![]() Chapter 10: School FestivalA Chapter by ShinThe next day arrives; Seshiro and Kyoshi are on their way to school, then for a second, Kyoshi stops at the silence of the wind and tells Seshiro. “Hey…you know something?” Seshiro turns to see Kyoshi and asks. “Huh? What’s wrong?” “Last time I overheard Kirisu having a conversation with Lloyd about Zero and he had a really good question, indeed.” Kyoshi frowns at the depth of the subject. “And that is…?” Seshiro asks with an interested look. He keeps walking as Seshiro waits for an answer; Kyoshi looks up at the bright blue sky with his hands in his pockets, he then turns his face until one eye can be seen and says. “If Zero doesn’t trust us why should we? His past seems to be much more complex that what he let us know.” “Huh…” Seshiro looks up at the sky as well. “That Kirisu has a good point, there could be many things mixed here. Although somehow I trust Zero…we also need to be careful. Not because of him, but his surroundings… Oh s**t dude we’re late for class!” Seshiro yells with his eyes widen. “Wha-?! Oh, DAMN!” Kyoshi shouts. Both of them run as fast as they can to the school, after a while they find Lloyd being chased down by Yumi for unknown reasons. “Damn, damn, damn, damn, Huh?!” Lloyd looks at Kyoshi and Seshiro. “Get back here! I’m not done with you dumbass!” Yumi yells running through the hallway. “Huh?!” Seshiro tilts his head slightly in confusion. Both of them bump while Yumi is chasing Lloyd. “Guys, save me! She’s gonna kill me at this rate!” Lloyd yells desperately grabbing both Seshirl and Kyoshi by their shirts. “Huh?” Kyoshi notices Yumi all mad running towards them. “Oh my God! A woman gone nuts, not good, not good, not good! Sorry Seshi, you’re on your own!” Kyoshi then runs even faster. Eventually Yumi catches up with Lloyd and well, sadly Seshiro is on it. So Seshiro also suffers the ravaging fury of a mad woman. “Why’d you beat up Lloyd?” Seshiro asks rubbing his cheeks. “He grabbed my a*s!” Yumi shouts angrily. “Oh, then why’d you beat me too?” Seshiro asks still rubbing his face. “You were just in the way.” Yumi replies coldly. The rays of the sun are ever so radiant at noon in Lemuria, they all gather for lunch, Seshiro, Kyoshi, Kirisu, Lloyd, Kazumi and Yumi. “Well, what are you guys doing later on?” Kirisu drinks some of his sake. “Er… take class, I guess?” Lloyd says unsure. Yumi frowns and says sarcastically closing her eyes. “Yeah right.” “Er…” Lloyd & Kirisu chokes. Seshiro’s eyes close while about to eat his lunch. “Ouch.” Seshiro then starts to eat. “No, seriously! Didn’t you guys hear? The school festival?” Kirisu asks. The entire party looks at Kirisu. “School festival?” Everyone except Kirisu say almost at the same time. “Well, so did the school bulletin said, didn’t you guys read it?” Kirisu asks. “So, no class?” Seshiro asks shocked. “Now that I think about it, we kinda forgot, haha.” Lloyd says scratching his chin. “I haven’t been here THAT long and I was the only one who noticed?” Kirisu asks. “Looks like it, anyways since you’re still kind of new I should explain. This school holds two school festivals a year, one at the beginning of the year and one by the end of the year.” Yumi explains. “Ok.” Kirisu says. “Haha, I can tell you’re still wondering why two? Well, it’s simple; the one at the beginning is so the school clubs can appeal to the students so they’ll join a club, an exhibition if you will. The one held at the end of the year is like a final bash before going forward in your life.” Seshiro says. “My, my…that last line was kind of poetic.” Lloyd says drinking sake. “Hehe.” Seshiro laughs cheerfully. “You know we could get in big trouble for drinking sake on school grounds, right?” Kyoshi comments. “It’s a festival Kyo, so celebrate.” Seshiro says patting Kyoshi’s back. “Alright, alright.” Kyoshi says with a sarcastic look. “Ohh my God, I just remembered I was suppose to help a friend put up a booth.” Kazumi says to herself quickly standing up. “Kirisu, we’ll hang out after I’m done.” She leaves quickly. “Yeah, I’m out as well, I have to meet up with the student council.” Yumi leaves as well. The festivities begin; every club known to the school has put on a different set of entertainment to appeal to the students in this beautiful sunny day, everyone pumped and full of energy ready to explore what the celebration has to offer, only one problem. “We’re broke.” Kirisu and Lloyd say at the same time sighing. “Same here buddy.” Kyoshi and Seshiro say in unison. They all gather in a huddle to plan something due to their non existing budget for the festival. “So what should we do? We can’t do anything like we are now.” Lloyd states. “True, true. This is also my first Lemurian celebration so we need some cash.” Kyoshi says nodding. “Kazumi said she’d come a bit later so I need to get some cash fast.” Kirisu says. Seshiro looks at all of them knowing there has to be a solution to this, when suddenly an idea pops into his head. “I got an idea!” “Let’s hear it.” Kirisu says staring at Seshiro. “We could: A. Get Lloyd to sell his a*s.” Seshiro says with a smile. “How about not, I’m supposed to be the pimp around here.” Lloyd says staring annoyed at Seshiro. “I'm kidding, or: B. Hold an exhibition match.” Seshiro says looking at everyone waiting for their answers. “I liked that idea better, now I don’t have to b***h slap you Seshiro.” Lloyd says still staring annoyed at Seshiro. “But, isn’t the kendo club doing that?” Kyoshi asks frowning. “You forget? I’m the kendo club captain!” Lloyd says smugly. “I know, but then they’ll keep the money they collect even if you’re there or not.” Kyoshi says. “Hmm… Well how about we pretend two of us start a fight and then we hold a match away from the kendo club?” Seshiro asks. “That sounds good.” Kirisu says nodding. “We need two of you to fight.” Seshiro says. “Hold up, you aren’t fighting?” Lloyd asks. “I came up with the idea so I don’t have to.” Seshiro explains with a grin. “Fine, Lloyd how about it, you and me?” Kirisu asks. “You’re on! But before anything, brethren before wenches!” Lloyd says clashing his arm with Kirisu’s. Every student at the festival is having a great time, playing games, watching the entertainment or just eating sweets, unexpectedly, Kirisu falls on the ground across the main path between the club booths. “You a*****e!!” Lloyd shouts angrily. Kirisu stands up from the ground dusting his shirt. “Now it’s on!!” Kirisu yells. “Look! It’s the new kid against the kendo club captain!” A male student shouts pointing at them. “What? Lloyd the hottie against the new kid?” A female student says running towards them to see the fight. Kirisu charges ahead and Lloyd as well with everyone looking as to what is the commotion about when abruptly Seshiro says standing between them. “Alright you two, no fighting here, if you’re going to fight do it somewhere else!” “How about way behind the school gym?” Kyoshi suggests. “Good idea my friend.” Seshiro says. Lloyd and Kirisu look at each other with anger filling their eyes. “Fine make it so!” Kirisu says in anger. “Bring it, five minutes from now, I’m gonna beat you up shorty!” Lloyd says pointing at Kirisu. They leave, Seshiro with a smirk on his face, seeing his plan going as the way he imagined it. “Damn, those two are pretty good actors.” Kyoshi comments. “Yeah, well come on we got to make the stage.” Seshiro says. Seshiro and Kyoshi go to the back of the school gym and as they walk past the crowd’s, word of the fight is already spreading fast. “Did you know Lloyd and that short kid is gonna fight!” A male student says. “No way! Weren’t they friends?” Another male student asks. “Lloyd is definitely going to beat that new kid, I mean, he’s so cool and hot, besides, he’s the kendo club captain.” A female student comments. “Yeah, there’s like, no way he’ll be beaten by that average looking kid.” Another female student says. “What the hell? Lloyd is gonna win because he’s “cool and hot”? My a*s he is, that has nothing to do with it, I mean, he really might win because he’s the kendo club captain, but I’m really rooting for the short guy.” “Yeah, I hope the short guy beats his pretty face good, that Lloyd has taken enough girlfriends from all of us, hell, even possible girlfriends, leaving us in the friend zone because they have the hots for that douchebag!” A male student says angrily. “Wow lots of people might actually come!” Kyoshi says. “Chris probably had something to do with it spreading faster, plus you know people won’t miss a fight with the kendo club captain, you know how popular Lloyd is in the school, especially with girls; guys are going to come because since most guys hate Lloyd from what you heard just now, they’ll want to see his a*s get kicked.” Seshiro explains. Seshiro and Kyoshi arrive to their destination and sets up the preparations. Seshiro takes many mats from the gym and places them on the ground with Kyoshi’s help to hurry, so the preparations are complete in a matter of minutes. “Cool.” Kyoshi says looking at the now battle arena. “Pretty much.” Seshiro says. A crowd starts to form quickly around the mats and at the moment the two fighters walk in, both wielding bokkens, swords made of wood used to practice kendo in Lemuria. As they walk in people are pushing to get in front, but Seshiro says. “Pay up, and then you get to see the fight.” People start to pull out their cash, all of them in hopes of seeing a good brawl and so the fight is underway. “Alright you two, there’s only one rule, no powers.” Seshiro whispers at Kirisu and Lloyd. “Right.” Kirisu and Lloyd say in unison. “Alright! Fight!” Seshiro shouts loudly. “Bring it Kirisu b***h-Mazu!” Lloyd says mockingly. Kyoshi and Seshiro watches at the side lines while everyone around is cheering for the fight to start, all the girls cheering for Lloyd and all the boys cheering for Kirisu. Lloyd goes in for the first hit putting both hands on the bokken, Kirisu quickly blocking with his using one hand. For a moment Lloyd is stunned by this. “He’s…he’s a different fighter from last time.” Lloyd thinks. Kirisu does not smile nor has any emotion in his eyes or his face, he jumps and swings his bokken three times in the air, being only two feet from the ground, Lloyd blocking furiously. At that moment as Kirisu lands on Lloyd, Lloyd uses the moment to swing and hit him on the ribs, but Kirisu blocks with his knee, Lloyd is open for a hit, Kirisu swings, Lloyd ducks, the bokken misses his head by a hair. The crowd is very into the fight cheering for either one to win, as well as some who want to see blood. “Go get him shorty!! Mess him up!” The guys from the crowd yell. “I love you Lloyd!! You’re so hot and cool!” The girls from the crowd yell. On a building next to school, a figure can be seen on the ceiling of the building, it is none other than Zero sitting on the ledge enjoying the fight and drinking some soda. “At last something entertaining is happening in this crappy boring city, let’s see what these two guys are really made of.” Zero says to himself. The fight rages, Lloyd now smirking, while Kirisu showing a light smile, both seem to be slightly enjoying the fight. Lloyd takes his bokken and as he closes in, he throws his bokken at Kirisu, Kirisu blocks the throw, but at that moment, the first hit is taken as Lloyd jumps and kicks Kirisu in the face. Kirisu quickly recovers and then hits Lloyd’s back with the bokken on the hip. Lloyd recovers and picks up his bokken as he steps back. Seshiro analyzes their fighting styles and thinks to himself. “These moves, I’ve never seen such random fighting moves, but that’s not Lloyd’s true fighting style, he’s clearly holding back. Could Kirisu also be holding back?” “Is that how Lloyd really fights?” Kyoshi asks. “No, Lloyd has more than three fighting styles; the first is Wing Chun style that’s composed of hand to hand combat and it’s used to hit the bodies pressure points and can easily kill anyone with one blow if hit right.” Seshiro replies. “Strange, the Wing Chun style is from Evergray, how does Lloyd know it?” Kyoshi asks. “His master taught him, I don’t really know what the business here is. Anyways, the second one is Oni-Kaze style which means wind demon in Lemurian that can only be launched with a sword as long as Lloyd’s or a spear in most cases, but the only flaw in that style is that is has a poor defense while in the other hand it has a powerful offense.” Seshiro explains. “He usually uses that one.” Kyoshi says. “Like I said, he learned all these fighting styles from a master he mentioned to me a few times, Yusuke Nagao. His masters fighting style is called Kamikaze style which means divine wind in Lemurian, it’s a style that’s balanced in offence and defense Lloyd told me, of course, Lloyd knows how to use this style as well.” Seshiro says. “But I though you said he has more than three styles and you only mentioned three of them.” Kyoshi says staring at Seshiro. “I’m not really sure in the last one, but I think he has a fourth style that was developed by himself, I don’t know what it’s called, but I know that when Lloyd uses it he becomes very unpredictable since it’s composed with using a regular sword and legs, plus his wind powers, he uses some kind of capoeira. I’m not sure because I only saw it once and I never asked Lloyd about it…” Seshiro replies. “So, did you ever fight with Lloyd?” Kyoshi asks. “Only once, he was using his Kamikaze style back then using a bokken.” Seshiro says. “So, who won?” Kyoshi asks curiously waiting for Seshiro’s answer. “We were tied.” Seshiro replies. Lloyd and Kirisu evades and blocks hit after hit, rapidly their bokkens hit at the same time, the impact is enough to make both of them loose them on opposite sides of the field a few feet away. After this they are left to a fist fight neither caring to picking up their weapon, Kirisu charges at Lloyd, Lloyd easily evades all the attacks, Kirisu tries to kick him, but with no avail, Kirisu throws a punch at Lloyd’s face, but Lloyd simply joint locks him holding Kirisu’s hand in a twist forcing his wrist the opposite direction. Kirisu is being dominated by Lloyd. “Not bad, but I’m sorry to say that I’m more adept in martial arts.” Lloyd says with a smirk. “Ughh… Seems like it, but I won’t give up!” Kirisu says frowning in pain. “Okay, I’ll give you a chance.” Lloyd says letting go of Kirisu, Kirisu quickly turns around and punches Lloyd on the ribs, the chest, and chin among other places. “Ughh…Not bad, now I won’t give you anymore freebies.” Lloyd says. Kirisu attacks once more, Lloyd easily blocks and evades all of Kirisu’s attacks and countering them, Kirisu is in a disadvantage, Lloyd quickly punches him in his chest, but Kirisu is able to kick him at the same time in the chest as well sending themselves flying to the opposites directions of the field. They both pick up the bokkens for one final standoff; Lloyd looks at Kirisu, not with a smile, but with a look of a fierce warrior, while Kirisu just looks ahead with just a small smirk on his face. Everyone looks on, tension rising, the cheers, the screaming, it’s all silent for this one final moment. “Ahhhhhhh!!!” Lloyd and Kirisu both yell running towards each other and past themselves both striking with their bokkens on their stomachs. “Looks like you win again.” Kirisu says falling on one knee in sight of defeat. “It was only an exhibition, I know you held back.” Lloyd says. The crowd goes wild; the cheers can be heard louder than before. “Ah, you good for nothin’!” The crowd guys throw soda cans at Kirisu. “Lloyd, call me!” The crowd girls throw bras at Lloyd. “Why don’t I get any bras?” Kirisu asks in disappointment. “Because you’re not tall enough.” Lloyd jests. “You son of a-” Kirisu cuts himself off when something falls on top of his face. “That’s!” Lloyd widens his eyes. “Yes I won, it’s a pant-” Kirisu cuts himself off taking it off his face and stares in shock. “Haha, dude, it’s a guy’s underwear and it looks like you really hit the jack pot this time!” Lloyd says laughing. “D****t to hell!!” Kirisu yells in anger and throwing the underwear away. Everyone leaves almost instantly. “Damn, I can’t believe everyone left so fast!!” Kyoshi says amazed. “The entertainments over, no one wants to hear a victory speech or anything else once the actions over.” Lloyd says annoyed. “So how much we made?” Kirisu asks. “Check it out.” Seshiro says pulling out a huge wad of money. “Holy s**t dude, how much did you charge?” Lloyd asks in shock. “Haha, just enough so it didn’t look like a rip-off.” Seshiro replies. They split the money even, now ready to enjoy the festivities, Kirisu and Lloyd a bit bruised up, but a small price to pay. Lloyd then goes to find Yumi; Kirisu accompanies him and shortly after finds her along with Kazumi. “Um…erm…Kazumi would you like me to win you a price?” Kirisu asks nervously. “Sure, come on.” Kazumi smiles at him. Lloyd and Yumi waves off to their friends now. “So, Yumi.” Lloyd says standing close next to her. “Lloyd.” Yumi says with a cold look. “Uhh… I don’t know what to say, sorry for what I did to you earlier, I was just messing around.” Lloyd says backing away slightly. “So grabbing my a*s was messing around, I didn’t like that one bit, I can’t believe I even bother hanging with you, you’re such an idiot.” Yumi says sighing. Lloyd then looks at her, he smiles and says. “Hey, I got some cash, you wanna-” “No way, not a chance.” Yumi cuts him off. “I didn’t even finish asking.” Lloyd says. Yumi and Lloyd sit inside the school stairs between the first and second floor. “Damn! It stinks like piss!” Lloyd shouts pissed off. “Oh yeah, the guys pissed around here.” Yumi says. Mr. Rosario is walking down the stairs and smells the piss. “Damn it stinks! Damn those freaking kids! Sons of b*****s.” Mr. Rosario says walking down passing Lloyd and Yumi by. Yumi and Lloyd laughs at his comment, elsewhere in the festival Kirisu and Kazumi are walking along the booths, until Kazumi sees something she wants. “Wow!!” Kazumi says looking into a shooting range booth. Kazumi spots a stuffed monkey whom she seems to have her heart set on; Kirisu decides to win it for her. Kirisu does not bother to ask and goes straight to play it. “Alright, I’ll win it for you on the first try.” Kirisu says raising the toy gun. He tilts the gun slightly and squeezes the trigger. He hits a plastic figure on the side; the pellet ricochets from it and knocks the plastic anime figure, a teddy bear and the monkey all in one shot. “What the hell?” The male student inside the booth says. “Wow, that’s a really lucky shot!” Kazumi says amazed and hugging the stuffed monkey. “Haha, yeah, haha.” Kirisu laughs. Meanwhile Kyoshi and Seshiro are walking around the festival, having a small conversation. “So what are you going to be doing?” Kyoshi asks with his hands inside his pockets. “Hm…dunno maybe I’ll talk with her some more, get to know her better; she looks like a good person to hang out with.” Seshiro says looking around as he walks. “Oh, you mean Hisana.” Kyoshi says. “Yeah.” Seshiro says. “I see, there she is now, and maybe you should hang out with her if you wanna get to be good friends faster.” Kyoshi says looking at Hisana in the distance and then looking back at Seshiro once more. “I guess you’re right.” Seshiro says nodding at Kyoshi and walking towards Hisana. Kyoshi goes to explore the festival as Seshiro goes to talk to Hisana, he doesn’t flinch nor thinks twice before going over to her, he simply goes confident in himself and it works. “Hey Hisana.” Seshiro says sitting down next to her. “Oh, Seshiro, you alright?” Hisana asks. “Yeah.” Seshiro replies. “What’s up?” Hisana asks. “I was hoping maybe we could hang out today? Like friends I mean, you know.” Seshiro says casually. Hisana for a moment is unsure losing herself in thought and then replies. “Alright then.” Meanwhile Yumi and Lloyd are eating Onigiri which is a sweet pasty rice cake sold in Lemuria, Kirisu and Kazumi seems happy as well both now having a better understanding of each other, Seshiro gets to know better Hisana and as for Kyoshi he’s walking near some booths. “Damn, why am I spending this special occasion alone?” Kyoshi asks himself. “Yeah, it makes you wonder.” Zero says walking next to him appearing out of the blue. “ACK! Zero where’d you come from?!” Kyoshi asks alarmed. “I was watching the fight and after it finished I got bored so I came here.” Zero replies. A moment passes without either of them saying a word as they walk. “So, any new demons popped up?” Kyoshi asks. “No, and its bothering me.” Zero says. “What do you mean?” Kyoshi asks frowning at Zero’s comment. “The cloaked men must be plotting something; we can’t let our guard down.” Zero says passing by a booth with fake replica Lemurian blades on sale. “Zero, from the knife they threw at you the other day, couldn’t you detect their scent with it?” Kyoshi asks observing Zero. “No, they covered the smell with perfume, for someone to do that the person must already know I’m a Kaizer, now I‘m sure it’s, THAT man.” Zero says, his face turning sour as he thinks. “Zero, you’re pretty good at analyzing situations and…” Kyoshi cut himself off, he has seen a quick shadow flying through the air and thinks to himself. “Hmm… Strange, I could have sworn a phoenix just passed by.” “You ok?” Zero asks. “What? Oh yeah.” Kyoshi replies still a little thoughtful. Night falls and the celebration coming to a close, a huge bonfire is started at the front of the school in tradition of previous years. Everyone is gathering for this final event, Lloyd, Yumi and even Zero are already there. “Zero, what’re you doing here?” Yumi asks puzzled. “I came because I think I know why the first demon attacked Seshiro.” Zero replies calmly. “I see, then why?” Lloyd asks. “That demon was originally looking for you.” Zero says. “ME?!” Lloyd asks shocked pointing at himself. “You said he was going to bring you a sweaty shirt that was yours; the demon must have picked the smell thinking it was you.” Zero explains. “But why Lloyd?” Yumi asks. “Ever since I arrived to Lemuria, Lloyd, Seshiro and Kirisu have had a kind of strange scent, it’s hard to explain, it’s not too different from other humans, but its there.” Zero says. “I don’t understand.” Lloyd says. Kyoshi appears with a down look on his face. “What happened to you?” Yumi asks worried. “I’m just bored as hell.” Kyoshi says still looking down. “Well, I didn’t see that coming.” Lloyd says. Slowly from the crowd Seshiro comes up to his friends with a light smile on his face, humming a song. Kyoshi still down asks. “How did it go?” “It was good, we talked about classes and foods and stuff.” Seshiro replies. “That’s it?” Kyoshi asks. “Yeah, we’re just friends you know.” Seshiro says with a smile. “Nice.” Lloyd raises his thumbs up. Meanwhile Kirisu and Kazumi, the big moment appears in front of Kirisu to confess his love to Kazumi. His whole body trembling unsure of how to say what he wants to say, Kazumi knows he is going to ask and waits for him almost impatiently to say something as she nibbles on her lower lip. Kirisu takes a deep breath and starts his confession of love. “Um…” Kirisu nervously tries to confess. “Yes!” Kazumi says waiting for Kirisu to say something. “Wha?” Kirisu says nervously. “Eh…” Kazumi keeps on nibbling her lower lip. They stand there silently for a moment both of them unsure of what the heck just happened; Kirisu then chuckles a bit as to there isn’t much else he can do now that the mood is broken. “There goes my confession…” Kirisu says sighing. “Hahaha, I’m sorry, I was just so excited I couldn’t wait.” Kazumi says giggling. “Hahahahaha.” Kirisu laughs. They both settle down, both their nervousness and excitement calming down. Kirisu with a faint smile says to Kazumi as they both gaze into each other’s eyes. “Kazumi, I love you.” Kazumi looks back at him and closes in and gives him a kiss on the lips, as their lips touch nothing else matters, but just that they are together. As Kazumi then backs away she says. “I love you too Kirisu.” The festival comes to a close, Kirisu, Kazumi, Lloyd, Yumi, Zero, Seshiro and Kyoshi now all leave the festivities to go to their respective homes. © 2013 ShinReviews
3 Reviews Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing
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