![]() Chapter 25: Edenheim CityA Chapter by ShinAs the airship heads towards Varrock Lloyd and company drives through the snowy fields of Laska. “We have to hurry up, I’m all cold here.” Seshiro says trembling. “Now that’s ironic coming from you.” Lloyd says smirking. “Haha, yeah. Good one.” Yumi says. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Seshiro looks away. “We’re pretty close though, it’s invisible to naked eye, but I can feel the guards Spirit Force closer and closer.” Lloyd states. They keep driving until Lloyd suddenly stops. “Are we here already?” Yumi asks. “Yeah.” Lloyd replies getting off the vehicle. “I don’t see jack s**t.” Seshiro says also getting off as well as Yumi. Lloyd suddenly steps forward and disappears. “What the hell?” Seshiro and Yumi say at the same time surprised. “Maybe if we walk forward like Lloyd we’ll disappear too.” Yumi suggests. “It must be that invisible barrier Lloyd was talking about.” Seshiro says. Yumi then walks forward and disappears as well. “My turn.” Seshiro says walking in the invisible barrier, as he gets in he sees Lloyd and Yumi hidden behind some boulders. “Hey, what’s happening? Why are you hiding?” Seshiro asks walking towards them. “Shhh, there’s a guard at the entrance.” Yumi says in a low voice. “Even though I have the Elven brand on my neck they have to call someone that lives in Edenheim, my master so he can confirm my entrance, but as for you guys, I’ll have to sneak you in somehow.” Lloyd explains. “Hmm…” Yumi ponders. “If I go he’ll want to escort me to the device.” Lloyd says. “Then that’s our chance, while he escorts you Seshiro and I will follow you without being noticed.” Yumi says. “That’s a pretty good plan, but what if other guards appear?” Seshiro asks. “That’s why we’re going in quietly behind Lloyd and the guard.” Yumi responds. “But you have to hurry behind me because once I go in with him another guard will walk to the entrance to take the other guards place.” Lloyd further explains. “Alright, we’ll hurry quietly.” Seshiro says. “Okay, I’m going.” Lloyd says walking to the entrance. “Yhi! Ayu! Whu ddo ayu tgi irhi? Tewh's rayu imne?” The Elf guard asks. “I came by foot, my name is Shinsuke Mura, I want to use the teleport device to Edenheim.” Lloyd explains. “A Xordanian speaker.” The Elf guard says. “Yeah.” Lloyd nods. “Tell me who can confirm your entry.” The Elf guard asks. “Yusuke Nagao.” Lloyd replies. “What sector?” The Elf guard asks. “Sector seven.” Lloyd answers. “Give me a minute.” The Elf guard says entering inside the fortress to confirm. Lloyd waves his hand to come close. Yumi and Seshiro hide behind a pillar a few feet away from Lloyd. The guard comes back out. “Yeah, you’re free to use the device; I’ll be your escort.” The Elf guard says. As Lloyd and the guard walks in Seshiro and Yumi hurries behind them, sometimes hiding behind some pillars. When Lloyd and the guard reaches what seems like a big room with a blue fluorescent circle in the middle and many columns around it Yumi and Seshiro quickly hurry in the room and hide behind the columns. “I’ll be heading to activate the teleporter, you wait here for a couple of minutes, after the blue circle widens walk in and you’ll be teleported.” The Elf guard explains. “OK.” Lloyd says. The guard leaves, Seshiro and Yumi walk to where Lloyd is. “We don’t have time to waist; let’s go to the room that’s before this one.” Lloyd says. “Umm… but why? I mean, you only need the Elven brand to get in right? What’s the use of it now?” Seshiro asks. “Dude, without the Elven brand, you can’t be teleported, the teleport device only teleports those who have the brand.” Lloyd explains. “Oh crap!” Yumi says. “Ohhh, okay, I get it, double purpose, let’s hurry up!” Seshiro says anxiously. Lloyd, Yumi and Seshiro hurry to the next room, when they enter the room they see a weird machine, steampunk style. “That’s the magical machine, just step on that small platform one by one, I’ll activate the machine, I saw how they did it when I stepped on it.” Lloyd explains. “I’ll go first.” Yumi says walking on the small platform; Lloyd walks next to the machine and presses some buttons on the terminal. “Here we go, don’t be afraid.” Lloyd says with a smirk. “I’m not!” Yumi says annoyed. All of a sudden a laser with a silver light color comes out from the machine and hits Yumi on her neck for a few seconds. “Don’t move.” Lloyd says. The laser suddenly vanishes. “That’s it? I didn’t feel a thing.” Yumi asks. “Yeah, that’s how it is, anyways, your turn Seshiro, we have to hurry.” Lloyd says. “Right.” Seshiro says stepping on the small platform as well and the same laser comes out also hitting his neck, the laser fades once again. “No time to lose, move it or lose it!” Lloyd says. The party quickly hurries to the next room. “Okay, we made it on time.” Lloyd says with relief. “Hey Lloyd, what language was that guard speaking?” Seshiro asks intently. “Ivlesh, which translated in Xordanian would be Elvish.” Lloyd replies. “How come they can speak Xordanian?” Yumi asks. “You know how it is, most of the population of the world can speak Xordanian, it’s a universal language.” Lloyd says. “I know that last part dumbass.” Yumi says coldly. “Well, many people in Lemuria speak Xordanian instead of Lemurian.” Seshiro comments. “Same thing applies here, but most Elven speak Ivlesh and know many other languages like Vakidoren or Spanish.” Lloyd says. “So you understood what that Elf guard was asking you a while ago?” Yumi asks. “A little, I’m not too fluent.” Lloyd answers. Abruptly the fluorescent blue circle in the middle expands and starts shining even more. “Now, let’s get in!” Lloyd says. The party gets in the circle, the Elven brands suddenly shine and a huge light engulfs them. When the light fades they unexpectedly see a man with blue silver long hair standing in front of them, they are still in a room, but it’s obviously not the same one. The man rapidly says. “Shinsuke, to what do I owe your visit? I was only informed that you would be coming, I didn’t expect other people.” “Master Yusuke! This is Yumi, and this is Seshiro.” Lloyd says pointing at them one by one. “Hmm… You snuck them in didn’t you?” Yusuke asks calmly. “Well, yeah, we need your help.” Lloyd says. “Enough talk, if they catch your friends here you’ll be in trouble for bringing humans.” Yusuke says. “But Lloyd is a human too.” Yumi says rasing an eyebrow. “He has special permission as well as very few other people, you snuck in, they’ll eventually find you, so I suggest you hurry and follow me.” Yusuke suggests. Yusuke turns around and begins to walk, the party follows him. “Lloyd, I still don’t understand why you wanted to come here so badly, I mean, what’s the use of it?” Seshiro asks puzzled. “Yeah, I see no point in coming here, like that’ll help us find Zero or Keisuro.” Yumi remarks. “Hey, calm down you guys, the reason was because there’s a way to find Zero much quicker.” Lloyd says. “Oh really?” Seshiro asks warily. “Yeah, really, you know that we have satellites right?” Lloyd asks. “Yeah, so?” Yumi says waiting for Lloyd’s response. “They have something better here; they can track down a person’s Spirit Force and teleport us instantly to that person’s location.” Lloyd explains. “Then we can find Kirisu, we don’t need to find Zero.” Seshiro says. “True.” Yumi nods. “Well yeah, that’s what I meant, hehehe.” Lloyd says scratching his head. “Yeah right.” Yumi says sarcastically. “Humph… I can find Keisuro much quicker.” Seshiro thinks to himself. The party follows Yusuke to the exit of the building they are in, when they walk out Yumi and Seshiro look all around, they can’t believe their eyes. “Whoa!” Yumi and Seshiro say almost at once. It is indeed a city on the sky, clouds are so easily seen, it’s full of advanced buildings with very unique designs, the streets are made of a weird kind of bricks, even though they are on the sky there is a lot of flora, trees and plants, it looks like a true paradise, Elves walking on the streets, everyone seems so happy, there is no sight or glimpse of trouble and conflict. “I can’t believe such a place exists, I mean, it all looks so peaceful.” Seshiro says in disbelief. “I get what you mean.” Yumi keeps looking all around. “It’s not the first time I see it, but I guess I get ya.” Lloyd says smiling. “Appearances can be deceiving.” Yusuke says. “What do you mean?” Yumi asks. All of a sudden many Elven guards appear in front of the party. “I guess he means that.” Seshiro says. “Stop right there! You’re all under arrest!” An Elf guard shouts. “What are our crimes?” Yusuke asks. “It was foretold by the oracle that unauthorized humans from the outside would come in.” The same Elf guard says. “So get out of our way.” “The oracle?” Seshiro asks himself. The guards charge at the party without hesitation unsheathing their longswords. “Don’t hurt them, just knock them out.” Yusuke says as he raises his right arm upward with his palm open. Seshiro raises his zweihänder, the Elves back away slightly, hesitating to the sight of a man carrying such a huge sword, but they then decide to charge despite this. Lloyd without unsheathing his sword evades one of the Elf’s slashes and hits his right hands pressure point making him let go of the longsword. Lloyd swiftly catches the longsword and places it on the Elf’s throat. “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Lloyd waggles his index finger left and right, the Elf runs away. Yumi dodges two of the Elves assaulting her with their swords; they then accumulate fire in their left hands and fire at her, but Yumi easily evades crouching down and punching one of the Elves under their chin with an uppercut, which knocks him out. She then turns to the other one and blocks his attack with her whip-sword and kicks him on his genitals making him fall down in pain, she then stomps him again on his genitals making him yell. “Uhh, Yumi, I think that’s enough torture, leave the poor guys nuts rest.” Lloyd comments. Yumi shrugs her shoulders while Seshiro fights three Elves at the same time, blocking their attacks swiftly, easily managing his giant heavy sword gracefully. He raises his sword upward and lets it drop down between all of them thus breaking the pavement. The Elves look at each other and run away from Seshiro’s great strength, on the other hand Yusuke effortlessly defeats the rest of Elves using martial arts. They finish their battle, Yusuke then says in a rushed tone. “We’ll talk about it when we get to my place, it’s not safe here.” “Yeah, let’s step on the gas.” Lloyd says. As they rush out of the plaza, meanwhile, in the white castle, the oracle, Zaphyr, a woman with long hair dressed very sexy and daring with many accessories on her revealing clothing. Zaphyr walks out to the castle balcony staring at the city with a slight smirk, she then says. “I neglected to foresee the outcome of the guards’ failure, but I can see someone even more interesting arriving in any minute.” The oracle looks up to the sky, not too far from Edenheim Amarth is flying through the bright blue sky along with the party on his back. “It’s so beautiful.” Kazumi comments as the breeze of the sky dances along with her bright orange hair. “I never really seen clouds as close as this.” Hisana says in a calm and collected tone. “It’s really nothing special once you get used to it.” Amarth remarks. “Easy for you to say, you’re always flying around.” Shizuru comments with a scoff. “Touché.” Amarth grins. “Anyways, are we almost there?” Kyoshi asks leaning close to Amarth’s head. “Well yeah, you could say that.” Amarth responds. Shizuru looks around as if she just noticed something. “Something wrong?” Kazumi asks curiously. “Something’s following us.” Hisana says calmly. “I guess high priest Jony figured me and your father out.” Amarth states. “Holy crap.” Kyoshi says as he looks around trying to spot whatever it is that is following them. “It’s time.” Kazumi says reaching into her bag. “Huh?” Hisana observes Kazumi. Kazumi all of a sudden pulls our two desert eagle guns. “Where the hell did you get those?” Kyoshi asks stunned. “Kirisu gave them to me; he said they use special bullets and gave me some, look.” Kazumi replies while the party looks into her bag and see many rounds in a big box. “You call those a few? Humans don’t know how to count I guess.” Shizuru says raising an eyebrow. Kazumi loads the guns and gets ready to shoot. Abruptly some demons with wings appear from the distance, they have birdlike legs and bodies, but they still have human parts. “They’re getting close.” Kazumi says pointing at them with one of her guns. With the same gun she’s using to point she fires a bullet covered in electricity which kills the demon instantly. “One Harpy down.” Amarth says playfully. “They’re Harpies?” Hisana asks. “Yeah, you better hurry up in taking them out; we don’t want to fall do we?” Amarth asks comically. “Right.” Shizuru draws her daggers, jumps off Amarth towards the Harpies, and says in a serious tone. “Bring it!” Shizuru starts killing Harpies with her daggers and jumping to the next doing the same, while Kazumi keeps firing at them. “Time to get messy.” Hisana says unsheathing her Altergun and begins to jump at the Harpies as Shizuru. “I see the girls are at it, Kyoshi, why don’t you do something as well?” Amarth asks. “I’m not the fighting type.” Kyoshi says lowering his head. “A few fireballs here and there won’t hurt will it?” Amarth asks. “I guess some support is alright as long as I don’t engage in close combat.” Kyoshi says stepping next to Kazumi and begins throwing fireballs at the Harpies. “They jumped out there to fight and look at me? Just here shooting…” Kazumi says. “Why don’t you jump along with them, I’ll stay here and protect Amarth.” Kyoshi says with a smile. “Hey, I don’t need protection, I’m like a jet, I can navigate myself with some awesome maneuvers.” Amarth remarks smirking. “Are you sure?” Kazumi asks. “Just don’t lose balance.” Kyoshi says cheerfully. “Thanks Kyoshi.” Kazumi smiles. “Sure.” Kyoshi nods. Kazumi jumps off Amarth and begins to do the same as Hisana and Shizuru. Kazumi jumps on one of the Harpies and shoots its head making it fall and jumping to the next, Shizuru as well keeps killing, Hisana just then notices Kazumi. “Kazumi, I see you joined us.” Hisana says hanging from a Harpy’s feet. “Yeah.” Kazumi says as she lands one of the Harpy’s. Unexpectedly without Kazumi noticing, a Harpy attacks her and makes her trip and fall from one of the Harpy’s. Hisana quickly stabs a Harpy on the chest and makes it fall to where Kazumi is, Hisana extends her hand to catch Kazumi, Kazumi also extends her hand while falling and is able to grab a hold Hisana’s hand, but Hisana’s sword slips from the Harpy’s stomach because of Kazumi’s weight. As Hisana falls Shizuru takes off her belt, ties it a little around the Harpy’s head, and uses the Harpy as a horse so to speak speedily flying under Hisana and Kazumi thus landing on the Harpy. “Thanks.” Kazumi says in relief. “Yeah, I never thought you of all people would save us…” Hisana remarks surprised. “Now you owe me humans, it could be money or some kind of service.” Shizuru says. “I knew you had something up your sleeve.” Hisana comments. “You know it!” Shizuru says, then jumping on to another Harpy. Kazumi and Hisana jumps off the Harpy as well to kill the rest of the Harpies flying about. “Okay, only a few left.” Hisana says killing yet another Harpy. “Yeah, here we go.” Kazumi says. As the girls finish up the Harpies Kyoshi is still supporting them with fireballs. “We’re almost there, they better hurry up.” Amarth says. “No worries, only like five left.” Kyoshi states. “The question is where are they going to land after they kill all of them? They’re a little too far to jump on me.” Amarth says. “Oh God.” Kyoshi says worried. The girls finish the last one including the one Shizuru was riding, eventually they begin to fall, but unexpectedly Amarth appears under them thus catching them in midair. “Right on time.” Shizuru says sheathing her daggers. “Thank you for catching us Amarth.” Kazumi says putting away her guns. “Yeah, thanks.” Hisana says sheathing her Altergun. “No problem.” Amarth says with a grin. “You girls better catch a breather; you must be tired as hell.” Kyoshi says cheerfully. “Yeah, thanks to your little I don’t wanna fight whining.” Amarth remarks. “Hey!” Kyoshi says annoyed. “Anyways, hold on, we’re here!” Amarth says. “I don’t see anything.” Kazumi says trying to spot the city. “Look!” Hisana points at a huge advanced city from the distance. The city has many advanced buildings made out with a weird kind of shiny metal, but despite all the building and technological machines and vehicles seen from afar, a lot of flora surrounds it. There are also many windmills around the whole city rotating quickly. “It’s beautiful!” Kazumi says with sparkling eyes. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Hisana says observing the huge city. “I always heard rumors about this place, more like myth actually.” Kyoshi comments. “Amarth, hurry up and land somewhere, I’m tired of being on your back.” Shizuru says slightly upset. “Gee thanks for the compliment.” Amarth says sarcastically. “I didn’t mean it that way, sorry.” Shizuru says patting Amarth’s head. “No harm no foul.” Amarth says smirking. “Hehehe.” Shizuru giggles. “Alright people, here we go, I’m going to land on Venart’s place, its close by.” Amarth says as he searches for Venart’s home. Lloyd, Yumi and Seshiro arrive at Yusuke’s house which is surprisingly big; the house has a lot of plants around the yard with a perfectly nice landscape in front. “We’re here.” Yusuke says as he opens the front door. “It’s been long.” Lloyd says looking around the house. “It hasn’t changed one bit.” “Only a few years.” Yusuke says. “Oh, and what did you mean about things not being what they seemed?” Yumi questions. “There’s some conflict up here, the king has not been himself for a few years, ever since a human oracle arrived at the castle, and the king has become rather aggressive towards his people, which is not normal in Elves behavior.” Yusuke explains as he sits down on his couch. “Ohh, and why hasn’t anyone done anything about it?” Yumi asks curiously. “The princess has disappeared for a few years and the castle’s been in a panic state since then, it’s almost impossible to enter the castle, too many guards.” Yusuke answers. “Hmm…” Seshiro ponders as he leans against a wall. “Anyways, we didn’t come here to save any kingdom or anything, we need a favor.” Lloyd says boldly. “A favor? So soon? Here I thought you missed me.” Yusuke says disappointed. “Well, I do, but we’re looking for a friend, and he was taken by Gen-Exis soldiers.” Lloyd explains quickly. “So you want to use Venart’s Spirit Tracker, am I wrong?” Yusuke asks. “Exactly.” Lloyd nods. “I’ll take you to his place, but first I want you to come with me somewhere, just you.” Yusuke says in a serious tone. “What about Yumi and Seshiro?” Lloyd asks. “Help yourselves; I’ll be back with Lloyd in a while.” Yusuke tells Yumi and Seshiro as he points at the kitchen. “Okay.” Yumi and Seshiro say in unison staring at each other confused. As Lloyd follows Yusuke he asks. “Where are we going?” “To the chamber.” Yusuke replies as he walks. “The chamber? Like a Jacuzzi full of girls kinda chamber? Hehehe, I’m looking forward to it.” Lloyd says jokingly. “Oh yes, girls, you always did get excited most when girls were around, you never change, girls is all you think of.” Yusuke says with a grin. “You know me!” Lloyd says smiling. “We’re here.” Yusuke stops in front of a huge door. He opens it and walks inside; it seems like a big empty room, enough to fit one hundred people. “What is this place? Now I know you love wasting money on crap.” Lloyd says looking around the giant empty room. “I call it the chamber, I had Venart come here and make it for me.” Yusuke says calmly. “What for? Is it sound proof? Ahh, I know, you use this place as a harem am I right?” Lloyd asks laughing. “ Not really, I knew someday you would come again, I wanted this room for when you came back I would finish your training, this room here is completely sound proof like you say and very, very resistant to any power I’ve seen so far, this would be our training room. In addition, it’ll keep all the neighbors from calling the royal guards.” Yusuke explains. “So, why did you bring me here?” Lloyd asks. “It’s been so long since I’ve trained you, I felt your Spirit Force from this distance, seems you were fighting quite a lot recently.” Yusuke says. “What? From this distance? That’s impossible!” Lloyd scoffs. “It’s not impossible, you will someday achieve my level of power, and then you will surpass me eventually, but now I must see why you were so badly beaten some time ago.” Yusuke says. “Badly beaten?” Lloyd asks unsure of what Yusuke is talking about. “Yes, you were with that girl that has a tremendously enormous Spirit Force, though I’m not sure to call it Spirit Force, it has a different feeling, stronger by far.” Yusuke says. “And who might that girl be?” Lloyd asks. “That girl that’s waiting outside with your other friend.” Yusuke answers. “Yumi? Well, she does have a decent amount, but not like you said.” Lloyd says staring at Yusuke warily. “How can you be so blind, I can’t believe you haven’t felt her Spirit Force, it’s basically leaking from her.” Yusuke says shaking his head. “How? I mean, that can’t be right.” Lloyd says in skeptically. “That doesn’t matter right now, what worries me is that you were almost killed.” Yusuke says. “Yeah, that damned a*****e!” Lloyd says remembering Lucien. “Unsheathe your sword.” Yusuke commands. “Yes master.” Lloyd says unsheathing his sword as Yusuke ordered, Yusuke also unsheathes his sword. “I want you to fight me with everything you got, like if I were your worst enemy.” Yusuke says seriously. “Why?” Lloyd asks puzzled. “Just do it.” Yusuke says.© 2013 ShinReviews
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing