![]() SoulA Story by Wicked WritingsPrologue Late 1800’s South London “ARGH, Stay away you vile creature" a man screamed running down the street from a black figure “What kind of evil magic is this” He whispered. The man turned around and was face to face to what only can be described as a demon. He let out a startled scream and stumbled falling off the curb and landing in the street. Slowly the shadow started to approach him. Desperate to get away but unable to stand he began crawling backwards into the street "Pppplease I…" he began ”SILENCE! I no longer wish to hear the wretchedness spill from your lips." The black figure hissed. The man finally stopped moving and stared up into the face of the shadow. He appeared to be a man and not a shadow at all. His skin was pale and his hair was shoulder length and appeared to be both black and blue. What frightened the man the most was his eyes. His eyes were such an intense blue that you felt like he could see straight through you. Ney these weren’t the eyes of a man but those of a demon. Helplessly the man stared up gripped by a fear so intense that he was barely able to breath. "You disgust me" "Pplea…" he whispered ”I SAID SILENCE” I reached down grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up off the ground. "What are you rambling about" I said turning to look at him. He was tall and his hair was long and as black as a raven. His eyes changed color with his mood. When he was clam they were really dark almost black just like they were now, but when he was angry they would blaze a red that would ravel Hell fire. He was devastatingly handsome but everything about him screams darkness. He was my creator, my father, the Angel of Death Azarel. "You my child, they said that you would have a dark side" he said stopping about a foot away from me. "Ah that is where you are wrong all death concerns me my child" ”First let's show each other some respect. You will no longer call me old man and I will no longer call you child. Agreed" "Now answer me this do you believe that by killing this man it makes you a saint or just as bad as him?” I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. I was truly stumped by this question. I glanced over at the man still suspended in mid-air. Would taking his life make me feel better or change this retched world? As I pondered these questions my father continued talking. “Sammuel, have you ever wondered why souls are attracted to you?” “Now is not the time or place to discuss such things.” I drop his cloak and started to look away but his hand on my face stopped me. “I am truly sorry, I know how you long to have answers and I promise that when you are ready you will have them.” He removed his hand a stepped back a few inches and I turned my head away. “Let’s get back to the manner at hand. If you kill that man your soul will shatter and cease to exist. Do you understand? Look at me Sammuel” Slowly I turned to look at him. “If you kill this man you will die, and I refuse to come a collect you. And what about all of the innocent lost souls you are charged to protect. They will be doomed to wonder for eternity." “Who does?” He replied walking over to the human still suspended in mid-air. "What is his name?" "Listen my… Sammuel You are the one and only there will be no others. Your powers are strong and dangerous. Not only can you heal and bring souls back from the abyss but you can destroy. “Yes” the figure said “What do you want? Money” “No” “What then if not money?” “Your life” the figure said as he pulled the trigger and darted down the alley. The hooded man was gone before the body of the man known as the ripper hit the ground. Azarel appeared and reached down and grabbed the ripper’s spirit by his throat winked at me as he disappeared with the man kicking and screaming. The lights began to come on in the neighborhood. The natural response to hearing a gunshot in the middle of the night. I floated over the body "How anti climatic? Let’s test these powers to destroy" I snapped my fingers and his body erupted in flames. “Nice” "SAMMUEL" my father’s voice echoed Chapter 1 About 100 years later - 2000 Virginia Sammuel So here I am almost a hundred years later and not much has changed. The only constant is humanity slow spiral into the abyss of nothingness; truly depressing. What’s worse is that now I am floating over yet another house party and of the seventy-five party goers there are maybe five innocent souls? Truly disgusting. “Let’s see who will it be? And who will I be.” I said out loud I walked into the party and everyone is oblivious to my presence. Everywhere I look there are drugs, sex, and alcohol. It’s like a one stop shop for human decay; it is truly a sad sight. I glance around and finally find her. She is really young maybe 16 and very pretty. She is about 5’5 with long brown hair, amber eyes, and tan skin. She has a runner’s body from the many years of running track. After all of the years of doing this job I still cannot comprehend how one bad choice can destroy a future. To be fair this young lady has had multiple chances. She gets whatever she wants but still choses to defy her parents and has snuck out to this party. I catch a glimpse of myself and it seems that I have morphed into a middle aged man. I hate when I morph into the father or the mother having to be the parent for that lost child. I watch as she flirts with a boy much older than she convinces him to go upstairs to the bedroom. Huh how’s that for a turn of events it’s usually the other way around. The boy is truly innocent it is she who has lied to him. As the door closes a young girl is pushed through the door. She stands up and starts banging on the door and screaming but no one can hear her. “It is okay you are no longer part of this world and I will take care of you” I say as I hold out my hand. The young girl stares at me for a minute and slowly reaches for my hand. It’s moments like this that make me angry. The selfishness of humans and totally disregard for who they hurt. Fifteen minutes later the guy emerges looking extremely satisfied and then the girl doing a poor job of looking happy. So sad, I wait a few minutes and she finally looks over noticing me holding her younger self. She mouths the word Dad and reaches out for me, but before she can get close I disappear. Chapter 2 “Crap is that my father” I think to myself. I reached out for the man I though was my father but he is gone. I stop rub my eyes and look again. “I could have sworn he was right there” “What are you talking about” Said the boy behind me. “Nothing “I replied. It has to be the pills I took. I look at my phone and realize it is almost midnight. “Damn it. I need to get home” I said to Sean the totally hunky college Senior I just hooked up with “Why, it’s only 12. Plus I thought you weren’t staying in the dorms.” He said clearly confused “I have some where to be in the morning so I have to get home” I said. Smooth Jenn “Okay well I can drop you off” “No it’s fine. I can walk” “What kind of guy would I be if I let you walk home by yourself” He replied grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door. Great now what I am I going to do. Why did he have to be all noble? I thought mentally rolling my eyes. Think Jenn think there has to be a way out of this without revealing how old I really am. “Hey Jenn” We were outside on the sidewalk when I heard someone call my name. I looked over my shoulder and saw my friend Kristy waving from her car. Thank you “Look there is my friend. I thought she already left she can take me home” I said “Cool with me” he replied shrugging his shoulders “I had fun tonight call me later” he said kissing me on the lips and headed back into the house. I walked over to Kristy and got in the car. “Where have you been” she said as I buckled my seatbelt “Hanging out” “Who was that guy” On the way home I told her everything that happened at the party minus the weird hallucination. Kristy was acting strange tonight. Usually she is very animated but now she seems very melancholy. “Is everything alright” I asked her “I wish you would listen to me sometimes. I told you we shouldn’t have went to that party” Kristy said “When did you become such a stick in the mud? We use to hangout like this all of the time.” “I’m not being a stick in the mud, and those times were different. We had fun.” “And you didn’t have fun tonight?” “Not really. Drugs and alcohol are not my idea of a good time” she replied “Whatever” I mumbled I had Kristy drop me off a block from my house. I took my time walking to my house enjoying the night air. Kristy was starting to really annoy me with her attitude. I mean I am only 17 well 16 ½ why shouldn’t I enjoy my life. I’m going to have to talk to her tomorrow. As I approached my house I was relieved to see that the lights were still out meaning my parents were still asleep. I walked into the backyard and climbed the tree outside of my window. When I reached the window and began to open it but froze when I realized it was already open. Weird I could have sworn I closed it when I left. Then again I was in such a rush that must have left it open. Shrugging, I effortlessly slid through the window. As I started to close the window the light came on in my room startled I turned around and found myself face to face with my parents and Kristy. Since my room is in the back of the house I cut through the neighbors backyards so I didn’t see her drive up to my house. “What is going on” I asked “We want to help you” Kristy said “With what?” I asked raising my eyebrows “finding new friends?” Kristy face got red and she turned her head. “With your out of control behavior” my Dad responded “Oh great” I said sitting down on my bed and settling in for what was about to be a very long night. Chapter 3 2005- 5 years later "Somewhere in the clouds Sammuel “I think I want to spend some time on earth” I said stretching out on the cloud “I guided over one hundred souls tonight. I deserve a break.” The good thing about being part human is the ability to pretend to be a mortal. “Let’s see where to go” I said to myself “Hmm you can never go wrong with London” With a snap of my fingers I appeared in London and had changed clothes to typical human wear, navy blue jeans, sneakers, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. Making sure the coast is clear I walked out of the alley in London as Sam. I walked to this a really nice cafe on the corner and ordered one of their outrageously delicious cinnamon buns. I don’t need food to sustain me but human food is so rich and diverse that I can’t help myself. I shamelessly started to flirt with the waitress that gave me my order. Humans are so easy to please. As I ate my bun I watched the people strolling down the street. The older couple out for a stroll, the high school kids hanging by the internet café up the street, the couple pushing their baby down the street. They all look so normal only I can see the truth. Well that is if I choose to. Over the years I have developed a sort of shield so that I can function when I am in my human form. I sit back close my eyes and slowly lift the invisible shield. As I do I hear the cries, the giggles, I feel the pain and joy of all of the souls around me then everything stopped. “What do you want” I said keeping my eyes closed “Shouldn’t you be off killing somebody guiding them to the gates of heaven or hell” “Funny” my father replied “You’re spending way too much time around these humans your sarcasm is getting out of control” “Dully noted” Slowly I opened my eyes to glare at him and see that of course he has stopped time. “What have I done now to warrant a visit from you oh gracious one?” I asked “Why do you think you did something wrong” he asked “Because the only time you show up is when I screw up” He cocked his to side as if considering this fact. “Hmmm maybe you’re right, I should probably do something about that.” “Please don’t” I reply quickly “How can I help you” the last thing I need is for him to start popping up all over the place for father son bonding. “Remember that girl you were watching for a while” I knew instantly who his was talking about. “What is this some kind of trick? You told me to stay away from her and now here you are what 5 years later bringing her up.” “And I wouldn’t be doing it now if it wasn’t a matter of great importance. Now ditch this human persona so that we can talk.” With that he disappears and the world restarts. I swear that man test the patience of a saint. I pay my bill and notice that the waitress has written her number down on the receipt. Too bad there is no time to play. Tossing the receipt into a nearby trash can I disappear into the alley wondering why I can’t seem to get away from Jennifer. What kind of trouble could she has possibly gotten into this time. Chapter 4 Sean-Virginia "UVA “Finally the last final is complete” Sean announced exiting the exam hall. “Got any plans for the weekend” His friend Fred asked from beside him. “Yeah sleep” He said with a laugh “Seriously between this master’s program, my job and planning this wedding I am exhausted.” “You know Alicia is not going to let you sleep in all weekend” Fred replied “You only get those perks after the wedding.” That made them both laugh. Sean was still grinning as they separated and he headed for his car. “Sean! Sean!” he heard someone call from behind him. When he turned he saw a girl he didn’t recognize running toward him. “Can I help you?” he asked as she reached him. “I am so glad I caught you” She replied rather breathlessly “Do I know you?” he asked “Well yes and no” she replied. “My name is Kristy we met a couple of years ago at a party” He stared at her but still couldn’t place her face. “I am sorry you must have the wrong guy” “No, you’re the one I’m looking?” She rushed on as he started to turn away. “This may sound weird but do you remember a house party about 5 years ago. You met a girl named Jennifer”Upon hearing her name he stopped and turned. “Unfortunately” He replied. Jennifer had been the girl he met up with several years ago. He thought she was wonderful until he found out that she was liar. He could still remember her father yelling at him on the phone when he called. Like he was the one the snuck out the house and lied about his age. “What about her” Failing to hide the contempt in his voice. “I wish there was a better way to say this but you have a son” “What!” he exclaimed stepping back. “That’s not possible” “I finally got her to admit that you were the father, but now she has disappeared and has taken Seth with her.” She rushed on “I know this is hard to hear but your son needs you he is only 5 and Jen has developed a rather nasty drug habit.” “What about her parents.” He asked still in shock “They both died a year ago in a car accident. That’s when she spiraled out of control. I need your help; Seth needs your help your all he has.” So many thoughts were spinning through his mind he felt he was going to pass out. He looked down at the girl Kristy and saw the pleading look in her eyes. He leaned back against his car and looked around the campus as if he was looking for a sign. He saw Alicia making her way across the quad toward him oh great this is going to be so much fun he thought. “Wait here” he said to the girl “Please don’t move” “Okay” she whispered. He hurried off to explain to Alicia what he had just heard and prayed to god that she understood. “So now what” Alicia said calmly from across the table. Sean had taken her and Kristy back to their condo to discuss everything in private. “You’re not mad “he asked “Oh mad doesn’t begin to describe how I feel right now. First we need to find this little boy see if he is your son. Then we will discuss our feelings” “What if he isn’t my son.” “He still needs help” She said. Sean looked over at his fiancée she was being so strong, and he vowed that he would spend the rest of his life making it up to her. “I’m sorry” Kristy said again for had to be the hundredth time. “It’s not your fault so please stop apologizing we have to find that child” Alicia said walking over to sit beside Kristy on the couch. “Well last time she disappeared her parent hired a private investigator who tracked her to New York, but I don’t have that kind of money.” Kristy said “Well it’s a good thing we do or more precisely that my parents do. “ Alicia said looking at Sean “We will find him” Alicia’s father owned a very successful law firm not only will they be able to hire a private investigator but they will be able to get a lawyer as well. Alicia’s father would do anything for her but Sean was not looking forward to have this conversation with him. Chapter 5 New York
The boy immediately got up and ran into the bedroom quietly closing the door. He learned long ago not to make too much noise. She pressed the needle in and then leaned back against the couch and closed her eyes. Suddenly the sound on the TV cut off. “Turn that back on” She said. She hadn’t even heard him come out of; the boy moved like a ghost. When nothing happened she opened her eyes “I SAID…” she began but saw that no one was there and the TV was still on only the image was frozen and there was no sound. She picked up the remote and nothing happened. Frustrated she threw the remote down. “Crappy cable” she muttered to herself. “Well aren’t you mother of the year” came a deep voice from behind her. She jumped off the couch and whirled around and saw a very tall menacing man leaning against the wall. He had long black hair and was dressed in what appeared to be a black cloak. The only amount of color on him was slightly tan skin and blue eyes. “Who are you? Get out before I scre…” the rest of the sentence was chocked as she was suddenly unable to speak. She tried to move back as he started to approach her but was horrified to realize that she was unable to move. “Jennifer, Jennifer” He said slowly shaking my head. “What has happened to you? You had everything and now you sit here with nothing denying your son everything.” Slowly he started to circle her. “You’re his mother. You’re supposed to protect him. Yet you’ve abused him and stole his innocence.” She watched as he walked over to the couch and looked as if he was about to sit but thought better of it. “Oh how I hate these revisits” he said walking back to stand in front of her. “I am going to give you a choice. You can give your son back his innocence and he can live the rest of his life untainted by you with someone who loves him, or you can take back your soul and start again with a clean slate. Consider your options very carefully. Save yourself or Save your son?” The pressure in her throat released and she could move again. “Who are you?” she squeaked shrinking back from him. He sighed “Who I am is of zero importance to you. But what you should know is that my patience is very thin. I have other places to be and my offer expires soon. So choose!” he said with enough force to make her flinch I stood opposite Jennifer and watched as she trembled. I glanced around the apartment and saw how completely disgusting it was. A person could get all kinds of diseases just standing here. “So Jennifer what will it be” I asked not wanting to be here a moment longer. She looked at the bedroom door then back at me. For a second I thought she was going to do the right thing then she opened her mouth. “That’s easy I choose me” she said with a slight smile. Before I knew what I was doing I was across the room with my hand wrapped around her throat. “You selfish b***h” I hissed between clenched teeth “I would never waste my energy on giving you a second chance.” Then he threw her to the ground. “All you had to say was I chose him. Then you both would have got to start over.” I said spit out. She started to crawl backward as I approached her. I didn’t have to look in the mirror to know that my eyes had turned completely black from anger. “Sammuel stop” came another voice Jenn glanced over at the other voice and frozen in place. I knew what she was thinking this new man was scarier than the one in front of her. “Go deal with the boy and I will deal with her” He said lightly placing his hand on my shoulder. I hesitated for a moment and he nudged me toward the bedroom. Slowly Iturned and started to walk to the bedroom. “Wait “she called “What’s going to happen to me.” “Selfish, to the end.” I said turning around shaking my head “You’re not worried that a strange man is entering your son’s bedroom you only care about yourself.” Slowly I squatted in front of her “Don’t worry you’re going to get exactly what you deserve.” Then I stood and went into the bedroom. The last thing she saw before he closed the door was him transforming into a woman dressed in all white. Slowly Jennifer turned back to the other man she saw his red eyes looking at her and a slow smile spread across his face. She felt extreme fear, then extreme pain, and finally nothing at all. Chapter 6 Sammuel slowly approached the child who was curled up on the bed. Scared blue eyes blinked up at me but he didn’t say a word. I sat down on the bed and the boy slowly got up and crawled on to my lap. I waved a hand over the boy’s face and he instantly went to sleep. When I look up into the mirror across from the bed I saw that I had changed into an angel no wonder the boy trusted me. “Sweet child born into an evil world. The pain that you experienced during your short five years will stay with you for years, but the day will come for you to choose. I cannot fight your demons but I pray that when we meet again you will choose.” Sammuel set the boy back on the bed as he hears the sounds of sirens in the distance. The police pound on the front door and then kick it open. They find Jennifer on the floor of the living room with a needle in her arm. I stand to the side as an officer opens the bedroom door and sees the boy curled up on the bed. “There is a child in here!” he shouts “Oh My God” a man yells and seconds later Sean runs into the bedroom. “He unconscious but appears to be unharmed, but we should get him to the hospital just in case.” The cop says as Sean pick him up “Choose well Seth” Sammuel said before disappearing. Chapter 7 Some mountain in Europe What is going on why did this one girl affect me so much? I paced back and forth atop a mountain somewhere in Europe. I needed someplace to think and this is the first place that came to mind. “Because you cared for her “came a voice to his left “Ughh... How did you find me?” I groaned “I don’t even know where I am? Yet here you are” “Do you want to be angry or do you want answers” Azarel asked “Yes” I replied “Yes you want to be angry or yes you want answers” I just started at him. “I take that as both” “Fine. I am here to tell you a story about a powerful angel that fell in love with tragic consequences.” My face remains blank as I wait for him to continue. “A very Long time ago I was very much like you Impulsive and angry at everything. I float in the middle of everything. I am neither good nor am I evil. This means that no one controls me but everyone needs me. One day I met your mother. She was the most beautiful person I ever seen. I was supposed to end her life but I feel in love. So saved her it was like a different world these feelings were alien to me. I mean you can imagine the angel of death falling for a mortal didn’t go over to well with the high powers, but I just didn’t care.” He walked a few feet away and I waited for him to continue. After what seemed like forever he finally did. “Do you what happens when the Angel of Death stops working?” he asked “Not really but I could guess” “People don’t die. No matter what happens to them stabbed, shot, bacterial infection. They don’t die just continue on as zombies in perpetual pain, and I didn’t care. No one could make me care as I said no one could control me, but they found a way to get to me. They used Samille your mother.” “How?” I whispered “I didn’t know I could get her pregnant. It was practically unheard of. Heaven and hell got together and told me if I don’t get back to work they will kill you both.” “What did you do?” He turned to face me “I told you no one controls me and no one threatens me. If they wanted me to get back to work they were going to have to been to my will, because you can’t kill without Azarel. Your mother’s time was up anyway. I made sure that she was an angel and that you were placed with a loving family, but you grew so fast and your powers started to show. That’s when I came for you and you know the rest of it.” “I don’t understand?” I said raking my hand through my hair “What does this have to do with Jennifer. Is it because of my human soul.” “That’s part of the reason. The other part is you wanted to save her because she so closely resembled your mother.” “YOU’RE LYING” I exploded “That selfish cold hearted woman looked nothing like my mother.” “Yes she did” he replied calmly “I didn’t say she acted like her because lord knows that is far from the truth but she did look like her and that touched something deep in you. Something that you needed and are missing and I am sorry that didn’t recognize it sooner.” “What are talking about?” I said frustrated “You’re speaking in riddles again. Why can’t you just say what you mean?” “He’s talking about Love” came a female voice from behind him. Slowly I turned around and saw a woman dressed in all white with long brown hair and the bluest eyes he had ever seen. I first glance she looked like Jennifer but he knew better because she was dead. “Mom” I whispered and she nodded “But how?” “Your father is a very powerful man with a lot of influence” she said as she approached him lightly placing her had on his face. “My dear boy, I wanted to come sooner but I wasn’t allowed to leave. After seeing the turmoil you was going through I knew I had to find a way.” “I still think you should have told me sooner that they were controlling you that way.” Azarel growled “And what start a war. No, that wouldn’t have been good at all.” She said glancing at Azarel “Why now?” I asked looking down at her. She was so small barely reaching the middle of my chest. “Simple, you was in pain and needed my help. Your father is wonderful but he is horrible with feelings.” She said simply And in a move that surprised everyone including myself I grabbed my mother in a hug as my tears started to flow. She hugged me tightly softly murmuring words that I didn’t understand. I felt another pair hands help lower me to the ground as my legs gave out. “I don’t want to let you go.” I said sometime later “Don’t worry you don’t have to.” She replied At that I lifted my head. “What do you mean?” “I am here to help you. Provide you with the emotional support that you needed for so long. I am your angel now and no one else’s” she smiled at him. “I have to go” Azarel said from his right clearly uncomfortable with all of this emotion “Father Wait!” I said rising and hurrying over to where he waited. Before I seconded guessed myself I reached out and grabbed into a tight but brief hug “Thank you” I whispered “You’re welcome” he said clearing his throat, even more uncomfortable “Get your mother off this mountain it’s cold” he said before disappearing. “Yes sir” I laughed “Come on Ma I’ll show all of my favorite places” I reached for her hand and we both disappeared laughing. Chapter 8 11 years later Virginia- Seth 16 year old Seth walks upstairs and slammed the door to his room. The latch didn’t catch so the door cracked open but he didn’t pay attention. “Always on my case” he mumbled. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out a wooden box. Inside was couple of little pills that his friend Ryan promised will make everything go away, well at least for a little while. He had never done anything stronger than weed before. As he walked over to his bed he glanced at the door and sees his five year old half-brother Zack watching him. “GO AWAY” he yells slamming the door shut but not before seeing the tears in his wide gray eyes. Plopping down on the bed he rubs his hand down his face. “It’s not his fault” he says. Seth puts the box back in his dresser and goes in search of his brother. He finds him in his room laying on the bed curled up, but he isn’t alone there is a woman there dressed in all white. She is rubbing his back almost motherly. “Who are you? Why are you here?” He asked I know I am not hallucinating. I am not even high yet. He thought. “Who I am is not important” She responds sweetly “And as for your second question I believe you know the answer to that” “I‘ve seen you before haven’t I” he asked staring at her The woman doesn’t respond but continues to rub the Zack’s back. “You look like the woman I dream about sometimes” “You first saw me when you were 5, Seth the day you saw your mother doing drugs and she screamed at you the way you screamed at Zack. She took your innocence that day and it appears the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.” “NO, you’re wrong” “Am I? Well prove me wrong Seth.” She said standing “I am going to give you the same chance I gave her. Would you sacrifice yourself to save your brother or will you save yourself?” “You mean you asked my mom that questioned? What did she say?” “You know the answer to that question. It seems she lost her heart as well as her soul at that house party when she was 16.” “I don’t believe you” Seth whispered “Whether you believe me or not is of no consequence, but in your heart I know you know the truth. What you must know is that this question requires an answer in two minutes or the choice will be made for you.” Seth looked down at his brother “He deserves so much better than the way I have treated him.” He looked back at the woman and squared his shoulders “I want to give his a chance one that I was never given. I sacrifice myself to save my brother.” The woman stood there staring at him for so long he began to get nervous. “Well Seth it appears that I have been proven wrong.” She finally said “You are not a bad kid, just lost. I offer you this rare gift” Before he could ask what this gift was the woman floated to him and kissed him on the forehead. There was a flash of white, a child giggling and everything went black. Epilogue Seth was in the park enjoying a family outing with his dad Sean, mom Alicia little brother Zack and Aunt Kristy. The out of control, addicted teen is nowhere in sight. Seth feels like someone is watching him. When he glances across the street he sees a woman dressed in all white holding a little girl in her arms and smiling at him. Seth recognizes the woman from somewhere. As he gets up to walk to her Zack calls his name. He glances at Zack then back at the woman and she is gone. As he walks over to Zack he can’t be certain but before she disappeared he could have sworn she said second chance. © 2017 Wicked Writings |
Added on February 9, 2017 Last Updated on February 9, 2017 Author![]() Wicked WritingsWashington, DCAboutI have been writing poems for years and recently started to write short stories. Sometimes I can write nothing for days and then have a moment of inspiration and sit for hours. I'm a bit of a purest.. more..Writing