![]() Chapter 24: Infiltrating for RevengeA Chapter by ShinAs the party was divided in two groups searching for Zero, Zero who is with Luna walking through the Finurian city very close to their destination begin to talk. “We’re about to reach the base, it’s somewhere in the northern part of this city.” Luna comments. “Humph…” Zero keeps walking without saying a word. “You can spare a few words from time to time you know.” Luna says annoyed. “Let’s just talk the necessary shall we.” Zero says. “You b*****d!” Luna shouts angrily. “Here we go again.” Zero sighs. “…” Luna stares at Zero pissed. “Anyways, how far did you say we were?” Zero asks. “Why you!” Luna narrows her eyes in anger. “Huh?” Zero stops walking. “What?” Luna asks. “I feel his Spirit Force…” Zero says. “Is it near?” Luna asks. “Its north, it must be that base.” Zero says. Zero and Luna hurry to the north of the city where they see a building that seems like it belongs to Gen-Exis. “His scent ends here.” Zero says. “My Intel tells me that the base is underground, below this building.” Luna says. “There are sentries all over the place.” Zero says looking around the building. “Don’t worry, I have a few spies in the building; let’s go to the back of the building.” Luna says. “You sure planned this out carefully.” Zero says with a grin. “Ha! I’m the best!” Luna says conceitedly. “Sure, now let’s go.” Zero says walking ahead. “Sure? Why you!” Luna narrows her eyes again. Zero and Luna go to the back of the building, suddenly the back door opens, a guard comes out and lies on the wall while lighting up a cigarette and puts it in his mouth. “Princess, you made it.” The guard says exhaling smoke from his nose. “Good job, now tell us where exactly is the entrance to the underground base.” Luna says. “Once you go in go through the hallway to the right, you’ll find an elevator, press the B-1 button and down you go.” The guard says taking another puff. “The B-1 part was unnecessary.” Luna says. “Hmm…” The guard exhales smoke once again. Luna and Zero goes to the elevator as fast as they can and takes it down to B-1, after it opens they see a lot of military weaponry and vehicles and a huge gate. “He’s here, close by.” Zero says looking all around. “But where’s security?” Luna asks. “I don’t smell anyone besides him.” Zero answers. “Let’s keep going.” Luna says. As Luna and Zero heads down the stairs, Kazumi’s party arrives at Xordania. “So, how will we search for Zero?” Kazumi asks. “Well, I’m not really sure, but I am relieved that a least Seshiro is with Lloyd and Yumi.” Hisana comments. “Yeah, it’s certainly good news, but anyways, maybe if we ask around we’ll eventually find someone that’ll know Zero; he did say that his he’s known in some places around the world.” Kyoshi suggests as he walks along the party. “Is he known just by Zero?” Shizuru asks. “He did mention something about being called some name.” Kyoshi says pondering. “Did he ever mention the name?” Shizuru asks raising an eyebrow. “Not that I remember.” Kyoshi replies scratching the side of his chin. “Well, we can ask if anyone’s seen a man with a big sword and golden eyes.” Kazumi says with a light smile. “Well yeah, we should split up in two groups.” Hisana suggests. “Alright, we’ll meet at the plaza, where the fountain is in about an hour, I’ll go with Shizuru.” Kyoshi says. They split in two groups as they said, they begin to ask random people about Zero, after a while Hisana and Kazumi asks an old man that is selling some fruits at a stand near the docks. “Excuse me sir, but have you seen a man with a big sword and golden eyes?” Hisana asks. “Huh? Golden eyes?” The old man says then thinking to himself. “Why I haven’t seen him, but I do know someone that might.” “And who might that be?” Kazumi asks curiously. “If you say he has a big sword than maybe my friend, Robert, who’s a big fan of weaponry might know, he’s normally in the bar right around the corner.” The old man says pointing at the bar. “Robert right, okay, thank you for your help sir.” Hisana says. “Glad to help.” The old man says. Hisana and Kazumi walk towards the bar. “It’s here.” Hisana says standing in front of the entrance. “I don’t like this place…” Kazumi says nervously. “It is a bar.” Hisana says with a calm expression. “Yeah.” Kazumi says still nervous. “Let’s go in.” Hisana says walking inside. Kazumi follows her inside; there are a lot of men and a few women, Hisana walks to the bar and calls the bar tender over signaling with her index finger. “Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but do you know a man named Robert?” Hisana asks. “Yeah, that man with the fishing hat in that table.” The bar tender point out to a table in the corner. “Thank you.” Hisana says walking towards Robert with Kazumi following her. “Um… Excuse me sir, but is your name Robert?” “Yes, what do you girls want with a crazy man like me?” Robert asks taking a sip from his drink. “We’re looking for a man with a big sword and golden eyes, have you seen him?” Hisana asks. “Why yes, I have, I met him a while back; once I saw that broadsword of his I was flabbergasted!” Robert says with excitement in his voice. “Flabbergasted?” Kazumi asks skeptically. “Yes, surprised, shocked, astounded, I’ve never seen better detail on a broadsword, I personally wanted it for my collection, but he would just keep walking every time I asked.” Robert says shaking his head. “Do you know his whereabouts?” Kazumi asks. “No, but I searched for that man for some time hoping he would sell me his sword, I only know rumors of him, like that he’s some kind of demon hunter, I also heard that he’s known as The Lightning Phoenix.” Robert explains taking another sip from his drink. “So that’s his warrior name that mentioned Kyoshi.” Hisana says to herself. “Thanks a lot, you’ve been very helpful.” Kazumi says cheerfully. “Oh don’t worry, if you find him tell him I’m still interested in his sword if he ever wanted to sell it.” Robert says. “We will, bye.” Kazumi says. Kazumi and Hisana heads to the plaza where Kyoshi and Shizuru are waiting, both sitting on the fountain. “Oh, hey, you found anything?” Kyoshi asks. “Yeah, his warrior name is The Lightning Phoenix.” Kazumi responds. “Hmm… Alright, that’ll be useful when asking more people about him I guess.” Kyoshi says. “What about you?” Hisana asks. “Well, actually nothing.” Kyoshi answers. Suddenly Kyoshi feels some presence; he tilts his head to the side trying to feel of whose it is. “Kyo, what’s wrong?” Shizuru asks. “Nothing, I just felt uneasy, that’s all.” Kyoshi replies. Both Shizur and Kyoshi stand up and begin walking, as they walk they reach a park, the strangest thing is that there is no one there. “Kyo wait up, why are you walking here?” Shizuru asks. “I thought I felt something here.” Kyoshi says looking around, walking ahead of everyone. Unexpectedly a big demon with three heads, three mouth and six eyes with dark skin and a canine body appears in front of the party. “That’s what you were feeling?” Kazumi asks with widen eyes staring at the demon in shock. “I’m not really sure.” Kyoshi says backing off. “Do you feel the Demon Force of that thing?” Shizuru asks stunned. “Yeah, we better do something or the people from this city might get harmed!” Kyoshi says unsheathing his sword. “Forget that, they’re just humans, just let the Xordanian soldiers’ deal with that thing, it’s their problem!” Shizuru suggests annoyed. “I guess this is it.” Hisana says sighing putting down her big bag. “Why would you carry a big bag like that, just leave it behind.” Kazumi says panicking. “This is where I carry this.” Hisana says opening her big bag and takes out what seems like a very weird custom made sword. “Hisana, I didn’t know you were also a fighter.” Kazumi says amazed. “Yeah, sorry for hiding it.” Hisana says. “It’s alright.” Kazumi says. “Do you guys mind if I fight that thing alone?” Hisana asks. “Pretty cocky for a human.” Shizuru says. “Are you sure?” Kazumi asks. “This isn’t a game Hisana.” Kyoshi says. “I know, I just want to shake off some rust.” Hisana says throwing her bag to the side. “Let her be, if she gets killed it was her own fault, I guess you won’t mind if I take your money once you’re dead.” Shizuru says with a grin. “……” Hisana shakes her head no. “You better hurry, that demon won’t wait for you.” Shizuru says. The party backs off as Hisana steps forward and gets ready to fight, the demon charges at her, but Hisana quickly disappears from everyone’s view and appears next to the demon, the demon looks back to where Hisana is and one of its head falls off. “What!?” Shizuru asks in disbelief. “How did she do that? I didn’t even see her!” Kazumi says falling down on the ground. “It looks like she’s pretty strong, though it’s not easy to use an Altergun.” Kyoshi remarks. “An Altergun?” Kazumi asks. “Yeah, to put it simply, it’s a gun that’s a sword or any other weapons at the same time.” Kyoshi answers. “But it doesn’t look like a gun to me.” Kazumi says staring at Hisana’s Altergun. “That’s because her Altergun is one of the latest models.” Kyoshi explains. “Oh, ok.” Kazumi says. The demon looks at her and opens its two last mouths at the same time to fire what seems like a laser, Hisana quickly sidesteps and gets under the demon then stabbing his stomach, the demon begins to freeze completely. After the demons body freezes entirely Hisana draws back her sword and the demon shatters to pieces. “Whoa, I didn’t know she had ice elemental powers like Seshiro!” Kyoshi says surprised. As Hisana walks back to the party another one of the same demons appears behind her, Hisana speedily jumps up and in midair cleaves the demon in half, then another one comes charging from the side. Hisana swiftly raises her hand while still in midair and a gigantic stalagmite of ice falls on the demon thus piercing its back and killing it. All of a sudden, a huge demon that looks like a dragon and has similar traits to those demons steps in. The demon is five times bigger than those last demons. Hisana widens her eyes to see this huge demon in disbelief and says. “Oh God.” Unexpectedly a huge dragon descends in front of Hisana quickly opening its mouth and firing a fireball of gigantic proportions therefore instantly vaporizing the huge demon. “I knew it was you, Amarth!” Kyoshi yells from the distance. The dragon looks back at Kyoshi and says. “I knew that you noticed me, no use hiding, haha.” “It talked!?” Hisana and Kazumi ask in unison staring in disbelief. “I told you and specially my dad to leave me alone many times!” Kyoshi keeps yelling angrily. “Of course it can talk.” Shizuru says. “Your father has passed away.” Amarth says lowering his head. “What? How? What happened?” Kyoshi asks desperately. “He was killed.” Amarth says still with his head low. “What? By whom?” Kyoshi asks anxiously. “That, I don’t know.” Amarth says with a sad voice. “But you were supposed to be with him! What were you doing?” Kyoshi asks upset. “Yesterday he was going to enter the temple of the Phoenix, he ordered me to find you and protect you at all costs. As I left he entered, after a while I felt his Spirit Force disappear, but I was too far away from him.” Amarth explains. “What was he looking for in the temple?” Kyoshi asks. “He suspected that something was wrong at the temple, all the priest died one by one; it was too fishy, only the high priest and his guards were left standing.” Amarth replies. “That would be the chosen by the phoenix, high priest Jony.” Shizuru comments. “I can’t believe it… I’ll have to return to Evergray.” Kyoshi says in hesitation. “Going back wouldn’t be the wisest decision.” Amarth remarks. “You’ll just end up dead as your father.” Shizuru says. “You won’t be able to get in anyways, the temple is now locked.” Amarth says. “Is there no way of opening it?” Kyoshi asks. “There is, but you will need assistance of Venart, the Elf that lives in Edenheim.” Amarth responds. “Venart?” Kyoshi asks. “Elves?” Kazumi asks warily. “How do we get there?” Shizuru asks quickly. “There are two ways, one being the teleport device on the snowy region of this continent, Laska, assuming if they let you in, and the other is if I take you up to Edenheim myself.” Amarth explains. “Wait a minute; the city is on the sky?” Kazumi asks shocked. “That’s right.” Amarth says. “Sounds like some fairy tale to me.” Kazumi remarks. “Legends are born, afterwards they’re called myths and fairy tales, how saddening is the human race.” Amarth says shaking his head. “Please don’t tell me you’re also a racist.” Kazumi says. “Of course not, I was just stating that sad fact out.” Amarth says with a grin. “Please Amarth, take us to Edenheim.” Kyoshi says seriously. “Aren’t we supposed to be looking for Zero?” Kazumi asks. “Well, we can ask the Elves about Zero too, they might know more than what people down here know, I’ve read in books that Elves have extensive knowledge of many things.” Hisana suggests. “Very true young lady.” Amarth compliments her winking at her. “Hehehe.” Hisana chuckles. “But wait a minute; aren’t Dragons supposed to be a myth as well? Like Fairies and whatnot?” Kazumi asks. “You ever heard of Noah’s ark?” Amarth asks. “Yeah?” Kazumi says waiting for Amarth’s reply. “Let’s say all the “mystical” races didn’t catch it on time, haha.” Amarth jests. “That’s funny, hahaa.” Kazumi giggles. “Anyways, hop on everyone; it’s going to get bumpy.” Amarth says lowering his body on the ground. “Give me a sec.”Hisana says putting on some straps on her waist with a strange sheathe and sheathed her Altergun. “Ready.” The party hops on Amarth’s back; he then ascends to the skies. Meanwhile Zero and Luna are still walking the base. “We’ve already walked this whole damn base!” Luna says angrily. “Be quiet… listen…” Zero says in a low voice. Zero hears the man he’s looking for talking with Kuzan in the chamber next to them. “I can’t smell him or feel his Spirit Force, must be this room.” Zero says walking slowly. “I’ll gladly open it.” Luna says raising her right arm with her fist clenched. “Lladies first.” Zero says with a smirk. Luna opens the door; they then enter to find Kuzan in front of the cloaked man. “You just don’t know when to give up huh?” Kuzan says while drawing his military knives. “Back at you.” Zero says staring at Kuzan. “Kuzan, don’t waste your time with this damned Kaizer.” The cloaked man says stopping Kuzan by blocking him with his right arm. “Hmm… Right.” Kuzan says staring at Zero fiercly. The cloaked man takes off his hood; he has long wavy hair and a long goatee with red slit eyes. “I won’t let you get away this time Zelcius!” Zero yells. “Oh, you know my name? Now that’s a surprise, I just wanted to see you clearly before saying goodbye.” Zelcius says with a light grin. Zero readies himself to charge until Zelcius says. “If I were you I’d be worried of your dear master Drake, I’ve sent someone to take care of him.” “What? You b*****d!” Zero widens his eyes shouting. “Hahahaha!” Zelcius laughs uncontrollably. Zelcius and Kuzan jumps on a platform behind them that takes them directly up the building leaving Luna and Zero behind. “Zelcius…” Zero says in a low voice clenching his fists. Luna notices some numbers being count down on the screen of the main computer to the right. “All personnel evacuate, all personnel evacuate, this is an emergency, I repeat, this is an emergency.” The female computer voice says through the speakers. “Zero, we have to go, this place is going to explode!” Luna says anxiously. “Damn.” Zero says to himself biting grinding his teeth together. Zero then grabs Luna’s hand and runs to the center of the floor between the vehicles. “Hey! Why did we stop here?” Luna asks. Zero quickly sees a lever and looks up to see a gate on the ceiling. “This is why.” Zero says. Zero grabs a wrench from a nearby table then holds Luna up close to his body, he then throws the wrench at the lever, and the platform under them begins to rise up quickly. Zero then charges his fist with lightning and says. “Duck!” Luna ducks and as they are about to be squashed by the ceiling, Zero’s fist breaks part of it making a hole where only Luna and himself can fit through. After reaching up they notice they are at the parking lot of the building. “You crazy b*****d! What the hell were you thinking? We could’ve been freaking pancakes by now!” Luna shouts angrily. “If I were you, I would run.” Zero suggests quickly picking up Luna to his right shoulder and running swiftly, as he runs the building explodes. Zero then let Luna down. “You pervert, you could’ve just told me to run, but no! You picked me up so you can grab my a*s.” Luna yells grabbing Zero by his jacket. “I never grabbed your a*s.” Zero says. “Hey! Don’t talk back to me; I’m the princess of Edenheim!” Luna shouts. “Well then, why don’t you try to make me kneel before you?” Zero asks sarcastically. “Go to hell.” Luna says pissed off. “I wish.” Zero comments. Suddenly the Elven airship arrives above them. “Princess, hop on!” Neil yells from the airship. “I like these guys, they’re always on time.” Zero says with a grin. Zero and Luna get on the airship, the airship then ascend to the sky. “Where to princess?” Neil asks. “Can you fly this thing to Varrock?” Zero asks. “To the Kaizer village?” Neil asks. “Yeah.” Zero replies. “There’s not a place this baby can’t fly to, but we need the princess’s permission first.” Neil says. “Hehehe, I got you just where I wanted you, now, you’re going to help me get in that fortress!” Luna says smugly crossing her arms. “Look Luna, I’m serious, I need to go to Varrock, my master is in danger.” Zero says in a serious tone. “If he’s your master why would he be in danger, I bet he’s strong enough to take care of himself.” Luna comments. “It’s not that he’s weak, it’s that person Zelcius mentioned, I have a really bad feeling.” Zero explains. “Hm…” Luna begins thinking to herself. “Besides, why do you want to get in that fortress so badly?” Zero asks curiously. “I need to use the teleport device to go to Edenheim.” Luna answers. “Can’t you use the airship to go to Edenheim; you said there’s no place where this airship can’t fly, it is in the sky you know.” Zero says raising an eyebrow. “Well, that was a figure of speech, hmm, no, the airship doesn’t have the strength to go against the wind that’s up in the skies yet, but we’re working on it.” Neil explains. “See?” Luna says. “Luna, I’m not the type to ask for favors, not in a million years, so I’m asking you, Luna, as a good friend and partner to help my master.” Zero says placing his right and on Luna’s left shoulder. “I hate you…” Luna blushes, “Thanks.” Zero kisses Luna on her cheek. Neil widens his eyes in shock. “You stinkin’ Kaizer, how dare you! Don’t make me change my mind!” Luna shouts while blushing at the same time. “Heh.” Zero grins.© 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing