![]() Chapter 18: How They MetA Chapter by ShinAs Kirisu and the rest strengthen their resolve, Lloyd, after taking that shortcut he mentioned Kyoshi some time ago, he was finally very near in finding Yumi and of course, this mysterious person that kidnapped her. “I’m almost there, just a little longer, wait for me Yumi!” Lloyd says as he runs. Lloyd is completely healed after all these long days of just walking with little rest and food. After a while running Lloyd sees from afar some very old ruins, he feels Yumi’s as well as that man’s presence, he hurries to the ruins before anything bad happened to Yumi. “Damn, I hope nothing happened to Yumi.” Lloyd says rushing through the ruins as soon as arrives, he keeps on running, when all of a sudden he sees Yumi on a column tied with chains made of light, Lloyd shocked at this view tries to help her out. Yumi rapidly notices Lloyd’s presence and yells. “Watch out!” The mysterious man throws his lance, but Lloyd barely evades, this man calmly walks towards Lloyd. Lloyd naturally backs off and shouts. “Back off you b*****d!” “Lloyd…” Yumi says in a low voice. “Who are you? What the hell do you want with Yumi? Why did you bring her here?” Lloyd asks yelling. “It is none of your business what I do or who I am, but it would be nice for you to know the name of the man who killed you, so I’ll introduce myself, my name is Lucien Ambigram.” He says with a serious expression. “I’ll be sure to write that down on your casket when I kill you!” Lloyd yells unsheathing his sword and charging at Lucien, Lucien doesn’t even try to move an inch, Lloyd just runs towards him throwing a wind blade from his sword and then another after that, then jumps over Lucien. Those many wind blades just about to hit suddenly engulf with light, Lloyd still in midair lands on the ground making a front flip and doing a one hundred eighty degree turn while making a horizontal slash. Lucien just turns around slightly and catches Lloyd’s sword with his bare hands, some blood draws from his hands. Lloyd is shocked at this and pulls his sword back, but is not able due to the pressure of Lucien’s hand. “Let go! I said let go of my sword!” Lloyd yells. Lucien let’s go of Lloyd’s sword and says. “I would suggest you leave with your tail between your legs boy, before you end up dead.” “Not a chance!” Lloyd says charging towards Lucien yet again, only this time Lucien materializes his lance and easily blocks Lloyd’s attack, he then throws Lloyd on to a column consequently breaking it with sheer force alone. Lloyd stands up very angrily, spitting some blood on the ground. “Had enough yet?” Lucien asks with a calm expression. “Never!” Lloyd says heatedly. Lloyd decides to once again charge towards him, Lucien starts to grow tired of Lloyd and makes the light chains around Yumi loosen making her fall, but at the same time straining her once again, Lucien then catches her in midair as she falls. “Let me go you freak!” Yumi shouts furiously. “If you want the girl to live, you’ll stay put.” Lucien says. “Damn!” Lloyd says stopping. “Now, it’s time to die.” Lucien says as he materializes many lances of light around Lloyd; Lloyd is defenseless in this situation. “Hahaha, die!” Lucien says as he chuckles. “Nooooooo!!!” Yumi yells desperately. Yumi’s eyes unexpectedly turn completely black, she slightly smirks as the chains of light around her break instantly, she hits Lucien insanely hard with her elbow throwing him against a big column and breaking it with his back. Yumi at an incredible speed grabs Lloyd as the light lances attack the spot Lloyd is in then exploding. Yumi’s eyes abruptly turn back to normal and she is clueless to what happened. “Huh? How did I get here?” “Umm… Yumi you-” Lloyd says with widen eyes. Yumi looks where Lucien is, noticing he’s on the ground. “Did I… do this?” “Uh…” Lloyd stares at her still with wide eyes. Lucien begins to stand up and cleans the blood dripping from his mouth. “I didn’t expect you to have such power… Now, I’m really mad, you’re going to pay with your life for what you did to me girl, don’t worry, you’ll reach hell with your boyfriend!” Lucien says concentrating a lot of Spirit Force and light elemental powers above him. A giant lance can be seen materializing in midair; this lance grows as big as a cargo truck. Lucien the stops feeding it more energy, it is so big that it is impossible to escape its grasp. Without hesitation Lucien sends the giant lance made of light at great speed, the lance is about to strike and obliterate Lloyd and Yumi, but two shadows rush in and stop it. Lloyd and Yumi look up and see who these two people are, Lloyd is surprised to see it is Kyoshi along with a Satsume woman, barely holding this attack at bay with their hands. Kyoshi and the woman are dressed in custom made leather clothes; the woman has long hair and well-endowed body. “Heh, back from the dead eh Lloyd? I told you I didn’t want to fight, but I guess you dragged me here anyways.” Kyoshi says with a smile. Lloyd’s expression changes quickly to that of joy after seeing Kyoshi alive and well. “Kyoshi!” “Yeah, it’s me.” Kyoshi says still smiling. “Hurry up, we’re not going to hold on much longer if we keep this up!” The Satsume woman says in a loud voice. “Hurry Lloyd, we need your help to send this off track!” Kyoshi says quickly still holding the attack with his bare hands. “Okay, here I go!” Lloyd says quickly clashing his sword against the giant lance, but even though he is helping, it doesn’t seem like enough. “Damn, this is stronger than I thought! Yumi! Can we get a hand here?” Lloyd asks. “But how? I don’t have my weapon with me.” Yumi says. “I prepared for that just in case. Lift up my coat and look for my belt, you’ll find a little surprise there, hehe.” Lloyd says. “Lloyd! This better not be one of your damn jokes or you’re dead meat!” Yumi says in a loud pissed off voice. “Sure thing.” Lloyd says. “Hurry damn it!” The Satsume woman demands. “I’m hurrying! Chill the hell out!” Yumi says irately. Yumi lifts Lloyd’s coat as he said and looks around his belt, there she finds her whip-sword, a sword that detaches in several parts of the blade, like a whip, but with blades. She quickly grabs it and stretches it out, making it attach and become a straight sword, then clashing against Lucien’s giant lance attack as well as the others. They, still pressing against it using their Spirit Forces concentrating them in their muscles manage to throw it back at Lucien, but Lucien just makes it disappear in an instant. All of a sudden, a cell phone rings, Lucien answers and then says. “What? Really? So we don’t actually need her? Yes… She’s a girl… You had better be right on this one… Of course, I’m on my way.” He hangs up the cell phone and says. “I give you credit for pushing it back at me, but I've got more important pressing matters to attend to.” Just as Lucien said this light engulfs him making him disappear, Lloyd and the rest sigh in relief, but Lloyd is rather fatigued after his fight with Lucien. The party on their way back to Lemuria begins talking using the motorcycles. “Lloyd, I never thought you would come to save me.” Yumi says. “Now that’s a major insult, I’m your friend remember?” Lloyd asks. “Yeah but…” Yumi is cut off. “But nothing, now I’m pissed.” Lloyd says annoyed. “Sorry I guess.” Yumi says looking forward. “Yeah, you better damn be!” Lloyd says irritated. “You b*****d, I should kill you where you stand!” Yumi shouts. “Then why don’t you try?!” Lloyd says staring at her with narrow eyes. “I will!” Yumi shouts furiously. “Guys, can’t we just go back in peace?” Kyoshi asks. “Sorry.” Lloyd and Yumi says almost at the same time. “Oh, thanks to you Kyoshi and you were?” Yumi asks looking at the woman. “…” The Satsume woman ignores Yumi as she walks looking forward. “Her names Shizuru.” Kyoshi says. “You dog you, faking death and getting yourself some P.U.55 Yankee! Hahaha.” Lloyd says hitting Kyoshi’s arm with his elbow. “Hahaha.” Kyoshi laughs. “What’s her problem? Is she a mute or something, last I heard she could talk perfectly well?” Lloyd asks. “She must be one of those racist Satsume.” Yumi remarks. “They’re all mostly like that.” Lloyd comments. “Shut the hell up you worthless humans! I should’ve let you die back there!” Shizuru says slightly angry. “What!?” Yumi asks upset. “Now, now, everyone calm down.” Kyoshi says standing between everyone. “It’s clear that they can’t understand my language and I can’t understand theirs as well, we come from different worlds, so Kyoshi, why don’t you tell them to mind their own business and shut the hell up.” Shizuru says without looking at Lloyd and Yumi. “Why you!” Yumi begins walking towards Shizuru snapping her knuckles. “What the hell? Kyoshi say something to this b***h before I rape her!” Lloyd says irritated. Yumi rapidly smacks Lloyd behind his head very hard. “Calm down, no one’s raping anyone today.” Kyoshi says stopping Yumi from getting close to Shizuru. “But Kyoshi, I thought you died on me back there. What happened? And where did she come from? And where the hell did you get these motorcycles?” Lloyd asks curiously. “Died?” Yumi asks puzzled. “Well…” Kyoshi says reciting his story. A week ago, Kyoshi being injured by Reika he fell down the cliff after she kicked him, all covered in blood, as well as a lot of more blood just in the air as he fell deeper and deeper into the abyss of that cliff, luckily at the bottom of this very high cliff there was a river. Kyoshi still a little conscious tried to position himself to land safely and not get too hurt, the current of the river drove him pretty far away from Lloyd’s original position, the current of the river drove some of Kyoshi’s blood first hand before Kyoshi due to his severe wound. A Satsume woman far from Kyoshi, traveling through some forests suddenly felt the urge to camp alongside the river since it was getting kind of dark. She then went to the river to get some water to prepare some food; she noticed some blood traveling the current of the river and is shocked to see this. “Where is all this blood coming from? Did some animal or person fall dead on the river?” The Satsume woman noticed a person floating along the current of the river with a lot of blood; she panicked and tried to save him, obviously being Kyoshi. She jumped in the river and grabbed him, then brought him to the edge of the ground. “Huh? A Satsume?” The Satsume woman blushed. “A cute one at that.” She decided to take him inside the tent; she began taking his shirt off, noticing an engraved dragon shape mark on Kyoshi’s shoulder. “Huh? He’s a…dragon knight?” She said as she observed his mark. She treated his wounds and lets him rest, the next morning Kyoshi woke up, feeling very hurt and with a blurry vision, he heard something outside the tent where was lying down, he decided to look back, and he saw a figure, his vision recovered from the blurriness. He was speechless when he looked outside, a beautiful Satsume woman bathing in the river completely nude, he blushed and noticed he’s also nude under the covers. “Oh man, how did I end up here? And naked? With a hot a*s chick outside bathing? I remembered I died back there when that Reika girl thrust my chest with her spear and then I fell of the cliff to boot. This must be the afterlife, I mean, there can’t be anything better than this, thank God I listened to Lloyd and got myself killed.” Kyoshi said to himself with sparkling eyes. The Satsume woman covered herself with a towel, she then headed towards the tent, Kyoshi still surprised stared at her thinking it was heaven. “So you’re finally awake.” The Satsume woman said. “Uhh… yeah.” Kyoshi said. “What’s your name?” The Satsume woman asked. “Kyoshi.” He replied as he stared at her b***s. “Uhhh, Kyoshi, by the way, my face is up here.” The Satsume woman said as she pointed at her face. “I know.” Kyoshi smiled. The Satsume woman sighed and asked. “What happened to you? How did you end up in the river that injured?” “Wait… you actually mean this isn’t heaven and that I survived?” Kyoshi asked surprised. “What are you talking about?” The Satsume woman asked confused. “Uh oh.” Kyoshi said with a nervous tone. “You’re a weird one. By the way, the names Shizuru.” She said. “Umm… Oh crap, Lloyd!” Kyoshi shouted desperately. “Lloyd?” Shizuru asked, then thinking. “Oh God tell me he’s not gay!” “I have to find Lloyd and help him save Yumi!” Kyoshi said anxiously. “Hey, speak up; what the heck are you talking about?” Shizuru asked. Kyoshi tried to stand up, but was still hurt bad. “Hey, you’re gonna open your wound, just lie down and rest, you’ll be healed within a few days.” Shizuru said as she stopped Kyoshi from standing up. “You don’t understand, I have to help my friends!” Kyoshi said with wide eyes. “Okay, we’ll talk about that later, but first concentrate in recovering, a human would’ve died instantly, you’re lucky to be a Satsume, it would take more than that to actually kill one.” Shizuru said. “…”Kyoshi lowered his head. “Just rest…” Shizuru said. “Okay…” Kyoshi said as he lied back down on the sleeping bag. Kyoshi fell asleep after a while, a day passed and he woke up, rapidly noticed Shizuru cooking outside of tent. His stomach growled loudly, Shizuru heard it. “Haha, no worries, the food is almost done.” Shizuru said smirking. “What are we having?” Kyoshi asked. “How does fried fish with some vegetables sound to you?” Shizuru asked. “Humph… pretty tasty.” Kyoshi said with a cheerful expression. “It’s finally finished, come pig out!” Shizuru said. Kyoshi stood up from the sleeping bag to then remember he was naked. “Umm… Shizuru, what about my clothes?” Kyoshi asked. “Oh, they were all in pieces, so I used them for the fire…” Shizuru smiled. “You burned my clothes? What am I gonna wear now?” Kyoshi asked. “I’ve already prepared you some clothes, they’re right next you.” Shizuru replied. “Oh, thanks.” Kyoshi said. “Oh sure.” Shizuru smiled again. Kyoshi got his newly clothes on and walked outside, he then sat beside Shizuru and about to eat some food, but as soon as he was going to take a bite Shizuru took his plate away. “Hey, what’s wrong? I was about to eat that.” Kyoshi said as he pointed at the plate. “Hehehe, you owe me.” Shizuru said with a grin and narrow eyes. “What’s that?” Kyoshi asked puzzled. “I saved you, treated your wounds, you saw me naked, I cared for you all day long, gave you knew clothes and now even made some food for you. Now tell me, how do you plan in repaying me?” Shizuru asked. “What the heck? Are you crazy! And here I thought you were the perfect woman, but you’re just a gold digger!” Kyoshi said as he stood up and pointed at her. “Hey, hey, answer my question!” Shizuru said eagerly. “Well… I have no money on me.” Kyoshi answered. “You have money wherever that is you live?” Shizuru asked. “Well yeah.” Kyoshi replied. “So it’s settled, I crash at your place for a while and you pay me what you owe.” Shizuru said. “Ah whatever, but before that I need you to help me look for my friends.” Kyoshi said. “That’ll be a little extra.” Shizuru said still with narrow eyes. “Uhh, whatever, okay.” Kyoshi said as he sighed. “We have an agreement then.” Shizuru grinned. Shizuru gave back Kyoshi his food; he began eating and explained at the same time. “You see, my friend Yumi was kidnapped by some guy and my other friend, Lloyd was injured by that same guy, then I helped him and we went to look for him, but on the way we encountered some hooded people and this Reika girl, a Satsume struck my chest with her spear and kicked me off the cliff.” Shizuru widened her eyes and asked. “And this Lloyd and Yumi, are they humans?” “Yeah.” Kyoshi answered. “But why would you go as far as saving a human?” Shizuru asked. “It doesn’t matter what they are or not, they’re my friends and I have to help them no matter what.” Kyoshi replied. “Humph… I still don’t understand.” Shizuru said. “It’s alright; still, I have to go save them right away before something horrible happens.” Kyoshi said finishing his food. Kyoshi and Shizuru then began heading towards Lloyd and Yumi’s direction, following Lloyd’s Spirit Force from a pretty far away distance. “So we’re still pretty far from him huh?” Shizuru asked. “Yeah, I’m afraid we won’t be able to reach him in a considerable time; we have to think of something.” Kyoshi replied. After a few hours of walking and thinking a faster way to reach Lloyd some people in some motorcycles were passing by. Shizuru for unknown reasons panicked. “Damn my bad luck.” “What’s wrong? They’re just humans on motorcycles.” Kyoshi remarked. “I haven’t told you this, but those guys were after me, and that’s the reason I’m in these boondocks.” Shizuru said as she sighed. “But why would they be after you?” Kyoshi asked. “They tried hitting on me when I was traveling to another city and stopped at a bar in the middle of nowhere, they just got angry at me because I told them ‘piss off you lowly humans’ and beat a few of them after trying to have a piece of me. They called me a racist, got their chains and whatnot out and started to chase me saying stuff like “We’re gonna rape you and then kill you b***h!”…” Shizuru explained. “Okay. I guess they found you then.” Kyoshi said. The bikers surrounded Kyoshi and Shizuru, what seemed like the biker leader said. “We finally found your racist hot a*s! Now we’re gonna have a little fun with you!” Shizuru swiftly clangs and held Kyoshi’s arm and said. “My boyfriend is going to kick your asses!” “What? Alright, look, you guys really don’t want to fight me, I mean, how do I say this; it’s not nice when I get angry.” Kyoshi said with a serious expression “Hahahahaha!” The biker leader and bikers laugh uncontrollably. “Yeah right, you’re just a wimp, let’s charge head on boys!” The biker leader yelled. The biker leader quickly hit the gas and charged at Kyoshi and Shizuru full speed as well as the other bikers while swinging their chains, when all of a sudden Kyoshi’s eyes widened and began to laugh. Kyoshi quickly caught two of the chains and pulled them, the two bikers fell down on the ground, he then started to swing the chains like crazy and started to whip every biker, quickly moving around as he evaded the other chains, he made many flips and acrobatics as he evaded. Kyoshi didn’t even bother unsheathing his sword, he just kept kicking a*s with just those chains, he took out all of the bikers, Shizuru was shocked to see this side of Kyoshi. Only the biker leader was left standing and to his misfortune Kyoshi was walking towards him with a huge smile across his face as he enjoyed every moment of anguish and misery the biker had. The biker leader was so terrified from this that he even got on his knees and begged Kyoshi. “Please… have mercy!” “Mercy? What’s that? Hahaha!” Kyoshi asked chuckling sinisterly. “Kyoshi stop!” Shizuru shouted. “That human is not worth being killed by us.” Kyoshi’s expression turned back from some sadistic ruthless maniac to that of his formal self, he drops the chains on the ground and says looking all around. “Oh man, I got really carried away again.” “Kyoshi…” Shizuru said. “…”Kyoshi lowered his head. Shizuru looked at the biker and asked. “So, how did you like that you b*****d?” “Please, don’t hurt me; take anything, my money, my weapons or motorcycle!” The biker leader said still on his knees in front of Kyoshi. “I’ll forgive your pitiful life, so me and my boyfriend will be taking your motorcycle and of course, the money!” Shizuru said as her smile widened. “I don’t think it’s alright to take all of this… I mean, it’s stealing.” Kyoshi said. “Kyoshi, go with it, if you’re planning to save your little human friends a motorcycle will come in handy.” Shizuru said. “I guess you’re right, let’s take these motorcycles and go! Wait for me Lloyd, Yumi, here I come.” Kyoshi said with motivation. Kyoshi as well as Shizuru grabbed a motorcycle each and hurried to reach Lloyd and Yumi, after a few days they were able to reach the ruins, they stepped on the gas and charged towards the ruins; on their way Kyoshi had a little talk with Shizuru. “We’re finally here, let’s save them!” “This is going to cost you a little extra, be prepared!” Shizuru said. “Ah crap!” Kyoshi said annoyed. They were quickly able to see from a short distance the giant lance made of light, they could not believe their eyes how big it was, Kyoshi spotted Lloyd and Yumi about to be pulverized by this attack. “There they are!” “I see them, what are we going to do? We won’t make it on time!” Shizuru said. “We will, trust me, hit the gas hard and jump as quickly as you can, try landing in front of them, we’re going to stop that thing! “Are you nuts? Can’t you feel how powerful that is? We’ll be turned to shreds!” Shizuru said apprehensively. “Just concentrate your Spirit Force in your muscles and hands in order to hold it.” Kyoshi said. “Okay, okay, let’s give it a shot!” Shizuru said. They both hit the gas and jumped as quickly as they could in front of Lloyd and Yumi thus blocking the attack on time following Kyoshi’s strategy.© 2013 ShinReviews
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing