![]() Chapter 17: The SearchA Chapter by ShinKirisu widens his eyes and shouts. “What!?” “We have to do something!” Seshiro says apprehensively. “I hope this isn’t some kind of prank because I swear I’ll-” Kirisu is cut off. “No, it’s not.” Kazumi says. “But how do you know all this?” Kirisu asks warily. “Because I’ve seen it.” Hisana answers. “What do you mean?” Kirisu asks. “I’ve had these visions.” Hisana replies. “You gotta believe her, I mean, why else do you think we can’t feel their Spirit Forces?” Seshiro says. “Well… now that you mention it I haven’t felt them for a while…” Kirisu says. “What should we do?” Kazumi asks worried. “Humph… I gotta think for a minute.” Kirisu says covering his mouth with his hand and thinking. “In times like these I really ask myself where Zero is.” Seshiro says sighing. “Yeah, I think he would’ve come up with a plan quickly and he would’ve found them easily with his nose.” Kazumi remarks. “You said he was missing, we can do this ourselves, we have to be independent, he can’t be with us every time we’re in a bind can he.” Kirisu comments. “True.” Seshiro nods. “I’m sorry I can’t be any more useful.” Hisana says. “No Hisana, you’ve helped plenty.” Seshiro says. “Yeah, all we have to do is look for Lloyd and Yumi right?” Kazumi asks. “Humph… But where do we start?” Kirisu asks. “We’ll have to search the city.” Seshiro answers. “But this city is huge; even if we hurried it would take more than a week to actually find them.” Hisana states. “It’ll be hard since we can’t feel their Spirit Forces…” Kirisu says. “If we start now maybe we’ll find them faster.” Kazumi comments. “You’re right, let’s go.” Hisana says. The party heads out to search for Lloyd around the city, days pass by, meanwhile, Zero arrives in the city where the scent of the man he’s looking for is. As soon as he enters he feels someone is after him, he looks back and sees nothing at all and thinks to himself. “I know someone is behind my trail, I can feel it since I entered this city, and there’s not just one, there’s a few.” Zero keeps walking between crowds of people while keeping his guard up. A mysterious female figure is observing Zero from afar and says. “I know it’s you, without a doubt, those eyes. Keep a close look at him and don’t let your guard down, he’s stronger than you might think.” Zero keeps walking tracking down the scent he’s looking for, he suddenly walks into an alleyway. The mysterious female figure asks. “Where does he think he’s going? Hold your positions.” Zero readies his sword when suddenly five angel-like demons appear out of the blue, the first has white wings and blonde hair, he has an ax, the second has gray wings with white hair carrying a sword and shield. The third one has light brown wings and black hair with a rapier in hand, the fourth one has red wings and dark brown hair carrying a whip, the last one has black wings and red hair, he has a fancy golden bow with a quiver of arrows behind him. “Oh, it’s been quite long since I’ve seen you idiots or should I say the five satans, you guys want a piece of me?” Zero asks pointing at himself. “You’ll pay for what you did to us years ago you damn Kaizer!” The demon with white wings shouts angrily. “You guys never learn.” Zero says shaking his head. “I, Asb’el along with my brothers, Gader’el, Pinem’e, Kasadya and Yeqon shall destroy you once and for all!” The demon with white wings yells. “Why do you always mention your stupid names? This is the second time I hear them and their not cool at all. I should’ve finished you guys when I had the chance!” Zero says annoyed. “Shut up you damn Kaizer!” The demon with red wings named Kasadya says. Kasadya flies towards Zero with incredible speed taking out his whip, Zero throws his sword in the air then giving Kasadya an upper cut punch, Kasadya falls on the ground, then Zero’s sword lands on Kasadya’s chest consequently killing it. “One down, four to go.” Zero says calmly. “You’ll pay for Kasadya’s death!” The demon with gray wings named Gader’el yells. Gader’el takes out his sword and shield, he charges towards Zero and swings fiercely, Zero easily evades and jumps over him while pushing his head to the side with his hand. Zero lands on the ground and takes his sword out from the ground. Gader’el quickly turns around very angry for Zero’s mocking and attacks once again, Zero blocks, when suddenly Yeqon takes out his bow and starts firing at Zero with black energy arrows. Zero simply throws his sword at incredible speed towards Yeqon also thrusting his chest killing him instantly, Gader’el noticing Zero has no weapon he swings his sword even fiercer, but Zero concentrates lighting on his fists and catches Gader’el’s sword by the blade with his bare hands, then kicking it away. “What? Impossible!” Gader’el says shocked. “Humph.” Zero sighs. “Get him Pinem’e, before he kills Gader’el!” Asb’el yells. Zero, with Gader’el’s sword in hand quickly blocks Pinem’e’s rapier, Gader’el takes advantage of this and attacks Zero from behind. “No Gader’el, don’t attack him!” Pineme’e shouts. Zero notices this and side steps, then making a three sixty degree turn and cutting Pinem’e in half taking advantage of Pinem’e’s distraction, while cutting Pinem’e in half Zero at the same time throws the sword towards Asb’el, but As’bel is able to evade and jump next to Gader’el, stopping him from his recklessness. “You got Pinem’e killed because of you stupidity!” As’bel yells angrily. “I’m sorry.” Gader’el says bowing. “You guys are really unorganized; you should’ve planned things a little better if you at least wanted me to enjoy the fight.” Zero says sighing. “You b*****d!” As’bel shouts. As’bel and Gader’el attacks at the same time, As’bel taking out his ax, Zero quickly jumps to where he threw his sword previously and grabs it once again, then jumping in the air and saying; “Air Raid!” Many lightning bolts surge out of Zero’s blade and instantly kill both demons, without so much as a trace left he thinks to himself. “Not much of a challenge, well, I do know those weren’t sent by him, they didn’t have his scent whatsoever. Well, I better get out of here before someone notices anything, plus I have to find him, he has to be somewhere around this city.” Zero heads out of the alleyway and keeps walking towards where he smells the scent, the mysterious female figure spots Zero once again and thinks. “What happened? Why would he go into that alleyway to quickly come out? Ok. Keep an on him like I said.” As Zero keeps heading towards his destination, Shou and the rest are on their way towards the hidden ninja village. They arrive at Megalis, a city with antique buildings, streets full with people speaking an unknown language, Tesshu, Shiemi and Miake take off their black clothes and put some casual clothing on before entering the city, they then enter. “Megalis, where they tear out the trees and then name streets after them.” “Haha, yeah, but damn, babes here are sure hot as hell.” Tesshu says. “Yeah, the sex capital of this continent, a lot of people come here for all the kinky steamy sex that’s going on here.” Shou says. “Looks like you know you stuff.” Tesshu says tapping Shou’s back. “I’ve been here a few times, it’s sick the way these people keep having sex without me.” Shou says with a serious expression. “You’re sick.” Shiemi says annoyed. “Screw you!” Shou says. Shiemi stares angrily at Shou. “Okay, okay, I take it back! Un-Screw you!” Shou says jokingly. “No ,but seriously, I should’ve stayed back there to help Seshiro and the rest first.” “What happened?” Tesshu asks. “It seems some of our friends were missing.” Shou answers. “Humph… is tha situation that bad?” Tesshu asks worried. “I’m not really sure, I don’t know the details.” Shou replies. “Maybe it isn’t all that bad.” Mikae remarks. “… We’re already out here anyways; it’ll be a little late if we go back now.” Shiemi comments. “I guess so, I just left without even thinking, I’m so selfish.” Shou says exhaling heavily. “Nah bro, you ain’t nothing of the sort; you just went on with it ya know.” Tesshu says placing his right arm around Shou. “Yeah, besides, this Seshiro looks like he can manage.” Mikae says. “Hell yeah baby, Seshiro’s got a good sense about everything, he ain’t a push over, that I tell ya.” Tesshu says energized. “I guess you guys are right, I trust Seshiro to handle things over there.” Shou says smiling. “Let’s keep on moving.” Shiemi says. As the ninja party moves on, somewhere around the world, in some kind of unknown temple two figures, both with silver blue hair, the one with the blunt once again appearing and the other with his hair tied upward, both figures can be seen talking. “Jaye, I have some tasks for you.” The man with the blunt says. “What is it master Jony Chronic?” Jaye asks. “I’ve told you many times to call me just Jony, anyways, I’ll brief you in a while about the mission, I just want you to take these people with you, they’ll guard you with their very life if necessary.” Jony Chronic replies. “Who are they really?” Jaye asks. “They’re fallen warriors much as yourself, in most cases they’re what people call heroes, I like to call this little group the Last Union. There was a slight problem with one of these soldiers; after I revived him he served me for some time, but he actually escaped my grasp after a while, some Lemurian hero I revived, something weird happened to him, like if something freed him from my control.” Jony Chronic answers. “What was his name?” Jaye asks. “It doesn’t really matter now does it?” Jony Chronic asks. “No.” Jaye says. “Prepare to depart, Last Union soldiers, I command you to follow Jaye’s every command.” Jony Chronic orders. “Yes Master.” All the figures say. They all leave to where their master commanded a place and purpose unknown. While Zero still searching the city he finds a lighthouse right on the coast, it has a beautiful view of the sea and the horizon; there are many ships on the docks full with sailors, the wind breeze passes through Zero’s hair. “I smell you in this lighthouse, but something’s up, I don’t think you would be here of all places to hide. Anyways, I don’t lose anything with checking it out.” Zero thinks to himself and walking in the lighthouse, he watches his every surrounding, there is something weird with this place, no one around can be seen. “This place is silent, a little too silent, a trap maybe?” Zero thinks. As Zero walks up the stairs he looks out of one of the windows and notices from far away Kuzan Fardeth along with the man he’s looking for. “Damn it!” Zero says angrily rushing down the stairs, as he runs a human abruptly attacks with a knife. Zero easily evades and grabs the human by his hand and joint locks him twisting his hand the opposite way. “Who the hell are you human?” Zero asks. “Careful, I’m no human.” The human says with a light smile. Zero sniffs and says. “This smell, you’re a-” “Exactly.” The human says. All of a sudden many other humans appear around the stairs and point their weapons at Zero, when suddenly a human woman with long brown hair and green eyes, dressed in a dark blue tank top, a black miniskirt. She also has very long black boots, which reaches halfway up her thigh; she also has a mysterious gold bracelet on his right wrist. She walks down the stairs slowly and gracefully saying. “It’s been long Kaizer.” “You’re-” Zero is cut off. “Eyah, ti's em.” The human woman says. Unexpectedly all the human’s ears turn into pointy Elf ears as well as their hair color change from the standard human brown and black. “Luna!” Zero shouts astonished. “I’m surprised you still remember me you damned Kaizer.” Luna says. “Heh, still with the big words I see, but I have no time to handle you or your little rebel group, now move out of the way.” Zero says throwing the Elf on the floor and jumping over most of them, running down the stairs as quickly as he can, dodging every attack the Elves try to lay on him. He steps out of the lighthouse and on to the docks, but he’s already too late because the ship that Kuzan and the other man is on has departed and is already pretty far away. Zero is furious; he punches a ship that’s next to him bending the iron in while still staring sharply at the ship. “Damn it, those damn Elves kept me from reaching the ship on time.” Zero says angrily. The Elves rapidly appear behind Zero as well as Luna once again with human appearance. “We’ve finally have you cornered Kaizer.” Luna says. “Because you damn Elves got in my way my prey just left!” Zero says angrily turning around towards them. “Prey? Hah, tough luck.” Luna says indifferently. “What the hell do you want with me anyways?” Zero asks still angry. “We’re actually here to capture you.” Luna says boldly. “Why would you want to catch me?” Zero asks. “We need your help, I told you once, you owe me one.” Luna says her smile widening. “You know you could’ve just asked nicely.” Zero says sighing. “With how barbaric you are, I doubt you would’ve cooperated with us.” Luna says. “Funny hearing that from a foul mouthed Elf.” Zero says smirking. “You damn b*****d! I hate your guts!” Luna yells annoyed. “Heh.” Zero walks up to the Elves. “Princess Luna, what should we do with him? Should we apprehend him?” The Elven rebel asks. Luna unexpectedly punches the daylights out of the rebel and says angrily. “You damned soldiers never learn do you, I told you not to include ‘princess’ when referring to me!” “We’re sorry princess Luna.” The Elven rebels say in unison. “Uggggh!!!” Luna raises her right fist furiously. “Ok then princess, how about we talk about this somewhere a little quieter?” Zero asks. “You too?!” Luna asks upset. “You idiots, stay put while I speak with this cave man in the pub.” Luna and Zero walk to the nearest pub and enter. They sit on the table, Zero calls the waiter, the waiter comes. “A bottle of whiskey please, what about you?” Zero asks Luna. “Uh…What’s on the menu?” Luna asks. “This isn’t a restaurant princess, it’s a pub.” Zero answers. “I know that! Anyways… I want a… I dunno what to order, I’ve never ordered anything in a bar.” Luna says lowering her head in shame. “You should’ve said so before princess, waiter, bring the lady a martini on the rocks.” The waiter leaves after jotting down the order. “Thanks…” Luna says. “Don’t mention it, anyways, tell me, what do you and your little group wants with me?” Zero asks. “You’re so damn irritating!” Luna says in a high tone. “Come on, hurry up, I don’t got all day for this, and besides, how the hell did you know I was going inside that lighthouse?” Zero asks warily. “… Just a hunch.” Luna says. “It was a pretty lucky hunch then.” Zero remarks. The waiter brings the order along with a glass, Zero pours some whiskey into it, Luna grabs her drink and stares at it for a moment. “Are you trying to get me drunk? I know your sick plans you pervert! You want to get me drunk, use me body as you please and leave don’t you?!” Luna asks angrily. “What an imagination, why don’t you look who has the bottle here, if someone gets drunk is me, you only have one drink for crying out loud.” Zero says. “Hmm… You have a point… anyways, that doesn’t matter, I’ve been trying years to infiltrate that damned fortress and I can’t, all because of you!” Luna says heatedly. “What? What does that have to do with me?” Zero asks confused. “Since the day you ruined my plans they’ve shut down the aqueducts we used that day to infiltrate and they’ve also increased security by a whole lot!” Luna says. “Oh, tough luck.” Zero says calmly taking a sip from his glass. Luna stands up from the chair while slamming the table with her hands and shouts. “Hey! Don’t use my words against me you hear me!” Everyone in the pub stares at Luna’s ruckus; Luna blushes in embarrassment and sits down quietly. “You’re too loud woman, calm down a bit.” Zero says. “Ugghh, are you gonna help or not?” Luna asks annoyed. “I’ll pass on this one, too risky, plus I have some business to attend to.” Zero replies. “What about if I help you on that ‘business’ and then you help me?” Luna asks. “I dunno, that doesn’t sound like a good idea. I usually travel alone and"” Zero is cut off. “Okay, it’s decided, let’s go!” Luna says standing up. “Huh, hey! I haven’t accepted your offer yet!” Zero says shocked. “Too bad, I’m gonna follow you anyways, like it or not.” Luna says determined. “Like hell you will! Because of you that ship got away!” Zero says annoyed. “Hehe, what if I tell you where it was headed?” Luna asks with a malevolent grin. “You know where that ship was headed?” Zero asks surprised. “Humph… now I got your attention huh? Well, I even know where those shady men were headed to.” Luna says cockily. “Tell me!” Zero says standing up from his chair, the chair falling abruptly on the floor. “Whoa! Hold your horses there cowboy, what about I help you and then you help me? Deal?” Luna asks extending her hand. Zero sighs and shakes her hand saying. “Alright, you got yourself a deal princess!” Luna stares at Zero angrily, they then walk out of the pub, Luna gathers her group of rebels somewhere safe and says. “Okay guys, I’ll leave the fortress plans up to you, I’ll leave my second in command, Neil in charge.” “But where are you going princess?” Neil asks. “Damn you!” Luna punches Neil. “Anyways, since this Kaizer has some business, I’m going to help him, we’re going to cross the ocean after that ship that just departed and after we’re finished he promised he’ll help us bust in that damn fortress and kick some a*s!” “I never said anything of the sort.” Zero says calmly. “Shut up! As I was saying, good luck till then.” Luna says. “Okay princess, we’ll do our best!” Neil says smiling. Luna punches Neil again. “Ok, head out to the base and tell the rest what I said!” “Yes Princess Luna!” All the rebels say in unison. “Why you!” Luna says mad. All of the rebels quickly leave seeing as how Luna is getting furious, Zero is already walking inside one of the ships. “Hey! Don’t leave me here! Damn Kaizer! Wait up!” Luna says running towards the ship. “Hurry up, the ship is about to depart.” Zero says. “I swear I’m going to kill him!” Luna says getting on the ship. Zero and Luna go on their merry ways; meanwhile Kirisu and the rest are still looking for Lloyd around the city. “It’s been days; almost a week and we still haven’t found them.” Kazumi says. “I’m even wondering if they’re really in the city.” Seshiro comments. “I’m not really sure, but it is possible that they’re not here.” Hisana says. “True, we’ve searched almost the whole city, hardly eating or sleeping during all these days.” Kirisu says sighing. “If we keep this up, we’re gonna have to leave the city for some time and look for them.” Seshiro says. “What about school?” Hisana asks. “Yeah, we haven’t gone since what happened with Lloyd and Yumi.” Kazumi comments. “They’re our friends and they come before school.” Kirisu says. “True, if you girls want, go take class, Kirisu and me will keep searching.” Seshiro suggests. “No, I want to keep helping.” Hisana says. “Me too.” Kazumi nods.© 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing