![]() Chapter 28: Inevitable ReunionA Chapter by ShinBack at the airship Zero is lying on one of the beds, Luna is right next to him, he suddenly wakes up. “Ughh…” “You finally came to.” Luna says. “Yeah…” Zero says covering his eyes with his right arm. “How are you feeling?” Luna asks worried. “Much better I suppose.” Zero replies without any enthusiasm. “…… Are you going to get revenge on Zelcius and that dark knight?” Luna asks. “I will, it has always been personal, first my father, then my brother and mother, the whole village, and now my master. He’s taken everything from me.” Zero answers getting upset. “What are we going to do now?” Luna asks. “I’ll help you get in the fortress, and then I’ll keep on looking for Zelcius.” Zero replies. Luna looks down and says. “That can wait; right now we should find Zelcius.” “Luna, but-” Zero removes his arm and looks at Luna, but she interrupts. “Don’t worry, we’ll find Zelcius no matter what.” Luna says. Zero smirks and says. “We should first look in Edenheim, I bet it will be easier to find Zelcius if we ask the Elves, we have no leads besides that right?” “Haha, you never cease to surprise me.” Luna laughs. “Off to the fortress.” Zero says grinning. The airship is now headed to Fort Heim in the snowy Laska region; meanwhile Yumi regains conscious and is surprised to see everyone. “You guys, what are you doing here?” “Yumi! You’re finally awake! Well… it’s a long story.” Kazumi replies. “Alright, now that you’re awake it’s time to tell you the small story, I’m not sure if it has direct relationship with Yumi’s power, but it’s the closest story to her power I know.” Venart explains. “What are you talking about? What do you mean my power?” Yumi asks. “Give me a minute to explain, now please don’t interrupt, it happened a long time ago, there was a general of the Lemurian army, he was said to have the power of light. He was largely known as the knight of light, it is said that the cold and tyrannical ruler at the time bestowed him with this power. I don’t know much about this ruler, my mother never told me as much, but I’m sure she left some information about that ruler somewhere in one of her logs, anyways, the knight of light had a monstrous amount of Spirit Force, but it didn’t quite feel like Spirit Force, it seemed stronger somehoe, so what I mean is that there might be some relation to her.” Venart explains. “So you think he might be an ancestor to her?” Yusuke asks. “It’s very likely, the clear fact that Yumi has a monstrous amount of Spirit Force and that she has the power of light.” Venart comments. “So what was the knight of light’s real name?” Seshiro asks curiously. “Ethan Schneider if memory serves well, he was of Vakidoren descent.” Venart replies. “Hey! That’s my last name!” Yumi says surprised. “There you have it.” Venart says. “That explains a lot, but it still doesn’t explain how Lucien has it.” Yumi says. “Yeah, he said his name was Lucien Ambigram, so he can’t be Ethan’s descendant.” Lloyd says. “You got me there.” Venart says. “Ok, it’s enough, now, you people except for Shinsuke, Yumi and Seshiro need Spirit Force training.” Yusuke says. “What for?” Kazumi asks. “You aren’t able to sense Yumi’s complete Spirit Force.” Yusuke answers. “But I was able to sense it a long time ago.” Hisana says. “Then why didn’t you mention anything to the rest?” Yusuke asks suspiciously. “I just didn’t think it was my problem, so I left it at that.” Hisana answers. “Humph… that leaves you three.” Yusuke says pointing at Kazumi, Shizuru and Kyoshi. “Hurry up with the cat girl; I need her as fast as I can.” Venart says. “What for?” Yusuke asks. “I have to teach her some things of my own.” Venart replies. “Alright.” Yusuke nods. Kazumi, Kyoshi and Shizuru follows Yusuke; Venart stares at Lloyd for a moment. “What’s wrong? I got something on my face?” Lloyd asks. “Have you been feeling well lately?” Venart asks. “What do you mean?” Lloyd asks staring at Venart with narrow eyes. “Have you been feeling like if you were somehow weakened for a few minutes?” Venart asks. “No, why?” Lloyd asks. “Nothing in particular, how about you sonny?” Venart asks Seshiro. “Sonny? Well no, I haven’t felt anything of the sort.” Seshiro answers with a confused expression. “Hmm… Alright then, how about you go outside and talk to Amarth for a while, he must feel lonely.” Venart says. “Amarth?” Lloyd, Yumi and Seshiro ask in unison. “You kids don’t know who Amarth is? You there.” Venart points at Hisana. “Me?”She asks. “Yeah you. Why don’t you take them to Amarth, so they can meet each other?” Venart asks. “Okay…” Hisana shrugs her shoulders. Lloyd, Seshiro and Yumi follow Hisana outside where they see Amarth lying on the ground resting. “Whoa!” Lloyd says staring at Amarth amazed. “A dragon? Is this for real?” Yumi asks in disbelief. “I guess everything lately isn’t surprising me anymore.” Seshiro says shaking his head. “Too many fairy tales suddenly revealed as not fairy tales.” Hisana comments. “Tell me about it.” Yumi says with widen eyes. “Hey, who’re these kids Hisana?” Amarth asks. “They are more friends of ours, Lloyd, Yumi and Seshiro.” Hisana replies. “A pleasure to meet you.” Amarth nods cheerfully. “You can talk!?” Yumi, Lloyd and Seshiro ask stupefied. “Haha, I always get the same question.” Amarth laughs. “Haha, yeah.” Hisana laughs as well. As the party talks for a while, Yusuke trains the rest of the party in sensing Spirit Force correctly. In a far away base of Gen-Exis, Harayoshi as well as other members of the Aiden special unit talk in front of a man dressed with an expensive suit whose face is hidden in the shadow. “My son, you have done well up until now.” The man says staring at Harayoshi. “Yes, father.” Harayoshi says. “It seems Xordania is still playing hard to get, if this keeps on I’ll send all of you to conquer it by force if necessary.” The man says. “Yes…” Harayoshi nods. Suddenly Ushima walks forward and asks. “What good is there in world conquest, I think this is just too simple, there must be a reason behind this and I don’t see it at all.” “You are just a soldier; you are to refrain from asking unnecessary questions, you will do as I command with no questions asked.” The man says emotionlessly. “But-!” Ushima is about to say until the man unexpectedly releases an amount of Spirit Force completely on a different level as anyone; the whole base begins to shake as if there was a massive earthquake happening, the whole Aiden special unit falls on their knees to this out of reach Spirit Force the man released. “Have I made myself clear?” As the man asked, Ushima answers almost out of breath, the Spirit Force of the man is choking her, making her almost unable to breathe properly. “Yes… master… Krade.” Ushima says unable to breathe. “Good, you’re all dismissed.’ Krade says. Harayoshi and his group leave the room as soon as Krade stops releasing his inhuman Spirit Force. Out in the hallway, Harayoshi walks close to Ushima, he closes his face towards hers and begins to touch her hair, he then pulls her ponytail back and whispers to her ear. “If you don’t have a death wish, don’t ever question my father’s motives again, do you understand?” “Yes…” Ushima replies. “If you ever even mention such a thing again I will kill you personally.” Harayoshi says letting go of Ushima’s hair. “You can leave.” “Yes.” Ushima says leaving quickly. Suddenly a beautiful woman with long hair wearing a pair of glasses dressed in female Gen-Exis uniform appears in front of Harayoshi. “Harayoshi, we’ve been getting high Spirit Force readings again, Lexon insists in we dispatch towards the location like last time.” The beautiful woman says. “Have you pinpointed the location yet?” Harayoshi asks. “Not yet.”The beautiful woman replies. “Get on it Raven, I’m counting on you.” Harayoshi says indifferently. Raven blushes. “Yes.” As they talk, Yusuke has finished giving the party his training. “Alright, finished.” Yusuke says. “I wouldn’t have accepted training if it was anyone else, but since it was a Satsume then I’m fine.” Shizuru comments. Yusuke remains silent to her comment. “I have to get going, I gotta receive master Venart’s training.” Kazumi says hurrying to where Venart is along with Faye. “So, are you ready?” Venart asks. “Yeah.” Kazumi nods. “I’m going to tell you once again, I’m only teaching you the basics, the rest you must learn yourself.” Venart says. “Right.” Kazumi nods again. “Shall we begin?” Venart asks. “Yes.” Kazumi nods yet again. “First of all Faye, I know you’re synchronized to Kazumi’s Mystic Force, so I want you to help her by releasing her Mystic Force yourself, she’ll learn later how to do it herself.” Venart instructs. “Right.” Faye says. “But I know a little how to do it.” Kazumi remarks. “Because you only know a little is precisely why I need Faye to do it for now.” Venart says. “Now Kazumi, everything in spells is about incantations that will help you invoke them and unleash them. If you don’t use incantations it’ll be harder to invoke and the spell will be weaker. Only a magus such as I is able to invoke a strong spell without any incantations.” Venart explains. “So, what do I do?” Kazumi asks. Venart takes out book. “I want you to memorize these basic spells; after you know the incantation and its meaning I’ll show you how to invoke them without making the incantation.” “Right!” Kazumi says thrilled. As Kazumi memorizes the incantations, the airship arrives at the snowy Laska region where Fort Heim rests. “We’re here princess.” Neil says opening the hatch. “Zero, let’s go.” Luna says walking ahead. “Humph, you better put something on, it’s cold.” Zero says. Both Luna and Zero get off while the airship crew waits in the airship, Zero and Luna walk and passes through the invisible barrier around the fortress. “Looks like there are fewer guards than before.” Zero comments. “It’s only in the entrance; it’s more guarded in the dungeon due to the last infiltration attempt.” Luna states. “So, what do we do to get in unnoticed?” Zero asks. “Heh.” Luna grabs a rock from the ground. “Watch.” Luna throws the rock to some bushes near a wall, the Elven guard walks towards the bushes to investigate. “Let’s go, hurry.’ Luna says running as Zero follows her, they enter the gate; they quickly hurry quietly through the hallways and reach the Elven seal room. “Before we go to the teleport device you have to be marked with an Elven seal.” Luna says as she stops. “What the heck for?” Zero asks confused. “If you want the teleport device to recognize you and teleport you then you have to be marked, don’t worry, it won’t hurt, hehehe.” Luna says teasingly. “Alright, whatever.” Zero says shaking his head. They enter the room and Zero get’s marked as well and enter the teleport room. “Ok, now what?” Zero asks. “They are supposed to activate the teleport device in the mainframe room, but I have enough magical power to activate it myself from here.” Luna says as she raises her arms and then concentrates Mana Force on the blue circle in the middle, when all of a sudden the blue circle expands and they’re both teleported to Edenheim. “We’re here.” Luna says looking at Zero cockingly. “Huh?” Zero notices something. “What’s wrong?” Luna asks worried. “I feel everyone’s Spirit Force, what are they doing here? Is it even possible?” Zero asks himself. “Who?” Luna asks puzzled. “Come, follow me, I have to check something out.” Zero says running out of the room. As Luna follows Zero, in the Elven castle of Alhiem, Zaphyr is standing next to the king looking at a wide vase filled with water watching over the party. “Hmm… So many guests appearing out of nowhere, things might get too risky if they come here, they are not as weak as one would think…” Zaphyr says, she then beckons one of the guards with her hand. “I want you to search the city, there are some strangers wandering about, I sent some guards earlier, but they were beaten.” “I’m sorry milady, even if there are intruders, only his highness, King Aelfric has the authority to give the orders.”The Elven guard says respectfully. “Ohh, uptight aren’t you, king Aelfric?” Zaphyr says. “Do as she commands, I consent to her decisions.” King Aelfric orders lost in thought. “Yes my king.” The Elven guard bows and retreats. “Hehehe.” Zaphyr laughs. Kazumi had finished memorizing the spells Venart had told her. “I’m all done.” Kazumi says happily. “Now all you have to do is practice invoking the spells, say the chant out loud and fire away, practice for a while, once you get used to it then I’ll tell you what to do next.” Venart says as he reads a magazine lying down on a hammock. As Kazumi practices, Yusuke walks next to Venart. “How is she progressing?” Yusuke asks. “It’s only been a couple of hours and she’s already practicing the incantations, she’s memorized the basic spells, now with a little more practice and some adjustments she’ll be just fine on her own.” Venart responds without taking his sight from the magazine. “I see… I was wondering if you felt that Spirit Force a while ago?” Yusuke asks. “The one that came from the east?” Venart asks. “Yeah, it seemed inhuman.” Yusuke nods. “Yes, but that’s not the only Spirit Force I’ve been feeling up until now.” Venart says without any worry in his voice. “You’re right, there’s more than a few.” Yusuke says. “What really concerns me is what’s happening in the castle.” Venart remarks. “Yeah, a lot of chaos, I bet it’s that oracle.” Yusuke says seriously. “Yes, with Princess Luna gone everything has gone to hell.” Venart says still into the magazine. “By the way, where are both of your sons?” Yusuke asks. “I’m not really sure, but they’ve been missing for quite some time.” Venart says still without care in his words. “Would you stop reading that magazine and take things a little more seriously.” Yusuke says upset. “Chill out, no use worrying about everything.” Venart says. Yusuke frowns in pain all of a sudden. “Ugghh…” “Aren’t you going to tell your disciple what’s wrong with you?” Venart asks. “Ugghh… I’m fine… I’ll tell him when I get the chance.” Yusuke replies still in pain. After a while Zero and Luna reaches Venart’s house, the whole party notices Zero’s arrival and rushes towards the entrance. “Zero! You damn mom hunter!” Lloyd says after opening the front door. “Huh? How did you guys know I was here?” Zero asks in disbelief. “We can all feel your Spirit Force dummy.” Lloyd says shaking his head, he then notices Luna and fixes his hair. “Whoa, have we met before gorgeous?” “Heh, same old Lloyd.” Zero grins. “Princess!” Venart pushes his way through between Lloyd and Kazumi. “Venart!” Luna says. “Come in, hurry.” Venart beckons as he enters his house. They quickly get in and explain to each other the recent events. “Humph… so Kirisu was kidnapped? I doubt that’s possible.” Zero states. “I was it with my own eyes!” Kazumi says distressed. “Still, I would come to the conclusion he let himself get captured.” Zero says. “Why would you say that?” Kazumi asks warily. “With his power it just doesn’t seem likely.” Zero answers. “Yeah, I get what you mean, anyways, who’s the babe?” Lloyd asks staring at Luna. “Hey!” Luna shouts angrily. “That is Princess Luna, the daughter of the king of Edenheim, King Aelfric, a little more respect would be appropriate.” Venart says. “So, can you find Kirisu?” Kazumi asks. “I’ll see what I can do, but I don’t promise anything.” Zero replies. “Hey Kazumi, let’s go keep on with your training.” Venart says as he walks outside. “Right.” Kazumi runs after Venart. “Princess Luna, after I come back we have much to discuss.” Venart says before completely heading outside. “I’ll be back in a while.” Yusuke says as he walks out of the room as well. “Where are you going?” Lloyd asks. “To get some fresh air.” Yusuke answers. “Umm… Hisana, could you come out with me for a bit?” Seshiro asks. “Sure.” Hisana responds calmly. Hisana and Seshiro leave the room as well, they walk outside. “So Hisana, Kyoshi told me about you fighting some demons and that you used ice elemental powers.” Seshiro says all of a sudden. “Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Hisana says. “So, was it you who killed all those monsters when we were at that resort?” Seshiro asks. “Yeah… That was my Hell Spike technique.” Hisana nods. “You’re powerful indeed, so, where did you learn your ice powers?” Seshiro asks curiously. “Well, it’s a long story…” Hisana answers. “Oh ok, if you don’t want to tell me now then we’ll leave it for some other time.” Seshiro says nodding. “Thanks.” Hisana says as she keeps walking. “Heh, yeah.” Seshiro keeps walking. They both remain silent until Hisana asks. “Why did you leave Lemuria?” “It’s also a long story, but to put it simply, I’m looking for a person named Keisuro who once betrayed me and my master and joined the Gen-Exis ranks, and I’m also looking for another man, his name is Kuzan Fardeth, he killed my best friend a long time ago.” Seshiro explains. “I’m sorry.” Hisana says. “Don’t be, it was a long time ago.” Seshiro says smiling as he looks towards the sky with his hands inside his pockets. “What are you going to do when you find him?” Hisana asks. “I will surely kill him and avenge everyone.” Seshiro replies as his expression changes to that of anger. “Revenge huh…” Hisana says exhaling deeply. As they talk, Kyoshi and Shizuru are talking outside. “So, are you really going back to Evergray?” Shizuru asks. “Yeah, but first I have to help find Kirisu if possible.” Kyoshi answers. “Still stubborn on helping your human friends.” Shizuru says annoyed. “Yeah, you should give them a chance, they’re really good people at heart.” Kyoshi remarks. “But we’re Satsume’s, we’re superior to humans, why should we be socializing with the likes of them?” Shizuru asks upset. “We may be stronger than them, but in the end, they have the same right to live as we do, they too have souls as well as us.” Kyoshi replies. Shizuru remains silent for a second. “I know how you feel; I used to think like that when I was younger, but as I met humans I knew I was wrong, I hope you realize it as well.” Kyoshi says. “We’ll see about that.” Shizuru says looking away. “I have to ask Venart about the sealed Phoenix temple.” Kyoshi says to himself. As they keep walking around, Lloyd and Yumi are talking to Zero and Luna. “So, how did you end up hanging out with the princess of Edenheim?” Yumi asks curiously. “Well, she begged on her knees for my help and I just couldn’t say no to a princess.” Zero jests. “You damn Kaizer! You needed me more than I need you, accept it!” Luna shouts furiously. “Hmm…” Zero wonders. “Don’t give me the silent treatment!” Luna yells. ‘Yumi, we better go, let the little love birds have their quarrel.” Lloyd says standing up. “Right.” Yumi says also standing up. “What? You see what you’ve done Zero, now everyone thinks we’re in love, I would never fall for you.” Luna says furiously crossing her arms. “Well, you were the one fighting every damn second, maybe if you calmed down a little people wouldn’t think such things.” Zero says shaking his head. “I hate your guts!” Luna says still annoyed. “Heh.” Zero smirks as he places his feet on the table. Hisana and Seshiro arrive back at the room. Hisana unexpectedly says to Luna. “I wanted to ask you something Princess Luna.” “Huh? Me?” Luna asks pointing at herself. “Yeah, in private.” Hisana nods. They leave the room and go outside. “What is it?” Luna asks curiously. “I’ve been feeling a strong Spirit Force coming from the castle, I was wondering if there is a woman with fortune telling powers?” Hisana asks. “Actually yes, the oracle.” Luna replies unsure what Hisana is getting at. “Is that oracles name by any chance Zaphyr?” Hisana asks. “Yes, how do you know?” Luna asks amazed. Hisana lowers her head down for a moment and replies. “Because she’s… my older sister.” “Whaaaat?” Luna asks shocked. “Yes, that explains why I can see the future, but she’s even more gifted than I when it comes to that ability, I can only see from time to time, very rarely and I can’t see everything.” Hisana explains. “She’s been controlling my father, I know it, and she has to be stopped.” Luna says. “It doesn’t surprise me, she abandoned me when I was a little girl, and I have no feeling for her as a sister whatsoever.” Hisana says calmly. “If you can see the future, can you read mine?” Luna asks closely. “I’m not sure, but I can try.’ Hisana says touching Luna’s right hand. Hisnana all of a sudden sees some visions, she sees a desert, she then sees Zero and Luna accompanied by a woman rushing out of somewhere, the woman is very blurry, and she cannot see her well. Hisana then looks at Luna and says. “I saw a desert in my visions as well as a woman accompanying you and Zero; you seemed like in a rush, escaping from somewhere.” “A desert? Another woman? Escaping?” Luna asks puzzled. “Yes.” Hisana nods. “Can’t you be a little more specific?” Luna asks. “No, I’m just telling you what I see; only my sister can tell you much more than that, but I doubt she’ll ever tell you your fortune.” Hisana answers. “It’s okay, thanks.” Luna says as she touches her right hand.© 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing