![]() Chapter 14: Stained HonorA Chapter by ShinKyoshi runs behind Zero down the staircase and asks. “Where are you headed?” “I’m out, see ya around.” Zero says leaving quickly. “I guess you’re going to settle here in Lemuria, right?” Seshiro asks Shou. “You guessed right pal.” Shou replies. In an intersection a few blocks away from Lloyd’s apartment they take their separate ways, Kyoshi keeps an eye on Shou and follows him for a minute until Shou speaks out. “May I help you with anything?” “Where did you get that spear?” Kyoshi asks looking at Shou’s spear. “You wanna mug me or something? Did I mention the kick in the groin you'll be receiving if you try? Kyoshi stares at Shou annoyed. “Haha, just a joke, well not really, but anyways, I had it since before I lost my memories, so I really don’t know where I got it.” “That spear, the Hokuro spear was thought to have been lost many years ago…you know; only a Satsume can awaken and wield its true power.” Kyoshi explains. “You interested in my spear?” Shou asks. “Nah, I’m more into electric guitars.” Kyoshi says smiling. “What? Does your guitar tell jokes?” Shou asks sarcastically. “Hahaha, no, no.” Kyoshi answers. “I wonder why you mention it and laugh then.” Shou says smirking. “The Hokuro, it was of a legendary Satsume warrior.” Kyoshi comments. “Really?” Shou asks curiously. “Yes, but I’m sorry to say a human cannot harness its full power.” Kyoshi replies. “Well I can’t just give it away, I mean, then I’ll be defenseless and that’s no good.” Shou says. “It’s alright…by the way; you can crash at my place if it’s okay with you.” Kyoshi says with a smile. “You just said made my day.” Shou says walking with Kyoshi to his apartment. The next day Kirisu is in the balcony outside of his apartment smoking a cigarette as he stares out to the city, Lloyd sitting right by him also enjoying the view. “Kirisu, did you really kill that many people?” Lloyd asks unexpectedly. Kirisu takes the cigarette out of his mouth with a sadden tone in his voice as he replies. “Yes, but those are mistakes from my past I wish I could change.” “But how did you end up killing almost a thousand people?” Lloyd asks. Kirisu takes a puff of his cigarette; he closes his eyes as he starts his explanation, Lloyd paying full attention. “It’s a complicated story, but in a way I didn’t have a choice, I was put in that “world” at a very young age… to be honest, I always wanted a simple existence.” “A simple existence?” Lloyd asks confused. “I have “powers” a dark barrier I can mold and wield in any way I want, as well as some control over gravity that with each passing day gets stronger.” Kirisu explains. “Holy s**t, so the first time we fought, that moment you levitated was because you can control gravity?” Lloyd asks surprised. “Not completely, but I can, a little bit, also my wounds heal up in three to four days completely, but I don’t want any of these things.” Kirisu says with a sad voice. “And what do you mean by a simple existence?” Lloyd asks again. “Yes, I wanted to go to school, make friends and just live a simple life, my biggest ambition in life was to have a childhood sweetheart.” Kirisu answers. “Kirisu, I can tell you avoided my question about how you were put in that “world” and how you ended up killing off nine hundred ninety nine people and I won’t force it out of ya, but right now you’re living that dream. Aside from the demons and the fights, you have friends now and Kazumi, plus you seem sort of content with the way things are now.” Lloyd says with a grin. Kirisu smiles a little bit to his friend's comment realizing he is right; he takes his cigarette into his hand once more and says. “I guess you’re right my friend.” An hour passes, Lloyd leaves and Kazumi arrives, ringing the bell, Kirisu quickly answers. “Hi.” Kazumi says with a big smile. “What’s up?” Kirisu asks signaling to come in with his hand. Kazumi enters, Kirisu gets some drinks, they sit on the couch in the living room. He puts out his cigarette on an ash tray he has on the coffee table. “I didn’t know you smoked.” Kazumi says a little surprised. “It’s something I don’t do too often.” Kirisu says smiling and extends his arm to Kazumi and says. “Kazumi, how about we go to the balcony for a bit.” “Sure.” Kazumi replies grabbing his hand, she smiles and asks. “So what were you doing?” “Hm…Not much.” Kirisu answers walking out the balcony. “Oh come on, don’t play, you must have asked me out here for something.” Kazumi says standing next to him. “How ‘bout we go on a date sometime soon?” Kirisu asks looking down at the street. Kazumi stares at Kirisu with a confused look and quickly replies. “Of course we can go on a date.” “Alright then.” Kirisu says with a cheerful expression. “You're a sweet heart, you know that?” Kazumi says smiling. “Why?” Kirisu asks looking at her slightly puzzled. “I don’t know, I guess you just are.” Kazumi replies. “Thanks.” Kirisu looks at her with a smile, she looks back at him, but her smile turns to worry, she doesn’t waste time and asks. “Kirisu, whenever you have been with me, whenever you have held my hand or kissed me, have you thought of someone else?” Kirisu looks surprised and confused to her question, but he then replies. “Not really, why do you ask?” Kazumi suddenly seems relieved; she smiles and shakes her head no. “It’s nothing.” Kazumi says. Meanwhile, Shou is in Kyoshi’s apartment lying on the couch, Kyoshi’s apartment has a big living room with a big fifty inch TV, brown fur couches, an expensive red carpet in the middle, the kitchen and the dining room are in the same big room as the living room, the walls are brown, to top it off the apartment has air condition. Shou has Kyoshi’s laptop on his lap with a big pizza on the table in the middle of the room. “Um Shou, Seshiro is about to arrive, we’re all going to the harbor to relax, you coming?” Kyoshi asks sitting next to Shou watching TV. “I have a laptop, my precious hand and pizza delivery, why should I leave the house?” Shou asks sarcastically. “Dude, you can’t stay here, I mean like, it’s not good for you, besides, what do you mean with your hand?” Kyoshi asks curiously. “Not the brightest crayon in the box now, are we?” Shou says smirking. “I don’t understand…” Kyoshi says. “Better living through denial.” Shou says. “O…k…” Kyoshi says confused. “So Kyo, tell me, what do I have to do to get a place like this? I mean, you must have some good cash on you, I bet you got chicks all over you.” Shou comments. “”Not really… All of my friends have at least a girl they like; I still don’t have a single girl… I don’t get it what’s wrong.” Kyoshi says. “Well, maybe you gotta be a little more forward you get my drift? Or maybe you’re lacking the “Punch” down there if you know what I mean.” Shou insinuates staring at Kyoshi with a smirk. “Do you mean size matters that much? It’s not like I’m lacking, but I dunno what I’m saying.” Kyoshi says puzzled. “It ain't the size, it's… no, I'm sorry, it really is the size.” Shou says nodding. “I feel so stupid…” Kyoshi says frustrated. “It's always good to be honest.” Shou says sarcastically. They hear knocks on the door, Kyoshi stands up and opens it, it’s Seshiro, he comes in with bag under his eyes. “You look like s**t, is that the style now?” Shou asks. “No… I just didn’t get enough sleep last night… What are you doing?” Seshiro asks looking at Shou lying down on the couch navigating the internet. “I’m mowing the lawn… Duh, I’m using the computer.” Shou says. “What I meant was that you’re really getting comfortable in Kyo’s apartment.” Seshiro comments. “Mommy, I wanna grow up to be a neurotic b***h just like you.” Shou says still on the internet. “You know Shou, being sarcastic from time to time is okay, but all the time is not cool.” Seshiro remarks. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just unavoidable, comes natural, and keeps my mind from worrying about my lost memory.” Shou explains. “I can understand what you mean, but you weren’t like this before you lost your memory.” Seshiro says. “How was I before I lost my memory?” “You were a very good person, though a little too serious sometimes.” Seshiro answers. “And what about this Ushima girl, you said she was my fiancée, how was she?” Shou asks. “She was calm, only you called her by her first name, Shinka, everyone else called her Ushima.” Seshiro replies. “Shinka… Do you know what happened to her?” Shou asks. “No… Sorry.” Seshiro says. “You guys ready to go to the harbor?” Kyoshi asks putting on a dark blue sweater with a hood. “He’s going too?” Seshiro asks. “I wasn’t, but I changed my mind.” Shou says smiling. They leave the apartment, after a while they reach the bay area and stand on the pier looking at the ocean. “From what happened to the Satsume’s and Seshiro’s story, it looks like you both have a common enemy.” Shou says unexpectedly. “Gen-Exis Corporation.” Seshiro says seriously. “Kuzan is here and I’ll find him.” “What do you plan to do, will you kill him?” Kyoshi asks. Seshiro's expression changes to that of a demon, and as he looks out to the sea he replies. “Not just kill him, but make him regret that he was ever alive!” “For now my only priority is to recover my memory.” Shou says. Seshiro looks up into the distance in the high up mountains’ noticing huge dark clouds and says. “Looks like it might rain in a bit.” In the meantime during that very rain in the distance, Zero is training up in those mountains, the rain drops fall on the worn out Kaizer, as he’s breathing heavily he lookd at his hands, letting some electricity out, he shouts to the skies. “It’s still not enough!!” He picks up his sword and jacket lying beside him and heads to a nearby hut, there he sits and begins to think. “Kuzan Fardeth, he’s been in contact with him, he reeks of his scent… If I find Kuzan then I’ll surely find him too.” He puts on his jacket and walks through the rain heading back down the mountain still deep in thought. “Kirisu…he’s after Kirisu, I might learn more about Kuzan if I talk to him since Seshiro knows no more.” Zero keeps his steady pace down the mountain in no hurry, the rain keeps pouring, the clouds get closer and closer to the city, until the whole city is under the clouds, everyone taking shelter from the rain. After some time, in Kirisu’s apartment Zero’s voice is suddenly heard saying. “I have to talk to you now, it’s important.” Kirisu looks back and notices Zero lying against a wall. “Where the hell did you come from?” Kirisu asks shocked. “From your balcony.” Zero replies. “Don’t you know how to use a door?” Kirisu asks annoyed. “I like my way better, never mind that, let’s talk.” Zero says calmly. “Alright, what?” Kirisu asks. “I want you to tell me everything you know about Kuzan Fardeth.” Zero says with a serious expression. Kirisu sharpens his eyes and looks at Zero with a very surprised expression. “What makes you think I know something about this man you’re talking about?” Kirisu asks. “Quit playing around, he’s after you, why’s that?” Zero asks. “You and Lloyd both know I killed a lot of people; he might be after me for killing a loved one.” Kirisu says sitting on the couch. Zero stares at him not buying the story despite the logic in it, Zero keeps looking at Kirisu as if he is trying to pierce him, then he says. “I already know he used to be Gen-Exis’s military commandant and that he’s after you, now I want to know how you fit into all of this?” Kirisu doesn’t change his expression as he then begins to explain his story. “In reality, he is more after my brother than me. My brother is a guy that’s always been opposed to Gen- Exis, a revolutionary in the underground world with strong influences in the outer world, Gen-Exis has been able to shut up almost anyone who seems as a threat to their plans, but my brother has been one of the few to elude them. Kuzan is in a way a hit man who’s sent to take him down, but my brother is always a step ahead of Kuzan. Basically it’s a cat and mouse chase between them and now since I left my brothers organization I am the one link he has to find him.” Zero looks at him; he remains silent for a moment trying to analyze this whole story. “How do you know about him anyways?” Kirisu asks curiously. “I encountered him yesterday and fought him…” Zero replies. Kirisu widens his eyes, Zero asks. “Have you ever fought him?” “No, but I've seen what he can do.” Kirisu answers. “He mentioned the higher ups would have his head if he took you out, what does that mean?” Zero asks suspiciously. Kirisu looks confused to what he said; Kirisu then replies. “Honestly, I don’t know.” “Just tell me what you know.” Zero says. “He fights with a lot of agility and can control both his weight and balance in a fight, his fighting style is unique, it’s like he’s dancing. Basically, he’s quick on his feet and has impeccable reflexes.” Kirisu explains. “What else do you know?” Zero asks. “That’s about all.” Kirisu replies. A moment of silence comes down, Zero quickly speaks. “Alright, you proved yourself somewhat useful.” Zero swiftly leaves through the balcony, Kirisu thinks to himself. “I thought Kuzan wasn’t in Gen-Exis anymore…” An hour or two passes by, the rain lifts, Seshiro walks the still wet streets thinking to himself. “Man, I forgot that science project I had for tomorrow!” Seshiro keeps walking lost in his thought, all of a sudden the soft gentle hands of a woman grabs Seshiro’s arm. “Hisana?” Seshiro says widening his eyes and turning around. “You just passed right by me, and I even called your name.” Hisana says. “Sorry… I didn’t hear you…” Seshiro says. “I haven’t seen you in a while… Have you met someone you know recently?” Hisana asks. “Yeah, but how do you know that?” Seshiro asks warily. Hisana remains silent for a moment and replies. “Just taking a wild guess.” “Haha, okay… So, I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty hungry; you want to grab a bite to eat?” Seshiro asks extending his hand to her. “Sure.” Hisana says lowering his hand. They both walk to a nearby restaurant for some fast"food, when they start to eat they both share a conversation. “Oh yeah, I was hoping you had some pics of the holiday’s, do you have any?” Seshiro asks. “Yeah, I actually do, give me your e-mail so I can send them to you.” Hisana says. “Sure, got a pen?” Seshiro asks. “Yeah,” Hisana nods as she takes out a pen from her pocket along with a notepad, Seshiro looks at her strangely. “Yeah, I know, it looks weird me carrying this, but what can I say? I’m always prepared.” “I thought you would write it on your hand, haha.” Seshiro comments. “Haha, yeah.” Hisana laughs. “Anyways, my e-mail is moonlight, underscore, ascension at Hotmail dot com.” Seshiro says. “Alright, I’ll send them to you as soon as I can.” Hisana says. “Thanks.” Seshiro says. Hisana puts her notepad away and while she opens a can of soda she asks. “What do you plan to study when you graduate?” “I don’t know… I was considering medicine, like animal medicine, maybe a veterinarian because I appreciate the ‘animal kingdom’ if you know what I mean.” Seshiro answers taking a sip from his can. “What about you?” “Hm…I was considering being a lawyer, but I’m not sure.” Hisana says eating some Frena"fries. “Why?” Seshiro asks. “I like the arts, like painting and drawing etcetera, I enjoy those kinds of things and the feeling you get when you finish a portrait.” Hisana replies. “You should go for it.” Seshiro says smiling. “I considered it many times, but the only way I’ll be famous is once I’m dead.” Hisana says slightly smiling. “You could also be a comic artist, there’s a lot of money there.” Seshiro suggests. “Comic artist…I’m not very good at making a story.” Hisana says. “Just do what you think is best, whether its law or art I’m sure you will do great.” Seshiro says smiling at her. “Let’s hope I’m decided when I finish high school.” Hisana says taking another sip of her soda. “Yeah, let’s hope so.” Seshiro begins to unfurl his hamburger’s paper. “By the way, now that we’re getting to know each other, when were you born? What’s your zodiac sign?” Hisana asks eating some more frena"fries. “Haha, that sure was unexpected, well, I was born in March sixth of nineteen eighty seven which makes me a Pisces, I remember that Lloyd would bother me saying that he’s better since he’s a Leo, he was born August thirteenth, heh.” “What about blood type?” Hisana asks. “AB positive… I feel like I’m being interrogated or something, haha.” Seshiro smiles. “I’m just curious.” Hisana unfurls the paper from her hamburger and takes a bite. “What about you? Birth, zodiac sign and blood type.” Seshiro asks. “April first same year as you, which makes me Aries, as for blood type I’m negative B.” Hisana replies. In the meantime back at Kirisu’s apartment, he’s looking at the ceiling lying on this bed, he lights up a cigarette, the gray smoke clouding his vision; he thinks to himself. “Kuzan…I’ll kill you for all you’ve done, including trying to rob this simple life I’m trying to create.” The next day arrives, Kirisu leaves his apartment early in the morning, he has a gray coat, the sun is still not out, the city is foggy and the sky is pale white, Kirisu walks around the streets looking at all directions. After a while he reaches Lloyd’s apartment building noticing Zero coming out the door putting on his jacket and sheathing his sword. “I’m still surprised the cops haven’t caught you walking around with that big sword.” Kirisu says. “What do you want?” Zero asks calmly. “I want you to help me find Kuzan.” Kirisu says quickly and straight forward. “Why do you need me?” Zero asks. “Your Kaizer abilities are perfect for tracking someone down.” Kirisu says boldly. Zero looks straight into Kirisu’s eyes and replies. “Forget it, I’m not your dog.” Zero walks right by Kirisu, Kirisu makes a frustrated expression and quickly speaks out. “He beat you didn’t he? “Hm?!” Zero stops walking and turns around. Kirisu with a dastardly smile asks. “Why else would you have asked me about him? Someone like you, a powerful warrior with the honor of a demon slaying lineage, he stained your honor, correct?” Zero grinds his teeth to what Kirisu just said, Kirisu with an evil look keeps pressing on. “Help me find him and I’ll help you restore your honor.” “Who the hell do you think I am? Idiot.” Zero asks pissed off. Zero turns around and keeps walking away, but Kirisu asks. “It’s about your honor, remember?” “Look kid, I know you want him as bad as I do, and that’s because you also had been somehow “stained” by Kuzan, right?” Zero asks stopping once again without turning around. “Humph… sharp as always I see.” Kirisu says. “I guess you don’t even have to answer, alright I’ll help you out with your little revenge.” Zero says walking away once again. Kirisu follows right behind him, they begin searching the city, time passes by quickly, and it is now midday. “Find anything yet?” Kirisu asks. “No…wait, I’m picking up something.” Zero says sniffing. “Yes?” Kirisu asks. Zero closes his eyes trying to lock on to the scent. “S**t! He’s right above us and he’s not alone!” Unexpectedly from up in the sky a giant demon the size of a van comes crashing down breaking the concrete below as it lands, all the people begin running away screaming, the demon has skin dark as coal, with wings of a bat, eyes shining yellow with a sowed up mouth, abruptly Kuzan appears right next to it. “Kuzan!” Kirisu yells angrily. “It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other.” Kuzan says with his smile widening. “You talk like if we were friends.” Kirisu says angrily. “Friends? No, but we used to be allies despite I never liked you or your wretched make believe family. “Kuzan says mockingly. “Shut up!!” Kirisu yells in anger charging towards Kuzan. The giant demon block Kirisu with his left wing, the demon then pushes Kirisu away with the same wing, he falls on the ground, Kirisu then stands up. “Careful, that demon is a Kabrakan, a strong demon and you could hardly hold your own against a lower ranked demon last time.” Zero says. “Shut up.” Kirisu shouts angrily. “Just leave it to me.” Zero says standing in front of Kirisu. “Hell no!” Kirisu yells standing next to Zero. “This isn’t time to be a little girl.” Zero says calmly. “We should just fight them both together, don’t you think?” Kirisu asks. “Just try not to get in my way!” Zero says sighing. They both say all this without taking their eyes off their opponents, Kuzan then walks next to the demon, both he and the demon braces themselves for battle, Kirisu and Zero charges towards them, as they run they are being surrounded in a blue aura. Kuzan picks Kirisu as his target while Zero takes on the demon, Kirisu attacks Kuzan with a diagonal slash, Kuzan quickly blocks, he then let’s go of his dagger and throws a punch to Kirisu, but he quickly makes a barrier, Kuzan takes out his other dagger in less than a second and shatters the barrier. Kirisu manages to back away before Kuzan strikes him while the dagger Kuzan let go of falls on the ground. “This is the second time you have been able to make me drop my dagger.” Kuzan says picking up his dagger. “If you didn’t use such a retarded trick this would never happen.” Kirisu says irritated. Meanwhile Zero is fending off the giant demon, the demon takes off into the air, Zero charges his sword with lighting and starts to swing his sword side to side throwing electrified diagonal waves towards the demon. Zero’s lightning slashes tear open the demons skin slightly, the demon comes down in a flash, Zero aims his sword to cut up the demon, but the demon flies by too fast creating a sonic boom shattering the glass windows from nearby buildings. “Why do I always end up fighting against the big winged ones?” Zero asks himself in a comical way. The demon once more flies up in the sky; it joins its hands together gathering energy in them. “This can’t be good.” Zero says looking au at the demon. The demon releases a powerful white beam towards Zero, he quickly runs to the wall as the beam is following him very closely, Zero jumps to the wall and uses it to repel himself towards the demon. Zero starts rotating horizontally very fast, in midair electricity begins surrounding Zero’s body, Zero raises his sword and slashes vertically towards the demon, hitting him with a powerful blow causing the demon to land hard on the ground. When the smoke clears the demon is still standing with no damage. “My attacks hardly have effect on him.” Zero says. Kuzan and Kirisu continues their fight; Kirisu uses a barrier once more, Kuzan uses his daggers to break through, but once it connects Kirisu’s barrier remains undamaged. “Humph…So you can strengthen up your barrier.” Kuzan closes his eyes and concentrates his Spirit Force into his daggers and with four hits he breaks through it, Kirisu is ready for it and starts to attack, but Kuzan dodges each one, Kirisu in a split second pulls out his gun and begins to fire at him, Kuzan dodges the second before Kirisu pulls the trigger. “Such a dirty trick.” Kuzan says. “Big words from someone who relies on the same tricks.” Kirisu says still pointing his gun at Kuzan. “You cannot beat me with a simple gun.” Kuzan says sheathing one of his daggers on his belts. “Haha, this isn’t just a standard gun, it’s a Caster version.” Kirisu says with a grin. “What, a magic gun?!” Kuzan widens his eyes. Kirisu then reveals a belt full of magic bullets, Kuzan attacks before Kirisu reloads, but Kirisu makes four layers of barriers, Kuzan starts to break them down, Kirisu reloads his gun with the special bullets. Kuzan breaks the final barrier, Kirisu jumps back and fires off, Kuzan dodges, the bullet misses him by a hair. The bullet hits a wall behind Kuzan, the wall explodes, many large pieces of concrete fall on the ground. Kirisu fires once more and Kuzan hits the bullet before it hits him thus making it ricochet to the side before it takes effect, the bullet explodes in midair making a big black hole, it disappears a few seconds later. Kuzan widens his eyes, he then hurries his pace jumping to an electric pole and from that one to another, Kirisu keeps firing, but with no luck. Kuzan jumps down charging towards Kirisu rapidly, Kirisu moves to the side and fires once more, Kuzan evades, the bullet passing by next to him, it makes contact with a closed store and the store disintegrates. Zero sees Kirisu from afar, noticing Kirisu is having trouble, Kirisu looks at Zero and sees his clothes a bit torn, Zero runs down the wall of the building, Kirisu runs towards Zero as well. The demon is coming down trying to take out Zero, while Kuzan chases Kirisu, Kirisu makes a barrier behind him blocking Kuzan’s view, suddenly Zero and Kirisu are face to face, Kirisu takes down his barrier for Zero to attack Kuzan while Kirisu fires at the demon with his magic bullets. Kuzan blocks Zero’s sword, but Zero quickly punches him in the face sending flying very far away hitting a wall with his back and falling on the ground. Kirisu’s bullet hit’s the demons chest, ice made stalagmites pierce the demon from the inside out. The demon begins opening its mouth, the stitches widening and breaking apart. “Run kid!!” Zero shouts. “I got it!!” Kirisu says raising his left hand. A sphere like barrier traps the demon, Kirisu then materializes five huge layers around it, the demon opens its mouth completely and a giant beam more powerful than the last comes out breaking through Kirisu’s barrier easily. Zero in a matter of seconds jumps in front of the blast, he bursts in Spirit Force, all the ground begins to shake of the pressure of Zero’s Spirit Force, his sword bursts with electricity, the electricity accumulates out of control. Zero readies himself and with one mighty swing repels the blast right back at the demon thus killing the demon instantly, it turns to sand as it falls down from the sky. Zero falls on one knee supporting himself with his sword and Kuzan appears in front of them once more. “Kirisu, I used too much Spirit Force to repel that last attack, now it’s your turn!” Zero says. “Pathetic, something like that got you tired out?” Kuzan asks mockingly. “Last I saw, you were sent flying by only just one of his punches.” Kirisu says. “Zero, you are surely powerful, but your power amount is nothing compared to him!” Kuzan says. Zero widens his eyes, Kirisu once more releases his Spirit Force and creates many dark spears, he sends them straight at Kuzan, firing with his gun at the same time. Kuzan jumps into the air dodging the bullets, but the spears follow him, in midair he slashes up the spears, he lands on the ground and runs faster and faster until he reaches Kirisu. Kirisu dodges Kuzan’s attack and creates more spears moving them wildly like whips, Kirisu begins slashing with his sword and firing with his gun while the spears follow Kuzan, Kuzan jumps back evading every single attack. “S**t, looks like this is where I retreat.” Kuzan thinks to himself. He jumps into the air on a electric pole, then jumping up to a building and running away jumping from building to building, Kirisu shouts angrily. “P***y! Wimp! What you scared of now?! Me raping you with my dark barrier up your a*s?!” Kirisu walks towards Zero and checks his wounds, Kirisu tries to help Zero up, but Zero pushes Kirisu’s hand to the side and stands up on his own. “I don’t need your help; I can stand on my own.” Zero says. They both hear sirens from afar. “The police, late as always.” Zero says walking away. Kirisu follows him quickly, once out of sight, they keep on walking, Zero with an upset face, Kirisu simply looks forward and says. “I’m sorry about all this.” “You damn well should be.” Zero says. “Dude, this is the part where you say “No, it’s alright”…” Kirisu says. “Not on your life kid, you got me into this mess by saying “I’ll help you restore your honor”…” Zero says. “Basically today was a waste of time I guess.” Kirisu says kicking a can. “I have never seen a Kabrakan demon that strong; they keep coming stronger and stronger.” Zero says looking up at the clear sky. “You were awesome… especially that last attack you repelled, unbelievable… I never seen such a strong blast in all my life, and you just simply repelled it just like that… and that Spirit Force you let loose, it shook the ground and I couldn’t even breathe properly, why?” Kirisu asks. “Obviously my Spirit Force is much denser and bigger than yours.” Zero replies. “What do you mean? All I ever knew is that Spirit Force is ones inner energy and it’s hard to harness.” Kirisu asks. “You have much to learn kid, you see, when a person’s Spirit Force is higher and he decides to unleash it, there are side effects to all those with lower to no Spirit Force, the pressure of the Spirit Force can make the earth’s gravitation heavier. If it’s dense, the ground may crack, and the sheer pressure of it will squeeze your body, you’ll feel it on your lungs, throat and even heart, it’ll even tear your delicate skin and break your bones, if you don’t die of it you will faint or remain very, very weak.” “I didn’t know any of that… So many side effects.” Kirisu says stunned. “Obviously you’ve never fought anyone with higher Spirit Force.” Zero says. “What about demons? Do they have the same effect and power?” Kirisu asks curiously. “A demon doesn’t have Spirit Force, they have Demon Force, which is far worse, it’s twice as dense as Spirit Force, low rank demons are able to use some of it, but never excel much in it.” Zero explains. As moment of silence falls on them as they walk, Kirisu then says. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know he would have a demon with him, I just thought it would have been a two on one fight.” “That’s not my style; a true fight is an honorable one on one fight. I guess you’re not a man just yet.” Zero says looking straight ahead as he walks. “Whatever…” Kirisu says annoyed. “Kuzan evaded everything we threw at him and I was able to connect a lucky punch in his face because he let his guard down for a second. He’s fast, the info you gave me was useful enough, but next time we should have thought of a plan before rushing into a fight.” Zero says. “Yeah, that’s true, I guess, I was too fixated on wanting to kill him to think of something.” Kirisu says putting his hands inside his pockets. “What I did notice was that once you were starting to corner him he retreated, not only that, but he wasn’t hurt or scratched whatsoever.” Zero says wondering. “He is human, with only one clean hit he would have died, that is why he trained his body to be so fast and his reflexes so sharp.” Kirisu says. “Funny, how do you know that? He did mention he used to be your ally.” Zero says. Kirisu’s expression turns to disgust, but then he slightly smiles and says. “I told you, my brother is the leader of a revolutionary group, the only thing I didn’t tell you is that he used to be a member of our group until he betrayed us and left with Gen-Exis, so I obviously know what kind of training he did. “Hm… he’s not telling me the whole truth… I’ll just let him be and change the subject.” Zero thinking to himself, then he asks Kirisu. “That gun, it’s a spellcaster gun isn’t it?” “Yeah, a modified one actually.” Kirisu remarks. “I hate guns; anyone can just pull the trigger and kill someone, even if they have skills or not, guns have overtaken the battlefield, replacing the good old swords and spears.” Zero says. “They’re effective in battle, but that’s one person’s opinion.” Kirisu simply says. For a moment they both remain quiet, Zero contemplating something on his mind. “Your power, this is the first time I’ve actually seen it, it’s rather unique and it would be deadly if you practiced more with it.” Zero comments. “Thank you, but in truth I’d rather not.” Kirisu says lowering his head. “Why’s that?” Zero asks. “I don’t like this power; sometimes I wish I was just a regular person.” Kirisu says with a sad voice. “Since you have that power, don’t you think you have it to put it to good use?” Zero asks. “Somehow that sounds like something Lloyd would say for some reason.” Kirisu answers. “I guess it does, but getting back to the topic, you already have it and you have a lot of potential with it, so I think it would be best if you practice making your barriers stronger.” Zero says. “Yeah, today was enough to make me realize that Kuzan broke through them and so did that demon.” Kirisu says nodding. “Once you make it stronger that won’t happen.” Zero comments. “Thanks for the advice.” Kirisu says smiling. After this, they part their separate ways, meanwhile Kuzan meets up with his partner in an abandoned building. “The demon I released for you was killed so early?” The cloaked man asks. “I encountered Kirisu and that accursed demon hunter.” Kuzan replies. “You better not have killed him, thought I highly doubt it; you’re out of Zero’s league.” The cloaked man says mockingly. “You made it clear you didn’t want me to kill him so I didn’t!” Kuzan shouts. “Did you exact your revenge against that boy Kirisu?” The cloaked man asks. “No.” Kuzan says in a low voice. “You went to fight them, I gave you a strong demon and you retreated when things got too hot without so much as a scratch to show for it, some warrior you are.” The cloaked man says disappointed. Kuzan looks at the man with a deadly look and angrily responds to his insult. “Don’t you f*****g talk to me as if you were my f*****g superior!” “Why are you getting so angry, because it’s the truth? I am tired of this petty game of revenge of yours, I think it is time for us to head to Xordania once again, the day for the reason we came to this continent is nigh, contact your soldiers and tell them we’re putting the plan to motion.” The cloaked man says. “I can’t believe we were just scouting the continent and got all busy in Lemuria… We are supposed to take on Xordania.” Kuzan says sighing. “Patience… why aren’t you concealing your identity? What happened with the cloak?” The cloaked man asks. “I lost it, but its fine, no one in this city knows me except for Kirisu.” Kuzan remarks. “Alright, just call your soldiers and tell them.” The cloaked man says. “Very well, but you better not talk to me like that again or I’ll kill you.” Kuzan says annoyed. “I don’t think you’ll come out alive, but never the less I’d like to see you try.” The cloaked man thinks to himself.© 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing