Chapter 07: Demon Candidate

Chapter 07: Demon Candidate

A Chapter by Shin

                        A few hours have passed since the last demon fight, it is now night. Zero is feeling uneasy that the demon Rudurus is loose in the city while Rudurus is now on his way to the outskirts of the city to meet with the mysterious cloaked men in the darkness of the night. Rudurus lands on the roof of a building, where both of the cloaked men are, he walks behind them.

            “What happened, where are the other demons?” The wavy haired man asks looking towards the distance.

            “This afternoon four young swordsmen fought and killed the others and I escaped.” Rudurus replied bent down in one knee.

            “So you came back in the late of night after a shameful defeat, with your tail between your legs just to inform us?” The cloaked man asks angrily.

            “Who were they?” The wavy haired man asks calmly.

            “I do not know but, a fifth swordsmen appeared, not an ordinary one but a far stronger fierce warrior with golden eyes.” Rudurus explained.

            “The Kaizer!” The cloaked man says with an angry tone clenching his fist.

            “A Kaizer, no wonder… Also, there is a demon that surpasses high ranking demons that you did not summon loose in the city.” Rudurus says.

            “What?! But I would have known. What kind of demon is it?” The wavy haired man asks turning around.

            “It’s a four direction cardinal demon, one of the brothers that are being pursued by the all the hordes of hell.” Rudurus replies looking straight at both cloaked men.

            “By whom?”The cloaked man asks standing next to the wavy haired man.

            “The very prince of darkness that is sealed in the frozen lake Cocytus of the deepest circle in hell.” Rudurus explains bowing his head.

            “What? Why would a demon be pursued so much by the most powerful demon king himself?” The wavy haired man asks.

            “That I cannot tell you, for it is forbidden by the angel of light.” Rudurus says looking once again at both men.

            “So what should we do?” The cloaked man asks looking at the wavy haired man.

            “Rudurus go and find that demon’s location and come back to inform me.” The wavy haired man ordered turning around and looking at the distance one again.

                        Rudurus takes off into the air obeying the black cloaked men’s orders.

            “That Kaizer is becoming annoying; want me to take care of him?” The cloaked man asks.

            “No, let him be. We might find some use for him later.” The wavy haired man says calmly.

            “So what are you gonna do?” The cloaked man asks.

            “Forget about the Kaizer for now, we should focus on the plan and the demon takes second priority, even if we find it we won’t be able to do much.” The wavy haired man says looking at his right arm.

            “Is it that strong?” The cloaked man asks.

            “Its way too strong!” The wavy haired man says looking back at the cloaked man.

                        Meanwhile Rudurus now flies in the darkness of the city looking down at the streets, just then a flash of lighting appears out of nowhere hitting Rudurus and cutting off one of its wings.

            “A dumbass Belphegor demon like you flying around wasn’t hard to spot.” Zero says landing on a roof.

                        Rudurus is now slowly falling until it lands on the roof ground as well.

            “You’re the man from before, the Kaizer.” Rudurus says gazing at Zero’s eyes.

            “So, my race is still remembered in hell.”Zero says with a grin walking slowly at Rudurus.

            “Yeah, I remember that race from the wars of legend.” Rudurus says backing away a little.

            “So you know what I can do. Tell me who sent you, was it a man with a mystical gauntlet?” Zero asks.

            “Like I’ll tell you!” Rudurus says still backing away.

            “Answer me or you’ll face the same fate as many before you!” Zero says angrily.

                        Rudurus did not speak another word, but just looks at Zero, as Zero’s face changes to a merciless warrior. Zero then charges ahead and lifts his sword over himself charged with lighting and strikes down vertically, but Rudurus covers himself with his remaining wing which is cut down by Zero in the process, then Rudurus hit Zero with all his might in his chest with a punch. Zero is off balance for a moment.

            “So you have some fight in you.” Zero says slightly grinning.

                        Rudurus again did not speak a word, but just looks at Zero, Zero once more charges ahead and starts to slash his sword confident that this fight will not be any different from this afternoon. Zero wields his sword like the skilled sword master he is, but not a hit would land; Rudurus used an illusion screen, Zero keeps hitting what appears to be Rudurus only to have cut down just an after image of itself. Rudurus then hit Zero again and again weakening him little by little and every time Zero attacks towards the direction of the demon all he finds is an after image. Zero then closes his eyes concentrating on only the scent of the demon, when Rudurus comes from behind to attack; Zero blocks with his sword and slashes Rudurus wounding it greatly.

            “That’s a neat trick; but an illusion screen doesn’t work against Kaizers.” Zero says with a smirk.

                        Rudurus then picks up his wing from the ground and throws it towards Zero, Zero raises his left arm and unleashes a spark of lighting to destroy it, as the wing burst in pieces, smoke overcomes from it, clouding Zero’s smell and vision. Rudurus takes this moment to hit Zero once more ready to finish this fight, when Zero suddenly shouts.


                        A shadowy figure comes down from the sky and a pressure of wind clears the smoke out of the way and then the shadow cuts Rudurus head off, this shadow is none other than Lloyd wielding the swords that Dragni and Ranus were using.

            “Well, you got your revenge, feeling better?” Zero asks sheathing his sword.

            “Damn right I do.” Lloyd says.

            “You can thank me by letting me stay at your house a bit longer.” Zero says walking away.

            “So you can f**k my mom again? Hell no!!” Lloyd shouts annoyed.

            “Damn it, I already told you, you got it all wrong.” Zero says turning around irritated.

            “Whatever man.” Lloyd says looking as Rudurus’s body disintegrates.

                        Meanwhile the cloaked men look from afar from the top of a building.

            “That’s the golden eyes man, the last remaining Kaizer.” The wavy haired man says without taking his sight off Zero.

            “And who’s that other guy, his sidekick?” The cloaked man asks jokingly.

            “I’m not sure, but that young man with him has a power that is not usually common within humans such as him.” The wavy haired man says observing Lloyd.

            “Is he a demon?” The cloaked man asks.

            “No, his scent is strange, but he’s definitely a human, and if he by chance were one that Kaizer would have killed him.” The wavy haired man replies.

            “How about we make things a bit more exiting around here?” The cloaked man says slightly laughing.

            “What do you mean?” The wavy haired man asks turning to the cloaked man.

            “A powerful demon is loose, Zero is a professional at exterminating demons and that boy with him has some interesting power.” The cloaked man says.

            “Your point?” The wavy haired man says.

            “A clash between them would be quite a sight.” The cloaked man says looking towards Zero and Lloyd.

                        Meanwhile… Zero and Lloyd are walking through the street.

            “Oh shut up already, I helped you out with your revenge and I took a lot of hits trying to give you the chance to kill it, and you came out of it all smelling like a rose.” Zero says irritated.

            “Hm……alright, but only for a day or two more, BUT you ain’t staying at home while I’m at school so you better find a part time job or something.” Lloyd says as making a curve to the next street.

                        Just then Zero suddenly stops.

            “What’s wrong?” Lloyd asks turning around and looking at Zero.

                        Out of the blue a military knife comes flying from afar, Zero leans his head back evading the knife, the knife stabs in the wall with a note stuck to it. Lloyd and Zero look towards the direction it came from, but they see nothing.

            “Who the hell threw that?” Lloyd asks angrily then picking removing the knife and begins to read the note; “A demon that is even more powerful than a high ranking demon is loose in the city, a lot of people will die if you don’t find it… the blood of the innocent will pour and make the streets run red.”

            “It’s a lie.” Zero says quickly and calmly.

            “What, how can you be sure? Weird s**t that’s never happened before has gone on for a while now.” Lloyd says observing the knife.

            “Its all bluffs, a demon stronger than high ranking demon have a power with no equal in this world. A high ranking demon’s scent is too strong, I would’ve noticed already, plus the high Demon Force it exerts, it cannot cross the hell tunnels and if summoned, the summoner will surely die to its power or in the summoning process. According to what I have come to know, the man that I’m looking for can’t summon a demon with such tremendous power or rather, will not.

            “So if we were to take this seriously we’d be going on a wild goose chase?” Lloyd asks putting the knife away.

            “Right.”Zero replied.

                        The next day in school, Lloyd is in a small building outside the main building, he is dressed in a kendo uniform holding a bokken (Wooden sword) instructing the class in different sword stances and moves.

            “Now, you have to practice alone.” Lloyd says standing in front of the whole group.

            “Captain, can we practice in groups?”  One of the male students asks raising his hand.

            “Yeah, it’s much better.” Another male student says agreeing with the other.

            “Hmm… Alright then.” Lloyd says after a few moments.

            “So we get to practice with the girls too?” The same male student that raised his hand asks.

            “Actually no, I mean no discrimination, but you losers move to the right side.” Lloyd says pointing out all the guys beckoning his hand to the right. “And you hot babes the left side.”

            “That b*****d!” One of the male students whispers in an angry tone.

            “Now start practicing, anyone that needs any help holler me.” Lloyd says winking at the girls.

            “Captain, I need some help with my stance!” One of the female students with long black silky hair says.

            “Score!” Lloyd says in a low tone.

            “Me too captain!” One of the male students says raising his hand.

            “First come first serve, you wait or whatever.” Lloyd says to the male student irritated.

                        Lloyd stands behind the female student helping her hold her sword from behind.

            “Like… this?” The female student asks blushing.

            “Oh yeah!” Lloyd says excited.

            “Is your sword on your waist? I can feel it very hard poking my butt.” The female student says still blushing.

            “Yeah, that’s my sword alright.” Lloyd says.

            “Hmm…” The female student giggles.

            “Me next!” Another female student says raising her hand.

            “And me!” Yet another female student says waving her hand.

            “Don’t worry, there’s plenty of more stances where that came from, let’s see, one, two, three, four, hmm… thirteen girls, and you all want me to teach you, alright then, here I go.” Lloyd says with a smile.

                        Suddenly a male student steps in and says annoyed and says. “I challenge you!”

            “Why the hell for?” Lloyd asks staring coldly at the student.

            “Taking all the girls for yourself!” The male student replies.

            “Damn, okay, then all of you, come at me with all you got, I won’t even use my sword.” Lloyd says standing in front of all the male students signaling with his hand to come over to him.

                        All the male students except Christopher charge at Lloyd, they all swing their swords, but none hit Lloyd, Lloyd just punches, kicks, grapples and throws all of the students on the mats easily.

            “Now back to practice you losers.” Lloyd says pointing elsewhere.

                        After this Lloyd is in class with Yumi.

            “Pss…hey Yumi, you wanna go out after school?” Lloyd asks without looking at the teacher.

            “Why the hell are you asking me so suddenly?” Yumi asks annoyed.

            “I’m bored, so… will you?” Lloyd asks once again.

            “Nope, I have a reunion with the student council today.” Yumi says looking at her cell phone’s clock.

            “Miss Yumi Schneider! Do you find my class boring?” Mr. Norse asks, all the students turn around to look at her.

            “Yes, eh I mean no.” Yumi says confused looking everywhere.

            “Then please pay attention and the same goes to you Shinsuke Mura!” Mr. Norse says turning around at the board.

            “I hate these teachers, especially Mr. Otero.” Lloyd says laying his face on his hand.

                        Meanwhile Kirisu is standing in the school rooftop looking at the city deep in thought.

            “I wanted a normal high school life when I was younger, I wanted to have friends and to be accepted by others, that chance has been granted to me at last, but now these demons that have appeared recently are destroying my dream.” Kirisu thought to himself looking at the city in the distance.

                        Just then the door to the rooftop opens, it’s Kazumi.

            “Cutting class are we?” Kazumi asks with a smile.

            “You’re doing the same too.” Kirisu says smiling as well.

            “Hehe, think fast.” Kazumi says lifting her right hand and throwing Kirisu a canned drink.

            “Huh?” Kirisu catches it.

            “Could you open that for me? You can have half if you want.” Kazumi says walking towards Kirisu.

            “Sure.” Kirisu says opening her canned drink.

                        They both sit down next to each other, lying on the wall, both staring at the somewhat cloudy blue sky.

            “So, where are you originally from?” Kazumi asks while taking a sip from her drink.

            “I’m from a country called Rich Port.” Kirisu says still looking up at the sky.

                        Kazumi hands Kirisu the drink and then asks him. “Oh, nice, I hear it’s very tropical there.”

            “Aha, ha, it is.” Kirisu says taking a sip; just then Kirisu realizes something and thinks. “Oh snap I just took a sip of her drink and she put her lips there just now, could this be what’s called an indirect kiss?! My second kiss with a girl was indirect?!”

            “You ok there?” Kazumi asks with a puzzled expression.

            “Ah? Oh yeah, kind of spaced out there, hahaha.” Kirisu says laughing slightly.

            “So what about your parents, what do they do?” Kazumi asks.

            “I…I never really knew my parents.” Kirisu says in a low voice.

            “What!?” Kazumi asks surprised.

                        Kirisu’s face change, his eyes have a blank dead stare as he says. “When I was about five years old, my parents were killed in my own home during a robbery.”

            “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.” Kazumi says lowering her head.

            “It’s ok; it’s not something I tell people often, that’s all.” Kirisu says with a cheerful face.

            “So what happened to you?” Kazumi asks staring at Kirisu’s eyes.

            “I stayed hidden until everything was over, ran away and lived on the streets for a few months until my adoptive family found me and took me in.” Kirisu explains.

            “Kirisu I…I’m so sorry.” Kazumi lowers her head again.

            “Its ok don’t worry we’re friends aren’t we? I don’t mind telling you.” Kirisu says with a cheerful smile once again.

            “The reason I came up here was because I wanted to get to know you a little better and now I have Kirisu, so it’s my turn to tell you about me.” Kazumi says finishing what is left of her canned drink.

            “Ok.” Kirisu simply says waiting for Kazumi to talk.

            “My full name is Kazumi Nagasaki, and like you I’m also adopted.” Kazumi says.

            “Really?” Kirisu asks taken aback.

            “When I was six years old my mother ran off with another man, my father fell into a depression and became a drunk and would be out of the house late at night until early in the mornings, he didn’t put a lot of attention to me. My adoptive family, were friends of my mother in better times and they took me in, they had a daughter a year older than me and five years later she…she died of an illness…” Kazumi says standing up and looking towards the distance, some tears could be seen coming out of her eyes.  “I’m…I’m sorry I’m not used to saying this to anyone.”

                        Kirisu looks at her and notices that he can relate to this girl in some way, he feels a connection with her, as she cries Kirisu decides to hold her close to comfort her.

            Kirisu - Kazumi…

                        Meanwhile Seshiro and Kyoshi are in gym class outside running the track, as they run they discuss a matter left unfinished yesterday.

            “Hey Kyo.” Seshiro says.

            “Yeah?” Kyoshi says still looking forward as he runs.

            “We never got to talk to Zero of his motives.” Seshiro says looking quickly at Kyoshi and back forward.

            “Oh yeah, if he had an ulterior motive, do you really think he would tell us?” Kyoshi asks.

            “I do not know, but we have to try.” Seshiro says.

                        Seshiro suddenly spots a girl jogging as well; she has red brownish long hair with very light blue eyes, she’s five feet and seven inches tall, dressed in the traditional track team clothes, a white shirt and a red shorts.

            “Who’s that?” Seshiro asks.

            “Why so interested all of a sudden?” Kyoshi asks staring strangely at Seshiro.

            “I don’t know, there’s something about her that called my attention.” Seshiro says.

            “”Must be her flashy colored hair… I take history with her, her name is Hisana Payne, and she’s new here.” Kyoshi explains.

            “Hmm… Hisana.” Seshiro murmurs.

            “Why don’t you go talk to her?” Kyoshi asks with a smirk.

            “I’ll do that.” Seshiro says then jogging towards Hisana and asks. “Hey… What’s your name?

            “Huh?” Hisana looks at Seshiro a little confused.

            “Sorry, am I disturbing you?” Seshiro asks running alongside her.

            “Not really… Hisana, Hisana Payne, you?” Hisana casually says.

            “Seshiro, Seshiro Yamazaki.” He says.

                        They shake hands and keep jogging, a few hours pass and the school day is coming to a close, Seshiro discuss with Lloyd about talking to Zero after school. Yumi, Lloyd, Seshiro, Kirisu and Kyoshi gather in front of the school once class is over.

            “Alright off to my place!” Lloyd says.

            “Not so fast there!” Ms. Serrano stops Lloyd holding his shirt.

            “Aw crap.” Lloyd says in a low voice.

                        Ms. Serrano one of the sophomore teachers with a much endowed chest appears behind them with a very irritated look.

            “Oh great……what’d you do now?” Yumi asks crossing her arms.

            “Shinsuke, Christopher and that new short kid with the brown hair were caught peeping into the girl’s locker today.” Ms. Serrano says seriously in a menacing tone of voice.

            “Don’t call me short you silicone b**b b***h.” Kirisu says annoyed and looking at her angrily.

            “You can’t talk to me like that, I’m a teacher!!” Ms. Serrano yells furiously.

            “Like I give a flying f**k who you are.” Kirisu says still angry.

            “Hahah… hey, where’s Chris, by the way?” Seshiro asks looking around.

            “Picking up gym equipment and so will the both of them, the rest of you can go.” Ms. Serrano says demandingly.

            “Lloyd.” Yumi closes her eyes in disappointment shaking her head.

            “Hehe, it’s not what you think.” Lloyd says nervously.

                        The rest of them leave as Kirisu and Lloyd stays behind to do what they were told.

            “I bet you wouldn’t have said any of that if Kazumi was around.” Lloyd says picking up some mats.

            “Nope.” Kirisu says helping Lloyd.

            “You’re lucky she left first cause she had to work.” Lloyd says.

            “Yep.” Kirisu says.

                        Christopher who is already working on his punishment looks at Lloyd with a very disappointed look and says. “I’m sorry meister.”

            “It’s alright, but I wonder why didn’t they catch us in the act?” Lloyd asks himself.

            “Because no one was there at the moment, someone must have snitched on us.” Kirisu says.

                        Lloyd and Christopher look at Kirisu with a lot of anger.

            Not me! I'm talking someone who doesn’t like us or some prankster.” Kirisu says panicking.

            “……Meji!” Lloyd, Kirisu and Christopher say in unison.

                        So they finish their punishment and the teacher scolds them one last time before letting them go.

            “Well, I hope you’ve learned something today.” Ms. Serrano says crossing her legs at her desk.

            “Yeah, watch out for b*****s with fake plastic b***s.” Kirisu says to Christopher.

            “ENOUGH, what’s you name anyways, I’m going to report you tomorrow!” Ms. Serrano asks irritably pointing at Kirisu.

            “My name is Max E. Pads.” Kirisu says quickly.

            “Hahahahaha.” Lloyd and Christopher laugh uncontrollably.

            “What’s so funny?” Ms. Serrano asks angrily.

            “Nothing, nothing.” Lloyd says calming himself.

                        They were finished with the punishment, they then walk out of the school, but in the front gate of the school they find Meji along with his crew.

            “Did you enjoy your punishment?” Meji asks grinning.

            “I knew it was a punk a*s like you that snitched on us.” Kirisu says.

            “Whatever, you deserve it and more than that, Ahhhh!!” Meji yells swinging a punch towards Kirisu, but Kirisu swiftly dodges. One of Meji’s crew members comes from behind Lloyd to grab him, but Lloyd without even turning around hits the guy with an elbow right on the face thus breaking his nose, the other two of Meji’s crew members tries to hit Christopher, but Lloyd and Kirisu punches them back.

            “Can’t you fight Chris?” Kirisu asks.

            “No.” Christopher says backing away.

            “He’s a pacifist I kind of forgot to tell you.” Lloyd says without taking his sight off Meji.

            “Fine, Chris get back, this has nothing to do with you.” Kirisu says.

                        Christopher walks back and looks from a distance as Lloyd and Kirisu fight, both of them swiftly dodge punch after punch in coordination. One of the guys does a jump kick all of a sudden, but Kirisu quickly dodges and kicks him back straight in the balls, Meji comes taking on both, Kirisu kicks him on the knees making him go down and Lloyd ends it with a knee kick under the chin, only two remain, Lloyd takes down one of them with just a punch to the throat, when suddenly;

            “Watch out!!” Christopher yells desperately.

                        The last one remaining pulls out a gun and aims it a Lloyd, Lloyd doesn’t move an inch staring in the face of a gun; unexpectedly Kirisu comes close to the gunman and pushes Lloyd away. The gunman is about to pull the trigger, Kirisu quickly dismantles the barrel of the handgun and holds it on his hand.

            “And this is the world we live in, where people use guns to solve a fist fight.” Kirisu says throwing up and catching the barrel various times.

                        Kirisu charges forward and hits him with all his might in the stomach knocking him out, the fight is over, everyone knocked out; Kirisu taking what is left of the gun and leaves with it as Lloyd and Chris follows.

            “Well, I’ll see you both tomorrow take care.” Christopher says waving his hand and walking away.

            “So what do we do now?” Kirisu asks.

            “Everyone’s probably at my place so we should head over there.” Lloyd says as he walks.

            “Gotta move it or lose it? Kirisu asks.

            “Haha, yeah next time you say my line I’ll kick you in the face.” Lloyd says stopping himself from walking anymore.

            “Hahaha.” Kirisu just keeps laughing.

            “Hahaha, shut up.” Lloyd says and keeps walking.

                        So they keep on walking, Lloyd keeping a worried eye on Kirisu as if he wants to ask something, Kirisu notices and decides to ask.

            “What’s with that look?” Kirisu asks confused.

            “That move you pulled when that guy took out that gun, where did you learn it?” Lloyd asks staring suspiciously at Kirisu.

            “I watched a movie with that move and I picked it up, haha.” Kirisu says laughing.

                        Lloyd then stops and Kirisu turns around to see what’s with the sudden stop, Lloyd just looks at him dead serious without saying a word.

            “What’s wrong?” Kirisu asks worried.

            “The first time we fought with our swords you fell, but for a moment you kept afloat from falling, yesterday you unleashed some kind of barrier and today you dismantled and gun in the middle of a fight, do you honestly think with all that freaky stuff you pulled I wouldn’t think there’s more to you than a happy-go-lucky guy?” Lloyd says crossing his arms and looking at Kirisu with a suspicious look again.

                        Kirisu then has a slight grin and looks at the sunset sky and says. “That power you saw, I got from a lot of pain and it’s a power I wish I would have never gotten.”

            “Does Kazumi know anything? You two have grown close.” Lloyd asks.

            “I told her a bit about myself, but I left all the details out.” Kirisu says still looking up.

            “So you lied to her?” Lloyd asks walking next to Kirisu.

            “No, I told her the truth, but in time I might tell her the rest.” Kirisu says looking at Lloyd.

            “Do you even like her?” Lloyd asks.

                        Kirisu’s eyes widen for a moment, but he quickly answers. “Yes.”

            “Alright then, you should tell her soon, come on we’re almost home.” Lloyd says walking by Kirisu.

            “So that’s it?” Kirisu asks walking right behind Lloyd.

            “Hm?” Lloyd looks at Kirisu tilting slightly his head.

            “You aint going to ask anything else?” Kirisu asks puzzled.

            “Nah, just like me you have a power no one else in this world has, so we got to stick together, besides, we all have our secrets.” Lloyd says calmly as he walks.

                        They arrive at Lloyd’s apartment; they open the door to find everyone sitting down in the living room, they all stare at Kirisu and Lloyd being the last ones to arrive.

            “Looks like being late to a surprise party huh?” Kirisu says jokingly.

            “Sit down, both of you; I got word of what’s happening. I know you guys don’t trust me and I really don’t care.” Zero says with a serious expression as he lies against a wall.

            “Before you start giving orders in what’s supposed to be Lloyd’s place, tell us who you are.” Seshiro says demandingly.

            “Well, I’ll tell you this much, as you can see I’m not human, like I told Lloyd; I’m a Kaizer, we are an ancient race of demon hunters. I am looking for a person that I know that is somewhere in this city.” Zero explains.

            “What the hell does that have to do with the questions you asked yesterday?” Yumi asks coldly.

            “This person that I’m looking for has the power to summon demons. Because of that I believe he’s the one that has been conjuring the demons in this city.” Zero replies.

            “So that’s why!” Kyoshi says with a surprised look. “Yeah the demons we encountered told us that they were sent by two guys with black cloaks.”

            “Really now? That’s some useful information, you should’ve told me earlier.” Zero says casually.

            “Are you looking for them out of duty? Or…?” Seshiro asks, but isn’t quite sure staring distrustfully at Zero.

            “Yeah, you can put it that way.” Zero says calmly.

            “Ohh, I see.” Seshiro says.

            “I know you have many questions about me, like for instance where I come from and my people…but that’s something I’d like to keep to myself for now.” Zero says walking towards the kitchen and sitting down on a chair.

            “Either way this mysterious demon summoner is the cause of all the disasters that have been happening, so you can count on us to hunt them down.” Seshiro says.

                        Everyone nods agreeing with Seshiro, as Zero looks he smiles a bit.

            “Ok, your help might come in handy.” Zero says still with a grin.

                        This meeting ends, Seshiro then talks a moment.

            “Hey guys, I met this girl.” Seshiro says.

            “Whoa! Our Seshi with a girl?” Lloyd says mockingly with his mouth open in shock.

            “Stop it!” Seshiro says annoyed.

            “What’s her name?” Kirisu asks with a curious face.

            “Hisana.” Seshiro replies.

            “Not a bad name.” Yumi says.

            “How about you present us to her tomorrow?” Lloyd asks hitting lightly Seshiro’s ribs with his elbow.

            “Sure, anyways, I better get going.” Seshiro says opening the door.

            “Me too.” Kyoshi says following Seshiro out the door.

            “See ya.” Lloyd says.

                        Zero then decides to go out on a night walk around the town, Kirisu is the last one to leave, but as he leaves he says one last thing to Lloyd. “Lloyd, Zero left many pieces of the puzzle incomplete to who he really is, should we really trust him?”

                        Lloyd looks confused for a moment to the odd question.

            “We should give him a chance, in order to gain his trust we must trust him first.” Lloyd explains.

            “I see.” Kirisu says.

            “Kirisu, are you going to go see Kazumi?” Yumi asks casually.

            “Yes, there is something I want to tell her.” Kirisu replies.

            “Good luck.” Lloyd says with a smirk.

            “Thank you.” Kirisu says walking out the door leaving Yumi and Lloyd alone.

            “Are you going to lend a hand on the decorations for school in Christmas?” Yumi asks sitting down on the couch.

            “Hmmm… Nah, I think I’ll pass.” Lloyd says sitting down next to her.

            “So I guess you’re not interested in checking out the girls in sexy Santa uniforms then.” Yumi says with a grin waiting for Lloyd’s answer.

            “Why didn’t you say so earlier, I gotta do something to help the school as captain of the kendo club.” Lloyd says standing up very excited.

            “Hehe, okay.” Yumi says laughing a little.

                        Kirisu goes to the Aoi Kaze restaurant to have a word with Kazumi who just finished her shift. They go upstairs since her family’s house is built on the second floor. She sits down in the living room, but Kirisu prefers to stand up.

            “So, what’s up?” Kazumi asks.

                        Kirisu then takes his hand from his back to reveal some flowers he bought.

            “For…for a while now we have known each other so I…I was…hoping we could go…” Kirisu says as he gags nervously.

            “Are you trying to ask me out?” Kazumi asks giggling.

            “Yes.” Kirisu says nervously.

            “Right now you look like one of those losers from an anime.” Kazumi says with a smirk.

            “……” Kirisu remains silent for a moment.

            “I meant it in a good way; sure I’ll go out with you.” Kazumi says smiling at Kirisu.

                        Kirisu smiles at her response, she stands up and a kisses him on the cheek, then saying. “So, how about we go right now?”

            “Sure.” Kirisu nods happily.

© 2013 Shin

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awesome chapter man, that yumi is cunning wich is one of th emany things that make her awesome haha, this was a funny chapter, the demon brother has me interested,can't wait to see who they are, nice job man

Posted 14 Years Ago

This was a good go Kirisu rock it boy lmao. Well I think the chapters are getting better and better like you said. Some parts are still funny. Can't wait to read more. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2013

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin

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