![]() Chapter 03: The Smile of a TravelerA Chapter by ShinEarly in the morning, Lloyd alone walks to school lost in his thoughts, taking a different route from his regular one. “I wonder if Seshiro is alright…? Eh, he’s strong I bet he’s fine anyways. Yumi, why didn’t you come greet me in the morning like you always do? I told her where I was, so she shouldn’t be angry, she’s probably at school by now and if not I’ll just go to her house after school. I gotta thank Kazumi for her help the other day.” Lloyd thought as he walked. Meanwhile during that time a young boy about five eight feet tall with short light brown hair and green eyes is eating at Aoi Kaze restaurant. The young man keeps looking out the window from the table he is sitting from, enjoying the view and the people passing by as he drinks some green tea with some toast. “Will this be all for now sir?” Kazumi asks standing next to the table holding a small notepad and a pen. “Huh? Oh, yes miss, thank you.” The young man looks up to her smiling. “All right, don’t hesitate to ask for anything else, okay?” Kazumi says before walking to the next table. “Thank you.” The young man says quickly looking outside the window again. Just then two suspicious men stud up, one pulling out a double barrel shotgun and the other a single barrel and make a statement. “No one move and no one gets hurt!!” The man holding the single barrel shotgun says as he c***s it. “Dirk there are about twenty two people here.” The man holding the double barrel shotgun says to Dirk also cocking his shotgun. “Okay Den” Dirk says pointing his shotgun at everyone. Everyone was scared, but no one yelled in fear of being shot by the two criminals. Fear took over everyone, the clients and the restaurant workers alike. “Ok everyone pull out whatever you got and hand it over now!!” Den says pointing his shotgun at a small group of people at one of the tables. Everyone does as they are told. Dirk passes by the tables taking their valuables; a person that in the off chance tries to make a phone call. Dirk then notices and aims at the man. “No, stop, don’t shoot him!!” The young man shouts standing up from his table. Boom! The man was shot dead. “Aaahhh!!!” Many people yell. Boom! Another shot was fired into the air to keep everyone quiet. “No one else try any funny business.” Den then approaches the young man that shouted just a moment ago. “Why...why did he shoot...that man...that man didn’t have to die!” The young man says looking down at the table sitting down in disbelief. “Shut up and give me what you got on you.” Den demands. “I don’t have anything.” The young man says looking straight at Den’s eyes. “You have something, now hand it over or I’ll shoot you!!” Den presses his shotgun against the young man’s head. The young man stands up and says with a warm smile; “Fine, then shoot me.” Boom! As the man fires his shotgun the young man grabs the double barrel shotgun and hits it away from him in a split second. The young man pulls out a hand gun (F.A. Socom Model) and aims it at the man’s forehead and says. “Put down the shotgun please, I don’t have patience for those who play with human lives.” “I…I…ok.” Den says nervously bending down placing his shotgun on the ground while his whole body is shaking in fear of the gun pointed at his head. The young man picks up the shotgun and places it on the table. “Now turn around.” The young man orders still pressing his gun at Den’s head. “Den, what the hell!” Dirk notices quickly pointing his shotgun at the young man and his friend. “I don’t wanna die...” Den says fearfully with his hands up. “Let him go or I’ll shoot another person.” Dirk threatening the young man grabbing a female civilian by the shirt and pointing his shotgun at her. “Then I will shoot your friend.” The young man says glaring at Dirk. “Shoot him, I don’t care.” Dirk shouts in anger still holding the hostage. “Fine.” The young man says calmly removing the gun from Den’s head and pointing it at his leg. “Huh?!” Den was nervous and confused because he doesn’t know what the young man is doing behind him. Boom! The young man shot Den in the right leg. “Ahh!” Den yells in pain. “Now please how about you put that down before you hurt yourself.” The young man insists placing his gun once again on Den’s head. Dirk in rage throws the civilian to the side and lifts his single barrel shotgun squeezing the trigger when rapidly the young man shoots first; the bullet goes into the barrel and damages it from the inside. “Please no more deaths just stop all of this now.” The young man says pointing his gun at Den’s head once again. “Ahhh!” Dirk shouts charging head on towards the young man in fury, the young man lets go of Den throwing him on the floor, he lifts his gun once more to fight back, but Den was holding onto his legs. The young man then puts away his gun and got a confident look in his eyes. Dirk comes close and throws a punch at the young man, but he ducked and then punches Dirk in the stomach, then with his free leg he kicks Den under his chin. Dirk then helps Den stand up, they both charge towards the young man and then as they come at him he grabs Den by the sleeve and throws him out the window breaking it in the process then doing the same to Dirk. “You don’t learn, you both should die.” The young man says while pointing his gun at both criminals, as he begins squeezing the trigger Kazumi shouts. “Stop!!” “Huh?” The young man looks back at Kazumi with a confused expression. “You said it yourself; No more deaths! So please stop.” Kazumi says with his fists closed. “Miss…ok I'm sorry.” The young man says putting away his gun. A crowd forms outside in front of the restaurant; Lloyd is then a few feet away. “Huh, what the hell happened?” Lloyd says to himself walking between the crowd until he’s right in front of the broken window. “What the Hell?!” Police cars can be heard from a distance. “So are you going to pay for the window um...um...what’s your name?” Kazumi asks with a suspicious yet curious expression. “Kirisu Nit-Mazu.” The young man replies smiling at her. “Oh ok, but are you going to pay for it?” Kazumi asks again staring at Kirisu raising her right hand with her palm open. “But I just saved everyone including you, can’t you overlook this?!” Kirisu asks nervously looking out the window. “I'm sorry, but my parents own this restaurant, so I can’t just say it’s ok.” Kazumi explains. “Um, erm, hahaha funny thing actually the only reason I had that tea and toast was because that’s all I could afford at the moment.” Kirisu says placing his right hand behind the back of his head slightly smirking. “Hm.” Kazumi looks at him warily crossing her arms. “There’s a dead man inside, shouldn’t that take priority?!” Kirisu says looking at the dead man behind her, Kazumi says nothing to this, Kirisu panics and starts looking around the crowd and then points at Lloyd. “Him, that guy will pay for it, he’s a friend of mine! Hahaha.” “Me?!” Lloyd points at himself puzzled as Kirisu speeds off. “Thanks man!!” Kirisu shouts from afar. “Hey! I don’t even know what happened here!!” Lloyd yells looking around at all the mess. “These two tried taking us hostage, they shot a man and that guy that ran away came to the rescue.” Kazumi says sighing. “Damn.” Lloyd simply says looking at the two men on the ground outside the restaurant. “So, do you know that guy?” Kazumi asks suspiciously staring at Lloyd. “Hell no!!” Lloyd yells out quickly very pissed off. “So, what are we gonna do? We can’t just let this how it is.” Kazumi says grabbing Lloyd’s right hand. “I don’t have cash, isn’t there an insurance thing to cover this kind of thing?” Lloyd asks still annoyed. “I dunno, but that’s why I need to talk to that guy and if not how about you cover for this?” Kazumi asks with a sad expression looking at Lloyd. “Er, hm I know, how about I look for that guy and bring him back here?” Lloyd asks walking a little away from Kazumi. “I dunno ’bout this.” Kazumi says. “Ok, bye and thanks for yesterday!!!” Lloyd says walking away even further. “Wait.” Kazumi says walking towards Lloyd. Lloyd then runs off in the same fashion as Kirisu. Lloyd then got to school tired out from running. “Huff...huff...Why didn’t I... Just used my powers to… high jump all the way here?” Lloyd says to himself exhausted walking into school, as he enters he finds Yumi talking to Kyoshi. Kyoshi from the distance waves to Lloyd as he approaches them. “Yo.” Lloyd says waving his hand a little. “Hey.” Yumi coldly says without looking at Lloyd. “Hi.” Kyoshi smiles cheerfully. “You’re late, what happened?” Yumi asks casually. “Nothing, but where were you this morning?” Lloyd asks a little demandingly. “I went with Kyoshi to check on Seshiro.” Yumi coldly replies looking at Lloyd. “He’ll be back by tomorrow.” Kyoshi says playing a little with the pen he’s holding. “I see.” Lloyd says covering his mouth with his hand thinking a little. “You look a bit worried about something, you sure you’re ok?” Kyoshi asks staring at Lloyd. “I'm ok, don’t worry.” Lloyd says then thinking to himself “I’m not really worried, I’m just wondering how to catch that guy that ran away, the only problem is that I don’t know where he lives or if he’s a traveler or who he is or anything.” The bell rings, Lloyd already missed first period, he walks in to his next class, all he could do now was wait until school finishes. Lloyd sits on his chair lifting his legs on the desk planning and thinking. “Hm.....where do I start? Damn, I heard his name, but not too clearly, I might have to ask Kazumi, but I don’t think now’s the best time. I haven’t seen Seshiro either, I haven’t been a good friend to him in the past few days plus I haven’t visited him, he’ll be back tomorrow, but I might as well see him later.” Just then the Mr. Bravo notices Lloyd spacing out as he walks up to Lloyd and calls him out. “Shinsuke!! Please tell me what I just said.” Mr. Bravo shouts making the whole classroom stare at Lloyd. “How many times am I going to say I don’t like to be called by my real name?! Is it about the feudal warriors of Lemuria or the knight of light?” Lloyd asks with disinterest. “No, this is math.” Mr. Bravo replies calmly. “Then I don’t care.” Lloyd says turning his head to the windows looking outside. “Now listen, this is useful, you might-” Mr. Bravo was saying until Lloyd cuts him off. “Need this for when I'm older? I'm sure when I apply for a job they’ll ask me how much is thirteen ounces times eighteen gallons plus nineteen pounds when I'm writing down the questionnaire, suuure.” Lloyd says still looking out the window. “I’m amazed you even know what a questionnaire is.” Mr. Norse says walking into the classroom. “If you check my student ranking, I’m on the top fifteen so don’t try to make me look like a dumbass.” Lloyd says looking at Mr. Norse. “You’re making me mad; you want me to flunk you?!” Mr. Bravo threatens Lloyd slamming his desk in anger. “I can pass this class no problem and if you flunk me with no evidence I can sue you, so good luck.” Lloyd says turning his head once again looking outside. “Grrr, you... I…” Mr. Bravo doesn’t know what else to say, the teacher walks away defeated in this fight of words. The school day comes to an end, Lloyd finds Yumi to walk together home. “What happened to Kyoshi?” Lloyd asks looking at Yumi as they walk. “He decided to go see Seshiro right away.” Yumi says without turning her head towards Lloyd. “I see, well I might drop by later to see him.” Lloyd says looking ahead. “So, I was thinking we should go see Kazumi, it’s been a while since I’ve seen her.” Yumi turns to Lloyd waiting for his reply. “Err, um, that’s ok you go on ahead I think I’ll go see Seshiro now, hehe.” Lloyd says suspiciously. “Ok…?” Yumi says puzzled by Lloyd’s reaction. Lloyd doesn’t go see Seshiro yet, he walks to the opposite direction from Seshiro’s place and the Aoi Kaze restaurant. “Damn, it’s going to take me longer to get home if I go through this way, I might have to walk for an hour. I wish I had a car or a motorcycle even a Vespa would be nice.” Lloyd thinks with his hands in his pockets and looking up at the sky. Just then he notices someone at the corner of his eye, sitting at a table in front of a restaurant drinking Lemurian alcohol named sake which is a drink made out of rice. Lloyd then points over to that person. “Ack! It’s you, the guy that left me in this mess!!” Lloyd shouts. “Erm...? Oh you’re that guy, how you been?” Kirisu says calmly sipping a little bit more of liquor. “Shut up, it hasn’t been that long!” Lloyd shouts again pissed even more. “Calm down, calm down, listen how ‘bout you sit down for some sake to make up for it?” Kirisu asks offering the cup he has in his hand. Lloyd sits down and grabs a shot glass, then pouring some sake in it. “You look underage, how did you manage to score this?” Lloyd asks suspiciously glaring at Kirisu. “I'm seventeen, but anyone can be persuaded if you pick your words carefully.” Kirisu says with a cocky smile taking another sip. “You look kinda short for a seventeen year old.” Lloyd says mockingly then taking shot. “Hm, I know.” Kirisu says a little annoyed. “Anyways, you live around here?” Lloyd asks looking around at the area. “No, I'm just passing by, but I’m staying at an apartment for now.” Kirisu explains lying back in the chair. “Oh, where you headed?” Lloyd asks placing his left hand on the table and leaning forward. “I don’t know, I've been wandering like this for the past year.” Kirisu says filling up his cup with more sake. “Are you looking for yourself?” Lloyd asks staring at him intently. “Huh?” Kirisu asks about to drink his shot. “People usually take long walks or go on trips to relax and gather their thoughts so they can find themselves.” Lloyd says also lying back in his chair like Kirisu. Kirisu takes a shot. “Hehe, I guess I just needed to relax; anyways do you live around here?” Kirisu asks filling up his cup once again. “Not really.” Lloyd says. “Then why were you walking this way?” Kirisu asks with a suspicious look. “I was trying to avoid seeing Kazumi.” Lloyd says looking to the road at his right side. “The waitress cat girl cosplayer?” Kirisu asks curiously. “Yeah.” Lloyd replies. “Kazumi, a cute name for a cute girl.” Kirisu says losing himself in thought. “You better watch what you say, also now that I remember, when you gonna pay for the window?!” Lloyd asks standing up a little tipsy. “Dude, are you drunk?” Kirisu asks. “I dunno!!” Lloyd whispers. An hour passes and they have both drank sixteen sake bottles, needless to say they are drunk. So now they are two drunks walking the streets. “You know, you’re a nice dude, I dunno if it’s the drinks or if it’s because you paid for it, but you a…a…a…good...rice bowl.” Lloyd says walking slowly and tipsy. “Hahaha, man you gots to introdu…intro...introse…show me to that Kazumi girl.” Kirisu says walking in the same fashion as Lloyd. “Ah no, no, no, the green tiger will get mad.” Lloyd says pointing down the street when there is nothing there. “Come on please?” Kirisu says backing off from the supposed green tiger down the street. “Ah forget it, I don’t know.” Lloyd says almost falling on the ground. They walk for a while until they arrive to an apartment complex. “Well...here I get off… this is where I'm staying…at least it looks like it...if it wasn’t made of Jell-O.” Kirisu says looking up to the building. “Aight, aight I’ll see you around short stuff.” Lloyd says slightly smacking Kirisu in the back of his head. Kirisu walks to the entrance and climbs the stairs as Lloyd leaves he notices a card on the floor, he picks it up, Lloyd is drunk and it’s dark to read it so he puts it inside his pocket and heads home. The next day, Lloyd is sleeping on the couch, he wakes up. “Hmph? ... How did I get here last night? Oh, damn my head hurts.” Lloyd says placing his hand on his head as he looks to the ground noticing notices something on the coffee table, in front of the couch it’s the same ID card from last night. He then leans over to pick it up and reads it. “Nit-Mazu Kirisu, Mecca Squad? What is this, an otaku membership?” Lloyd says observing the ID, he looks at it for a few minutes, he doesn’t think too much into it so he decides to return it. “Where does he live again?” Lloyd asks himself standing up from the couch. As he stands up he turns on the iPod connected to the stereos in the living room, the song The After Dinner Payback from the band From Autumn to Ashes starts playing. “I better take a shower.” Lloyd says walking to the bathroom. As he’s about to go in the bathroom the front door bell rang, he walks back and opens it, Yumi is standing at the door. “Oh hey, I'm sorry I missed school today.” Lloyd says looking down at the floor. “What the hell are you talking about? Its six a.m.” Yumi says crossing her arms and staring at Lloyd. “What?!” Lloyd asks confused. “I thought your mom was going to open up. I’m really surprised; this is the first time you get up so early for a school day.” Yumi says with a slight smile. Lloyd’s mom had woken up and is already changed to go to work. “Morning Lilly.” Yumi says casually. “Good morning Yumi, Oh Lloyd, you’re awake; did you have to throw up?” Lilly asks placing her hand on Lloyd’s back observing his face closely. “Morning, mom.” Lloyd says. “Why throw up, was he sick?” Yumi asks examining Lloyd. “I don’t know, last night he went to the bathroom to do that and he went to sleep early, I thought he might have a stomach ache or something, but he looks better now.” Lilly says taking her purse from the table. “Yeah, I felt a bit sick. Sure.” Lloyd says sarcastically. “Well, I’m off to work.” Lilly says kissing Lloyd’s cheek. “See ya.” Yumi coldly says entering the apartment. “Well, I’m gonna go shower now.” Lloyd says walking towards the bathroom once again. After Lloyd finishes he walks into his room wearing boxers, there Yumi is lying on his bed looking towards the ceiling with both her hands under her head. Lloyd then sits on the edge of the bed next to her. “Don’t even try it.” Yumi says with her eyes closed. “Damn, I never succeed.” Lloyd says snapping his fingers. “I heard you skipped a bill yesterday.” Yumi says opening her eyes and looking at him. “Huh, where’d that come from?” Lloyd asks. “Kazumi told me about it.” Yumi says closing her eyes once again. “I’m tired of hearing about this ok, it was some guy named Kirisu, I found him after school yesterday, but I dunno if he’ll pay for it or not.” Lloyd explains staring at Yumi. “Humph.” Yumi relaxes on Lloyd’s bed. “So, are we gonna do it or not?” Lloyd asks getting a little closer. “For the last freaking time, no! I’m never gonna give you squat, so get dressed, we’re late!” Yumi shouts without opening her eyes. “What?! You get me all excited and horny for nothing?!” Lloyd asks standing up from the bed. “I never insinuated anything; stop speculating I wanna have sex with you, because that won’t happen!” Yumi says coldly. “Damn it!” Lloyd punches the concrete wall. “Then why are you lying on my bed for?” He asks. “Because I’m a little tired, so hurry up and put your damn pants on.” Yumi says still without opening her eyes to let Lloyd put his clothes on. So now a very irritated Lloyd changes into his black school uniform quickly. “Man, if it wasn’t for the girls and the miniskirts I would have dropped out of school a long time ago. I just wanna live like I want.” Lloyd says as he ties the shoe laces of his all star black converse. Soon their morning walk begins; they meet up with Kyoshi and Seshiro. They all greet each other and then they start their walk to school. “Hey Seshiro, I've been doing some thinking in the past few days and I feel sorry that I’ve been a bit mean to you and I’m sorry I didn’t visit you either.” Lloyd says looking at Seshiro. “It’s alright, hah… but did Yumi make you say that?” Seshiro asks looking at Yumi. “Why would I?” Yumi says coldly. “I guess Lloyd has a more gentle side to him.” Kyoshi says with a cheerful expression. “Nah, he’s just flattering himself.” Yumi says with a slight grin. “Brethren before wenches!” Lloyd says clashing his arm together with Seshiro. “Haha. Anyways, you’ve become a part of this gang quite quickly Kyoshi.” Seshiro says staring at Kyoshi. “Yeah.” Lloyd agrees. “So why didn’t you visit?” Kyoshi asks gazing at Lloyd. “I was tracking down a person.” Lloyd says looking ahead. “Any luck?” Kyoshi asks observing Lloyd. “Actually yeah, I’d probably meet with him later to settle a deal.” Lloyd says looking up to the bright sky. “What happened?” Seshiro asks also observing Lloyd. “Long story.” Lloyd says looking back at Seshiro. “I don’t know all the details either, Kazumi didn’t tell me everything.” Yumi says fixing her red tie. “Well, what happened?” Seshiro asks again. As they walk Lloyd retold the story before arriving at school. “I see, so do you have an idea of how to persuade this Kirisu?” Seshiro asks stopping in front of the school entrance. “A little bit, I found his otaku membership, so I got all the more reason why to meet up with him.” Lloyd says staring at some girls walking into the school grounds. The bell rings; they walk inside and stop in the morning lockers leaving some things, it’s time for first period, a few hours pass, it is now the third period. Inside the classroom, Lloyd keeps looking outside the window of the classroom while lost in thoughts. “It’s almost lunch time, what should I do? Should I skip lunch and look for Kirisu? No, no, I haven’t eaten with Yumi and the rest for a while now. Plus I met him at that place last time after class, he might be there later.” Lloyd has lunch with Kyoshi, Seshiro and Yumi. The day had passes; it’s now time to start the search. Lloyd goes into the restaurant from last time, but Kirisu isn’t there. “Not here, I’ll find you, count on it you otaku geek.” Lloyd says sure of himself. Lloyd quickly walks towards his house and as he arrives home he enters his room and changes into casual clothing, before he leaves the room he looks at his sword in the corner of his room, a six foot long Lemurian blade named Masamune. “I should take it just in case.” Lloyd says picking it up. Lloyd leaves his apartment and searches the city, after a while he bumps into Kirisu. “Oops, sorry.” Lloyd says without looking. “No, no, it’s ok, I wasn’t looking.” Kirisu says also without looking who it is. Lloyd looks up and notices it’s Kirisu and says surprised. “It’s you!!” Then notices he has a somewhat large backpack. “You were planning to skip town weren’t you?!” “Well, um, sort of um...nice sword. Hehe.” Kirisu says trying to keep walking, but Lloyd blocks his way. “Don’t change the subject Mecca Squad Member.” Lloyd says mockingly. “What?!” Kirisu widens his eyes to this. “I know all about your secret life.” Lloyd says with a grin. Kirisu then pulls out a Lemurian sword from the backpack; a four foot long sword. Lloyd counters and deflects with his own. “Who are you?!” Kirisu asks making a sword stance by backing up his left leg and holding his sword with both hands. “A very pissed off man.” Lloyd replies. “Don’t play with me!!” Kirisu shouts then thinking to himself. “How much does he know? How would he know about that? Is he an assassin? Damn it, I’m too hung over to fight...” “Damn I didn’t think he’d had a sword in that backpack.” Lloyd thinks without taking his sight off Kirisu. As these thoughts rush through their minds, they pull away their swords. Lloyd takes a head on stance ready to attack, while Kirisu sheathed his sword and took his stance waiting for Lloyd to attack. They analyze their postures and slowly come closer at each other until suddenly they charge towards each other. Kirisu unsheathes his sword, Lloyd steps back and blocks. Kirisu swings once more, Lloyd ducks, and then goes for an upper slash. Kirisu jumps back, the blade barely missing the tip of his nose. Kirisu looks at Lloyd from a safe distance and then throws up. “Blurr… blurr.” “Damn, you’re a bad drinker.” Lloyd says. “Shut up!” Kirisu shouts. The fight continues, Lloyd suddenly assumes some other type of posture and begins to attack Kirisu making horizontal slashes left and right very quickly, it almost looks like a typhoon, Kirisu barely blocks, but the impact of one of the slashes throws Kirisu away and somehow he keeps himself afloat in midair. Lloyd is speechless for a moment, but then Kirisu descends onto the ground. “You.....you have wind powers?!” Lloyd asks in shock. “No, your eyes must be playing tricks on you, hehe.” Kirisu says mockingly. “I know what I saw, he may hide under that dumb smile, but this guy has some experience with swords. What is this? I feel so alive, hahaha, Kirisu you’re turning out to be probably my only enjoyable fight since the fight I had with Seshiro a few years back.” Lloyd thinks. “S**t I could keep myself afloat for only a moment, but my body won’t let me use anything else, this is not good.” Kirisu also thinks to himself then sheathing his sword and walks towards Lloyd with a smile; Lloyd with a confused look keeps his guard up. Kirisu is only a few feet away from Lloyd and then he draws his sword as quickly as possible. Since Lloyd is too close, he can’t do anything with a sword that long at close range. Lloyd quickly throws his sword to the air and pushes Kirisu back with his wind powers, then jumps making a sidekick hitting Kirisu in the chest thus sending him flying, but as he was about fall hard on the ground he quickly makes a back flip with one hand. “That’s the craziest move that I’ve ever seen!” Kirisu thinks to himself with a surprised look in his face. “That was a pretty good strategy.” Lloyd says while catching his sword. “Getting close to me knowing that with this long sword I won’t be able to strike you. That would have worked with a normal opponent, I’m anything but that. Kirisu then charges towards Lloyd and as soon as Lloyd readies his sword Kirisu takes out the Socom pistol and shoots at Lloyd’s sword sending it flying. Kirisu then makes a diagonal slash, but Lloyd does a side flip evading the attack as Kirisu slightly turns around pointing his gun at Lloyd and the split second he is going to pull the trigger Lloyd sends the gun flying hitting it with his knee while doing a somersault. Kirisu still turning around makes a horizontal slash, but Lloyd kicks the sword away still continuing his somersault. While Lloyd still at the half of his somersault in midair, Kirisu jumps and grabs him while doing a front flip then falling to the ground with Lloyd’s head upside down. They were both at a draw even though Kirisu has the advantage; he lets Lloyd go and steps back. Lloyd then gets up and cleans his hair saying; “That’s a pretty slick move for a hung over person, lucky you I’ve holding back on my martial arts, but now it’s time to end this!” Lloyd raises his hand and brings his sword back using his wind. Then for a second Lloyd is in front of the eyes of Kirisu and the next he disappears in a gust of wind. Kirisu for a second panics, but then Lloyd appears behind him; he turns around, Lloyd then does a diagonal slash. While he slashes Kirisu’s chest, Lloyd jumps doing a front flip and kicks him with the bottom of his foot right on the head making him fall hard on the ground, Lloyd thinks he’s going to get up, but he doesn’t. “So this is how I’m gonna dying, I guess it severs me right for all the wrongs in my life, hehe; I guess I had fun in these last few moments. I should have known a hired assassin would end my life, I am not afraid of death; this is something I once wished for…” Kirisu thinks while he looks up to the sky fainting. Just then Kirisu wakes up as he sees a white ceiling; he’s clearly in a hospital. He sits up straight and notices someone at the door, it’s Lloyd. “You finally up, it’s about time. You’ve been out for three hours; I guess I overestimated you shorty.” Lloyd says with a smirk with his arms crossed. “So I guess you’re not an assassin.” Kirisu says bowing his head. “Dude, I only wanted to give you this card you dropped, there’s no shame in being an otaku, well, maybe just a little.” Lloyd says laughing a little. “Ok? ...” Kirisu says in confusion. “Oh yeah, almost forgot, you got a visitor.” Lloyd says as he opens the door; there Yumi and Kazumi comes in, Kazumi with a very nervous look. “Ahh!! Miss Kazumi!” Kirisu says nervously. “It’s alright man; I paid your debt, so you after you get out of the hospital, you’re gonna be my servant.” Lloyd says a little annoyed. “Oh.” Kirisu simply says unable to come up with a better response. “Yeah, so be grateful.” Lloyd says. “Ah…hm…um…” Kazumi is speechless. “Are you ok Miss?” Kirisu asks slightly worried, “Don’t worry about her; she’s just scared of hospitals, that’s all.” Yumi says coldly. “Well, um...maybe she shouldn’t be here if she’s so scared, wouldn’t you think?” Kirisu asks looking at Lloyd. “Well, she really wanted to see you man.” Lloyd says glaring at Kazumi. Kirisu looks at Kazumi; they stare at each other for a moment, both their cheeks turning red blushing at one another. “Oh, I’m just really sorry for lashing out the way I did instead of being thankful, I just never been in that type of scenario.” Kazumi explains looking down at the floor. “Oh no, I just over did it during that moment; I’m the one that’s sorry, haha.” Kirisu says also bowing his head. “Well, I’m gonna go wait outside a little bit, I guess I’ll see you guys later.” Lloyd says opening the door. “I’m going to get myself a coke.” Yumi coldly says walking behind Lloyd and closing the door. Kirisu and Kazumi are now alone, both staring straight at one another, but there is a deep silence for a few moments. “I’m terribly sorry about all this, I never meant for you to get hurt Kirisu.” Kazumi says nervously holding her own hands. “Hehe, its ok it’s not your fault.” Kirisu says with a smile. They talk for about an hour, but time doesn’t seem to matter to them, they keep their conversation going for a while. “So, I guess you’ll be leaving Lemuria soon.” Kazumi says biting the nails of her fingertips. “Um…no…hehe, I’m thinking on starting to study here at...erm...?” Kirisu says looking up and thinking. “Nakahiro High?” Kazumi asks curiously. “Yeah, that one.” Kirisu says nodding. “Well, that’s good I guess, I’ll see you often then, huh?” Kazumi says. “I hope so.” Kirisu says with a smile. “Oh my, its kind of late, um…is it ok if I come see you tomorrow?” Kazumi asks standing up from the chair. “Yeah, I would like that very much.” Kirisu replies. “Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Kazumi says opening the door and leaving. © 2013 ShinReviews
4 Reviews Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing
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