![]() Chapter 22: Prom NightA Chapter by ShinThe end of their school lives is only around the corner, the graduation day is ever so close, but before anything they are going to start renting prom suits and dresses, Kirisu along with Lloyd in a clothing store. “Time flies doesn’t it?” Kirisu asks. “Haha, yeah, before you know it we’ll be a bunch of perverted old men looking up high school girl skirts.” Lloyd says grinning. “Yeah, you’re right.” Kirisu nods. “So, let’s get into renting the prom suits, I bet the girls are it as well.” Lloyd says checking out some black suits. They pick their prom suits and leave the store, on their way to a restaurant to get something to eat they encounter Kyoshi and Shizuru. “And I’m telling you that I want the most expensive dress you can afford.” Shizuru says annoyed. “Come on, please, why don’t you buy something a little more… how do you say it…” Kyoshi is cut off. “Cheap? Hell no!” Shizuru says irritated. “No, no, I meant like easier to my pocket.” Kyoshi answers. “Kyo, having some lovers’ quarrel?” Lloyd asks laughing and waving at him as he walks. “Oh, Lloyd.” Kyoshi says. “Damn humans, don’t you have something better to do than butting in?” Shizuru asks. “As xenophobic as ever.” Lloyd says shaking his head. “Well, we’re off to buy our prom suits, what about you?” Kyoshi asks. “We already did.” Kirisu says raising his bag up. “Cool, anyways, Shizuru and I have to go, so see you at the prom.” Kyoshi says walking past them. “Sweet, see ya there.” Lloyd says. Lloyd and Kirisu arrive at the restaurant only to find Seshiro eating with Hisana at one of the tables. “God, we just keep running with more people on the way.” Kirisu says. “Oh really?” Hisana asks taking a sip from her soda. “Who did you run into before us?” Seshiro asks eating a gyro. “Kyo and Shizuru.” Lloyd responds. “Oh ok, care to join us?” Hisana asks eating twirl fries. “We’re going to order first, give us a minute.” Kirisu says walking towards the counter and ordering two gyros, they take their order and sit down along with Hisana and Seshiro. “So, are you guys going to the prom?” Lloyd asks staring at both of them weirdly. “Yeah, we are.” Hisana replies calmly. “Did you buy your prom suits?” Kirisu asks. “We already did, we’re just killing time until it starts.” Seshiro answers finishing his gyro. “A few hours left.” Lloyd says eating twirl fries. “Anyways, we have to go get ready, bye.” Hisana says standing up with her plastic plate. “Yeah, see you there.” Seshiro says also standing up and leaving. “Sure will.” Kirisu and Lloyd say in unison. After they are done eating they head to Lloyd’s apartment and change quickly to their prom suits, they go towards Yumi’s house afterwards. After a while walking they finally arrive. “Strange.” Lloyd says staring at Yumi’s house. “What is?” Kirisu asks. “Yumi and her dad aren’t fighting.” Lloyd answers. “That’s news to me, I’ve never been here before, looks like her father has some good cash on him.” Kirisu says observing the house. “Why do you say that?” Lloyd asks. “Look at this neighborhood, it’s the suburbs, I mean, look at this huge house, you can tell this is private property.” Kirisu says. “Well yeah, I guess, but Mister Schneider is still edgy.” Lloyd remarks. “Schneider? Wait a minute, you’re telling me he’s a Vakidorian?” Kirisu asks shocked. “Yeah… so?” Lloyd asks lifting his eyebrow. “So that means Yumi is too.” Kirisu says amazed. “Of course master of the obvious.” Lloyd says sarcastically. “No wonder, which explains why she’s blonde and has blue eyes… I thought she was Lemurian for a second.” Kirisu says still surprised. “She’s actually half Vakirorian and Lemurian, her mother was Lemurian.” Lloyd says. “So that’s why she has a Lemurian name.” Kirisu says. Lloyd rings the door bell, after a minute or so Mr. Schneider opens the door. “Sie wieder…” Mr. Schneider says in Vakidoren irritated. “Yeah… me again.” Lloyd says scoffing. Kirisu notices that Mr. Schneider is dressed with military uniform; he salutes with his hand on his forehead looking straight forward and says in Vakidoren. “Sir! Ein Vergnügen, Sie zu treffen Sir!” “Heh, wohl Soldat.” Mr. Schneider smiles and turns to Lloyd. “Lloyd, it seems you finally made some decent friends with normal young boy haircuts.” “Huh?” Lloyd stares at Kirisu taken aback. “Und was ist Ihr Name private?” Mr. Schneider asks in Vakidoren. “Nit-Mazu, Nit-Mazu Kirisu Sir!” Kirisu says still standing straight. “Mura, you can learn something from private Nit-Mazu.” Mr. Schneider says. Abruptly Yumi walks out with a dark blue dress and with a different hairstyle, tying up her hair with a hairpin very fancily. “So, what’s up?” Yumi asks. “Whoa, Yumi, you look… beautiful.” Lloyd says staring at Yumi stunned. “Thanks.” Yumi replies with a slight smirk. “Hi Yumi.” Kirisu says waving his hand. “Hi.” Yumi says. “I don’t expect you early today, but I still don’t want you here after one hundred hours.” Mr. Schneider says. “Whatever.” Yumi says coldly. “Sir!” Kirisu says standing straight again. “Dismissed.” Mr. Schneider says saluting him. They leave, Yumi asks. “So, where to?” “I’m going to Kazumi’s to pick her up; I’m her prom date after all.” Kirisu answers. “Yeah, you do that.” Lloyd says pushing Kirisu. “Okay then, bye, meet ya both there.” Kirisu leaves swiftly. “What about us?” Yumi asks. “Hehehe, let’s go back to my place; I wanna test out that baby.” Lloyd replies. “What baby?” Yumi asks suspiciously. “Remember that bike?” Lloyd asks. “The motorcycle?” Yumi asks. “Yeah, I finally got some fake papers and license plate from that Rich Port guy, but they look authentic, so no worries.” Lloyd says smiling. “Cool!” Yumi says excited. Lloyd and Yumi quickly hurry to his apartment, night begins falling, it is getting darker by the minute, his motorcycle is parked at the buildings parking’s, he quickly hops on his motorcycle and extends his hand to Yumi, she takes his hand and hops on as well. They then head to school where the prom is about to begin, after they arrive they see a lot of students outside, all going in the school, where the indoor basketball court is. “Time to go in.” Yumi says fixing her hair. “Yep, let me park.” Lloyd says hitting on the gas and parking in the school’s parking lot. After they get off they walk along with the other students. “I wonder where everyone is.” Lloyd says looking all around. “They’re probably already in the court.” Yumi says. “Why was it that I accepted to be your date again?” “Um… cause we both didn’t have any…” Lloyd says. “Oh right…” Yumi says. They keep walking until they get inside the indoor basketball court; there they spot Seshiro and Hisana sitting in one of the tables. “Oh, hey, Lloyd, Yumi, you made it.” Seshiro says waving at them. “Yeah.” Lloyd says waving at them. “Have you seen the rest?” Hisana asks. “Kazumi and Shizuru haven’t arrived?” Yumi asks. “Nope, Kyoshi and Kirisu either.” Seshiro says. “Well, Kirisu was going to pick up Kazumi, they’ll be here any moment now, but where the hell is Kyo and his racist?” Lloyd asks. “Hahaha, hey, don’t say that.” Hisana says. “But it is true.” Yumi says coldly. “Wait a minute, aren’t those who I think they are.” Seshiro says pointing at the center of the court. Kyoshi and Shizuru are at the center of the court, and a lot of guys trying to talk to Shizuru. “Come on, please, leave that guy and come with me!” The first guy says. “Don’t listen to him, I’m the best bet.” The second guy says pushing away the first one. “Pick me!” The third guy says standing between the other two. “Damn, you’re the hottest girl in school!” The fourth guy says pushing all the others to the side. “Get the hell away from me you wretched humans! There’s only one man for me in this place and that’s my date.” Shizuru says grabbing Kyoshi’s arm. “Yeah.” Kyoshi says waving at the guys’ goodbye walking away with Shizuru. Shizuru and Kyoshi then spot the party and walks up to them. “Damn, don’t those guys have any shame at all, leaving their dates just to try and invite Shizuru who already has a date?” Yumi asks angrily. “Hey guys.” Kyoshi says smiling. “You humans again, well, better than the rest I guess…” Shizuru says looking away with narrow eyes. “We accept your compliment.” Seshiro smiles. Meanwhile Kirisu late at Kazumi’s place, he rings the bell, Kazumi’s parents open the door. “Good evening Mr. Trace and you too Mrs. Lira.” Kirisu says bowing. “Why, you look handsome today Kirisu.” Mrs. Lira comments. “Thank you.” Kirisu says with a smile. “Don’t worry Kirisu; Kazumi will be down in a minute.” Mr. Trace says. Kazumi suddenly starts walking down the stairs slowly, wearing a beautiful red dress, she has high heels and her hair pinned up a little. Kirisu is speechless to this. “There’s our princess.” Mr. Trace says with a smile. “Princess indeed.” Kirisu says still staring at Kazumi with amazement. “…” Kazumi keeps walking down the stairs and walks towards Kirisu. “You look… beautiful Kazumi.” Kirisu says still staring at her. Kazumi blushes and says. “Thank you, you also look handsome.” “Thanks, so… are we off?” Kirisu asks extending his hand. “Yes.” Kazumi replies taking his hand. “Hey Kirisu.” Mr. Trace throws the car keys. Kirisu catches the keys. “Huh?” “Take care of her, and bring her back safely.” Mr. Trace says winking at Kirisu. “The car or Kazumi?” Kirisu asks confused. “Both, remember, you break it, you buy it.” Mr. Trace answers. “The car or Kazumi?” Kirisu asks again. “Both.” Mr. Trace replies. “Thank you Mr. Trace and Mrs. Lira.” Kirisu says bowing again. “You go on now and have fun.” Mrs. Lira says kissing Kazumi’s cheek. “Alright, bye.” Kirisu says. Kazumi and Kirisu get inside the car and drive towards the school. They arrive, Kirisu parks the car, he gets out and opens Kazumi’s door, they hold hands and walk inside. After stepping in the court the party sees both of them as well as some people. They walk towards the party. “Hey.” Kirisu waves at the party. “Wow, Kazumi.” Hisana says staring at Kazumi in amazement. “I’ll be damned, you look wonderful.” Yumi says with a smirk. Kazumi blushes and says. “Thanks.” Soft alternative rock unexpectedly begins to play, specifically the song The Reason by Hoobastank, many students begin to dance in the middle of the court. “Kazumi.” Kirisu extends his right hand to her. “Would you dance with me?” Kazumi blushes one again and takes his hand. “I do.” They walk towards the middle of the court as well and begin to dance; suddenly a large group of girls and guys appear at the parties table talking to Lloyd and Yumi. “Captain, you should be the prom king!” Steve says excited with some of the male kendo students behind him. “Vice President, you should be the prom queen!” A group of girls say. Lloyd and Yumi look at each other and nod. “No.” Lloyd and Yumi say at the same time. “I have a favor to ask from you all.” Yumi says. The guys and girls listen intently. “Everyone, take the voting papers and vote for Kirisu and Kazumi.” Lloyd says energized. “Alright!” The guys and girls say at once. While this is being discussed, Meji and his gang are listening. “You heard that guys?” Meji asks. “Yeah.” Meji’s crew answers. “This will be the perfect chance to take revenge on that little a*****e, first, we’re gonna get a bucket from the janitors room, then fill it with piss and put it high up the stage so when they’re called to be prom king and queen we simply pull the rope and bam, all the piss falls on both of them, hahaha.” Meji explains. “Right!” Meji’s crew replies. Meji and his gang quickly go to the janitors room and gets the bucket, afterwards they go to the bathroom to fill it up with their piss, then some of the guys of his gang prepares it on top of the stage with a rope tied, Meji is holding the rope from behind the stage, ready and waiting for the prom king and queen. “That was fast boss.” Meji’s crew says. “Now let’s just wait, hahahaha, that’ll teach you a lesson you’ll never forget.” Meji says. Meanwhile Kirisu and Kazumi still dancing in the middle very close to each other, Kazumi says. “Kirisu.” “What’s wrong?” Kirisu asks worried. “I’m embarrassed.” Kazumi responds in a low voice. “Don’t be, we’re not the only ones, look there, Kyoshi and Shizuru are dancing too.” Kirisu says pointing at them. “Yeah, and there’s Seshiro and Hisana.” Kazumi looks at them in the other side. “It seems Lloyd and Yumi are still in the table.” Kirisu says. “Yeah, aren’t they planning on dancing?” Kazumi asks. “Maybe they want to talk.” Kirisu replies. “Maybe.” Kazumi says. “I never thought I’d be here dancing with you in the prom.” Kirisu says. “Yeah, me too.” Kazumi says laying her head against Kirisu. As they dance Yumi and Lloyd look at them. “They look great together.” Yumi says with a smile. “Yeah, um… hey Yumi, I wanted to ask you something.” Lloyd says. “What?” Yumi asks still looking at Kirisu and Kazumi. “Well, we should go out and dance.” Lloyd suggests. “Nah, I’m not in the mood.” Yumi says coldly. “Oh come on, I mean like, everyone’s dancing except us.” Lloyd remarks. “So what?” Yumi asks. “Look, haven’t you sat down and thought that this is going to be our only prom night for the rest of our lives.” Lloyd says. “Well that’s true.” Yumi says staring at Lloyd. “So, let’s go.” Lloyd says standing up and taking Yumi’s hand, they walk to the center to dance. “You see, it’s not so bad.” Lloyd says grinning. “I know, I just don’t like these kinds of things, too cheesy.” Yumi says. “Yeah, I get ya.” Lloyd says. After a while everyone finishes dancing, the party sits down in their table, waiting to see who is titled prom king and queen. “I bet Lloyd and Yumi will be the prom king and queen.” Kazumi says cheerfully. “Yeah, they’re the most popular of the school.” Kirisu comments. “We’ll see about that.” Seshiro says with a slight smile. “Yeah, let’s wait and watch.” Hisana says. After a few minutes Mr. Norse stands up on stage and says. “Okay, everyone settle down, I’m about to say who’s the prom king and queen this year.” Everyone paying close attention. “Huh? I’m surprised, the prom king and queen are Kirisu Nit-Mazu and Kazumi Nagasaki.” Mr. Norse says in amazement. “What?!” Kirisu and Kazumi ask at the same time in disbelief. Kazumi looks at Yumi and Lloyd, they both smirk. “Go ahead, you won right?” Yumi says still smirking. “Yumi I-” Kazumi is cut off by Shizuru. “Hurry up kitty or I’ll take your place up there with Kyoshi.” “Hurry Kazumi, let’s go.” Kirisu says standing up and taking Kazumi’s hand. They walk up to the stage where Mr. Norse and Mrs. Miwe put crowns on their heads. Kazumi and Kirisu seems happy while Meji is looking at both of them from the side of the stage, the party is looking at Kirisu and Kazumi, but Kyoshi suddenly notices Meji with a rope, Kyoshi then looks up and sees the bucket. Kyoshi quickly slips through the crowd and gets backstage. “What are you going to do?” Kyoshi asks angrily. “Huh? How did you know I was back here?” Meji asks. “I normally wouldn’t have done anything, but you’re messing with friends of mine.” Kyoshi says walking towards Meji angrily and beating him to a pulp ruining Meji’s plans completely. “Damn b*****d.” Kyoshi says still angry. After the prom ends the party meets in front of the school. “I think it’s time for me and Shizuru to go, so bye, talk to you guys at the graduation.” Kyoshi says waving his hand and walking away with Shizuru. “Well, I have to go as well, it’s pretty late, Hisana, I’ll walk you home.” Seshiro says. “Alright, thanks, bye guys.” Hisana says leaving along with Seshiro. “Yo Kirisu, come over here quick.” Lloyd beckons Kirisu. Lloyd and Kirisu walk a few feet away. “Thanks Yumi.” Kazumi says hugging Yumi. “Why are you thanking me?” Yumi asks. “I may not be that smart, but I’m not dumb either, I know you and Lloyd rigged the contest for me and Kirisu to win, everyone knew you and Lloyd were going to be the prom king and queen, even Mister Norse was surprised.” Kazumi replies. “Well, yeah, sorry, it’s just that Lloyd and me wanted to do something for you guys, plus I’m alright, it’s not like me and Lloyd are dating or anything.” Yumi says shrugging her shoulders. “I know that you have feelings for Lloyd despite how you treat him.” Kazumi comments. “…” Yumi looks away. “Ha! I knew it, your silence says everything.” Kazumi says. “It’s just that he’s such a pervert, and he’s an arrogant cocky b*****d, a hot a*s one at that.” Yumi says with a smile. “Hahaha, yeah, good luck with that, but seriously, you should give him a chance, he’s clearly in love with you since like forever.” Kazumi says. “I’ll think about it.” Yumi says. As the girls talk Lloyd and Kirisu are also talking. “So, how was it?” Lloyd asks with a grin. “What?” Kirisu asks. “You know, how was it like to be king at the prom?” Lloyd asks. “Hehe, I know you plotted this dude, there was no way in hell that you and Yumi would lose such a thing, you guys are the most popular at school.” Kirisu says laughing. “Heh, I’m not gonna deny it, but I was happy you were up there, anything for my bro.” Lloyd says crashing his arm against Kirisu’s. “Thanks dude, anyways, I have to take Kazumi back to her house, I don’t want her parents to worry.” Kirisu says. “Yeah. I get ya, take care dude, and see ya at the graduation.” Lloyd says. “Sure.” Kirisu says. Kirisu and Kazumi leave, only Lloyd and Yumi are left; they hop on Lloyd’s motorcycle and leave for her house. After they arrive at Yumi’s house she gets off the motorcycle and walks to her door, Lloyd quickly gets off and walks after her. “Yumi.” Lloyd says walking swiftly towards her. “What do you-?!” Yumi turns around, but is cut off. Lloyd roughly grabs her arms and pushes her against the wall, then quickly kissing her, Yumi continues to make out with him placing her hands on Lloyd’s back, hugging him, and after they stop Lloyd backs off. Yumi remains silent for a few seconds and then slaps Lloyd. “What was that for?” Lloyd asks. “You kissed me by force!” Yumi shouts. “Well that didn’t stop you from fighting back did it? You kept making out with me!” Lloyd says annoyed. “Oh shut up!” Yumi shouts angrily, walking inside her house swiftly and slamming the door on Lloyd’s face. “Damn! She doesn’t make up her mind, women, can’t live with them, can’t kill them.” Lloyd says to himself. Lloyd hops on his motorcycle and leaves, Yumi walks up to her room and looks outside her window while touching her lips. “I can’t believe I continued kissing him, I even hugged him… it’s all my fault, I never should’ve let my guard down, God, he’s the only guy I ever liked, that kiss… I really liked it a lot, it felt so warm, and I even felt butterflies in my stomach… What am I saying? I feel so stupid, but I’m just too confused, I don’t know what to do. I’ll just talk to him like nothing ever happened tomorrow.” Meanwhile Kirisu and Kazumi arrive at his apartment; they still inside the car begin to talk. “I had fun.” Kazumi says. “Yeah, me too.” Kirisu nods. “So, yeah.” Kazumi says. “Yeah, I’ll be leaving now.” Kirisu says closing in on Kazumi. They both kiss, after this Kirisu leaves, Kazumi drives to her house, she happily gets out of the car and goes inside the house, her parents greet her. “How was it?” Mrs. Lira asks with a smile. “It was wonderful.” Kazumi says joyfully hugging her mother. “Glad to know my princess is happy.” Mr. Trace says. Meanwhile Seshiro walks Hisana home, he says. “It was a good prom night.” “Yeah, haha.” Hisana says calmly. “Why are you laughing?” Seshiro asks. “I was just thinking.” Hisana responds. “What?” Seshiro asks curiously. “That you’re fun to be with, I really like to hang around with you.” Hisana replies. “Hahaha, I like to be with you too, but how am I fun?” Seshiro asks with a smile. “You’re mature, positive, serious and a down-to-earth person.” Hisana answers. “Haha, thanks, I like how you are too, calm, reserved and mature as well.” Seshiro says. Hisana stops walking and says. “Thanks, well, here we are…” “Yeah.” Seshiro says. Hisana then kisses Seshiro on the cheek. “Bye, thanks for walking me home.” “No problem, bye, take care, see you at the graduation.” Seshiro says. Hisana goes inside the apartment; Seshiro keeps walking home putting his hands inside his pockets. “Keisuro… I’ll find you even if I have to leave my friends and Hisana.” As Seshiro walks back to his apartment Kyoshi and Shizuru are home. Shizuru hops on Kyoshi’s bed and says. “Kyoshi, go get me a beer.” “Huh? But there’s no more, you drank them all a few days ago.” Kyoshi says upset. “I don’t care, go to the store!” Shizuru shouts. “But there is no store close by.” Kyoshi says. “Ughh, ok, ok, then can you prepare me a chocolate milkshake?” Shizuru asks. Kyoshi sighs and replies. “Okay, I’ll be here in a few minutes.” After a few minutes Kyoshi comes back with Shizuru’s chocolate milkshake only to see Shizuru in sexy red underwear lying on his bed, Kyoshi is speechless. Shizuru then raises her right hand and signals Kyoshi to come over to her with her index finger. “Kyoshi, it’s time.” “Huh?” Kyoshi stares at her puzzled.© 2013 ShinReviews
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing