![]() Chapter 19: Burning CaloriesA Chapter by ShinFlashback over, the motorcycles run out of gas almost reaching Lemuria. “Damn!” Lloyd shouts irately. “So unreliable, well, mine had more gas, but the gas line was a little broken, yours just ran out of gas, oh well.” Kyoshi says shrugging his shoulders. “That sucks; I guess we’ll be walking there.” Yumi comments. “It’s alright; we’re about an hour from Lemuria.” Kyoshi says with a cheerful expression. “Lloyd why are you still dragging that motorcycle? It has no gas.” Yumi says coldly. “Hey, hey, this baby still works; all it need is just gas right?” Lloyd asks grinning. “But they’re stolen.” Kyoshi says worried. “That isn’t a problem, I know this guy that’ll help me on the fake papers, he’s from rich port, those guys know a lot of neat illegal tricks I swear.” Lloyd replies still grinning. “That actually doesn’t really sound like a bad idea, that was some pretty good thinking for a human.” Shizuru says. “Hey, thanks for the praise.” Lloyd says raising his thumb up at Shizuru. “Don’t think you can talk to me now just because I gave you a little praise!” Shizuru says irritated. “Let’s calm down, we’re so very close to Lemuria.” Kyoshi says. The party arrives at Lemuria after an hour; once they enter the city they find themselves with Seshiro and the rest still searching for them. “Huh? Lloyd, Yumi, Kyoshi! You’re all alright and alive!” Seshiro says running towards them joyfully jabbing slightly Lloyd and Kyoshi’s face, then giving Yumi a high. “Where were you guys all this time? And who’s this girl?” Hisana asks. “It’s a long as story.” Kyoshi says with a cheerful face. Kazumi cleans the tears out of her eyes and says. “Lloyd, Yumi!” Kazumi runs towards both of them and hugs them. “Haha, I knew you guys couldn’t die so easily.” Kirisu says smiling. “Heh, you know how it is dude.” Lloyd says crashing his arm with Kirisu’s. “Yeah.” Kirisu says. “I also knew my best friends couldn’t die just like that, but Kyoshi, I thought you were dead.” Seshiro says. “How did you know that?” Kyoshi asks confused with wide eyes. Seshiro, Kazumi and Kirisu look at Hisana. “We also have a quite long story to tell you.” Kazumi says. “Yeah, but let’s sit somewhere, we can’t just explain things right here.” Seshiro says. They all go the central park and sit on the benches. “I’m gonna start, Yumi and I was attacked by this guy with immense Spirit Force, his name is Lucien, it looks like he was looking for Yumi because of her light powers, I dunno why. Anyways, the thing is he wounded me badly, Kyoshi saved my life, we hurried to save Yumi, but on the way two people dressed with very detailed hoods attacked us.” Lloyd explains. “Wait, detailed hoods?” Kirisu asks. “Do you know something about them?” Seshiro asks warily. “No, not really… I was just asking…” Kirisu replies. “As I was saying, for what I heard, the guy with the mask is called Harayoshi, and that girl that was with him is named Reika, she was clearly Satsume, using fire element powers, she beat us up pretty badly, but Kyoshi saved me again when she was about to kill me, because I stupidly got distracted…” Lloyd says. “Yeah, because you were checking her b***s out.” Kyoshi says. Yumi smacks Lloyd behind his head. “You stupid pervert, you almost got Kyoshi killed for a pair of b***s!” “Sorry, sorry, anyways, she kicked Kyoshi down a cliff, that Reika girl was gonna finish me off, but for some strange reason that Harayoshi guy called her and left. After I mourned Kyoshi’s death I headed out to save Yumi once again, after a few days of walking my wounds somehow healed, of course, I used some Spirit Force to keep the wound closed. I finally found Lucien and Yumi after almost a week, they were in some ruins, but I don’t know why he stopped there.” Lloyd says. “For what I saw he was observing the ruins all of a sudden, I don’t know why exactly, he just chained me with the chains made of light and began observing the ruins very devotedly, I wish I knew why thought.” Yumi explains. “Wait, he has light elemental powers?” Seshiro asks curiously. “Yeah, but I’m not sure why, I thought I was the only one with them.” Seshiro covers his mouth with his right hand and begins to think. “Weird, anyways, that’s where he beat the crap out of me again, but something weird happened, when he was about to kill me, Yumi suddenly came to my rescue after hitting him very hard with her elbow, but the weird thing is that she literally looked like she disappeared and appeared in the speed of light to save me.” Lloyd says. “Haha, that’s kinda ironic, speed of light, light powers.” Kirisu remarks. “The thing is that he made this huuuge lance made of light and threw it at use, dude, it was like super strong, I bet that thing had at least mine and Seshiro’s Spirit Force at the same time in one single attack. That’s where Kyoshi saved me again, but this time with Shizuru, the Satsume that’s with him, me and Yumi helped out and threw the attack right back at him. He made it disappear quickly, then his cell phone rang, he said some stuff I didn’t really make out, but he left in a hurry after that, we came back and that’s it.” Lloyd finishes explaining. “You totally owe Kyoshi your life three times.” Seshiro remarks. “Nah, don’t worry, it was nothing.” Kyoshi says with a cheerful expression and blushing in embarrassment. Lloyd places his left hand on Kyoshi’s shoulder and says. “If you need anything, and I mean anything, except my a*s, you can count on me, I take back everything I ever thought about you, you’re officially another brother to me, just like Seshiro and Kirisu.” “Haha, thanks.” Kyoshi says still embarrassed. “That’s so sweet…” Kazumi says hugging Lloyd tightly. “I guess you do really owe him your a*s, three times at that.” Yumi says casually. “Anything except my a*s, I know he looks like a trap, and any guy would hit it if they didn’t know he was a guy, but I won’t because I know you have a penis between your legs, not a vagina.” Lloyd says with a smirk. “I guess it’s our turn then.” Seshiro says. “Well Shou and I encountered someone I know from the past, he was curiously wearing a very detailed hood just like the guys you encountered which I assume are of the same group. He really had a huge advantage over us in skills and Spirit Force, he was about to kill us, but Tesshu, a friend from my past as well saved us.” “Wait, is it that Tesshu you once told me about, that he’s a ni-” Lloyd is cut off. “Hey! Don’t say those kinds of racist remarks!” Seshiro says annoyed. “I was gonna say ninja okay.” Lloyd says irritated. “Hmm… anyways, then Shou left with Tesshu to the hidden ruins of the ninja village to see if anything rings a bell, afterwards Hisana was waiting in front of my apartment, that’s where she told me about what was happening to you guys by some visions she had, I didn’t believe her at first, but I decided to afterwards.” Seshiro explains. “Wait what? Visions? Seriously?” Lloyd asks warily at staring at Hisana. “It’s true, she even knew about Kyoshi’s ‘death’ and that guy kidnapping Yumi and that you were all wounded.” Kazumi says in Hisana’s defense. “Whoa, she really nailed it huh, now I’m starting to believe.” Lloyd says astonished. “How does those visions of your work?” Yumi asks. “They just come to me all of a sudden, it doesn’t happen all the time, I can sometimes force them, but I see a little less than what I normally see.” Hisana answers. “How did you get them? You were born with them or what?” Kyoshi asks curiously. “I think I was born with them, I’ve had them since I was a little girl…” Hisana says. “Awesome! Can you see my future? Will I ever be Yumi’s boyfriend? Will I have a car? A house? What am I gonna die of?” Lloyd asks. “My boyfriend? Never.” Yumi says staring at Lloyd with narrow eyes. “I don’t know, I shouldn’t force them, plus knowing that way ahead, it’s impossible for me, I can see stuff that is happening or about to happen.” Hisana answers. “In that case, mind telling me what Yumi has under? A thong or something?” Yumi slaps Lloyd’s behind is head again angrily. “Okay, okay, it was just a joke! Jeez.” Lloyd says rubbing the back of his head. “Oh, and Zero isn’t in Lemuria anymore, I don’t know what happened to him.” Seshiro says. “Huh? Really? What happened to him?” Yumi asks. “We’re not sure, but since he’s so strong, I doubt he was killed or anything, I think he just left without saying goodbye.” Seshiro answers. “Good, now my mom is safe, haha.” Lloyd remarks with relief. “I think we should all head home now, we’ve been searching this whole week for you guys, and we all need to rest.” Kazumi suggests. The party nods at each other and leave quickly after saying their goodbyes for the day, they all head out to their houses, earning themselves a well long rest. Shizuru and Kyoshi arrive at his apartment, when he opens she goes in and widen her eyes. “Whoa, looks like you have a great deal of spare cash.” Shizuru says looking around. “It’s nothing, just my humble apartment.” Kyoshi says. “Humble? How much rent do you pay for this place? It’s huge, plus you got a lot of expensive stuff like the TV, couches, a laptop and even an electric guitar.” Shizuru says. “I only pay two thousand five hundred a month.” Kyoshi replies. “What? Two thousand five hundred? You definitely got spare cash.” Shizuru says. “Anyways, give me a moment.” Kyoshi says walking towards his room, he opens a safe and takes out a small roll of money; he goes back to the living room and hands over the money. “It’s not much, just take it.” “Hmm?” Shizuru begins counting the money; she widens her eyes and says. “It’s not much? You just gave me fifty thousand dollars in thousand bills each!” “Well, it’s not that much, at least not to me, which should be enough to pay your own rent and food for at least a year and a half.” Kyoshi says casually picking up his guitar. “So you really are of royal lineage, no wonder you have so much money.” Shizuru says. “What? How do you know that?” Kyoshi asks amazed. “The dragon knight brand on your left shoulder.” Shizuru responds. “But I’m not a dragon knight, just a normal Satsume that escaped Evergray.” Kyoshi explains. “The thing is that you got some good cash on you because you are of dragon knight descent.” Shizuru says. “Well yeah, but I don’t wanna talk about it… just take the money and do whatever you want.” Kyoshi says. “Alright, I’ll just stay here with you.” Shizuru says sitting on Kyoshi’s couch. “Wait what? The landlord will raise the rent!” Kyoshi says. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you out just a little, but don’t think me and you are gonna have a weird relationship, because you’re wrong if you do.” Shizuru says lying back on the couch. “Okay, okay…” Kyoshi says sighing. The next day arrives, Shizuru joins Nakahiro high, and Lloyd very obsessed with his newly obtained stolen motorcycle. On an ordinary day at school during science class, Kyoshi is sitting in class and is paired to a girl named Wizzy who is arguably very big for her age, not tall, but well, fat and didn’t really seem to put much effort into her looks. Kyoshi sits next to her, she thinks to herself. “Ohh, it’s that cutey Kyoshi! I’ve fallen in love with him since I first saw him! I should talk to him, I bet he’ll like me if I do, I mean, I’m very irresistible.” The girl despite of her flaws has a superiority complex believing he would fall for her if she confesses her feelings to him and apparently today is the day. Unsuspecting of her feelings he asks. “Oh hey, Wizzy, can I borrow a pen, I sorta left mine back at home, silly me.” “Oh of course cutey!” She takes out a pen from her bag and hands it to him. “Here you go sweetheart.” Kyoshi takes the pen with an awkward expression and thinks to himself. “She’s getting a little too friendly; I better keep my guard up just in case.” “Hey Kyoshi, you’re a Satsume right?” Wizzy asks. “Um, I don’t want to sound impolite, but I think it’s obvious that I am.” “Oh, what did you say? I just got lost in your beautiful eyes.” Wizzy says with enthusiasm. “O…k…” Kyoshi says looking at the teacher writing on the board. “Hey, do you think I look pretty?” Wizzy asks blushing. “Umm… well… uhhh… well I guess you’re pretty to some guys…” Kyoshi replies nervously. “Oh, that’s so sweet!” Wizzy says excited. Kyoshi keeps looking in front of him and thinks to himself. “Okay, that’s it, I have to stop talking to her and do the project, Kyoshi, just ignore her, don’t show any interest in any subject.” “Kyoshi, why do you have the last name as this school?” Wizzy asks. “Long story short, my granddad founded this school.” Kyoshi replies quickly without looking at her. Uninterested he continues to write his paper only giving her straight answers and nothing more, she then thinks to herself. “I should say something for him to acknowledge my feeling towards him.” She then says blushing. “I’ve seen you around before, tee-hee.” He simply gives her a strange look making her believe he’s actually interested in her little chat rather than a little freaked out, so she continued to flirt with him. “You know, you kinda remind me of my ex-boyfriend, but you look a lot cuter than him.” Wizzy comments. Kyoshi’s eyes widen a little bit shocked and asks. “Wow, you actually had a boyfriend?” With a sassy look, she asks. “Are ya jealous?” Kyoshi freaks out and responds boldly. “No!” He then thinks to himself. “How can anyone be attracted to this building of a woman?” The bell rings, Kyoshi sighs in relief and thinks. “I have to escape this flirtatious monument.” He returns her pen and quickly leaves. “Later.” “Wizzy.” She says. “Huh?” Kyoshi stares at her strangely. “My names Wizzy, I figured you might ask.” She comments. “I wasn’t.” Kyoshi says. “Just thought you might.” Wizzy says smiling. Kyoshi leaves as fast as he can with a strange feeling of relief. Now on to lunch he quickly meets up with Seshiro and Christopher, who both notice the annoyed look he has on his face. “What happened to you?” Christopher asks. “Some chick has a crush on me it’s really annoying!!” Kyoshi shouts. “I’m guessing it’s not Shizuru.” Seshiro states. “Nope, it’s this chick named Wizzy.” Kyoshi says. “Is she fat?” Christopher asks curiously. “Yeah.” Kyoshi replies. “Really bad curly black hair?” Seshiro asks. “Yeah.” Kyoshi answers. “Really big flabby thighs?” Christopher asks. “Hey how’d you know that?” Kyoshi asks warily. “She’s right over there.” Seshiro responds casually pointing behind Kyoshi and towards Wizzy who is headed their way, needless to say Kyoshi is pissed and rather annoyed. She sits down next to him with her lunch at hand. “Hi Kyoshi!” Wizzy says. “What the hell do you want?” Kyoshi asks annoyed. She eats her lunch in a flash and quickly answers. “Aww, don’t be like that sweetie, you were awfully nice to me in class.” She quickly notices Christopher’s lunch and asks him. “Are you going to eat that?” Without waiting for his response she quickly takes hi lunch away and eats it. Christopher looks at his now empty tray and with a sad look he says. “I didn’t even start eating!” The mad and hungry Christopher stands up and leaves as Seshiro looks at his lunch and says. “Oh crap, later.” He hurries out of the cafeteria with his lunch at hand leaving Kyoshi alone with Wizzy, Kyoshi without missing a beat calls out to him in a panic. “Wait; don’t leave me alone with her!” Wizzy looks happy to be alone with him giving him yet another flirty look, Kyoshi quickly looks at the window and yells pointing at it. “Hey look, an ice cream van just crashed!” “Oh my God, No!” Wizzy yells looking out the window. “Now’s my chance to escape this Wizzilla!” Kyoshi runs away, as he’s running down the hallway he sees Shizuru, he’s about to stop for a minute and talk to her, but he quickly notices Wizzy is chasing him; there is no chance to talk to her with the three hundred pound meat truck chasing him. Shizuru just smirks and looks at him at that instant, Kyoshi doesn’t seem like he”s having fun and somehow she seems like she wants to help him, but he’s already too far away for her to say something. Meanwhile at the cafeteria, Christopher is touching his stomach, it growls like if he has a cat stuck in there, Kirisu just gets his lunch and sits next to his obviously hungry friend. “What’s wrong with you man?” Kirisu asks. “Some b***h ate my lunch and plus I got no cash!” Christopher says furiously. Kirisu pulls some cash out of his pocket and gives it to Christopher. “It should be enough for at least some ramen or something, that’ll at least fill you up.” Christopher cries out in comical relief. “Bless you Kirisu!!!” As Kyoshi runs outside, he thinks. “Ahh man! The skies are all clouded and gray! It’s gonna rain hard! I’ll just leave that as last resort.” The kendo team is conveniently at the hallway apparently talking about the club captain. “So yeah, Lloyd freaking grabbed that chick’s a*s and she giggled, can you believe it? I mean, I tried it afterwards, and she smacked the s**t out of me!” The male kendo student says. “I tell ya one thing, I once saw Lloyd grab the vice presidents a*s and she beat the hell out him and that Seshiro guy too, so he ain’t that lucky, she’s like the hottest babe in all Nakahiro.” Kyoshi runs past them zigzagging his way through. “I think I lost her.” He looks back and notices her still after his tail, Wizzy’s dedication to be with him is so great she knocks down everyone in the hallway as she runs after him. Kyoshi keeps running, as he keeps going he manages to get a hold of Seshiro again. A bit tired out, but far enough from Wizzy to talk to him for a moment. “Crap… huff… huff… Seshiro help me… huff, out here will… ya! …huff.” Kyoshi says very exhausted. Seshiro just ignores Kyoshi as if they don’t know each other. “You’re pure evil!” Kyoshi says pissed off, he then thinks. “I thought he would help me! I know he’s not gonna fight her or ague with her for me anyways, but he should help me out!” He angrily keeps running off knowing she is still chasing him, he ends up running outside into the rain and running all the way into the gym, not knowing what else to do or where else to run he hides under the bleachers. No more than a few minutes later Lloyd, Kirisu, Kazumi and Yumi also come in and sit down on the bleachers, unexpectedly something grab Lloyd’s leg. “Ahh!!! What the hell is this?!?!” Lloyd asks in a loud voice very startled. “Can you be any louder?” Kyoshi asks annoyed. “You hiding from that Wizzy chick?” Kirisu asks. “How’d you know?” Kyoshi asks suspiciously. “Chris told him and then Kirisu told me.” Kazumi answers. “So…what ya plan to do, hide forever?” Lloyd asks. “I don’t know, I mean I’m not shallow I just don’t like her that’s all, I only want to talk to Shizuru, not to this girl.” Kyoshi responds. “You know, what you’re doing is just mean, beauty is skin deep, and you shouldn’t judge a person by how they look.” Kazumi says slightly mad. “Actually she is known to be a bit of a stalker, a couple of guys have moved because of the way she was with them.” Yumi says coldly. “Oh well…..uh…sucks to be you, but seriously what do you plan to do?” Kazumi asks worried. “Well…” Kyoshi looks up thinking. “There you are!” Wizzy shouts from the gym entrance. “Right now I plan to run!” Kyoshi replies quickly. “Good luck captain Ahab!” Kirisu shouts. “Run Kyoshi, run with all your might!!!” Lloyd yells desperately. Wizzy busts through the doors, once more chasing him, Kyoshi speedily stepping up and running some more, as she chases him he asks. “Can’t you see I don’t like you?!” “You’re just saying that because you haven’t gotten to know me better!” Wizzy replies. “I don’t want to!” Kyoshi shouts. They both run outside onto the hard pouring rain, meanwhile the others have a blank stare unsure of what just happened. “Holy cow!!” Kirisu says with a stunned expression. “Holy cow indeed!” Lloyd says with a smirk. “Kirisu, that’s mean, don’t be so shallow!” Kazumi says in a loud annoyed voice. “Sorry, but man she’s huge!” Kirisu comments. “Her jugs are bigger that both Yumi’s and your heads!” Lloyd says shocked. “Love is skin deep, can’t you both understand that!” Kazumi says still annoyed. “Keh, it’s probably buried under all that lard!” Kirisu remarks. “Well, if I was that fat do you think girls in this school would be after me?” Lloyd asks with a sarcastic expression. All of a sudden they all begin to imagine Lloyd if he was bigger. “You would look like a fat kitty!” Kazumi says with sparkly eyes. “That’s ironic, coming from you.” Lloyd says. “You’re right!” Yumi says with a slight grin. “I’ll show you the only part of my body that’s thick and fat!” Lloyd says mockingly unzipping his pants. Yumi without any hesitation slaps Lloyd behind his head for his comment. Meanwhile Kyoshi and Wizzy are now out of school grounds running in the streets. Kyoshi is able to outrun her and heads to a nearby snack machine near a store to get something to eat, he sighs and asks to himself. “What am I gonna do about that Wizzy chick…?” Suddenly a young man with short black hair and blue eyes, with an average built about five feet nine inches tall comes out of the store overhearing Kyoshi’s dilemma. “Pardon me, but this Wizzy wouldn’t happened to study at Nakahiro high would she?” “Yeah, you know her?” Kyoshi asks curiously and panting slightly. “Yeah, I’m her ex, my name is Fernan.” The young man answers. “Whoa, she was telling the truth, holy s**t you were her ex?” Kyoshi asks in disbelief. “Pretty much.” Fernan answers. “How come you broke up?” Kyoshi asks. “Simple, I’m not into chicks.” Fernan replies. “Oh, so you’re ga-” Kyoshi is cut off. “Yep.” Fernan says. “Well that explains a lot, I can see why you came out, you mind helping me out?” Kyoshi asks. “Sorry, I don’t think I can.” Fernan responds. “Why not?” Kyoshi asks. “Seriously, do you honestly think I’ll be of any help?” Fernan asks. “I guess not.” Kyoshi answers, then leaving disappointed back to school, on the way he begins thinking many things. “I could skip town… maybe put a restraining order against her or become gay…” Kyoshi quickly says to himself. “I don’t want the alternate life style!! I’m just gonna go home for today rather than going back to school…” It is now evening, Shizuru arrives at Kyoshi’s apartment, she opens the door and notices Kyoshi playing his guitar sitting on the couch, she says. “Hey Kyo.” “Hey…” Kyoshi says in a low voice. “You resolved that problem from yesterday?” Shizuru asks tossing her backpack on a couch and taking off her black vest, revealing a white shirt underneath unbuttoned; her cleavage can be seen very clearly, she takes off her red tie as well and throws it on the couch. “No, I don’t know what to do; I want her to leave me alone.” Kyoshi says staring at her cleavage. “Kyo?” Shizuru says. “Yeah?” Kyoshi asks. “My eyes are up here.” Shizuru points to her face. “I know.” Kyoshi keeps staring at her breasts. “Then why are you looking at my b***s again?” Shizuru asks. “They jiggle a lot; this helps me forget about my problems.” Kyoshi answers boldly. “Speaking of which maybe I could help you with your problem.” Shizuru says sitting down next to Kyoshi. “What problem?” Kyoshi asks. “Stop staring at my b***s!! Do you want that human out of your hair? Yes or no, answer me!” Shizuru asks irritated. “Yes, yes for the love of God yes!!” Kyoshi says desperately. “I could pretend to be your girlfriend if you want, but it’ll cost you.” Shizuru says making a money motion with her fingers. “Well, will I get some bang out of my buck if you know what I mean?” Kyoshi asks. “I’m not a hooker and these are your choices, you pay me to help you or you end up screwed.” Shizuru says raising her feet on the couch, placing them on Kyoshi’s legs. “Fine.” Kyoshi says staring at her legs. “Also you’ll have to buy me gifts to make it more believable.” Shizuru says placing her hands under her head. “Hmm…alright…” Kyoshi says a little aggravated. “Alright then it’s settled, we’ll start practicing right now.” Shizuru says. “Okay, let me drop my pants first.” Kyoshi says with a smile, jokingly. “D****t! How many times am I going to say that I’m not a hooker!?” Shizuru asks annoyed. Next day arrives; Kyoshi and Shizuru walks to school holding hands, Kyoshi thinks to himself. “She’s hot on the outside, but she’s a hustler on the inside, ah well, it’s better than being a stalker on the inside.” They arrive at school, Seshiro and Lloyd are the first to greet Kyoshi, and they are surprised to see him holding hands with Shizuru. “Hey, you two are dating after just one whole day living together?” Seshiro asks with a slight smile. “Uh, huh.” Kyoshi simply says. Lloyd with a devious look jabs Kyoshi slightly on the chest. “You dog you; so how much did it cost you for Shizuru to be your girlfriend? A goddess like her must’ve cost a fortune!” Lloyd jests. “How did you find out about that you human?!” Shizuru asks anxiously. “What, I was just kidding!” Lloyd says chuckling. “She’s kidding, kidding!!” Kyoshi laughs nervously, then grabbing Shizuru and leaves with her before they start to ask more questions. “Lloyd?” Seshiro says with a puzzled look. “Yeah?” Lloyd asks. “What just happened?” Seshiro asks. “Dunno.” Lloyd says shrugging his shoulders. Kyoshi goes to his class while Shizuru to hers, by second period Kyoshi is frozen a foot away from the door of his second class terrified knowing Wizzy is waiting behind the door. “This is gonna suck!” Kyoshi says opening the door. Wizzy stands up and yells as she runs towards Kyoshi. “Kyoshi honey bunny!!” “Oh no! Don’t crash into me!!” Kyoshi yells desperately. “Kyo, you forgot your text book in my backpack.” Shizuru says appearing behind Kyoshi. Abruptly Wizzy stops only a few inches from Kyoshi’s face, surprised to see Shizuru being so lovey dovey with Kyoshi. “Kyoshi, who’s this skinny a*s w***e?” Wizzy asks upset. “My girlfriend.” Kyoshi responds. “You mean your friend who’s a girl?” Wizzy asks. “No human, I’m his girlfriend, you know, like the one he does all kinds of naughty things with in bed.” Shizuru says with a perverted face. Wizzy is shocked to the revelation; she takes a step back and says. “Prove it!” “With pleasure.” Shizuru says walking close to Kyoshi; she then kisses him on the lips. Wizzy just looks and says. “That doesn’t prove anything!” “Looks like I’m gonna have to dirty my hands a bit.” Shizuru says grabbing Kyoshi by his face with both her hands and makes out intensely with him, while they are making out, he grabs her a*s, but Shizuru stomp on his foot as hard as she can and quietly whispers to him. “That’s not is not part of the deal…!” Wizzy leaves for the time being, but before she leaves she says with a smile. “You are my rival now and I’m not gonna lose to you!” “You already lost.” Shizuru says leaning on Kyoshi. “You’re not even half the woman I am!” Wizzy says arrogantly. “It’s true; I’m like one third of what you are.” Shizuru says. Everyone goes back to their respective classes, before Shizuru goes back to her classroom she says to Kyoshi. “You better pay me extra for grabbing my a*s or I’ll notify you for sexual harassment.” “Huh?” Kyoshi then thinks. “Why the hell did I even agree to let her live in my apartment?!” Lunchtime comes around and Christopher is eating his lunch inside a stall in the boy’s bathroom, the one place Wizzy will never go find him. Hisana, Yumi, Kazumi, and Kirisu sit in a table talking about Kyoshi’s new relationship. Afterwards Lloyd and Seshiro arrive and sit; out of the blue they see Kyoshi and Shizuru walking straight at them. Everyone is quiet for a moment, until Seshiro speaks out. “Hey Kyo, you mind coming to the bathroom with me?” “Don’t girls usually do that instead of boys?” Kyoshi asks confused. “Nonsense, Kirisu and Lloyd are coming too.” Seshiro answers. They all go into bathroom leaving the girls alone to talk. “So you’re going out officially with Kyoshi huh?” Yumi asks. “Yeah.” Shizuru replies uninterested on the subject. “What attracted you to him?” Kazumi asks curiously. “…” Shizuru thinks to herself. “Stupid humans… I guess I could answer a few questions to make this more believable…” Shizuru then says. “Well I guess dating him has its perks.” “That’s totally not what I asked.” Kazumi says. “Anyways, he is very attractive or so to say cute, even though he looks like a girl.” Hisana admits. “I guess I agree in that too.” Yumi nods. “Yeah, I like that about him besides his personality.” Shizuru says, then thinking. “At least that parts true, but I really need money, if not I won’t be able to buy all the things I like.” The boys are in the bathroom interrogating Kyoshi. “Alright spill it, how come you two are dating so suddenly?” Seshiro asks worried. “We just like each other, that’s all.” Kyoshi answers. “Bullshit!” Lloyd says slamming the wall with his hand. “Something’s not right here, so you better talk.” Kirisu says staring at Kyoshi with narrow eyes. “That’s right; I wanna know what happened too.” Christopher’s voice says out of the blue. Swiftly they all look around to see from where Christopher’s voice came from. “What the hell? Where are you?” Kirisu asks. “I’m in the stall.” Christopher replies. “What are you doing?” Lloyd asks standing in front of his stall. “I’m eating my lunch.” Christopher responds. “Sure you are.” Kirisu says sarcastically. Lloyd raises his arm a little bit while moving it up and down with his fist closed indicating that Christopher is masturbating. Kirisu chuckles silently. “Will you two cut it out?! Anyways, so what happened Kyoshi?” Seshiro asks persistently. “I already told you! Just quit interrogating me!” Kyoshi says washing his hands. “Alright, alright, calm down man.” Seshiro says. “So what’s the deal, are you going out, yes or no?” Christopher asks from the stall. “Yeah, now let me go!” Kyoshi says annoyed, leaving the bathroom, as he leaves, they still keep talking. “Something doesn’t seem right about their relationship.” Lloyd “Maybe we should leave them alone; it’s not our problem to begin with.” Seshiro suggests. As they discuss the matter, all of a sudden something white drips from the stall Christopher is in. “Oh s**t, you really were jacking off!” Seshiro says alarmed. “It’s ranch dressing!!” Christopher says. “Sure it is.” Kirisu says sarcastically. “I didn’t know you were a vegan Chris.” Seshiro says surprised. “So? What’s wrong about that?” Christopher asks. “Nothing, you’re a pacifist and a vegan, weird combination.” Seshiro replies. After school day, Kyoshi and Shizuru walk out and headed to Kyoshi’s apartment, he sighs in relief and says. “Thanks, I thought she would keep bugging me, so, do you have any other deals?” “I told you I’m not a hooker!” Shizuru shouts angrily.© 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing