Chapter 06: Impressions

Chapter 06: Impressions

A Chapter by Shin

                        The party looks around to see many houses and people walking around.

            “Ancelia? She teleported us this far? That takes a ridiculous amount of energy to do not mentioning the physical strain, she might even be lying dead in a corner somewhere.” Faris says.

            “Remember that this is Soriana we’re talking about.” Jonathan says.

            “What still has me thinking is that sword, why did it become a sword to begin with? How did it multiply Ethan’s power so drastically?” Faris remarks.

            “She said the sword is part of her, so I’ll just call it the Goddess sword, I’m assuming it must’ve reacted with Ethan’s Cosmic Force, so I guess it would have the same effect with me as well, but to double the users power I have no idea.” Jonathan speculates.

            “What did you think of that woman Soriana was controlling?” Ethan asks.

            “That she’s the woman from our dreams.” Jonathan answers.

            “Alright, now that sounds bad.” Ruby comments.

            “Yeah, she is.” Ethan nods.

            “She beat us to a pulp.” Onassis remarks.

            “I wonder where she is anyways…” Faris says looking around.

            “She has to be close by; we’ll take the sword away from her and head to Illios.” Jonathan says.

            “I don’t think it’ll be as easy, if we couldn’t do anything against her before, what makes you think we can now? I mean, she’s like super powerful.” Ruby says.

            “She has a point.” Onassis says.

            “Still, we have to try, that sword is our only chance to destroy Soriana once and for all.” Faris says.

            “I can feel her Cosmic Force, she’s nearby, although it seems like she’s not moving.” Ethan says.

            “That’s weird.” Ruby says.

            “That would make sense considering the teleportation.” Faris comments.

                        Ethan rushes first, the party follows until they swiftly reach a field where she is lying down. The party stops at her presence; the woman notices their presence and stands up, she looks at them with a calm expression, but with some confusion.

            “Now that she’s weak because of the teleportation we can take the sword away.” Onassis says.

            “Wait… She seems kind of… different…” Ethan says.

            “We have to take the sword away, go and take it from her; we’ll be your backup.” Jonathan says.

            “Alright.” Ethan nods as he walks towards her. The wind blows gently, her hair waving beautifully as she stares at Ethan’s eyes with melancholic yet gorgeous eyes. She holds the Goddess sword and offers it with both hands, holding it towards Ethan, he looks at her confused.

            “What is this Soriana? First you try to kill us, take the sword away and now you’re giving it back.” Ethan asks.

            “It’s not a trap, I’m not Soriana, my name is Anastasia Leskova.” She says.

            “Leskova? From Quadimor… I’m lost…” Ethan says with a very puzzled expression.

            “I can explain… but please take this first.” Anastasia says.

                        Ethan gets close and takes the sword from her hands. The party comes close.

            “Explain yourself.” Jonathan says.

            “I’m from Quadimor, I moved to Illios because I was in need of good doctors because I had a disease that would’ve killed me, some time ago I was wandering the streets and I felt a lot of pain, I was near the castle and tried to tell the guards to see if they could call a doctor, but I suddenly blacked out, I knew nothing until now.” Anastasia explains.

            “So you woke up knowing everything that has happened?” Onassis asks.

            “In a certain sense, yes…” Anastasia answers.

            “Continue.” Jonathan says.

            “Soriana revived me, I was dead. She healed me from all sicknesses, my physical imperfections and modified my body to have these incredible powers just to use it against you because since by the time you had already killed two High Ones, well she wanted to do the job herself in a certain sense.” Anastasia explains.

            “So the sword is a menace after all.” Ruby states.

            “Yes, it is, it’s the only weapon that can successfully cut her bones made of fossilized void, but it does not guarantee she can be defeated in battle or even killed completely. Actually her strength is way beyond what you might imagine; she is purposely holding her powers back by two thirds.” Anastasia says.

            “What!” Jonathan asks shocked.

            “Not even you know, imagine that.”  Anastasia says.

            “Why is she holding back her power?”

            “Because this world cannot withstand her full powers, it would destroy the world and she knows this, she does not desire the destruction of this world, only to rule it.” Anastasia says.

            “So she’s not a bad person then.” Ruby comments.

            “She is not a person and she is most certainly not good either.” Anastasia states.

            “Why isn’t Soriana controlling you now?” Faris questions.

            “My body used too much energy to teleport here, so if her consciousness stayed in my body, my body would’ve died and there would be no one to hand the sword to her.” Anastasia replies.

            “What about�"” Onassis cuts herself off as she notices that Anastasia faints, but Ethan catches her before she lands on the ground.

            “We have to take her someplace so she can rest.”

            “What if Soriana controls her again? What if she’s lying to us to kill us? We can’t trust her.” Onassis says.

            “I don’t think she is, she’s said things that no one would know, there is no lie between what she just said, I’m a pretty good judge of character, I spot a liar from a mile away.” Jonathan says.

                        The party takes her to an inn where Ethan stays in the same room guarding and observing her just in case, the rest of the party are in their respective rooms. Ethan stays looking at her face for a while.

            “Her beauty is superb.” Ethan thinks.

                        After a few hours Anastasia wakes up to notice Ethan watching her closely without blinking and on his guard.

            “Are you still suspicious of me?” Anastasia asks.

            “Of course, we don’t know you.” Ethan nods.

            “Fair enough.” Anastasia says.

            “……” Both remained in silence for a while.

            “How can I make you trust me?” Anastasia asks.

            “That’s a tough one; I don’t think there’s anything you can do.” Ethan responds.

            “Well I think I have an idea.” Anastasia says with a slight smirk.

            “Really? What?” Ethan asks.

            “You mind taking a walk with me to the plains?” Anastasia asks.

            “Without the others?” Ethan asks warily.

            “It’s part of the trust, if something happens to you, they’ll know it was me.” Anastasia says.

            “…… Alright then.” Ethan nods.

                        Both leave the inn and head to the grasslands outside of Ancelia, there a good breeze blows, Anastasia inhales deeply and makes a happy expression.

            “You’re suddenly cheerful, why is that?” Ethan asks.

            “I’m happy to see how beautiful nature and the world is, something I never appreciated before… something many do not appreciate.” Anastasia answers.

            “I see nothing really special about it, for me, the world is a disgusting place filled with nothing but pigs for people, people are evil and try to take you down at every chance you get, always looking for the way to make your life impossible.” Ethan says.

            “Then it’s not nature or the world, it’s the people the ones you’re talking about, I’m talking about the world.” Anastasia says.

            “Okay then.” Ethan says.

                        Anastasia lies down on a small patch of grass with her arms extended to either side.

            “Come, lies down next to me.” Anastasia says.

            “…Alright…” Ethan says lying down next to her, both looking at the cloudy sky.

            “Is this how you want to gain my trust? By going out and doing nothing?” Ethan questions.

            “I want to show you something.” Anastasia remarks.

            “What?” Ethan asks.

            “Grab my hand and relax.” Anastasia says grabbing his hand. “Close your eyes, lay down all thought and surrender to emptiness.”

                        Ethan does so. All of a sudden Ethan feels light, without weight, he begins to see himself elevating from the ground into the sky, he sees the mountains, rivers and oceans in a matter of minutes and finally elevates even more and out of the planet into space. He sees Anastasia next to him with a smile.

            “Am I hallucinating? What happened?” Ethan asks.

            “No, you’re energy in this very moment; you’re one with nature like everyone is intended before life and after death, how you or I look right now despite being just plain energy is a subconscious reaction because we still have a consciousness back in our bodies.” Anastasia explains.

            “So I’m dead?” Ethan asks.

            “No, you’re pretty much alive, and I can take you even further if you want.” Anastasia says.

            “Further where?” Ethan asks guardedly.

            “Wherever. I can even take you to where Soriana came from before landing on our planet.”

            “She was on another planet?” Ethan asks.

            “Yes, she landed on ours years after the other planet, let me take you so you can see with your own eyes.” Anastasia says as they travel faster than the speed of light and land inside a planet. They find themselves in some ruins of a temple that is located in the center of a city covered with plants and trees, the sky is pale and it is raining very heavily.

            “What is this?” Ethan asks.

            “The planet I told you about, it was ultimately destroyed by Soriana, at least all its inhabitants except for the animals, look at the type of hieroglyphs on the walls, it shows its history.” Anastasia says.

                        Ethan looks at the drawings depicting a meteorite falling from the sky to the planet, a woman with power coming from it and the people worshiping her, then the human sacrifices, and lastly she letting out power and killing everyone finally leaving the planet.

            “SHNH? What are these letters?” Ethan asks.

            “It’s how she was referred to this planet, because they dared not to mention her name, names have power they thought.” Anastasia explains.

            “So she will end up doing what she did with this planet to ours.” Ethan says.

            “Exactly, but in our planet it’s the first that she’s ever gifted humans with power and made the High Ones.” Anastasia states.

            “This makes it a completely different situation then.” Ethan says.

            “Yes, so we stand a chance against her, now more than ever since we have the sword.” Anastasia says.

            “Where does she come from then if she’s not from any planet?” Ethan asks.

            “She comes from another dimension, God’s realm. The gate is the Orion constellation, more specifically Nephilia, home planet of the Nephilims.” Anastasia answers.

            “Was she created or something?” Ethan asks.

            “Yes, she was, it was the Nefilims, they used their own essence and tried to modify it as closely as possible to God’s essence, they used nothingness, since God is everything. It was an opposing force that was meant to be a God, but not to oppose God, but to take a new step towards evolution.” Anastasia explains.

            “This is a lot to take in…” Ethan says.

            “It is, and I haven’t told you anything yet. Knowing the truth in such a short time is the hardest thing in the world.” Anastasia says.

            “……” Ethan remains silent.

            “I want to show you something I learned in this state that will very much surprise you very much… Just like it surprised me…” Anastasia says.

            “Show me.” Ethan says.

                        Anastasia and Ethan are covered with a blur and disappear, then appearing on a building of an advance city, the skies pale, Ethan walks to the edge of the building and sees people and cars on streets passing by casually dressed with unfamiliar clothes to him.

            “Is this the… future?” Ethan asks shocked.

            “Yes, it is…” Anastasia replies.

            “It’s so different…” Ethan states.

            “It is.” Anastasia nods.

            “Where is Soriana?” Ethan asks.

            “I don’t know what happens to her or us, I can just see this.” Anastasia answers.

            “I can feel strong energies… very strong ones…” Ethan says as he looks down to the street noticing a girl with spiky pale blonde hair and dark blue eyes dressed in a school uniform walking with a tall long black haired man dressed with a school uniform as well.

            “Are you sensing the girl’s power?” Anastasia questions.

            “Yeah… it’s Cosmic Force… How?” Ethan asks.

            “Can’t you sense your energy as well as mine in her?” Anastasia asks.

            “You mean she’s�"” Ethan widens his eyes.

            “Our descendant…” Anastasia completes his sentence.

            “I didn’t think I would ever have children… and I would never in the world imagine it was with you.” Ethan looks at Anastasia blushing.

            “Me neither, but it is meant to happen and we cannot and should not interfere with the natural order nor fate.” Anastasia says.

            “This is too much information… I’m not sure I can handle all this…” Ethan says.

            “You’re right, I have shown you too much. I will stop.” Anastasia says.

                        Ethan opens his eyes and is lying beside Anastasia like before entering the state he was in.

            “Was all that true or just some vision?” Ethan questions.

            “It was all very true, but the future is never something stable, what I showed you is the most possible outcome, almost one hundred percent, but it is always subject to change even if the chances are extremely low.” Anastasia explains.

            “I don’t know what to say anymore… I need some time alone, so please.” Ethan says.

            “Alright, I know you’ll be okay, I mean, your name says so.” Anastasia leaves.

            “My name?” Ethan asks.

            “Strong.” Anastasia says.

                        Anastasia walks away and finds Jonathan and the rest of the party on her way back.

            “Where’s Ethan?” Ruby asks.

            “He’s back there, in the plains.” Anastasia replies.

            “Alive?” Onassis asks.

            “Of course… I am not your enemy.” Anastasia answers.

            “We do not know that yet.” Faris remarks.

            “You, descendant of the Norams, the Wyven, come here.” Anastasia calls Jonathan.

            “How did you know?” Jonathan asks surprised.

            “She was in my head, so I know many things.” Anastasia responds.

                        Jonathan comes close; she places her hand on his forehead and shows everything that she showed Ethan in a matter of seconds. Jonathan falls on the ground.

            “Hey! What did you do!” Onassis asks readying to attack Anastasia.

            “Stop!” Jonathan shouts. “She has shown me a great deal of things you would not imagine in your lifetime, something that you are not ready to see.”

            “Oh really? Like what?” Onassis asks sarcastically.

            “About the future.” Jonathan replies.

            “What’s in the future?” Ruby asks.

            “Nothing that concerns you, I assure you that Anastasia is our ally. Anastasia, would you please show Faris what you showed me.” Jonathan says.

            “Alright.” Anastasia nods and does the same with Faris.

                        Faris also falls on the ground and then stands up.

            “Now I understand many things.” Faris states.

            “Oh come on, we feel in the dark here, it’s like we’re not part of this group!” Ruby says.

            “Yeah, we have the right to know d****t!” Onassis says angrily.

            “Just shut these two up please.” Faris says.

                        Anastasia touches both her foreheads and show them as well.

            “Oh my God!” Ruby says stunned.

            “What was all that? It can’t be.” Onassis says with wide eyes.

            “Ethan is going to have a baby with you?” Ruby asks stating at Anastasia.

            “That’s what surprises you after all that vision?” Onassis asks.

            “Well, the other things are shocking as well, but wow, Ethan and her? It’s surprising.” Ruby comments.

            “Jealous?” Onassis asks.

            “No, not really,” Ruby replies calmly. “But it was good while it lasted.”

            “Enough with the stupid stuff, this is serious.” Jonathan says.

            “We should get Ethan.” Faris says.

            “No, he needs time to himself, so do all of you, you need to understand and accept what you just saw, it is not a fantasy and it is not a lie.” Anastasia says leaving them all.

            “She’s right, let’s take some time and we’ll meet up back at the inn.” Jonathan says.

                        The party separates, Jonathan on his side walks around the city and passes by a weapon shop.

            “Come to think about it, Anastasia has no weapons of her own…” Jonathan thinks to himself.

                        He decides to buy twin Ancelian swords, he then heads out of the city and opens his book of law.

            “Anamelech and Adramelech, curse these swords with light and dark, like sun and moon and remember the shrieks of all who is wicked, at the touch of your one and only master shall you adopt the power of void as your own.” Jonathan chants, the blades shine in dark and red until it finally settles.

                        Jonathan heads back to the inn and finds Anastasia there.

            “I thought you would be here.” Jonathan says.

            “Liar, you just followed my energy.” Anastasia smiles lightly.

            “Yes, I’m here because I wanted to give you something you might need.” Jonathan says as he takes out the twin swords and hands them to her.

                        As soon as she touches them her powers activate, the swords shine brightly.

            “What is this? The swords are copying my power!” Anastasia says.

            “Yes, it will help you in battle to be able to use your powers from the swords, they serve as an amplifier, they can channel your powers even better.” Jonathan states.

            “You’re just making me more dangerous.” Anastasia comments.

            “We’ll need you to be even more dangerous than what you already are if we’re planning on facing Soriana and her High Ones.” Jonathan says.

            “The High Ones are strong enough to take us all on right now and kill us.” Anastasia states.

            “Even you?” Jonathan asks.

            “Not me, they won’t be able to kill me so easily.” Anastasia responds.

            “What makes you so confident?” Jonathan questions.

            “I’m close to their current powers.” Anastasia answers. “And I warn you, Soriana at her current state is almost ten times more powerful than the High Ones right now.”

            “We’re going to have to find a way to kill her, I don’t care how.” Jonathan says.

                        Meanwhile, Onassis and Ruby walk around Lemuria.

            “Everything we saw… no one can know.” Onassis says.

            “The truth must always be known, but the real problem is that people aren’t ready for it, they will fight to protect the illusion they have because it is so much prettier in their eyes.” Ruby says.

            “Wow, that was deep, you should become a philosopher.” Onassis says surprised.

            “No, not really, it’s just common sense.” Ruby states.

            “Honestly, I’m afraid.” Onassis says.

            “Afraid of what?” Ruby asks.

            “The truth, I mean, what we have seen is probably not even a grain of the truth, I’m afraid of the rest… It’s hard to accept.” Onassis replies.

            “Why would you be afraid?” Ruby questions.

            “I’m afraid of the unknown and that I have to face it despite my limited knowledge.” Onassis responds.

            “No one ever knows the complete truth, so you will never know everything no matter how long you live, the facing part is always difficult as is always present in each moment.” Ruby says.

            “It’s like giving me the choice to throw myself into an abyss or staying on the top waiting for another kind of horrible choice.” Onassis says.

            “It’s a depressing, helpless and lonely feeling.” Ruby remarks.

            “I’m also afraid of moving forward, with you guys, but I feel that I have to do it.” Onassis states.

            “You always have a choice you know, you don’t have to keep on, no one will blame you.” Ruby says.

            “I know, but what about you?” Onassis asks.

            “I’m not afraid, I just do what I have to, fear never helped anyone.” Ruby answers.

            “I wish I could be a bit more like Anastasia, she seems fearless to the truth, it’s almost as if she welcomes it with open arms.” Onassis comments.

            “Not many people are like that, one in a million and none in a hundred.” Ruby says.

            “She’s very strong, and I wish I had it.” Onassis states.

            “Kind of similar to Jonathan in that way of thinking.” Ruby remarks.

            “Yeah.” Onassis nods.

                        Back with Ethan in the grasslands, he seems to be lost in thought just looking at the pale gray sky.

            “…… I don’t even know what to think anymore.” Ethan thinks to himself. “I think I can take all this, but it’s harder than I thought it would be.”

                        Ethan stands up from the ground; he keeps looking up to the sky when he hears a woman’s voice. “Have you lost something up there?” Ethan looks forward only to see one of the High Ones in front of him.

            “Ophelia…” Ethan thinks to himself.

            “Surprised to see me?” Ophelia asks.

            “No.” Ethan replies.

            “Good, you know why I’m here.” Ophelia says.

            “You want the Goddess sword.” Ethan says.

            “So that’s how you’re calling it, but yes, hand it over and I’ll spare your life.” Ophelia states.

            “I’ll spare yours if you leave me alone.” Ethan says.

            “If I had feeling I imagined I would’ve laughed.” Ophelia comments.

            “It’s not funny, I’m serious.” Ethan remarks.

            “Soriana is not pleased with you, but she seems to always have a ‘soft’ side for you and the other one.” Ophelia says.

            “I don’t care.” Ethan unsheathes his sword, his Cosmic Force jumps. Ethan appears behind Ophelia with his sword raised, he looks back at Ophelia, she is not harmed in any way.

            “Sorry to disappoint you, but I have the greatest endurance of all of us.” Ophelia says turning around.

                        Ethan sheathes his sword and unsheathes the Goddess sword, his Cosmic Force doubles, the pressure of his energy breaking the soil under his boots, he charges towards her. Ophelia dodges every strike by inches, as Ethan’s slashes get closer to her his body suddenly stops moving.

            “What is this? I can’t move!” Ethan asks himself.

            “I stopped you from moving, that’s all.” Ophelia answers.

            “Telekinesis?” Ethan asks.

            “Of course.” Ophelia walks towards Ethan, she extends her arm to grab the Goddess sword from his hands, but all of a sudden a flash lands between them than sends both of them flying away, the energy is so big all the trees around crack in half floating upwards effectively destroying part of the woodland, it’s none other than Anastasia.

            “Soriana’s human vessel I see, you’re quite the strong one.” Ophelia comments.

                        The rest of the party appears behind Ethan.

            “We felt the High One’s Cosmic Force.” Jonathan explains.

            “Sorry we’re late.” Onassis says.

            “Looks like it didn’t matter if we got here late or not.” Ruby states.

            “Careful, this one is stronger than you all.” Anastasia says.

            “What are we going to do then?” Onassis questions.

            “I’ll deal with her.” Anastasia replies.

            “It’s natural that only you can match my power.” Ophelia remarks.

            “I am her vessel after all.” Anastasia says.

            “Can a modified human kill a High One? Let’s find out.” Ophelia says calmly.

            “I’m waiting.” Anastasia says as she unsheathes her new twin Ancelian blades.

            “Your level is not enough right now; I recommend that you use your Hollow form.” Ophelia says.

            “Obviously.” Anastasia says as her eyes and hair turn silver, the ground and everything around her turns to nothing as her void powers rush wildly out of her.

            “Now we can battle at our max level.” Ophelia states.

                        Ophelia appears in front of Anastasia instantly, Anastasia is suddenly not there, the party looks at them shocked.

            “I almost can’t keep up with them!” Onassis says perplexed.

            “They’re too fast!” Ruby says surprised.

            “I can see them more clearly, but it’s a little difficult.” Jonathan comments.

            “I can see everything quite well.” Ethan states.

            “Because you’re holding the Goddess sword, right now, you’re almost as strong as Anastasia, but still not quite there yet.” Jonathan explains.

                        Anastasia comes down on Ophelia with both sword, Ophelia catches her blades and pushes her back, behind Anastasia a big longsword materializes, as Anastasia’s back is about to be pierced, Anastasia looks over her shoulder and covers the big longsword with void effectively  consuming it. Ophelia looks at the surrounding trees, with her telekinesis she rips the trees from their roots, big sword cut their tops forming them into spikes and making them fly towards Anastasia at a great speed, but Anastasia covers herself in a deep void, all the trees turn to nothing, Ophelia jumps out of the void without her cloak, she is dressed with a strange bluish-gray advance suit with many divisions.

            “The void cannot consume me so quickly, my endurance is too strong.” Ophelia says in an emotionless tone.

            “She’s dressed up strangely, it seems to be some kind of body armor.” Faris comments.

            “I don’t know about that either, I’ve never seen them without their cloaks.” Jonathan says.

            “What do you know about them?” Onassis asks.

            “That they were made by Soriana and that all their abilities and powers are shared with the Goddess herself.” Jonathan explains.

            “Meaning?” Ethan questions.

            “Meaning that all that strength and those abilities we see from them, Soriana has that and much more to be seen, and you can imagine the rest of the High Ones.” Jonathan states.

            “That’s it?” Ruby asks.

            “That’s all I know.” Jonathan answers.

                        Ophelia again appears in front of Anastasia and grabs her throat and slams her against many trees repeatedly, Anastasia pierces Ophelia’s stomach with both swords, using the void from the swords to explode from within her, but Ophelia is not affected. Ophelia then throws her towards the party, Anastasia recovers in midair and lands safely, she closes her eyes to concentrate, Cosmic Force comes out of her in crazy amounts, she opens them and with one downward slash from her sword a colossal beam of void makes half the forest disappear, the beam widens by many fold covering hundreds of miles of void. Once the void disappears, Ophelia walks towards the party unscathed; the party looks at her in disbelief.

            “She withstood such an attack?” Faris asks with wide eyes.

                        Ophelia locks the party up in a spear cage, then appears in front of Anastasia. Her Cosmic Force can be felt on the party, Anastasia backs off slightly.

            “In the end, I am superior to you.” Ophelia states.

            “Not for long!” Ethan shouts as he throws the Goddess sword to Anastasia. “Catch!”

                        Anastasia catches it, and the moment she touches that sword the sky all around turns black, the cage disappears, Ophelia looks around as she doesn’t see Anastasia anywhere.

            “What is this? I feel like I’m about to die in any moment…” Onassis asks.

            “It’s Anastasia.” Faris says.

            “Her powers doubled.” Ethan states.

            “How come did the sky turn black?” Ruby asks.

            “The sky isn’t black; Anastasia’s powers manifested into reality, so we’re in a dimension that belongs to her, a place where void will devour everything.” Jonathan explains.

            “Is that even possible?” Onassis asks.

            “We’re warped into this because of her abilities, and not just that, her powers are way too much for us to comprehend because we’re not at that level.” Jonathan replies.

            “So we’re way over our heads.” Ruby remarks.

            “We are.” Ethan says.

            “It’s going to be messed up for her.” Onassis comments.

                        Ophelia looks around and says. “Just because your powers have doubled doesn’t mean you can kill me so easily.”

            “I have ascended temporarily to this level of power, and I see that we have no power compared to this, come at me, I will let you try to kill me and you will see the difference.” Anastasia says calmly.

                        Ophelia moves almost at the speed of sound, Anastasia sees her moving slowly and let’s Ophelia materialize a sword and attack her, Anastasia simply places her index finger on the tip of the sword and stops Ophelia in her tracks. Ophelia then executes a combo of slashes, none of the strikes are able to even touch Anastasia, Ophelia tries to use her telekinesis on Anastasia.

            “That will not work on me, my energy doesn’t let you, it’s too much.” Anastasia says.

            “End her!” Faris shouts.

                        Ophelia suddenly begins to break and disappears, Anastasia drops the sword, and everything turns to normal again.

            “What happened to her? She vanished all of a sudden.” Ruby asks.

            “I simply let my full powers pressure her until she simply became nothing.” Anastasia answers.

            “Wow, I didn’t think that was possible.” Onassis says.

            “It’s great that you’re on our side.” Jonathan comments.

            “That’s the problem, I’m not.” Anastasia states.

            “What do you mean?” Faris asks.

            “I am the Goddess vessel, in any moment, she can take over me.” Anastasia responds.

            “Like in the Light Temple you say?” Faris questions.

            “Yes, now that I’ve vanquished a High One, the next one will be far stronger and you can’t depend on me, you must become stronger yourselves.” Anastasia says.

            “What are we going to do now?” Ruby asks.

            “Now that we have the Goddess sword and its full strength, we should be able to kill Soriana.” Jonathan states.

            “Then let’s go.” Ethan says.

© 2013 Shin

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nice chapter, everything about Soriana is comming to light, didn't think she was from outside Terra, the part i found most interesting was when Anastacia took Ethan to the planet Soriana landed before terra, wonder what will you reveal next, keep it up man

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 5, 2013
Last Updated on February 13, 2013



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin