![]() Chapter 08: The Fight before ChristmasA Chapter by ShinIt’s now December twenty fourth, Christmas break has started in Lemuria, it’s snowing moderately in Lemuria, and Kirisu had called out Kazumi to the park. She arrives after a while, she then sees Kirisu observing some people ice skate at the frozen lake in the park, she sneaks behind him without him noticing, she covers his eyes with her hands and Kirisu smirks. “Who am I?” Kazumi asks speaking with a rough voice. “Gee let me guess… Um, frosty the dough man?” Kirisu says with a smile. “Hahaha.” Kazumi giggles. Kirisu then takes her hands out of his eyes gently while turning around. “You prankster.” Kirisu says with a cheerful face. “Hahaha.” Both Kirisu and Kazumi laugh. “So, why did you call me out here for? Was there something you wanted to say?” Kazumi asks. “Well yeah, I rented out this resort north of Lemuria.” Kirisu says as he begins to walk around the park. “It’s kinda rural up there.” Kazumi remarks walking next to him. “It’s alright; we’ve seen enough buildings for now.” Kirisu says. “Yeah, and what about the others?” Kazumi asks spotting a bench and sitting there. “Well, they’re all invited as well.” Kirisu says sitting next to her. “What about transportation?” Kazumi asks. “Well, I wanted to ask you if you can ask your dad for his car.” Kirisu says. “Um… Ok, I’ll see what I can do.” Kazumi says stretching her arms downward slightly. They talk for a while, after this Kirisu leaves towards Lloyd’s house, he arrives only to see Lloyd outside talking with Seshiro and Kyoshi. “As I was saying, that damned Zero, I mean, who the hell comes to my house trying to take advantage of MY mom!” Lloyd asks angrily punching an electric pole like if he’s boxing. “Calm down Lloyd, besides, she’s in her late twenties, she should have another man besides you.” Seshiro jests. “No! My mom is mine!” Lloyd says punching the electric pole very hard. “Hey, what’s up guys?” Kirisu asks waving his hand at the party. “Oh, not much, you?” Kyoshi asks lying against a car. “Well, I came here to invite you to a resort north of Lemuria.” Kirisu says lying against the car next to Kyoshi. “Humph… I don’t think I’ll be going.” Lloyd says punching the electric pole again. “Why not?” Kirisu asks. “Because I can’t let mister mom hunter roaming around, and besides, I promised I would help Yumi in Christmas school decorations.” Lloyd replies. “Well, she IS the vice president of the student council.” Kyoshi says biting his nail. “Master of the obvious.” Lloyd says grinning. “Hahaha.” Seshiro laughs. “……” Kyoshi sighs. “So, what about you guys?” Kirisu asks looking at Kyoshi and Seshiro. “Well, I was also gonna lend Lloyd and Yumi a hand.” Kyoshi says. “Ok then, I’ll go, is there a problem if I invite Hisana?” Seshiro asks. “No, no, bring her as well since Lloyd and the others aren’t going. I wonder if Zero wants to go.” Kirisu wonders. “I doubt it, he’s upstairs watching Christmas specials.” Lloyd says with a grin. “Hahaha.” Kyoshi laughs. “What a guy.” Seshiro says. “Anyways, Seshiro, we’re gonna rendezvous at Kazumi’s, bring Hisana.” Kirisu says standing straight and walking away. “Ok.” Seshiro replies also leaving. “Looks like we’re heading over to Yumi’s now.” Lloyd says to Kyoshi. “I thought you were going later.” Kyoshi says staring suspiciously. “Truth is I WAS going later, but I don’t really want to go alone.” Lloyd says. “Why is that?” Kyoshi asks curiously. “Well… You’ll know why once we arrive at Yumi’s.” Lloyd says zipping up his coat. “Ok.” Kyoshi replies. Lloyd and Kyoshi walk towards Yumi’s house, upon arrival they hear Yumi yelling very loudly. “And I’m telling you I’m going no matter what!” “Yumi! You better obey your father, I don’t like it when you hang around so many men, you don’t know their intentions!” A man with a rough voice yells back to Yumi from inside the house. “You don’t know anything about my friend’s dad!” Yumi yells back. Lloyd and Kyoshi are standing outside speechless. “Umm… Lloyd, what’s going on?” Kyoshi asks nervously. “This is normal in this house, wait till you see her dad, you’ll understand everything.” Lloyd says walking through the house landscape full of snow. “Ok.” Kyoshi follows. “Wish me luck.” Lloyd says, then ringing the door bell, suddenly the door opens and a very muscular man about six four feet tall with blonde hair and dark blue eyes dressed with a military uniform steps outside. The man looks sharply at Lloyd and asks. “Mura, what brings you here?” “Uh, good afternoon Mr. Schneider, I mean sir.” Lloyd says nervously. “Who’s this girl next to you?” Mr. Schneider asks seriously looking down at Kyoshi. “I’m not a girl sir.” Kyoshi says in a low voice. “What? What happened to military haircuts, now a day’s all the boys have long hair.” Mr. Schneider says slightly irritated. “Well, that’s what’s in, in fashion I mean.” Kyoshi says scratching his head. “Humph…” Mr. Schneider remains silent. Suddenly Yumi forces her way out through her father’s side. “Hey guys.” Yumi says casually. “Denken Sie daran, was ich euch gesagt Yumi.” Mr. Schneider says in a high tone of voice. “Ja, ja, das ist mir egal.” Yumi says coldly in Vakidoren. “I want you home at twenty one hundred hours.” Mr. Schneider says strictly. “Um… you could’ve just said nine p.m.” Kyoshi says. Mr. Schneider looks at Kyoshi sharply. “Ok, I’m out, bye dad.” Yumi walks by Lloyd and Kyoshi. “Before you go, do you have protection? You are surrounded by boys.” Mr. Schneider asks. “Ja.” Yumi replies. “Protection?” Kyoshi and Lloyd say at the same time looking at each other with confused expressions. Yumi takes out a balisong, moving, fanning and flipping it swiftly with her right hand until the blade stands out; Kyoshi and Lloyd widen their eyes in shock. “That’s my little girl.” Mr. Schneider says with a cocky smile. “Tschüs.” Yumi says grabbing Lloyd and Kyoshi by their arms and leaves quickly. “Alright, off to school!” Meanwhile Kirisu arrives at Kazumi’s place; Seshiro and Hisana are already there standing in front of the restaurant. “Am I early?” Kirisu asks walking towards them. “Yeah.” Hisana says. “You must be Hisana correct?” Kirisu asks. “Yeah.” Hisana replies. “Pleasure to meet you.” Kirisu says extending his hand towards her. “Likewise.” Hisana shakes his hand. “Ok, Kazumi told me that if you arrived before she got down to tell you that her father lent her the car and that she’ll be down in a minute.” Seshiro says. “Ok.” Kirisu nods. After a few minutes Kazumi comes out with the keys of the car. “Oh, you’re finally here.” Kazumi says kissing Kirisu’s cheek. “Yeah.” Kirisu says. “Ok, let’s get on the car.” Kazumi says, then opening the car doors, everyone gets in and Kazumi is the one driving. “Kirisu, can you check under your seat, there’s a map there, we don’t want to get lost do we?” Kazumi says turning on the car. “Nope.” Kirisu says reaching for the map under the seat; meanwhile Yumi, Lloyd and Kyoshi arrive at the school for preparations. “I hate school, I swear.” Lloyd says looking around. Suddenly some girls waiting outside notice Yumi and hurry to her. “Hurry vice president, we’re out of schedule!” One of the girls tells Yumi. “Huh, wait a min-” Yumi is cut off. The girls grab Yumi by her arms and take her in school. “There she goes.” Lloyd says waving his hand in a comical way. “What about us?” Kyoshi asks looking at Lloyd. “Trust me, this is gonna be some boring a*s day.” Lloyd says sighing. Suddenly some guys come out of the school and heads to where Lloyd is. “Captain!” One of the guys calls to Lloyd, waving his hand. “Oh, not these guys again.” Lloyd says sighing once again. “Who are they?” Kyoshi asks. “They’re my kendo students; I’m the kendo club captain, bunch of losers.” Lloyd explains. “Chris told us to bring you with us; he said he found a place to peep on the girls changing to their sexy Santa Claus uniforms!” The same guy says excited. “!!! Really? Are you really telling us the truth Steve?” Lloyd widens his eyes. “Yeah, you come too.” Steve says in a hurry. “Me?” Kyoshi asks pointing himself. “Yeah you.” Steve says. “Lead the way minions!” Lloyd says pointing at the school. On their way a skinny guy stops Lloyd and asks. “Hey Lloyd, does this shirt make me look gay?” “Oh God, Shawny again.” Lloyd sighs. “Who’s he?” Kyoshi asks. “Some f****t.” Lloyd says annoyed. “Hey, hey, I aint gay, I’m just curious, that’s it.” Shawny says making strange gestures with his hands. “Way too much info.” Lloyd says with a disgusted face. “Hurry captain!” Steve says running ahead. Lloyd and Kyoshi run along with Lloyd’s kendo students, they hurry to where Christopher is. Meanwhile Kazumi and the rest on their way on a highway. “The scenery sure is changing.” Hisana says looking out the window. A cloudy sky can be seen and the temperature is dropping even more as they get closer to the resort, the trees that were once in full bloom are now leafless. They then arrive at a huge gate that leads to the inside of the private resort. “Wait here, I’m going to speak with the guard.” Kirisu says opening the door and stepping out wearing his winder coat. “Halt who goes there?” A voice of a man asks. All of a sudden a man with a goatee and curly brown hair with a huge sword comes out from the inside of the front the gate. “I’m Kirisu, I got some papers with permission to get into the resort, who are you? You don’t seem like the usual guard.” Kirisu asks warily. Seshiro walks next to Kirisu. “I am Nesty, The Eternus Feckerus, a Gen-Exis Elite!” Nesty says cockily. “S**t, did he just say he’s an elite?!” Seshiro widens his eyes and backs away slightly. Kirisu and Seshiro are somewhat nervous, they both whisper to their ears. “What is an elite soldier of Gen-Exis doing here? And working as a resort gate guard? I mean, that must be minimum wage.” Seshiro asks very confused. “Beats me.” Kirisu says backing away a little as well. “What do we do? Look at that sword, it’s huge.” Seshiro says in amazement. “In my homeland “Eternus Feckerus” means literally in mix slang “Eternal Liar”.” Kirisu says. “If you don’t answer now I’ll murder every last one of you in a second.” Nesty claims coolly swinging his huge sword like a feather. “He’s fast!” Seshiro says in shock. “I guess that’s why he’s an elite.” Kirisu says. “Hey, hey, no one’s killing anyone here.” A male voice said. Out of the blue a bald man with a cup of hot noodles opens the gate and walks outside. “Hey Nesty, stop swinging your cardboard sword around and get the hell inside before I smack that goatee off your chin!” The bald man says with the palm of his hand raised up about to hit Nesty. “Ok Frank…” Nesty says in a low voice walking through the gate. “Hey Frank.” Kirisu shakes Frank’s hand. “Kirisu, long time no see. Don’t mind the village idiot; he’s just special, you know.” Frank says eating some noodles. “How was I supposed to know he was an idiot?” Kirisu asks. “Just show me the papers and get inside.” Frank says sighing. Kirisu shows him the documents; everyone else is looking at Frank and Kirisu. “You both seem to know each other.” Seshiro says. “Well yeah, I’ve been to this resort a few times.” Kirisu explains. “Ok, but why do you need paper’s to enter this resort?” Seshiro asks warily. “It’s a private resort, so we need to check if you really reserved before entering. You know, to keep track of who and what goes into the town.” Frank replies checking Kirisu’s papers. “I see.” Seshiro says. “Ok, sign here and it’s cleared.” Frank hands over a list, Kirisu signs. “Welcome to Paradise resort and spa.” “Uh Frank, one question, how come you weren’t here a few minutes ago?” Kirisu asks casually. “I have a life too ya know.” Frank says with a smile. Kirisu and Seshiro gets in the car, Frank opens the gate and they go through, Seshiro, Kazumi and Hisana are surprised that it’s not just a resort; it’s also a small town. “Whoa.” Hisana is speechless. “I never thought this would actually be a small town.” Kazumi says also looking around as she drives. “I thought it was just a resort.” Seshiro says. “Well, in name it is a resort, but it’s actually Paradise town. The resort is up a small mountain up ahead.” Kirisu explains. As they keep driving they see an amazing sight of wooden houses and streets all covered with pure white snow. “So beautiful.” Kazumi says still observing the town and driving a little slower. “So, where are we staying?” Seshiro asks. “Up there.” Kirisu then points at a small mountain surrounded by a forest. “There’s a pretty nice place built up there with enough room’s to fit us all.” “That’s must have cost an arm and leg for all of us.” Seshiro says in amazement. “Haha, well think of it as my gift to you guys.” Kirisu says smiling. An hour past, Kazumi drives up the mountain and finds a huge building built looking like a ski resort, but it’s deserted. “Where are the other people?” Hisana asks puzzled. “What other people? I rented this resort just for us, this is a private inn.” Kirisu says. “Holy s**t!” Kazumi widens her eyes and stares at Kirisu for a moment. They get off the car after arriving up the mountain and as soon as they open the door of the resort a blonde young man with blue eyes around the age of sixteen and a similar blonde young woman with blue eyes of the same age greet them. “Dude’s what’s up?” The blonde young man says in a surfer accent. “Oh look Jin its bro.” The blonde young woman hugs Kirisu. “Dude, about time ya got here.” Jin says excited. “Oh Jin, Naty, it’s been a while.” Kirisu says indifferently and unsurprised. “A while? Try a year!” Naty says. “Kirisu who are these people?” Kazumi asks staring at Kirisu strangely. “My little brother and sister.” Kirisu says casually. They both smile and look at everyone. “Dude, like who are all these people?” Jin asks. “They’re my friends.” Kirisu replies. “You sure made a lot of friends, very nice to meet you all.” Naty waves at everyone. “Same to you.” Everyone said almost at the same time. “The pleasure is totally ours.” Jin says. “You didn’t tell us they’d be coming.” Seshiro says observing Kirisu. “I didn’t know they were coming.” Kirisu says slightly indifferent. Everyone looks at Jin and Naty, their smiles and body language is so similar to Kirisu’s it’s scary. “Oh well, I bet you all want to see the place don’t you?” Naty asks. Naty begins to show everyone around, showing them every room, the bed rooms, the hot spring, the play room, the kitchen, the lodge, movie room, everything in general. As Naty got friendly with everyone, Kirisu and Jin are talking a few feet away. “Mother and father didn’t come?” Kirisu asks. “No brother, you know how it is in the organization, the higher you are the busier you get.” Jin replies. “That didn’t stop you from coming all the way here from the other side of the world and I would like it if you didn’t tell anyone of them about my past.” Kirisu says staring seriously at Jin. “Oh?” Jin simply says as he walks. Jin suddenly makes an evil smile, his speech pattern changing from that surfer accent he had a moment ago. “None of these people know of who you were before this temporary leave you took?” Jin asks. “Please, just keep that to yourself.” Kirisu says with his head down. Jin’s speech pattern then turns back to the surfer accent. “My lips are seal dude.” Jin says with a smile. Seshiro looks at Jin and thinks to himself. “Why do I feel so uneasy around Jin?” Jin looks back at Seshiro and also thinks. “I’ve never felt this uneasy feeling around a person, who is this Seshiro?” An hour or so pass, Jin, Naty and the others are at the play room talking, drinking and overall having a good time, but Kirisu is outside, it’s already nighttime ad it’s snowing, he is deep in thought and a bit sadden, he then looks up at the full moon.
“Why are they here…” Kirisu whispers to himself. “Kirisu.” Kazumi says appearing from behind him, a bit worried about him. “Are you ok?” Kazumi asks worried. “Oh? Oh yeah, I’m fine.” Kirisu replies quickly. “You don’t seem like it.” Kazumi says. “I guess I was surprised to see my siblings here so suddenly.” Kirisu says in a low voice. “Maybe so, but you didn’t smile right away when you saw them, you’re expression was that of discontent.” Kazumi says placing her hand on his shoulder. “Heh, you know me a little better than I thought.” Kirisu says. Kazumi then moves closer to Kirisu; she then looks sharply into his eyes. “What exactly is going on here?” Kazumi asks with a worried expression. “What do you mean?” Kirisu asks taken aback a bit by her sudden change in character. “Your brothers appearing out of the blue without even telling you they were coming.” Kazumi says. “I guess it was a surprise.” Kirisu sits down on a bench. “There’s something fishy going on here, and I bet you’re not going to tell me aren’t you?” Kazumi asks warily. “I...I…Kazumi.” Kirisu looks at her with a sadden face. “Just forget it!!” Kazumi runs off angry that he would not give her a straight answer, but Kirisu grabs her hand and then hold both her shoulders, he looks at her with eyes she’d never seen before. “Kazumi, it’s not like there’s something fishy going on, it’s just that I just found it strange that both my brother came from the other side of the world to see me.” Kirisu explains. “Well, that is true, but they’re your brothers.” Kazumi remarks. “Yeah.” Kirisu agrees nodding. Hisana see them both coming in, Kazumi goes ahead to take a bath in the hot spring, Hisana sees Kirisu a bit sadden and goes to talk to him. “You alright?” Hisana asks sitting on the couch across Kirisu. “I guess.” Kirisu says in a low voice. “Umm… I wanted to tell you something.” Hisana says. “What is it?” Kirisu asks raising his head up and staring at Hisana strangely. “Well… Just be careful.” Hisana says standing up from the couch. “Of what?” Kirisu asks curiously. “Nothing, forget I said anything.” Hisana leaves towards the hot spring. “Weird.” Kirisu says to himself, then standing up and heading to the play room while Hisana and Naty head to the hot spring to join Kazumi. “Hey Kazumi, you seemed a little troubled earlier.” Hisana says casually. “Huh? It’s nothing.” Kazumi says looking at her own reflection on the water. “Trouble so soon?” Hisana asks relaxing against a rock. “Oh no, no, just complications.” Kazumi says still staring at the water. “Might as well be trouble.” Naty says coming in with a towel. “I was just a bit curious why he was all down earlier.” Kazumi says. “So what do you think might be the reason?” Hisana asks. “Well, I would feel a little uneasy if both my brothers appeared out of the blue without even mentioning it.” Naty says. “That’s the same thing he told me.” Kazumi says staring at Naty shocked. “Well yeah, anyone would.” Hisana says. Nothing else is said of the matter and afterwards everyone heads to their rooms to sleep, except for Jin, Naty and Kirisu. They all go into Jin’s room and sit in some chairs in the darkness. Jin then takes off his mask to reveal his true face that is still hidden by the darkness of the room, his eyes are a bright red that almost glows in the night, he has short red spiky hair and his speech pattern changes again. “Man, that mask is annoying to wear.” Jin says annoyed. “Why are you guys here?” Kirisu asks seriously. “We haven’t seen you in so long brother.” Naty says with a grin. “I know you both well enough to know you have more than that at hand.” Kirisu says with an irritated voice staring at both of them. “Nothing gets past you does is brother? We came here to tell you that another war is about to start, and you’ve become an active soldier again; you know there are no exceptions. You have to come back with us.” Jin explains. Kirisu looks around only seeing the silhouette of his siblings. “I want to remain here.” Kirisu says with his head low. “Brother, these people have changed you, I remember a time when you were an emotionless monster whom would kill anyone that stud in your way without so much as a second thought, what happened to you? Jin asks slightly angrily. “I found a place where to be without being that monster.” Kirisu says still with his head down low. A moment passes with just silence in the room. “Brother, face it, we are beast whom cannot live without walking among the corpses of the fallen. Return with us to Vakidor.” Jin says quickly. “Hizer I-” Kirisu is cut off. “Don’t call me by that name here.” Jin angrily says. “Jin, give me until summer and I’ll go back.” Kirisu says looking directly into Jin’s eyes, Jin and Naty stare at Kirisu in the dark room unsure of what kind of face he is making, but they know it’s one of plead, hoping they will let him stay, a face they have never seen him make and if Jin ever see it, it will probably disgust him. “Why, why do you want to remain here? Do you think you will find your humanity with that fake smile?” Jin asks brusquely. “That’s easy for you to say, as I lost my mine, you found yours. So let me stay a bit longer.” Kirisu says almost begging. “Why should I let you stay? Eventually these people will turn on you.” Jin says. “In the end you will be hurt to an extent that I doubt this new you could handle.” Naty says. “I will give you information in return regarding what’s happening in Lemuria.” Kirisu says bowing his head lightly. Both Naty and Jin listen intently to him. “There have been many demons attacking Lemuria lately, I don’t really know the cause, but I thought it might have been some of Gen-Exis little experiments.” Kirisu explains. “Well, we’re not really in charge of the science branch.” Naty says. “I see.” Kirisu simply says. “I’ll see what I can dig up without the elder noticing.” Jin says. “That’ll be difficult.” Kirisu says after frowning. “If we’re discovered it’ll cost us our heads.” Naty says. “Very well brother, you’ve awoken my curiosity in this matter, but I will return by summer’s end.” Jin says standing up from the chair. All three walk out of the room, Jin with his mask on again. “Well dude, I guess I’ll be totally blasting off now.” Jin says with a smile. “Please do take care of yourself brother.” Naty says hugging him once again. Kirisu remains silent for a moment, but respond quickly. “Mother… Mother allowed me to stay out for as long as I wanted if I enjoyed my new life, why do you want me to return?” Kirisu asks. “You know better than all of us that even though mother is high ranking she doesn’t have the complete authority in the military to let you go even when they made you an active soldier again, she can only delay it for so long. The elder specially wants you back because of your special skills in battle; he said that if you’re not back, he would have to respond to Him.” Naty explains. “As a warrior I was great, but as a human I didn’t amount to much back then.” Kirisu says with a sadden expression. “Warriors shape the world for politicians and some warriors become the latter and rule with great power.” Jin states. “In this case, all of us are powerful, but we’re still not completely in charge.” Kirisu says looking straight into Jin’s eyes. “True, but we still don’t have the power to compete against an elder and much less to the one higher up.” Naty says. “Him… I’ve only seen him once, only those in higher ranking know he’s our supreme leader, but we still don’t know anything at all about him.” Kirisu says. “Only his name…” Naty says staring at Kirisu. “Krade.” Kirisu says. “Anyways, I’ll be back by summer’s end, be certain of that.” Jin says walking away. Jin and Naty take off into the night without saying anything to anyone else as they are all already asleep. Kirisu goes outside on the opposite end of the inn to have a cigarette, Hisana whom is getting a drink sees him and quietly follows, she sees him sitting on a ledge with his left hand holding his forehead as the other holding his cigarette murmuring to himself. “What have I done?” “You ok there Kirisu?” Hisana asks sitting next to him. “Oh hey Hisana, I thought you and Kazumi were sleeping?” Kirisu asks. “Well, I’m awake as you see, but Kazumi is still sleeping.” Hisana replies. “Oh, ok.” Kirisu says. “So what’s wrong with you?” Hisana asks with a serious expression. “Problem’s with the family that’s all.” Kirisu says looking at the stars in the sky. “I just saw Jin and Naty leave; I’m assuming it’s pretty bad if they left so late at night.” Hisana says also looking up. “Yep.” Kirisu says. “Well, I won’t pry into your personal life, but I will say this: If you love your brother and sister even if they’re wrong you should forgive them or ask them to forgive you.” Hisana says looking at Kirisu. “Thanks, I’ll think about that, heh, lately you’ve been like a big sister you know that?” Kirisu says with a smile. “Hahaha, nah, I’m just a little worried.” Hisana says smiling, then walking off back inside as Kirisu keeps puffing his cigarette. After a while Kirisu goes back inside, he looks at a clock in the kitchen and notices it’s only a few minutes till midnight, officially being Christmas day. “Damn it it’s almost time.” Kirisu says to himself. He hurries to a storage house nearby the resort and opens the door, he then takes out a shotgun and goes to his room where Seshiro is sleeping. Kirisu looks outside intently as puts some shells inside the shotgun; the noise makes Seshiro wake up. “Kirisu what are you doing?” Seshiro asks barely awake. “Go back to bed man; this is between me and them.” Kirisu says without taking his sight off the snowy landscape in the middle of the night. “What are you talking about?” Seshiro asks fully waking up. He keeps an eye outside the window to the forest not even glancing at Seshiro as he holds his shotgun firmly; Seshiro knows something is wrong, he hurries to the girl’s room only to see both Hisana and Kazumi peacefully sleeping. Seshiro then goes to the kitchen and finds a butcher knife; he takes it and goes to help Kirisu. Unexpectedly in the distance Kirisu hears the jingle of a bell, Seshiro then appears from the corner to aid Kirisu. “I want to help you- Kirisu?” Seshiro is shocked that Kirisu is no longer in his room, he goes down the stairs and notices the front door is open and his footprints are visible in the pure white snow heading to the forest. “Damn it this can’t be good.” Seshiro run quickly after Kirisu, Kirisu is a few kilometers away unaware of Seshiro’s search for him; he’s hiding behind a tree, kneeling down trying not to give out his position. All of a sudden many shadows can be seen moving around the trees, Kirisu keeps his attention towards the movement in front of him; he does not notice that one of the shadows is right behind him, as it screeched it says. “Do a dance and I won’t hurt you.” “Hm?!” Kirisu jumps back and shoots a shell out of his shotgun towards the enemy whom is no longer in front of him. The loud shot makes him easier to find for Seshiro, but also for the enemy, Seshiro quickly finds him. “Kirisu what the hell are you doing?” Seshiro asks. “Damn it, get out of here this has nothing to do with you.” Kirisu says demandingly. Suddenly they are surrounded by strange creatures with human like characteristics, but with large horns almost reaching three feet in length, with dark clothing and pale faces with demonic characteristics. “What the hell are these things?” Seshiro asks very stunned. “They’re Krampus.” Kirisu says cocking his shotgun. “What the hell do they want?” Seshiro asks desperately. Kirisu " Basically revenge for something I did many years ago. The strange monsters get closer and closer as they all say in almost synchronized matter. “Do a dance and we won’t hurt you.” “Shut up!!” Kirisu shoots one down and makes an opening to run away for a moment as Seshiro follows. “Do a dance and we won’t hurt you”? What’s all that about? What’s this? Revenge? Seshiro asks as he runs after Kirisu. “I think we’re far enough, I’ll explain quickly.” Kirisu says. “They are Krampus, they are in a way Chris cringle’s other helpers, kinda like those worker elf’s you hear so much about.” Seshiro stares at Kirisu in disbelief and some laughter comes from him, Kirisu sighs and snaps at him. “Hey, I’m telling the truth here!” “That’s a bit hard to believe man, seriously, Santa Claus? Don’t bring that kiddy stuff.” Seshiro says pressing his stomach holding his laughter. “Look he’s real okay, otherwise those things wouldn’t be after me after I killed one of them a few years ago.” Kirisu says with a dead serious expression. “What you going to tell me next? You owe Jesus some tooth fairy money? Hehehe, maybe the Easter bunny is after you too.” Seshiro says still pressing his stomach. “No! But Zwarte Piet and Sinterklaas are!” Kirisu says holding firmly his shotgun. “Who?” Seshiro asks with a confused face. Before this question can be answered, from the woods it echoed many voices. “Do a dance and we won’t hurt you.” “Well we know enough fact and fiction. Now let’s fight!” Seshiro says readying himself with his knife. “I’m telling the truth.” Kirisu insists. “Whatever.” Seshiro says indifferently. Suddenly there are more in numbers of the Krampus, about thirty to forty of them holding staff’s, some of them preparing magic attacks as the others seem to be getting ready to club them to death. The fight begins, Seshiro materializes many ice stalagmites in midair to throw off the spell casting ones, but the ones who are attacking protect a few of the casters to finish the incantation. Seshiro slashes his way through some of them, but there are too many, the ones who can pull off a spell make a tri attack of ice, fire and lighting that makes a huge explosion in the woods. Seshiro makes a thick barrier of ice around him and Kirisu, but it slowly cracks, Kirisu then begins trying to shoot down a few using only four to five shells and quickly reloading before it runs out of ammunition, every time slowly putting one shell less in the shotgun. “Kirisu use you power!” Seshiro yells. “I can’t, they have a spell that can cancel it out!” Kirisu says desperately. Seshiro’s eyes widen in shock. “They can cancel out our power?!” “No, just mine!” Kirisu says reloading his shotgun once again. A brief relief comes upon Seshiro as they slash and shoot their way through and quickly focusing on the task at hand. Suddenly there are many ganging up on Seshiro as he deals with some spell casters and Kirisu as well, Seshiro is obviously outnumbered. “Damn it!!” Seshiro says. Some of the Krampus start to chant spells as the others begin to hit Seshiro repeatedly, Kirisu has his hands full dealing with his share so he can’t help him. With their deaths getting closer and closer, hundreds of huge spikes of ice drop all over the area, killing all of them instantly. “Nice one Seshi.” Kirisu says raising his thumb up at Seshiro. “Umm… Kirisu, that wasn’t me.” Seshiro says with a serious expression. “Huh? But you’re the one here that has ice powers.” Kirisu says oddly observing Seshiro. “No, even though I can make a few of those spikes drop, I’m not capable of making and releasing hundreds of those, and not to mention the size of those spikes, it’s impossible for me.” Seshiro explains in disbelief. “Huh? You mean that whoever did that attack on those Krampus and finished them all has a stronger ice power than you? Kirisu asks. “Not only that, someone capable of doing such a feat without feeling their Spirit Force is the real deal.” Seshiro states. “What do you mean real deal?” Kirisu asks warily. “A true successor of the ice arts.” Seshiro says. “Weren’t you the true successor of the ice arts?” Kirisu asks. “Actually no, what I know is just but the basics, what I’m really good at is with heavy weapons and Spirit Force alone.” Seshiro explains. “Then why are you using ice elemental powers if you’re better with something else?” Kirisu asks cautiously. “Because I’m trying to refine them, and adding up ice elemental powers to your already good Spirit Force is more convenient in battle.” Seshiro further explains. “Ok, let’s head back, maybe the girls woke up because of all this noise.” Kirisu says walking back to the resort. “Yeah.” Seshiro says following him. Seshiro and Kirisu arrive back at the resort to find that both Hisana and Kazumi are still sleeping. The next day they leave back to Lemuria and celebrate in the school festival along the rest of the party.© 2013 ShinReviews
2 Reviews Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing
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