?” Kazumi asks.

            “I feel some Spirit Forces up north.” Hisana says staring directly ahead the road.

            “Yeah, I felt it too.” Seshiro says also looking in the same direction.

            “Then north we go.” Kazumi says walking ahead.

                        As the party moves on towards the north, Venart reaches the castle gates, where the rest of the party are hidden waiting for the gates to open. Venart speaks with the guards, they open the gates, and as Venart walks in Yusuke appears between the guards and knocks them out.

            “Whoa, and he was just here a second ago.” Lloyd says surprised.

            “You have a skilled master Lloyd.” Zero comments.

            “Yeah, but we still managed to take on all those Elves back there pretty quickly.” Lloyd says smirking.

            “Shut yer traps, let’s hurry.” Yumi says running towards the castle.

            “You guys are slow, let’s just hurry.” Yusuke says beckoning them with his hand.

                        They run inside, when suddenly the royal knights appear before them unsheathing their fancy golden swords. “Trespassers are not allowed to enter.”

            “Princess Luna?” One of the royal knights asks surprised.

            “That’s right, I’m here, take me to my father.” Luna says demandingly.

            “Yes, that we shall do, but first your friends will die for trespassing.” The royal knight says.

                        The royal knights’ charge at the party, Zero speedily jumps over them and runs with Luna towards the king’s chamber.

            “You guys handle them; it was part of the plan anyways!” Zero says running along with Luna.

            “What an a*****e!” Yumi says annoyed.

            “I will go assist them, I’m afraid they won’t be enough.” Venart states.

            “Go, I’ll stay here with Shinsuke and Yumi.” Yusuke says.

            “Yeah.” Venart nods swiftly passing through the royal knights.

            “We can’t let them get away, follow them.” Another royal knight orders.

            “Sir!” The royal knights say.

            “Alright, I guess it’s you guys versus us.” The royal knight says.

                        The remaining royal knights charge once again, Yusuke is able to defeat a few of them alone, but there are still many, Yumi detaches her whip-sword and blocks various enemy strikes from multiple enemies, she then keeps dealing with many at the same time, but they are not as weak just as Venart and Yusuke had told them.

            “Yumi, don’t underestimate them.” Yusuke says taking down a royal knight.

            “I’m not!” Yumi says blocking the royal knights’ strikes.

            “…Shinsuke, watch out!” Yusuke shouts.

                        One of the knight’s sneaks from behind Lloyd, but Lloyd is able to counter thanks to Yusuke’s warning. Luna reaches the throne room before Zero and Venart, as soon as she opens it she falls on the floor unconscious, Zero arrives a minute or so after and sees Luna on the floor.

            “Luna? You alright? What happened?” Zero asks worried.

                        Luna opens her eyes and hugs Zero, he is surprised at this.

            “What’s wrong? Why are you hugging me in a moment like this?” Zero asks suspiciously.

            “Zero, I’m alright, let’s keep going.” Luna says standing up.

            “Yeah.” Zero helps her up.

                        They enter the room, the throne chair is empty, the room in general is empty, it is a well-decorated room with very fancy decorations. Luna looks at Zero; he stares at her strangely and asks. “What’s wrong?”

            “Zero, have I ever told you how much you turn me on?” Luna asks boldly.

            “Huh? Well, it was about time you told me, but this isn’t the time for that.” Zero comments.

            “Zero, come here, touch me… I want you so badly I can’t resist.” Luna says panting heavily.

                        Zero raises his pants a little and says. “Well, there’s no helping it I guess, we’ll have to make due right here and now.”

                        Luna get’s close to Zero, he suddenly puts his hands on her hips and slightly touches Luna’s a*s raising her up.

            “Ohhh Zero, yes, touch me more! I want you inside me right now!” Luna says moaning.

            “Right on!” Zero says as he keeps touching her body until he abruptly grabs her throat and begins strangling Luna.

            “Ugghh! Zero!” Luna says unable to breathe.

            “You may look just as hot as Luna, but you surely aren’t as bitchy or smell like her, and I’m afraid Luna has a little bit more of a killer body than you babe.” Zero states as he strangles her.

                        Luna widens her eyes; she fades from Zero’s hand, and appears floating in midair looking down at Zero.

            “How very clever of you, I guess I wasn’t able to fool you quite well, but then again, you won’t reject the original Luna.” The impostor says.

                        The Luna impostor abruptly reverts to her original form, which is none other than Zaphyr.

            “You must be that oracle.” Zero says staring at her seriously.

            “Indeed I am, Zaphyr is my name, I knew you would notice, but I just love playing.” Zaphyr says smiling.

                        Zaphyr suddenly makes the real Luna appear in front of Zero, but she seems different, like emotionless.

            “Luna!” Zero shouts.

            “Seems you recognize her quite well.” Zaphyr says still smiling.

            “Let her go!” Zero yells angrily.

            “Luna, why don’t you go to Zero and give him a big hug.” Zaphyr says raising her right arm.

                        Luna starts walking towards Zero turning her bracelet into a dagger.

            “Luna, get yourself together!” Zero shouts.

            “Oh, but she is together, she’s in one piece you see?” Zaphyr says mockingly.

            “Stop playing around!” Zero says furiously.

                        Luna attacks Zero with her dagger, Zero evades and blocks the attacks.

            “What’s wrong Zero? Why don’t you attack her? Is it because you love her?” Zaphyr asks scornfully.

            “You w***e.” Zero says.

            “Oh no, that is no way to treat a lady. Though I’ll let you in a little secret, it seems you earned yourself a pretty nice place in her heart, haha.” Zaphyr says laughing.

                        Zero keeps dodging all of Luna’s attacks and thinks. “I don’t want to hurt her…”

                        He keeps evading and swiftly decides to attack, he tries to punch Luna, but she evades and he ends up hitting the wall, then he kicks her, she evades once again which makes him hit another wall. Luna then strikes Zero on his left arm catching him off guard, a lot of blood falls on the floor.

            “Ohhh poor Zero, you’ve been very silly as to let yourself get hit by Luna.” Zaphyr comments.

            “Heh.” Zero grins.

            “Huh?” Zaphyr tilts her head confused.

                        Unexpectedly many lightning bolts come out of the walls and attacking Zaphyr, a lot of electricity can be seen everywhere. Luna falls on the ground, Zaphyr is struck by powerful lightning, Venart arrives and sees this.

            “What happened to the princess?” Venart asks worried.

            “She’s just unconscious; the oracle must be dead by now.” Zero says holding Luna.

            “I see you didn’t do so badly after all, but think again.” Venart says staring at Zaphyr’s direction.

            “” What?” Zero looks as well.

                        The electricity disperses, Zaphyr is completely fine.

            “Hahaha, no use on those childish attacks, they won’t work on me, before any of you arrived or even before you threw that attack I knew it, I saw it in my visions.” Zaphyr says.

            “Maybe so, but how about this.” Venart says making pentagrams appear around Zaphyr and giant dog heads come out of the pentagrams to eat Zaphyr. A barrier appears around her, the dog heads are not able to do anything.

            “Not too shabby, but my work here is done for now, you haven’t seen the last of me!” Zaphyr says as she disappears; the king appears sitting unconscious on the throne chair.

            “It seems like the king was being manipulated.” Venart says walking towards the king.

            “Seems so.” Zero says.

            “Time to tell the knights and everyone in the castle everything that happened.” Venart says.

            “Yeah.” Zero nods.

© 2013 Shin

My Review

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awesome chapter man, well edited as well, love the fights agaisnt the elves, and how they excel in magic more than anybody, that is one thing that authors that use elves should do, zaphyr is perverted haha but evil, keep it up man!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2013

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin