![]() Chapter 06: Positive and NegativeA Chapter by ShinSix a.m., Wednesday morning, two days have passed since Zero arrived, a man who seems to be an experienced fighter and a demon slayer from a mysterious race that has been hunting demons from ancient times, now he resides in the home of Lloyd and his mother Lilly. Lloyd still sleepy dressed and ready for school waits for Yumi while he sits on the couch right across from Zero who is with his arms folded, shirtless and with a cool and calm look lying in the couch with his feet on table, he has a scar all the way from his chest to his lower abdomen. “So let me get this straight, you wanna meet Kirisu and Seshiro?” Lloyd asks yawning as he did. “Right.” Zero replies. “Why?” Lloyd asks rubbing his eyes still to fully wake up. “I want to know these warriors, especially Seshiro, to know how he held up against the demons and what kind of demons he faced.” Zero explains still keeping his cool on the couch. “Well, I already told you about the demons Seshiro fought.” Lloyd says sighing. “I want to hear it from his mouth; whatever he knows might be of use to me, so when are they supposed to come here anyways?” Zero asks looking to the ceiling. “We’ll meet them in school.” Lloyd says stretching his arms and yawning at the same time. “And why the hell aren’t you wearing a shirt?” “I’m just taking in some fresh air.” Zero says calmly. “What’s the deal with that scar? Looks like it was a deep wound, was it a demon?.” Lloyd asks. “…………Yeah, you could say that.” Zero replies. “Well hurry up and put a shirt on, jeez.” Lloyd says irritated. Just then Lloyd’s mom comes out of her room already in her office uniform putting on her earrings. “Oh my, Lloyd you’re already up and who’s your new friend?” Lilly asks suspiciously asking. “This is Zero.” Lloyd says calmly. “Nice to meet you ma’am.” Zero says checking out Lilly from tip to toe, then widening her eyes staring at Zero’s abs. “Ohh such a handsome man, what are you doing hanging with such a lazy laid on his a*s good for nothing kid like my son?” Lilly jests giggling. “I’m not sure myself.” Zero says slightly grinning. “What the hell mom? Is that what you call motherly love?” Lloyd asks annoyed. “Just kidding, well, I’m going to work now.” Lilly walks towards Lloyd and kisses him on his right cheek. “Lloyd, please don’t be late, good day Mr. Zero” “I would prefer if you just call me Zero, I’m just not used to those honorific words.” Zero says standing up from the couch. “Whatever you like honey.” Lilly says cheerfully. “Thank you Miss Lilly.” Zero says calmly walking towards Lloyd’s side. “Ohh please don’t call me miss, it makes me feel like I’m old.” Lilly says with a smile opening the front door. “No problem.” Zero says sitting on the edge of the side of the couch. “Ok, well, bye.” Lilly says walking out of the apartment. “Bye.” Lloyd says from the hallway closing the front door. Zero keeps his arm folded and keeps a cool and calm expression, then a deep silence falls in the room. “I need to watch his every move and what better way than being in his house.” Zero thinks to himself keeping the same pose and expression. “So…What’s with that “Miss Lilly” crap? This is Lemuria, you gotta say San or Chan or something?” Lloyd says a little pissed off. “……Look I don’t like to use that honorific s**t, or any other Lemurian dialect at that! Where I’m from you have to earn a warriors name depending on your skills.” Zero says in a pissed off tone of voice. “And what’s your warrior name?” Lloyd asks mockingly crossing his arms. “None of your business.” Zero quickly says. After no more than fifteen minutes, Yumi walks in, but she isn’t alone, Kazumi and Kirisu are also with her. “Huh? What’s this huge Spirit Force I’m feeling? It’s the one I felt when I first saw Lloyd, is it this girl?” Zero thinks to himself with a slightly shocked expression staring at Yumi. “Yo Lloyd, so what’s ne- um, who’s your friend?” Yumi asks quickly as she walks into the apartment, she stares at his abs and says. “Wow, just wow, check out those abs, I’ve never seen abs like that in person.” “All this for me? Lloyd you shouldn’t have.” Zero says standing up with a smirk on his face. “What the hell are you talking about?” Lloyd asks shrugging his shoulders. “Wow, even a cat girl cosplay… Kinky.” Zero says checking out Kazumi. “Who’s your friend? He’s kinda of hot!” Kazumi comments covering slightly her mouth staring at Zero from tip to toe, especially his abs. “Unbelievable, I’ve never met a guy that was as fit as this guy, I mean, check out that chest, those muscles, and especially those abs.” “Lloyd, why did you contract a backyard stripper?” Yumi asks staring suspiciously at Lloyd. “A stripper? Hot? Hot my a*s!!” Lloyd shouts angrily. “What does Yumi and Kazumi see in him!?” Kirisu says with a very furious tone of voice. “I bet he has never gotten laid in all his life.” “I’m sure that all that laidback talk and cool clothes is just for show.” Lloyd says glaring angrily at Zero. “Hold on, we started with the wrong foot. That’s just my way to break the ice.” Zero says jokingly. “Yeah, I sure would like to break something right about now.” Kirisu says standing next to Kazumi. “Are those real?” Yumi touches Zero’s abs. “Damn, rock hard.” “Haha.” Zero chuckles. “Alright let’s cut the crap!” Lloyd removes Yumi’s hand from Zero’s abs and says pissed off. “Everyone this is Zero, Zero this is everyone.” Lloyd then walks towards the kitchen which is right next to the living room where everyone is. “Good Morning.” Kazumi and Yumi say almost at the same time, but Yumi says it a little more casually. “Yeah, yeah whatever.” Kirisu says looking away in a low tone of voice. “Pleased to meet you hot babes and you too short warrior.” Zero answer. “……….” Kirisu remains silent. “So you are one of them.” Zero says looking at Kirisu, and then he thinks to himself. “What’s with this guy, he has an irregular Spirit Force? It’s like Lloyd’s, but in a different way.” “Huh?” Kirisu tilts his head slightly in confusion. “I told him a little bit about you.” Lloyd says from the kitchen then drinking some orange juice. “Ok……I guess.” Kirisu says still a little perplexed. “I hope I’m not intruding in anything mister Zero, but guys, we should get going, we’re gonna be late.” Kazumi suggests. “Yeah.” Yumi says coldly. “No matter, I’ll tag along; I haven’t been out of this place since I came, and I’d prefer if you called me Zero.” Zero says with a grin putting his black jacket on. So they all walk to the usual corner where Seshiro who is now accompanied by Kyoshi awaits for the others. “Zero this is Seshiro, the other one I told you about, and last, but not least Kyoshi.” Lloyd says pointing at them as he introduced them. “So you are the one with the ice elemental wielder who has killed a few demons along with Lloyd, right?” Zero asks observing Seshiro, then thinking to himself once again. “I see, this so called Seshiro also has a strange scent just like Lloyd’s.” “Yeah, but who might you be?” Seshiro asks distrustfully also observing Zero. “Yeah, we’ve never seen you around here?” Kyoshi says casually scratching his head. “You can call me Zero.” He says. As they walk towards the school Zero asks Seshiro about his second encounter and Seshiro retells the story about the child demon and then Lloyd retells yet again the story of the first encounter and the third encounter in the tall grass fields of the outskirts. “Why do you want to know?” Seshiro asks warily. “Let’s just say it’s my business to know.” Zero simply says. “Uh… Riiight.” Seshiro says still wary about Zero as he walks along with everyone. Just then they were no more than just a few steps away from school. “See you kids around.” Zero says turning around. “So what’ll you do all day?” Lloyd asks turning at Zero. “Don’t know; probably drop by your mother’s work place.” Zero says jokingly. “Alright- wait, what?!” Lloyd asks very shocked. Zero walks away until he vanishes into the distance. “Seshiro, an ice elemental bearer, he as well as Lloyd, a human with rarely seen wind elemental powers, they both have potential to help me slay demons. Kirisu, he has a similar smell like Lloyds and Seshiro’s, only his is a bit different yet he doesn’t look like a fighter. What really has me thinking is that huge amount of Spirit Force leaking out of that human girl Yumi, it’s not even possible. Also, those Spirit Forces from two days ago were so strong, but today is as if they fainted, I need to have a word with those four, I’ll have to investigate and scout the city until those kids finish class.” Zero lost in thought as he walks the streets. Elsewhere in the city, the two mysterious men are plotting once more, only this time inside of what seems like an abandoned building. “Now, how about you summon some more demons.” The cloaked man suggests. “Do you not know of patience?” The wavy haired man asks. “So what will you summon now?” The cloaked man asks walking towards a window. “There are so many to pick from, but I normally depend on the weaker ones since I control them at will, if I summon a very mighty one, things might get out of hand.” The wavy haired man explains walking near a wall extending his arm revealing what seems to be his hand covered by a strange leather gauntlet with straps and strange marking and an odd orb. The same man points his hand toward a corner and then a reality rips in a small space, a circle that appears to be a pentagram quickly changing into a portal. “How many will you release this time?” The cloaked man asks. “Seven.” The wavy haired man replies still concentrating his energy in the gauntlet. “Hmph...But why this time they are fewer than last time? The cloaked man asks. “Because this time, its four Armaros, two Crocell’s and one Belphegor. They are a lot stronger than the last demons I summoned.” The wavy haired man explains. Just then seven demons come out just as he said, four demons about eight feet tall, muscular, their eyes glowing white, their claws sharp enough to rip human flesh like nothing, while two demons even taller about nine feet tall, both of them with very serious expressions, their physical appearance are less muscular than the other three, but they seem more intellectual and skilled, their skin’s as tough as steel both of them carrying medium size curved swords. The last one is a smaller demon about five feet and seven inches tall with dark gray skin, muscular as the other four, but with wings and a smirk on its face. With this, all the demons except for the one with wings bows to the one who summoned them. The Crocell demons who are nine feet tall present themselves first. “I am Dragni.” One of the Crocell demons says, he has a strange tribal tattoo on his right shoulder. “I am Ranus.” The second Crocell demon says, this one had the same tribal tattoo on his left shoulder. Then the Belphegor demon with wings spoke; “I am Rudurus.” The other four did not speak a word; they kept quiet looking straight ahead waiting for orders. “Alright, listen up, I want you all to wreak chaos in this city, do not let anything get in your way.” The wavy haired man ordered hiding his right arm once again. With this they leave, Rudurus taking off into the sky, while Ranus and Dragni walk away with the other four following. “The legion of demons you first summoned was Nybras and the demon who fought the boy of the ice elemental powers was a Kappas, right?” The cloaked man asks. “Yes.” The wavy haired man says. “Why did you summon such weak demons?” The cloaked haired man asks tilting his head to the side. “I never really thought they would get killed, it’s nearly impossible for a human to take it out, but it seems this city is a strange one.” The wavy haired man stated walking towards the same window the cloaked man is standing next to. “Strange?” The cloaked man says confused. “It’s not really common for humans to be so strong; these are the first ones I’ve ever encountered in my whole life. We aren’t dealing with regular people. It’s very strange though, in a city such as this or other human cities as I said, there aren’t supposed to be people with powers and strengths such as these younglings.” The wavy haired man further explains. “Is that why you summoned those Xaphan’s in the south?” The cloaked man asks. “I was hoping these would have succeeded, but they were also killed and then this Kaizer appeared recently.” The wavy haired man says after a moment of silence. “You seem to dislike the Kaizers a lot, don’t you? What is a Kaizer anyways?” The cloaked man asks. “I don’t know him, but I hate every one of his kind, they are a race of warriors that sole purpose and existence is to destroy demons. All this time they have been believed extinct, but that man seems to have survived somehow…This Kaizer seems familiar to me, but I can’t remember clearly.” The wavy haired man says looking outside the window down at the street. “Maybe you’re just thinking too hard.” The cloaked man comments. “Perhaps.” The wavy haired man says. Meanwhile Zero is by a bridge built on top of a river that runs across Lemuria; this river has been here since the city was a small village centuries ago, a memorial was built for the feudal warriors of Lemuria as well as a museum in front of it, but the most intriguing was a big statue of a man with light armor, a thin cape and spiky hair, he seemed to be wielding twin long swords, the plate under the statue reads. “The Knight of Light”. In this very spot Zero is doing his training. Zero already with his sword in hand throws fifteen bottles to the river, still in midair Zero runs and jumps off the edge, a sudden flash occurs, Zero lands on the opposite edge of the river, the bottles split open and a small spark of electricity comes from them and they blow up. “One hundred… Damn I’m out of bottles, its midday now; I should stop wasting time and start my investigation.” Zero says to himself sheathing his sword. Just then Lilly runs by in her car. The car is a silver convertible Lexus of the year; she stops and suddenly calls to Zero. “Zero, what are you doing around here, taking in the sights are we?” Lilly says from her car. “No, just bored out of my freaking mind.” Zero says jokingly smiling at Lilly. “Well, I got off early today; all the employers are in a conference meeting right now, you wanna do something?” Lilly asks checking out Zero from tip to toe once again. Zero thinks about this for a few moments, then walks towards her car and jumps in without using the door. “So shall we get something to eat?” Lilly asks looking at Zero. “Yeah, that’d be good.” Zero says calmly. “Hey Zero, how old are you?” Lilly asks observing Zero. “I’m twenty two.” He replies. “Yeah, you look about that age, so how do you like Lemuria so far?” Lilly asks then thinking to herself. “He’s pretty hot considering he’s twenty two, what a shame; he’s five years younger than me. Lilly takes the car off park and puts in on drive then hitting on the gas and hitting the road. “Its ok, but I’m not too fond of electronics and gadgets.” Zero says looking around the area. “Haha, I guess it kinda sucks since this country is in the pinnacle of technology.” Lilly says as she giggles. “Nah, it’s alright, so what do you do at your work place?” Zero asks relaxed. “Well, basically I’m the secretary of the vice president of a medical company.” Lilly explains without taking her sight off the road. Only but a few minutes pass until she stop at a nearby fast food restaurant with pizza posters and signs on the front. There is also a big window in the left side of the building. “So how about we eat here?” Lilly asks cheerfully. “Leo’s Pizzas, just what I wanted. Order whatever you want Lilly, the pizza’s on me. This is my way of thanking you for letting me stay in your house.” Zero says opening the door of the car. Over at the school, a plot is being organized in the bathroom by Meji and his crew. “Ok, so you all got the plan, tomorrow after school.” Mejir says while looking at his reflection in the mirror. “Right.” All of his crew says in unison. In the cafeteria Christopher, Lloyd, Yumi, Kirisu, Kazumi, Seshiro and Kyoshi all enjoy their lunch. “There’s something I don’t get, why’d Zero ask you those things this morning?” Yumi asks eating Frena"fries. “He’s gathering info, at least that’s what he told me.” Lloyd says eating a burger. “I know that, but ugh, I am not sure what I’m trying to ask.” Yumi says taking a sip from her coke. “Your question is too abstract; I think you’re trying to ask is, if there is something behind his intention to ask.” Kyoshi says holding a hotdog. “Probably, I mean he kind of looks like a badass!” Kazumi comments playing with her soup using her spoon. “Well, I guess we should talk to him ourselves after school.” Seshiro suggests with his left arm placed on the table and his face lying against his fist with only a coke in front of him on the table. “This is some good a*s shrimp.” Kirisu says munching. Just then many teachers are seen running over to the principal’s office, an unknown male reporter is seen giving a live broadcast. “That’s right, monsters have been reported to have been seen in this area, twelve bodies have been found so far, five of them being policemen, at first, cops did not respond to this because they thought it was a prank, the streets of west Lemuria are in panic right now, stay inside and lock the doors and we’ll keep our viewers updat- Ahhhhhhhh!!!” A shot from the camera could be seen of something sinking its teeth on the reporters head. The camera falls down; Gail Evans is seen on the background running and jumping inside the news van and telling her obese camera man “Move your fat a*s!” The camera goes off due to a stomp of a demon. Many of the teachers are in shock, some speechless. “Damn it, what the hell is happening in this city?” Principal Hageta asks in a loud tone of voice. Christopher is behind the principal’s office door, he heard everything that went on in the report, and he then runs over to the cafeteria, he arrives very exhausted. “So what happened?” Lloyd asks worried. “It seems monsters have been reported in west Lemuria! Can you believe it?! Monsters!” Christopher says very afraid. Lloyd then looks at the others. “I’m going too d****t; I’m not staying here with my arms crossed.” Yumi says staring at Lloyd waiting for his reply. “Alright, everyone go home and get your weapons, you too Kyoshi.” Lloyd says getting up from his chair. “Me?!” Kyoshi asks with a shocked expression. “Yeah you, we’ll meet at Sanyo’s Book Store near my apartment, ok everyone, gotta move it or lose it.” Lloyd says quickly running out of the cafeteria. They all take the opportunity that the teachers are gathered in principal Sei Hageta’s office and leave the school grounds. “On the way here I heard the stories, but what exactly is happening? I mean, demons, is that actually… possible?” Kazumi asks looking at Yumi with a baffled expression. “Honestly, there have been many demons attacking, which is something I would have never expected, I thought demons were like exorcised by priests or just horror movie themes, but I have to help, I’m not just gonna let these guys do all the work, I’m no feminist, but I hate to admit there’s a sausage fest going on here.” Yumi says coldly. “Hahaha.” Kazumi giggles. “Chill out, I’ll help you learn some self-defense, or would you rather have Kirisu as your master?” Yumi asks giving Kazumi a strange look. “Hehe, I think that’d be nice, I might ask him.” Kazumi says looking up at the sky. “Ok, see ya around Kazu, I’m going with them, gonna get my baby before it rusts.” Yumi says walking away towards her house. They all go home and get their weapons, ready to meet, Zero and Lilly were done with their outing and are now back at the apartment, Lloyd gets there about an hour later. Strange noises can be heard from Lilly’s room. “…ah…you’re kind of light.” Zero says gasping. “Keep going, just a bit more to go, harder, faster!” Lilly says excited. Lloyd passes right by as quick as he can to pick up his sword hardly even noticing Lilly’s room was closed or the sounds coming from it. “I’m getting…I’m getting tired.” Zero says breathlessly. “Not yet, you’re almost there!” Lilly shouts energized. “I can’t…Ahhhh!” Zero shouts loudly. Inside the room he falls on the ground shirtless, Lilly is on his back dressed in jogging clothing. “That makes nine hundred ninety nine pushups, you were so close!!” Lilly says in a disappointed tone. “Ok, well, I guess I need something heavier than you for next time.” Zero says turning his head to the side. Near Sanyo’s book store everyone gathers with only Kirisu arriving last. “Alright everyone, it’s time to kick some a*s and take some names!!” Lloyd says shouting as he walks down the street. “My fourth encounter with demons, somehow I feel excited, I guess I’m getting used to this.” Seshiro says eagerly walking behind Lloyd. “I am not fighting, definitely.” Kyoshi whispers to himself looking at the sidewalk ground. “Why not?” Yumi asks. “I just don’t want to.” Kyoshi says still looking at the sidewalk. “Lazy a*s.” Lloyd says from all the way in front stopping to say something to Kyoshi. “Then why’d you bring your sword Kyo?” Seshiro asks. “Huh? Ohh yeah, well, just in case anyone needs it, my trusty Dragon Fang is always helpful.” Kyoshi says with a smile. “I didn’t know that’s your swords name.” Seshiro says. “What the hell? Move out now!!!” Kirisu says walking right past Lloyd. “Eh? Who died and made you leader?” Lloyd asks running right past Kirisu. “Screw you, let’s just go!!” Kirisu says running right next to Lloyd. “Guys! Over there!” Seshiro stops, pointing a few blocks away at Dragni and Ranus both walking along side while breaking everything in their sight. “Hey cuz.” Dragni says looking all around him. “Yeah cuz?” Ranus looks at him. “This is a nice country, isn’t it cuz?” Dragni asks staring back at him. “Yeah cuz, it is.” Ranus says as they keep walking. Just then they pass a photo store, through the window there is a display showing many cameras. “Hey, what’s that cuz?” Dragni asks looking through the glass window. “It’s a camera; you take pictures with it, cuz.” Ranus sais also looking through the window. “Oh, I want it!” Dragni says very excited putting his sword down and tearing off the entire wall of the store. “Holy mother of God!!” Lloyd says staring at the demon with no more words to say. “It’s strong.” Seshiro says shocked. “No s**t.” Kirisu says. “What are you guys gonna do?” Kyoshi asks slightly backing away. The demons keep getting closer and closer towards the party. “Hey cuz, we haven’t seen any folks around.” Ranus says looking around. “You’re right cuz, maybe those other demons killed them off.” Dragni says also looking around. “Still, its pretty fun just breaking stuff, isn’t it cuz?” Ranus says smiling at Dragni. “Yeah, hey let’s play kick the can.” Ranus says picking up a car that is was parked on the street and throws it to Dragni both kicking it back and forth. “Oh God, why are they stalling so much, hey you, come here so I can kick your asses!!” Lloyd shouts from the distance. “Lloyd, try to be more patient, man.” Seshiro says. Dragni heard Lloyd’s yell and spots them. “Hey look, people.” Dragni says pointing towards the party. “Oh crap.” Kyoshi backs up even more. They get closer, with Lloyd and the others keeping their guard up, except Kyoshi. “Here take a picture of me with the human’s cuz.” Dragni says handing over the camera to Ranus and standing in front of the party looking towards the camera. “Huh…?” The whole party stands there speechless. “Alright my turn.” Ranus hands over the camera to Dragni and does the same. “What the crap is going on?” Kirisu whispers to Lloyd on his ear. “How the hell should I know?” Lloyd whispers back. “Enough! Why are you monsters breaking everything?!” Seshiro asks. “Because we were told to.” Dragni says casually. “You were told to, by whom?” Kyoshi asks from behind the party. “Two guys with black cloaks, but I’m not supposed to tell anyone.” Ranus says. “What?” Yumi, Kyoshi and Lloyd ask at the same time surprised. “Spill it!” Seshiro and Kirisu say in unison as well. “Hey cuz, we still haven’t killed anyone have we?” Dragni asks looking at Ranus. “You’re right cuz, well; we don’t wanna stay behind the others.” Ranus replies. Ranus grabs his sword and lifts it high above him, then vertically swings down with all his might towards Kirisu. The ground shakes with tremendous force at the impact of the strike. “You’re gonna have to try harder than that demon idiot.” Kirisu says charging towards Ranus blocking his sword with his own. “Someone slash it up!!” Kirisu yells barely holding Ranus with his legs shaking slightly. “You’re… mine!” Seshiro says jumping to the air wielding his huge and heavy sword up like a feather and coming down to finish the demon in one fail swoop, but suddenly Ranus without moving or anything quickly hovers to Dragni’s side thus Seshiro missing hitting the ground making a crater and erupting giant spikes of ice on the sides of the crater of the concrete road. “What?!” Seshiro asks in disbelief. “You humans will be fun to kill.” Ranus says with a smile. “Fun, fun, maybe better than kicking the can.” Dragni says. “That wasn’t a can. That was a freaking car!!!” Lloyd shouts. “Damn it, what did it just do?” Kirisu asks puzzled. Just then, the other four demons appear and run to the aid of their allies. “Whoa!” Kyoshi says backing up even more than before. “Kyo!!! Help out here will ya!” Lloyd shouts angrily. “I said earlier that I wouldn’t.” Kyoshi says. Dragni and Ranus both run towards them with a sadistic smile on their faces. “Seshiro, Kirisu you handle those two, we’ll take care of the others!!” Lloyd says quickly running along with Yumi towards the other demons. Dragni and Ranus are in range, Seshiro and Kirisu ready to hit, Seshiro stabs his sword in the floor forging giant stalagmites made of ice from the ground straight to them. “Hyouah!!” Seshiro shouts. Just then Dragni and Ranus quickly floats away from each other evading the attack, then jumping and uniting in midair once more and both do a downward sword slash towards Kirisu and Seshiro. “Fun, fun!” Dragni says excited. “I like this!!” Ranus comments. Seshiro and Kirisu both side step, the power of the demons attack hits the ground and shatters it, the debris from the attack hit both Kirisu and Seshiro. Meanwhile Lloyd and Yumi fight the other four demons, one of them coming straight to Yumi, Yumi then pulls out her whip like sword; her sword detaches part by part making it a whip sword slashing the demon in the side of the ribs sending it flying. “Take that a*****e!” Yumi says annoyed. Another one comes after Yumi; Yumi’s sword attaches once again, her sword begins to get covered in gold light and makes a horizontal slash, but the demon just evades it. “It’s going to take more than that to take them out Yumi.” Lloyd says standing next to Yumi. “Oh shut up and do something idiot!” Yumi shouts angrily. The other two going in to take on Lloyd, Lloyd then unsheathes his six foot long sword and stands his ground as he swings horizontally, the demons jump avoiding the hit, but the wind from the horizontal slash blows them back. “Don’t mess with the wind king!!” Lloyd says thrilled raising his right hand up. “Lame.” Yumi says sighing. They all stand up, all of them attacking at the same time, Yumi stopping one in its tracks with another slash from her sword covered in gold light; the other one closes in on her and starts hitting Yumi like a wild beast hitting over and over. “Yumi!!” Lloyd shouts worried. Lloyd for just that one moment gets distracted and both demons hit him in the same fashion as Yumi. Both Lloyd and Yumi draws blood from their bodies both trying to defend themselves, Yumi suddenly raises her sword and is suddenly engulfed in a gold light, making her sword extend with light, the remaining demons go in for the kill, but Yumi quickly makes a powerful vertical slash that kills them all in an instant. “Whoa!” Lloyd simply says in amazement staring at her. “…” Yumi remains quiet walking a little hurt towards Kirisu and Seshiro. Seshiro and Kirisu battles Dragni and Ranus with much difficulty, each time they unite and separate in a different tactical manner. “This is too much.” Seshiro says with fatigue starting to catch up. “I think I finally figured out how they’re abilities work.” Kirisu says a little exhausted. “…Poles?” Seshiro asks. “Think of it as a magnet, with a positive and negative side, some of those principals hold true in them.” Kirisu explains. Just then Lloyd, Yumi and Kyoshi appear next to their comrades. “Well then, let’s see if you’re right Kirisu.” Lloyd says reading himself. The four demons were wiped out; the party stands up next to each other all of them now confident in their victory. Dragni and Ranus run towards them once more, this time uniting and separating while running to psych them out, Dragni jumps on top of Ranus, Ranus then lifting and throwing him up into the air, Dragni then landing behind the party. They both come for the kill. As Dragni and Ranus prepared their attack they are stopped, a flat black line floating in the air as thin as paper but strong enough to hold back the demons appears, the line is coming from Kirisu. “Now it’s time to show my power!” Kirisu yells pushing them away with his power, the party looking at him with some amazement. Once more Dragni and Ranus are going to unite, Lloyd throws his sword in the air in between them stabbing Dragni in the process due to the speed they were going back and forth, and the sword has enough power to kill it. “You killed my cuz!” Ranus screams then picking up Dragni’s sword, now wielding two swords; his speed increases dramatically and his power doubles, anger without comparison rises inside him. “You killed him!!” Ranus yells filled with anger swinging both swords with incredible skill, its hands moving with great speed. Lloyd tries to push him back using his wind powers, but it doesn’t hold it back for long, Yumi is very hurt due to the other demons, Seshiro trying his ice, but the demon dodging it over and over and shattering it. The fight went on, everyone fighting in different styles all as if they are perfectly coordinated, but not one hit is laid on the demon, with just two swords he blocks and evades every hit towards him. Kirisu steps back and as he jumps to a wall making a wall run up then jumping down towards the demon, nothing comes from this, but a simple block and the others soon follow and do the same as Kirisu, the demon doesn’t flinch nor move, with just a spin he blocks all of them. When suddenly Kyoshi’s expression starts to change; he’s smirking, like if he is getting very excited, Kyoshi charges towards Ranus unsheathing his long sword and attacks like a maniac, so very fast and strong with a fighting ability the party has never seen, Kyoshi is beating Ranus despite being double as strong as before. “Huh?” Kirisu stares in disbelief. “What the hell?” Lloyd is speechless, looking at Kyoshi with his mouth open in amazement. Kirisu then reaches into his coat pulling out the Socom pistol from before, he shoots the demon trying to help Kyoshi, but it has no effect. “Damn!!” Kirisu says very exhausted. The demon keeps fighting Kyoshi with his all, showing no sign of slowing down he opens his mouth and with a yell of rage he swings once more towards Kyoshi, Kyoshi runs towards Ranus with his sword covered in flames while making a vertical slash followed by a horizontal slash making what seems like a cross made of fire. “Fire Cross.” Kyoshi says as he smiles viciously, then quickly appears behind Ranus and preventing him from backing up, Ranus receives Kyoshi’s fire cross attack directly. When the fire disperses Ranus is on his knees still alive, Kyoshi behind him laughing like a complete psycho, Ranus looks back. “I’ll kill you-” Ranus speaks, being cut off by Kyoshi who is running his sword through Ranus’s mouth and burst his sword in flames, thus killing Ranus. “Is he really the Kyoshi that I know?” Seshiro asks in doubt with a blank expression. “What’s with him?” Yumi asks pressing her hand on her ribs. “I dunno.” Lloyd says lying against a wall. “It’s called “battle high”, I’ve heard of it before.” Kirisy says calmly bended on the ground with one knee. “Battle high?” Yumi asks. “Like high for battle?” Lloyd asks slightly joking. “It’s some kind of mental syndrome, that when in battle the subject attacks like a maniac sort of speak, the mind of the subject is clouded to some degree during the fight; the side effects are high endurance, strength and speed.” Kirisu explains. “What causes this battle high syndrome?” Seshiro asks sitting on the ground using his big sword as support. “I heard it was some chemicals of Gen-Exis, they mostly used Satsume’s to test these chemicals after invading Evergray, 95% of the subjects didn’t make it alive, but I guess Kyoshi did, the purpose for the experiments are unknown though.” Kirisu says sheathing his sword. Kyoshi’s expression goes back to normal. “I guess I got figured out.” Kyoshi says walking towards the party and sheathing his sword. “So that’s why you didn’t want to fight?” Lloyd asks. “Yeah.” Kyoshi says bowing his head a little. “Why didn’t you tell us?” Seshiro asks. “Some things are better left unsaid.” Kyoshi says dusting his hair full of concrete dust. “At least you saved us from that demon thing.” Yumi says relaxed. “I guess…” Kyoshi says still having his head low. “You really didn’t have intentions of saving us right?” Kirisu asks looking at Kyoshi skeptically. “…” Kyoshi remains silent as he stands in front of the party. “Once in battle high you don’t think of the others well-being, you just think about the fight.” Kirisu explains. After Kirisu said this, Kyoshi is unexpectedly hit and knocked out by some energy attack; Rudurus descends down towards the already drained and wounded party. “Well, well, I never thought humans could be so capable.” Rudurus says with an amazed look. “Ryouah!” Seshiro charges towards Rudurus, but this attempt ends with him being knocked and sent flying. In a flash he appears in front of Yumi and before she can even say a word she is met with the same fate. He then steps in front of Kirisu, for a moment Kirisu flinches and the demon quickly beats him in only a few seconds, everyone is already down on the floor. Lloyd the only one left standing did not run away with rage filling up his eyes as he keeps his ground and faces Rudurus without any fear of death. “Just like a few moments ago, you now feel the same rage as Ranus, do you understand now how he felt?!” Rudurus asks mockingly walking towards Lloyd. “Huh?” Lloyd spots Dragni’s and Ranus’s swords next to him then stabbing his sword on the ground and then takes the two demon’s swords. “Why do I feel so uneasy even though he’s not that strong, it’s the same as that boy I just took down and the one before him?” Rudurus thinks, then widening his eyes and says. “I see! This smell, no wonder, we’ve been looking for you Proditor!” “Proditor? It’s the same phrase the other demon called Seshiro, but why me?” Lloyd thinks readying himself raising up the two swords. All of a sudden Rudurus sees a flash in the air, and then Zero comes out of the blue and attacks Rudurus with a vertical slash, but Rudurus barely evades and then Zero fights swinging his sword with amazing master skills, Rudurus with great difficulty is losing his balance, Zero is about to deliver the final blow, but before it could it be done Rudurus says to himself; “Where the hell did this guy come from? He’s too strong; if things continue like this I’m doomed. What should I do?” Rudurus looks at the ground. “Haha I got it!” Rudurus then flail his wings at a high speed lifting all the dirt from the ground throwing it to Zero and blocking his view. Zero blocks the dirt and small stones. “Stop messing around!” Zero says throwing a vertical slash. When the dust disperses, Rudurus is not on the ground anymore, but in the air. Zero then shoots powerful bolts of lightning towards it; but Rudurus evades every hit with great agility as he makes his escape. Lloyd is now on his knees almost shedding tears believing his friends are dead. “They aren’t dead.” Zero says as he walks towards Lloyd. “What!?” Lloyd says looking towards the party lying on the ground. “Amazingly their bodies withstood the attacks of that demon. It’s a surprise they are still alive even after facing that Belphegor.” Zero says helping Lloyd stand up. “How can you be sure that they’re alive?” Lloyd asks. “I can still feel their Spirit Forces, even if it’s faint.” Zero says letting Lloyd go. In that very moment they stand up little by little coughing out blood, the street is a blood infested battle ground full of cracks and holes; everyone is covered in blood of theirs and their enemy. Gail Evans can be seen with her camera man rushing through the rubble. “Okay! Start recording now, this is gonna make me the best news reporter ever!” Gail says excited. Her obese cameraman suddenly loses his sight on Gail’s cleavage, she notices and shouts. “F*****g pig!” Gail yells noticing he’s staring and spitting a big phlegm on him. Lloyd and the others disperse to avoid being seen by the camera, a few moments later they are all walking back home. “I just remembered something.” Lloyd says glaring at Zero getting angry. “What?” Zero asks. “What the hell was that sound coming out of my mom’s room?” Lloyd asks yelling in anger. “Your mom was helping me out with my training.” Zero says walking away from Lloyd. “I’ve never heard that sexual innuendo before.” Kirisu says with a smirk. “You were having sex with my mom weren’t you? You’re no demon hunter, you’re a MILF hunter!” Lloyd starts to yell out even more like a mad man. “A MILF hunter?” Kyoshi says confused. “Mom I’d like to F**k.” Kirisu says. “…What th-?” Seshiro says cutting himself in disbelief. “I’ve been around.” Kirisu explains laughing a little. “I want you out of my house now!” Lloyd keeps shouting. “I really think that’s up to your mom.” Zero says calmly walking ahead of Lloyd. “This is gonna get bad.” Yumi whispers as she sighs.© 2013 ShinReviews
3 Reviews Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing
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