Chapter 05: Essence of a Hunter

Chapter 05: Essence of a Hunter

A Chapter by Shin

                        One bright Saturday afternoon a mysterious man with golden slit eyes and long dark blue spiky hair with a pony tail wearing a chained ominous amulet on his chest, wearing black boots, long dark gray pants, a red under shirt, a black jacket and carrying a big double-edge broadsword walks into Lemuria. The mysterious man closes his eyes for a second and raises up his head a little while slightly sniffing deeply, he could smell just about everything from the city, the breeze, the people, the food, the concrete, the animals, even things that are very far away in the city like the trees in the central park and the flowers as well as the water, even the fish under the water.  He opens his eyes once again as he steps deeper into the city he says. “So this is Lemuria huh? It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this excitement entering someplace, humph so many scents mixed up together in one place.... maybe I’ll find you here.”

                        The unknown man somehow is suddenly on the rooftop of a building where a great view of almost half the city can be seen and as he takes in a deep breath his nose catches a scent that makes him feel uneasy. When he realizes the smell he grins and says. “I smell a demon.”

                        The man keeps a cool character after acknowledging this and begins jumping from ceiling to ceiling; he follows the smell to a sea of people where Lloyd is walking the street.

            “That scent…It’s not a demons, but it’s not like a humans either, that kid, is it him? Maybe he’s hiding his scent somehow, well, it doesn’t matter now, but there are a lot of innocent people out here and I don’t want to make a commotion. Better keep an eye on you and wait for the right moment.” The man thinks calmly following Lloyd little by little without him noticing. Lloyd with a very annoyed look says to himself. “Damn, why does Yumi make me buy snacks and stuff whenever she comes over to my house?!”

                        Lloyd arrives to the apartment complex where he lives, the man then starts walking away.

            “What am I doing? I should focus on the first scent that I picked up when I got here; I shouldn’t be so fixated on a mere kid.” The man thinks to himself.

                        As the man walks further away he hears a yell.

            “I said don’t touch me!!” Yumi yells angrily.

                        The unknown man turns around and sees Lloyd blasting out from the roof, in the air, Lloyd uses his wind to blow himself back onto the edge of the side bars, the unknown man is amazed at this sight.

            “As I thought, you do have powers, but what is this? Is this why his scent is so different?! And I also feel a very strong Spirit Force, but it’s not from that kid.” The unknown man thinks looking up to the building.

                        Then, the unknown man turns and leaves disappearing into the shadows. The next day Lloyd leaves early for school along with Yumi, Seshiro and Kyoshi. Little do they know the man from the day before is following them nearby.

            “So Lloyd, is Kirisu really getting in Nakahiro High?” Yumi asks slightly tilting her head towards Lloyd.

            “Huh? Oh Kirisu, yeah, but how’d you know? I don’t remember telling you.” Lloyd says with a suspicious face.

            “Kazumi told me about it, she said she was coming back to school too.” Yumi replies.

            “Your friend, Yumi?” Seshiro asks uncertainly with his hands in his pockets.

            “Yup.” Yumi says.

            “So Lloyd, what about that new help you were talking about?” Seshiro asks now turning his face to Lloyd.

            “His name is Kirisu Nit-Mazu, he seems like an agile fighter, I think he’ll get into Nakahiro in a few days.” Lloyd says staring back at Seshiro.

                        They make their way until they arrive at Nakahiro High, they all enter the school, Lloyd is the last one to enter, and something escapes from the side of his eye. Lloyd feels uneasy, when he turns around he sees the very same man that’s been following him, like a shadow at the distance. A truck passes in front; blocking Lloyd’s view, when the truck passes by, the man had disappeared. Lloyd then decides to enter the gates to school with an awkward expression on his face. Inside the school, Lloyd, Seshiro, Kyoshi and Yumi walks outside of the buildings since they arrive there a bit early, when she spots none other than Kazumi and Kirisu sitting on a bench.

            “Kazumi!” Yumi says surprised.

                        Kazumi looks around until she sees her friends; she waves over to them to come closer.

            “Good morning everyone.” Kazumi says cheerfully standing up from the bench.

            “Good morning guys.” Kirisu says calmly also standing up.

            “Mornin’, Seshiro, Kyoshi, this is the new swordsman I was telling you about.” Lloyd says pointing at Kirisu.

            “This guy?” Kyoshi asks uncertainly.

            “Humph, he’s kind of short…?” Seshiro says observing Kirisu from tip to toe.

            “You’re not that tall yourself. Wanna see who’s taller with the sword?!” Kirisu says about to unzip his pants.

                        Seshiro rolls his eyes, and looks at Lloyd with an annoyed frown.

            “Ok both of you stop, it’s too early for this s**t; it’s time for first period, we’ll continue the introductions later.” Lloyd says sighing.

            “Hm…where am I supposed to go?” Kirisu says while zipping his zipper back up.

            “Let me see your curriculum sheet, your first class is with……Lloyd.” Yumi says pausing in disbelief and then looking at Lloyd as she sighs. “What a coincidence.”

            “And mines with Yumi, so I guess will see each other later.” Kazumi says grabbing Yumi by her hand.

                        They all part to their respective class rooms. Lloyd and Kirisu walks to their class room.

            “So how did you get in so soon?” Lloyd asks looking at Kirisu with a suspicious face.

            “I took a written test, since I have no profile, plus I had to talk to some people to give me a chance to ingress instead of waiting a whole year to get in.” Kirisu says calmly.

            “No profile?! And why were you so interested on getting into this school and not Steiner Lincoln?” Lloyd asks still observing him suspiciously.

            “When you’re a traveler you don’t need school records and things like that, you know and I wanted to be here so I could be close to Kazumi.” Kirisu boldly says smiling at Lloyd.

            “Hmph...I see, so how did you do on the test?” Lloyd asks casually.

            “Pretty good, they told me it was pretty high.” Kirisu says smugly without looking at Lloyd.

            “So would you like a tour of the school Kirisu?” Lloyd asks paying Kirisu no mind to what he just said.

            “A tour right now?” Kirisu looks at Lloyd very confused.

            “Yeah, so what if you’re ten or fifteen minutes late? Just say you got lost.” Lloyd says smirking.

            “Ok.” Kirisu replies.

                        The tour begins from the first floor to the school rooftop, a few things are left out to cut time; later on they find Christopher skipping class.

            “This is my apprentice, Chris.” Lloyd says placing his left hand on Christophe’s right shoulder.

            “Morning Lloyd meister and friend.” Christopher says waving his hand.

            “Hello, meister as in Vakidoren? Haha, apprentice of what exactly?” Kirisu asks curiously.

            “First, I’m his kendo captain of the kendo club.” Lloyd says arrogantly placing his left hand on his chest lifting his head slightly with his eyes closed.

            “Kendo club captain huh, you must be quite popular.” Kirisu assumes.

            “Yeah, very, especially with the chicks, secondly, I teach him in the perverted arts of peeping, among other things, hehe.” Lloyd says with a grin.

            “Speaking of which, Lloyd, I found a peeping hole into the girl’s locker room behind the tool shed.” Christopher says very excited.

            “Kick a*s!!!” Lloyd and Kirisu say almost at the same time raising their dominant hands high up in the air.

            “Haha, sorry that sort of came out.” Kirisu says laughing scratching his head.

            “I think I just found myself a new apprentice, we’ll check out that hole later.” Lloyd says looking out the window for a few seconds.

            “Okay, oh s**t, Lloyd we’re gonna be really late, it’s been already fifteen minutes!” Kirisu says very worried.

            “Ok, I’ll race you to the class room.” Lloyd says bending on the floor preparing to run.

            “All right, Chris if you please.” Kirisu says also doing the same as Lloyd.

            “Three, two, one… GO!!!” Christopher yells placing his both hands on either side of his mouth.

                        They run and run enjoying the thrill of the race, they come across a corner, Lloyd and Kirisu are neck to neck, but Lloyd slides like nothing cutting right past Kirisu and passing ahead of him, when Kirisu suddenly turns the corner he slams against a tall male built student’s back making him drop his canned drink. This student has slicked-back hair, but a part of both sides of his head are raised giving the impression to have ears much like a dog, the students name is Meji.

            “Hm!?” Meji looks back and then downward.

            “Ow…ow…s**t, I’m sorry, you ok?” Kirisu asks bowing his head and then looking up.

            “What the hell’s wrong with you short stuff?!” Meji asks very pissed off closing his face right in front of Kirisu’s.

            “I said I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any harm.” Kirisu says backing off a little.

            “Sorry?! You’re sorry?! Nah, nah, I’m gonna f**k you up!” Meji shouts waving his hands around.

            “Is there a problem here puppy?” Lloyd says appearing behind Meji touching his back with the tip of his index finger.

                        Meji looks back at Lloyd. “I’m talking to this little runt here!” Meji says in a nervous tone of voice then looking back at Kirisu and saying. “You won’t know when, you won’t know where, but just know before lunch time you’ll be messed up.”

                        With these words he leaves, Kirisu still looking sorry for spilling his drink, Lloyd and Kirisu make their way to class.

            “Shinsuke, late again, why doesn’t it surprise me.” Mr. Rosario says sighing.

            “I was helping Kirisu because he’s a new student and he got lost.” Lloyd says calmly.

            “Hmm… I’ll let it slide, as always.” Mr. Rosario says sighing once again.

                        During the second period Kirisu sits next to Lloyd, Kirisu is trembling in his chair.

            “Eh? What’s wrong you scared of the doggie? Well, he’s taller than you by a lot plus you don’t have your sword with you; well, if you want I could back you up.” Lloyd suggests mockingly with his legs on the desk and both his hands behind his head.

            “I’m not scared, I’m pissed, I wanna beat up that guy so bad, I don’t respond well to people threatening me.” Kirisu says looking at his trembling hands.

            “That f*g normally hangs around the bathroom, it’s his headquarters, sort of, talk with his friends, there’s three of them plus Meji, if you want to get it over with.”  Lloyd says still relaxing in his chair.

                        After second period Kirisu goes to the bathroom, as he leaves the classroom Lloyd follows right next to him.

            “Lloyd…thank you, but I would like to go in alone.” Kirisu says looking back over his shoulder.

                        They quickly arrive at the bathrooms.

            “Sure, suit yourself, but I’ll be right in front of the bathroom door just in case.” Lloyd says as he leans against the wall.

            “Okay.” Kirisu says walking into the bathroom.

                        Meji’s friends look at Kirisu as he looks under every stall; he finally finds the one Meji is in and kicks the door open. Meji was reading a magazine and taking a dump, he sees Kirisu with an amazed look on his face only to find a fist coming down on his face. One punch after another could be heard outside the stall. Meji’s friends all confident Meji is winning the struggle. After a few minutes it stops, Kirisu coming out without so much as a scratch on him, while Meji is lying beaten up in a pool of his own blood and fesses. Kirisu then passes Meji’s friends and washes his hands, as they all look at him.

            “Please don’t bother while I wash my hands okay?” Kirisu says as he looks into the mirror.

                        One of them decides then to throw a punch; Kirisu moves a bit to the side and then grabs him by the head slamming it into the mirror.

            “I ask you again, please don’t make things any worse; I really hate doing this kind of thing so please stop.” Kirisu says looking at his reflection in the broken mirror.

                        Kirisu then steps out, Lloyd right in front of him, as the door closes he sees Meji on the floor.

            “Damn man, you really held your own against him.” Lloyd says with an impressed expression and clapping at the same time.

            “Thanks, but I really wouldn’t like anyone to know about this ok?” Kirisu says in a low tone of voice.

            “Why?” Lloyd asks puzzled.

            “I don’t like to get attention this way, so please let’s not tell anyone about this.” Kirisu says again in a low tone of voice.

            “Have it your way.” Lloyd says.

            “Hey, let’s go get Chris and go check the girls in the locker room.” Kirisu says staring at Lloyd.

            “I've been thinking about that all morning, let’s do that after lunch.” Lloyd says looking back at Kirisu.

                        Meanwhile somewhere in the city the mysterious man has just finished off slaying a ten foot tall demon made of what seems like rocks sort of like a golem.

            “Master, I remember when you used to tell me the stories of long ago. The stories of my people and how they used to keep the demons at bay, how they used to keep balance. I wish things were like before, but everything is getting out of control. How am I alone supposed to deal with that?” The man says as he cleans his sword. “What the hell, I’m thinking too much!” The man says putting his sword away. “Demons this weak hardly ever go into cities and I still sense all these strong Spirit Force…something’s wrong.”

                        Suddenly the man’s stomach begins to growl like if he’s hungry.

            “Better get something to eat.” The man says with an embarrassed expression.

                        It’s now time for lunch, over at the school, word is spreading someone beat up Meji pretty badly. Over at the table Lloyd and the others are eating, they are waiting for Kazumi and Kirisu, but they are nowhere to be found in the cafeteria.

            “Where are they?” Yumi asks looking around and mostly at the entrance of the cafeteria.

            “Probably eating somewhere else.” Lloyd says eating a simple rib sandwich.

            “Maybe they don’t have money on them to buy something to eat.” Kyoshi says eating soba noodles.

                        Seshiro finishes his lunch and leaves with Kyoshi. They still have some time to spare so they take a walk, when they walk outside they see Kirisu and Kazumi both eating out of bento boxes (Lunch boxes) in a bench near the Sakura tree at school. Seshiro and Kyoshi keep walking. Lloyd and Yumi also walk outside to find Kazumi and Kirisu. Lloyd has something he needs to talk with both Seshiro and Kirisu.

            “Kirisu, I need to talk with you, but first help me find Seshiro.” Lloyd says tilts his head to the left signaling to come with him.

                        Kirisu looks at Kazumi with a look indicating he didn’t want to leave her side just yet.

            “Go, I don’t mind, besides I’m not the only friend you have now.” Kazumi says smiling at him.

            “Yumi, would you excuse me.” Lloyd says.

            “Whatever, just keep your end of the promise.” Yumi says coldly.

                        Kirisu stands up and leaves to look for Seshiro whom they find alone no more than just a few second later in front of a vending machine.

            “What happened, Lloyd?” Seshiro asks casually inserting a dollar in the machine and pressing the coke button.

            “Someone’s been following me since yesterday afternoon.” Lloyd says looking at both Kirisu and Seshiro.

            “How did you notice?” Kirisu asks.

            “I saw him again today when I walked into school.” Lloyd explains.

            “Him? So it’s a male… wait, how does this involve me and Kirisu?” Seshiro asks taking a sip off his coke.

            “Point being, I don’t know whether he’s stalking me or if he’s picking a fight.” Lloyd says walking in front of the vending machine and inserting a dollar and pressing the coke button.

            “How does he look like?” Kirisu asks.

            “Here, hold this.” Lloyd says handing over his coke to Kirisu the taking out ripping out a piece of paper from his notebook and quickly drawing a sketch. “He looks kind of like this.”

            “Whoa! Lloyd, I didn’t know you could draw so well.” Seshiro says astounded observing the drawing.

            “Ohh and I think he has golden eyes, but I think I might be seeing things.” Lloyd says giving the drawing a little more detail.

            “Golden eyes…Hmmm. That’s a pretty unique description, I don’t think that a person with that description exists, but if I see him I’ll be sure to let you know.” Seshiro says slightly indifferently taking a sip from his coke.

            “Well, if he’s carrying a sword that size around he’s probably looking for a fight.” Kirisu says taking a sip from Lloyd’s coke.

            “Dude! That’s my coke!” Lloyd takes his coke from Kirisu’s hand. “I just want you two to keep an eye out if you see this guy and tell me.” Lloyd says taking a sip from his coke and staring at Kirisu a little annoyed.

                        Just then Christopher appears.

            “Well, meetings over, time to attend that other matter.” Lloyd says smirking and finishing his coke.

            “Yes, that matter is also very serious.” Kirisu says smirking in the same fashion as Lloyd.

            “It’s time… let’s go see some tits!” Christopher says raising his right arm upward.

                        Seshiro rolls his eyes and leaves without saying a word, while the peeping trio leaves to do their act of shame.

            “Well, where is it?” Lloyd asks looking around the hallway outside of the gym.

            “You just move this trash can here and there’s a hole, kind of like one of those ventilation shafts in that game, what was it called? You know the one with that guy with the bandana called snake or something.” Christopher says pointing at the hole.

            “So, we have to go in there to get to the wall with the goods?” Kirisu asks suspiciously observing the hole.

            “Yup.” Christopher replies.

                        They crawl inside and find three holes, conveniently a place with light coming out.

            “This is it!” Christopher says very excited in a low voice.

            “Nice.” Lloyd says looking through the hole.

                        They are just in time; the girls have finished volleyball practice and are now starting to take off their gym clothing. The girl all wet rubbing themselves, beads of soap and water dripping down from their bodies, it’s a sight to behold. The girl with short brown hair named Notomi turns around in front of the long black haired girl named Jessie and says.

            “Jessie, you want me to wash your back?”

            “Oh my, your skin is so soft.” Jessie says rubbing her back full with soap.

            “Zuka, your breasts are so big.” The short black haired girl named Yuki says giggling.

            “I wish they weren’t.” The big breasted girl named Zuka replies.

            “This is the s**t.” Kirisu whispers.

                        The deed is done and the school day is now over, then Yumi is looking around the school for Lloyd and eventually finds him sitting on a bench lost in thought.

            “What are we going to do?” Yumi asks standing in front of Lloyd.

                        Seshiro and Kyoshi suddenly appear.

            “Hey Lloyd, where to?” Seshiro asks casually.

            “I’m not sure myself, but we gotta move it or lose it.” Lloyd says standing up and walking ahead.

                        Lloyd and friends walks out of the school and they walk for a while with a lot of people around, Lloyd feels a presence and at a distance he sees the man that’s been following him. Lloyd can see the mysterious man’s eyes and his hair moving with the breeze as the man is staring back at Lloyd with a cool grin on his face, suddenly a person passes by blocking Lloyd’s view and then again the man disappears again in the shadows, Lloyd then stops and Yumi bumps into Lloyd’s back.

            “Why’d you stop idiot!?” Yumi shouts rubbing her nose.

            “S**t, I forgot something in school, I have to go look for it, so you guys go on ahead, gotta move it or lose it!” Lloyd says quickly running towards the schools direction, after getting out of the parties sight he turns and heads to an abandoned factory with a very joyful, but stupid face looking back and then he turns his face looking straight ahead with a very serious face. “I don’t know what that guy wants, but I have to hurry up!”

                        Lloyd finally arrives to an abandoned factory.

            “Aren’t you too old to be playing hide and seek?” Lloyd asks looking around the area.

            “Clever, I’m not surprised, I really don’t like to play hide and seek, I like to play other games.” The unknown man says walking out from behind a steel pillar of the factory then standing in front of Lloyd.

            “Yeaah and what would that be? I hope you aren’t a weirdo looking for love or something like that, because I don’t play for that team.” Lloyd says mockingly.

            “Shut up!!! Stop trying to be funny.” The man closes his eyes for a second and inhales deeply. “You don’t smell like a demon, but you also don’t smell like a human, what are you?” The man asks observing Lloyd.

            “Really? Well, you smell like p***y! I’m just a regular student trying to figure out life.” Lloyd says with a grin.

            “Heh, what’s your name smart a*s?” The unknown man asks walking around in front of Lloyd.

            “It’s Lloyd, now tell me yours.” Lloyd replies.

            “The names Zero.” The man also replies.

            “What a weird name dude.” Lloyd jests.

            “Look who’s talking.” Zero says mockingly.

            “Hehe.” Lloyd chuckles. “Cool sword by the way.”

            “Hm? Yeah, it’s called Lightning Edge and you’ll soon see it in action.” Zero says with a grin.

            “Sure, sure.” Lloyd says mockingly.

            “Demons have been spotted in this area recently, right?” Zero asks looking away still walking around the same area.

            “I wouldn’t know, demons are just myths.” Lloyd jokes once again.

            “Stop playing with me.” Zero says staring directly into Lloyd’s eyes.

            “Dude, I would love to stay, chat and getting to know each other and have a cup of tea or something like that, but I don’t have the time.” Lloyd says about to walk away.

            “A wise man once told me that the best way to know someone is to fight them.” Zero says smiling while grabbing his sword from his back.

            “Hey man, you have a very wicked way of thinking, you seem you were raised in the medieval time or something like that, but what the hell, I may be wicked too because I like that, so let’s get to know ourselves.” Lloyd says.

            “Well, to make things fair I’m not going to use my sword because you’re unarmed.” Zero says stabbing his sword on the ground and quickly charging towards Lloyd, just as he is about to make contact, ten monsters flying from the sky about seven feet tall with wings, scales and fangs. Four more come out of the ground, rugged, strong with eyes looking for blood completely surrounding them. Zero does a back flip landing in front of his sword tapping the ground with his foot making the sword jump in the air and catching it.

            “Damn!” Zero whispers.

                        Lloyd without his sword did not flinch or shake; he gets his guard up and decides to face the enemies, he gets into what seems like a Kung-Fu stance, extending his right arm forward with his palm open, the edge of his hand facing forward and raising his left arm with his fist clenched keeping it behind his right arm, then moving forward his left leg.

            “Humph, a Satsume hand-to-hand style, I wonder how a human knows how to use that style… Looks like we’ll both fend them off.” Zero thinks to himself.

                        The fight begins Lloyd blowing away the ones from the ground while Zero reveals his power shouting. “Air Raid!!!”

                        Many lightning bolts come out of his sword, killing five monsters in midair. One of the monsters in the air comes down towards Zero to kill him, but Zero jumps on its back and from its back jumps higher up making a front flip slashing in half one of the winged demons landing in the ground. Meanwhile Lloyd still fighting against the other ones evading hit after hit making different stances, Lloyd sees an opening and punches one of them combining the attack with his wind to blow him away, another one comes down on Lloyd and kicks Lloyd with all its might, Lloyd gets pissed and slams its head on the ground using his wind to increase the friction consequently smashing the demons head open and killing it.

            “Seven more to go!” Zero says to himself.

                        Zero then makes a big shock of lighting in the air; it’s so strong it blasts the remaining demons wings off, he then jumps and cuts off their heads. After that he goes on to aid Lloyd against the remaining three. Unexpectedly Lloyd runs towards one of the demons and jumps rotating in the air making a horizontal whirlwind kicking his head thus smashing it to the ground. After that, Lloyd is having some trouble against the last two, then Zero comes from behind and slashes one in half, and stabs the other demon through its chest with his sword. The fight is over, but with Lloyd nowhere to be found.

            “S**t, he escaped.” Zero says annoyed quickly sniffing out his scent. “Heh, he isn’t far.”

                        Lloyd is quickly running to his home while thinking;

            “That guy looks like he’s been fighting those monsters all his life and he wants to fight me? To hell with that s**t!”

                        Zero swiftly appears in front of him at the end of the street with no one in sight.

            “You can’t run away from me, I will always find you.” Zero says with a grin walking towards Lloyd.

            “You sound like an angry ex-girlfriend.” Lloyd says walking backwards.

            “Listen, I don’t feel like fighting you anymore.” Zero says stopping for a moment.

            “Yeah right, you just want to cut me in pieces and play with my bones or something psychotic like that!!” Lloyd quickly says still walking backwards.

            “Do I really look like a psychotic freak to you?” Zero says walking again towards Lloyd.

            “Which do you prefer, the truth or a lie?” Lloyd asks scornfully.

            “Just forget it, I already know the answer.” Zero says with an annoyed face.

            “Nah, but for real, why don’t you want to fight me anymore?” Lloyd asks suspiciously.

            “The Allu demons I was fighting in the sky, they seem like they were trying to get past me to get to you and the Allu’s you were fighting didn’t even bother to look at me.” Zero says with a confused expression looking away.

            “Heh, it sounds like someone is jealous.” Lloyd says laughing a little.

            “Playing the funny guy again.” Zero says with a grin.

            “So, you’re saying they were after me?” Lloyd asks curiously.

            “Right.” Zero replies.

            “I see, who are you exactly?” Lloyd asks walking slowly towards Zero.

            “I told you, my name is Zero. I’ m a demon hunter and that’s everything you need to know.” Zero says.

            “That explains a lot.” Lloyd says sarcastically.

                        As they walk they didn’t notice where they were going exactly as they keep talking, Lloyd full of questions.

            “So if you’re a demon hunter that means there are or were more before you?” Lloyd asks staring at Zero.

            “How astoundingly perceptive.” Zero says sarcastically. “But yes, I’m a Kaizer, my race has been doing this since the ancient times. Back in the old days there were just a handful of demons, but in recent years there have been more and more, stronger ones coming out every day.”

            “Coming out, so they have been coming to our world?” Lloyd asks disbelievingly.

            “Yes, through a tunnel.” Zero explains.

            “Where is the tunnel?” Lloyd asks still in disbelief.

            “I don’t know.” Zero quickly answers.

            “Why are you telling me all this?” Lloyd asks with a suspicious expression.

            “Forget it, it doesn’t matter anymore.” Zero says calmly looking straight ahead.

            “So, do you have anywhere to go?” Lloyd asks.

            “Not really, I only came because of the reports on the news about the recent deaths; I don’t have anywhere to stay either.” Zero clarifies.

                        Zero is telling the truth, but at the same time he looks like he’s cooking up a plan and in his mind, he then thinks. “This isn’t really my style, but demons are after him, I’ll use him as live bait to lure them in.”

            “Well, you did sort of save my life, so would you like a place to stay?” Lloyd asks.

            “Why? I’m nothing but a stranger to you.” Zero asks then stating the obvious glaring at Lloyd.

            “Nonsense, come on.”  Lloyd said.

            “Okay then. Heh, now my plans on using him as bait to lure the demons in out is on motion, instead of looking for them.” Zero thinks looking away.

            “Ok well, I guess we need the help too.” Lloyd whispers to himself.

            “Help?” Zero asks curiously.

            “My friend and I have fought against several demons already so we need more fighters just in case.” Lloyd explains staring at Zero.

                        Zero seems interested as to what he just said and asks more of this. “Several!? How can this be?” Zero widens his eyes in shock. “How were they like?”

            “The first ones we encountered had spikes on them” Lloyd says.

            “Those were Nybras.” Zero says not very surprised.

            “The first one my friend killed was a little boy that suddenly deformed; he had a very wide mouth with sharp teeth.” Lloyd further explains.

            “Humph… a Kappas demon… a demon like that attacking?” Zero says to himself.

            “Then we killed three more that were about four foot tall and looked like monkeys, he killed one of them and I killed the other while the last one committed suicide.” Lloyd says looking up trying to remember more.

            “Xaphan’s, they’re weak, but still these young human swordsmen have encountered those demons and are still alive. I’m curious to see what kind of fighting skills they have because the average human cannot kill a demon. This is a very interesting city indeed.” Zero thinks to himself.

                        Inside of a building the two mysterious people from before are on top of a building looking down at Zero and Lloyd.

            “Looks like yet more of your lackeys were killed.” The cloaked man says mockingly.

            “His eyes, could it be? There aren’t supposed to be any more of them! Yes, this just what I needed.” The wavy haired man whispers to himself.

            “What are you talking about?” The cloaked man asks crossing his arms.

            “At this rate our plans will go to s**t!” The wavy haired man says slightly angrily.

            “I really don’t care, I just want Kirisu eliminated, after what he and his family did to me, I can never forgive him!” The cloaked man says roughly as he tightens his fist.

            “My power is not for plays of revenge it’s just a mockery of what I can do.” The wavy haired man says looking out to the city.

            “So you’re telling me to go screw myself?” The cloaked man asks as he tightens his fist even more.

            “No, I will help you, but my priority is not your revenge.” The wavy haired man replies.

            “Hm.” The cloaked man says nothing and stands in silence.

            “I will step up and release stronger ones.” The wavy haired man says raising his right arm.

© 2013 Shin

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I do enjoy the relationship between Yumi and Lloyd. They do give the feeling of a couple that's in loveand they will go through everything as lons as they know they'll be 2gether @ the end. Yes, I'm a girl 2 u know.

Posted 13 Years Ago

lmao this chapter is very funny man, good job on converting it to professional, and damn zero is a badass, he is yet another awesome characther of the party

Posted 14 Years Ago

I liked this chapter too. Lol this chapter made me crack up though. It was truly funny. Can't wait to read more! Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2013

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin