

A Story by Wicked Writings

Here is another story that i started but im not sure where it is going. I dont even have a title for it yet all suggestions are welcome


Ok so here it goes. Let’s start with a disclaimer just because I am telling you this story doesn’t mean that I am alive at the end of it. Sound creepy doesn’t it. I never thought that it would end this way alone lying in a pool of my own blood all because of some woman. Let’s start from the beginning, hmmm where to begin. It was a dark and stormy night in 1842 and a young woman and young man were together and… Wait! Wait! Don’t close the book yet I’m only kidding. I’m sure someone’s story somewhere starts like that but not mine. Let me give you a little back story. My name is Jason Samuel-yes I have two first names �" they say that my mother left me at the hospital when I was born. Sometimes I think about trying to find her and sometimes I think I have dreams about her but I’m almost 31. I have dated a number of women, went to school and worked with hundred, and watched thousands of hours of TV. For all I know the woman in my dreams could be a mix of the lady in the Colgate commercial and Sue from accounting. Nope I have no interest in finding someone who had no interest in me. And Alex how could I forget about her? I promised I would never leave her. What don’t you read my story while I think. Be warned this story is very crazy, bizarre even. Proceed at your own risk but remember you have been warned.


I spent most of my formative years floating through the system from foster home to foster home. It’s not that easy to be adopted especially when the child has no intention of being adopted by anyone. I’ve heard it so many times “Jason you’re an adorable kid, but you cause too much trouble.” People take one look at my olive complexion, curly black, bluish green eyes and instantly fall in love. Then I open my mouth and things go downhill fast.  He’s too sarcastic, devious, and shady. One even called me scary but to be honest she was this weird church lady and I made it a point to scare the hell out of her �" I think she even used terms like demon spawn and exorcism HA! �" but I’m getting sidetracked. My mouth usually got me both in and out of trouble. Unlike all of the horror stories you here and about foster homes and orphanages mine wasn’t so bad.  I made friends with the big bad dudes who in turn - for homework help - protected me from other big bad dudes. See how that works.

Then when I turned sixteen I was taken in by Rosa Lopez. She was actually very nice and went toe to toe with me in the wits department. I stayed with her until I turned 18 when the city kicks you out with 50 bucks and good luck. That’s when I found out how big of a b***h Rosa really was. You see the thing they don’t tell you is that when you bounce from home to home lots of people have access to very personal information. Rosa Lopez had racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt in my name!! Can you believe it and I thought she was nice? I know what you’re wondering did she get away with? Short answer, no. You see I am very smart, very resourceful and I never shut up. I talked to countless lawyers, magazine editors, newspapers hell just about anyone who would listen.  I finally got a pro bono lawyer to take the case and had my recorded cleaned and Ms. Lopez arrested for identity theft. She got 5 years, I wish it was longer but hey it’s better than nothing.

That day I decided to become a lawyer. I like to argue, talk and win that’s the perfect lawyer recipe right. I worked hard to put myself through school, passed the bar with flying colors and got a job at one of the prestigious law firms in the country. This is where my story really begins. What do they say hindsight is 20/20. If I could go back in time and give myself some advice I would tell myself not to take that job. Then again to be honest I wouldn’t have listened and I would still be in trouble because I am that hardheaded. So I warn you this story is very crazy bizarre even. Proceed at your own risk but remember you have been warned.






Chapter One �" Five years ago.

A distant buzzing was slowly pulling me towards consciousness. I realized that it was the buzzer for the front door. Maybe if I ignore them they would go away. The problem with that logic is once I gained consciousness the buzzing was no longer distant but loud and annoying. “It’s 8am on Saturday I swear if this is someone trying to sell me something I am committing murder today!” I grumbled to Angel my all white Siberian husky who stretched out on the floor like she didn’t have a care in the world. The buzzer buzzed again as I stepped over her. I reached the intercom by the front door and hit the talk button. “WHAT!” I yelled with admittedly a little more force than necessary. “Still not a morning person I see” came the voice on the other end a voice that I recognized.

“In case you missed the notice which in your case is possible you being old and all, I am 25 years old and no longer in need of a social worker. Goodbye Mrs. Evans.”

“Jason stop being such a smartass and let me up. I have something important to share with you.” She said I debated about pushing the button for a full minute.

“Jason!” she snapped

“FINE” I yelled back hitting the buzzer. I am going to regret this I just know it. I went in the bedroom to grab a t-shirt and Angel was still sprawled out. “You got my back right?” she lifted her head to look at me then raised her paw over her face.

“Sometimes I wonder way I keep you around” I grumbled as the knock announced Evans arrival.

 I opened the door to Mrs. Evans. She still looked the same slightly plump, brown skin, brown eyes but with even more gray hair. But my focus wasn’t really on her it was on the child beside her. The girl had to be 13 or 14 and she looked terrified. I don’t blame her after I just yelled on the intercom. “That’s not funny.” I said

“What’s not funny?”

“That’s not my kid.” I said pointing at the girl

“Shut up and let us in.” she grabbed the girl’s hand and walked in like she owned the place. What the hell is going on here? I closed the door behind her and motioned for them to have a seat on the couch.

“Nice place. How many rooms is it?”

“3 bedrooms,  2 bathrooms” I sat in the armchair eyeing her suspiciously what is she up too.

“that’s a lot of space for one person.”

“Oh I don’t live here a lone. Angel lives here as well.”

She quickly glanced around “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize you lived with… Wait are you talking about the dog?”

“The one and only” I smirked. Hearing the new voices Angel came down the hall and sat at my feet.

“Boy you stress me out.” Evans said rubbing her forehead

“I didn’t wake you up on your day off invite you into my home and proceed to speak in riddles. Now tell me why you’re here?” I demanded

“This is Alexandra” She said pointing to the girl beside her. I merely stared at her and waited for her to continue after a point she finally did.

“She is 13 and your little sister.”

Whoa wait did she say sister. Okay so I wasn’t expecting that but what did that have to do with me. I stared at the girl and really looked at her. She was slim where my skin was olive hers was a little paler, her hair was black and just as curly as mine, but it was her eyes that convinced me. They were the same striking shade of bluish green. While we looked different you could tell we were related. Apparently mommy dearest had some pretty strong genes.  I turned my attention back to Evans.

“Alex, I can call you Alex right? Are you afraid of dogs?”

“Alex is fine and no I’m not afraid of dogs” She whispered

“Angel” At my side angel stood. “Follow her to the bedroom and close the door” I said to Alex

“Angel room” Angel walked off with Alex behind her. I waited until I heard the door close before I spoke.

“Why did you bring her here?” I glared at Evans

“Because you are my last hope.” She sighed and looked down the hall “Look I know this is a lot to ask of you but she has no one. If you agree to be her guardian she won’t have to go in the system.”

“I don’t know anything about raising a child let alone a teenager.”

“Would you really let your little sister go to foster care?”

“THAT’S NOT FAIR!” I yelled, then forced myself to calm down “Don’t you dare try to manipulate me”

“Your right that wasn’t fair of me. I’m Sorry.”

I sat there for a minute and contemplated how my life would change if I said yes. I would be responsible for another person, but can I really turn my back on her.

“Do I have to make a decision right away?”

“I was hoping that you would spend the day with her and give me your decision in say 72 hours. I know it’s not enough time but that’s all I can give you.”

I have my hand through my hair and down my face. 72 hours, I should have just stayed sleep today.

“If it helps you will receive a monthly stipend until she turns 18 and we can help you find a house.”

I heard myself saying “Okay I will spend the day with her”

30 minutes later Evans left and I was alone with a 13 year old girl.

“So um, what do you like to do for fun.”

She looked up at me with this mischievous gleam that I recognized all too well. Oh boy I was in trouble.



Who would have thought we would have so much in common. Two weeks ago I was a single guy and my only roommate was a dog. Now I am a legal guardian of a 13 year old girl. Now I fill out school registration papers and actually have to go grocery shopping. You remember when I said she was skinny she’s barely 5’4 and 105 pounds yet she eats like a 6’5 300lb linebacker. Okay maybe I’m exaggerating but she does eat a lot. I also lost my peace and quiet. Well at least when Alex is home. The girl talks about everything and I mean everything. I’ll just let your imagination work that one out. However there is one thing that I did not think about and sorely regretting my lapse in judgment. Let me set the stage for you. Alex came to live with me with only one suitcase. So we have to go to the mall to get clothes. See where I’m going with this? So here I am on Saturday awkwardly standing in what they call the Pink section (isn’t every section Pink) of Victoria secret. I mean are girls her age even supposed to be shopping here. Thankfully the sale lady took pity on us and helped me out after I calmly informed her that every piece of underwear better be full coverage.

“I think you have enough clothes” I said as she pulled me into the next store

“This is a shoe store.” Luckily for my sanity she didn’t take too long in the shoe store.

After our little adventure I put all of the bags in the car and we stopped at one of the restaurants in the mall for lunch.

We picked up our menus and looked over them



“Are you really okay with me living with you?”

“Of Course, What bought this on?” I asked setting aside my menu to look at her

“Well I heard you on the phone yesterday” She said looking down

Understanding dawned she heard me talking to some friends about not hanging out this weekend.

“Hey look at me.” I waited until she looked up to continue “Is it true that I wanted to go out with them. Yes, but I wanted to hang out with you more. If you had told me four weeks ago that I would be not only taking care of but having fun with a 13 year old. I would have called you crazy. Truth is you’re a very interesting person Alex and we missed out on a lot of bonding. I don’t know what I exactly experienced with our mother but I will never leave you. Understand?” she nodded wiping tears from her eyes.

“Good let’s eat. I’m starving.” We talked about happier topics but I could tell there was something brothering her.

After I paid the bill we got in the car to go home. She was quiet and stared out the window most of the time.

“She wasn’t a very nice person.” She said quietly. So, quiet that I almost didn’t hear her speak. I turned down the radio. “Who wasn’t?”

“Our mother, She drank a lot and yelled a lot. She always said I should give you up like the other one. That’s how I knew that I had a brother or sister. I use to dream about you. Sometimes you were a girl and sometimes you were a boy, but I always dreamed that you came and got me. I knew that was impossible because you probably didn’t know I existed. So when she would pass out I would go through her things and try to find out anything I can. My plan was to find a name and run away.”

“What happened?” I asked trying to control my temper

“I found a baby picture of you on the back it read Jason 1985. I was so happy that I had a name and a face. I didn’t notice that she had come home early. She was so mad accused me of stealing from her and she hit me pretty hard… What are you doing?”

We were about a block from the apartment but I had to pull over to calm down. “I’m going to kill her” I said through clenched teeth.

“Good luck finding her. The next day she dropped me off with Mrs. Evans and took off. I showed Mrs. Evans your picture and said I had to find you and well you know the rest.”

“Thank GOD you did.”

“Actually I thought I made the wrong choice when you yelled into the speaker. I tried to get Mrs. Evans to leave. I thought that you may be just like her.”

This latest revelation had me out of the car before I knew what I was doing. I walked to her side opened the door and pulled her into a tight hug. “I’m sorry for scaring you and not being there. I meant what I said before I’m not going anywhere this time.”



Chapter 3- two years later

“Alex we still have more boxes!” no answer “If you don’t come out I’m going to let the movers drop your stuff” I threaten as I headed out the front door. With Evans help I was able to secure a nice 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath detached house within her school district. The house was recently renovated with a finished basement and it was in a nice neighborhood. Mortgage payments aren’t too bad right now but after the money from the state stops coming in things will get a little tough. I need to get a better paying job soon. Teenage girls have a lot bills.

“Where you want this?” the two guys caring Alex’s bed asked

“Oh that just leave it in the fro…”the rest of the sentence was muffled as Alex ran up and covered my mouth with her hand

“Put that in the second bedroom on the right. “She said and the movers laughed as they carried the bed in.

“You were really going to tell them to put my bed out front?” She asked with her hands on her hips

“Don’t be stupid I was going to have them put it in the backyard.” I caught her off guard by picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder. “Now come on kid we got more work to do.”

“But we have movers”

“For the big stuff, you can care your things. Look at it this way if you didn’t have so much stuff you wouldn’t have to carry it.” I said setting her down in front of her boxes. “Now go.”

“Alright, Alright” she mumbled. She bent to pick up the first box and I turned towards the truck. Then something wet hit in the back the little imp had sprayed me with the water bottle and toke off with her box inside.

“THE DAY ISN’T OVER ALEX!” I yelled after her

A low chuckle came from behind me. I turned around and two older women were standing there with their little rat looking dogs. “Kids well be kids.” Grandma number one said.

“You could say that again.”

“My name is Eleanor and this is Mildred” she said indicting the woman on her right.

“Nice to meet you both my name is Jason.” I said reaching out to shake their hands

“Nice to see a young family moving in, where is your wife?” Mildred asked

“Oh, I don’t have one” I said reaching in the truck and lifting down another box.

“Oh, a single Dad then?” Eleanor asked

It didn’t take long at all to run into the noisy neighbors I mussed. I turned around to face them. “Not exactly, You see Alex isn’t my daughter.”

I can see their wheels turning and practically hear the accusations. Young man moving in with an even younger girl.  Boy these old women were nasty! I let them stew for a while longer before putting them out of their misery. No use making enemies this early.

“Alex is my little sister. I’m her legal guardian.” Judging by their shocked faces this was a scenario that they had a never came across. Before they could respond Alex came skipping back out to the truck.

“Excuse me boss, but aren’t we supposed to be working?”

“Aren’t we supposed to have some manners?”

“I said Excuse me.”

“Ladies this is Alex, Alex this Mrs. Mildred and Mrs. Eleanor”

“Nice to meet you” Alex said shaking their hands

“If you excuse us ladies we have a lot more work to do before the movers leave.”

“Yes of course sorry to interrupt I’m sure we will be seeing you around.” Grabbing Alex by the shoulders I turned her around a pushed her to her surprising low stack of boxes.

“What did you do?” I asked eyeing her suspiciously

“What?” Putting on an innocent expression

“Some guys are willing to help a damsel in distress.” Said picking up one of her boxes and walking inside

Damsel yeah right I better keep a closer eye on those movers.


“I’ve filled out less paperwork in court. What do they do with all the paperwork I filled out last year. Throw it out! Seriously they should just ask are you attending this year. I circle yes and that’s it.” I grumbled filling out Alex’s registration papers for high school.

“Why do you do this you know it’s coming, yet here you sit again complaining?”

“Because the school system is a*s backwards. I’m going to fill these out then on your first day they are going to give you 16 more pages for me to fill out.”  I said pushing my chair back from the table. “Go put these away before I shred them.”

Laughing Alex took the papers to put them in her backpack.


Today is the best day ever. Who’s the smartest lawyer in world? I am that’s who. I got all four cases thrown out in one day. I was making my way to the car when I heard someone call my name. I turned to see a very attractive blonde waving at me.

“Mr. Samuel I’m glad that I caught you. My name is Sasha Delacroix, I represent a company you may have heard of D & J Law Group.”

“My have heard of?, Your only the best law firm on the east coast.”

She smiled and reached into her purse and pulled out a card. “A man of talents should be in the private sector. Call me secretary tomorrow morning if you’re interested.” She handed the card to me and walked away.

I’m not sure how long I stared after her but I was dumbstruck. If I was interested hell yeah I was interested. This was exactly the kind of job I was looking for. I can’t wait to tell Alex.


By the time I got home it was after 6pm. It smelled like Alex was cooking. I walked in and found her in the kitchen.

“Hey just in time I made Spaghetti” the last part ended on a squeal because I picked her up and swung her around.

“You will never guess what happened to me today.” I said sitting her down.


“This!” I took the card from my wallet and slammed it on the table.

“And this is?” She asked clearly confused

“This is one of the most prestigious lawyer firms on the east coast. And because your brother is a kick a*s lawyer they came to me and offered me a job. Can you say money!”

“OH MY GOD! I’m so happy for you.” Alex screamed and jumped up and down. I had shared our financial situation with her. She wanted to get a job to help out, but I wouldn’t let her. She needed to focus on school not on bills. This new job was going to make our lives so much easier or so I thought. One important lesson I never seemed to learn if it seems too good to be true then it probably is.



“Black or Gray?” “Angel regarded me with an unconcerned look. “You’re no help at all”


“You bellowed” Alex asked walking into the room and plopping down on the bed.

“I need help, I have no clue what to wear today.”

“I thought you decided this last night”

“I did but changed my mind.”

“What are your choices?”

I held up the black suit and the grey suit. She studied them for a moment.

“Gray suit, white shirt and blue tie”

“You sure?”

“Trust me the combination looks good on you. The blue really complements your eyes.”

“Okay, Get your things and take Angel out I will be ready to go in 15.”

“Yes Sir” Alex jumped up and saluted before grabbing angel and running out.

I finished dressing and went to look in the mirror. I’ll be damned she was right the combination did look good.

“Alex you got all the registration papers?” I called as I grabbed my brief case

“Yeah” she replied walking in the back door



“Okay let’s go”

We walked out to my car. “Hopefully I get this job which would mean a new car”

“this isn’t too bad” Alex replied getting in.

The not too bad car was a 2004 gray Honda accord. She has gotten me through some pretty hard times and she’s paid for so there’s that.

“Well maybe I’ll let you have her?”

“Really?” She asked surprised

“Why not it’s your senior year and you shouldn’t have to take the bus home. Your responsible all you have to do is pass your road test.”

“My own car, oh man”

I pulled in to the visitor spot at the school and got the registration papers from Alex.

We walked in with the other students and their parents. “Where are you supposed to go?”

“Auditorium, You don’t need to stay.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, you got a job to get so I can get me a car”

“Right” I laughed “I’ll drop these off at the office and head out”

“Good Luck” she said and gave me hug careful not to wrinkle my suit

“Thanks, pick you up at 3:30pm”

I watched her head down the hall then turned and headed to the office.

“How are my favorite ladies this morning?” I asked leaning on the counter in the office

“Boy you are so full of it” the oldest one said laughing “You got your papers”

“Yes ma’am” I handed her the folder with all of Alex’s information

“Always so efficient” she said “Don’t we look extra spiffy this morning”

“I got a job interview and at an extra spiffy law firm. I have to make them remember me.”

“Boy you’ll always stand out that’s a trait you share with your sister. Go on now I don’t want you to be late. Good Luck on the interview.”

“Thanks” I chuckled as I left the office and passed the impatient parents. They hadn’t learned the most important rule: Those who befriend the office staff gets better faster service.


I pulled up to the guards both of the tall glass building with 30 minutes to spare.

“Name and Purpose”

“I’m Jason Samuel I have an appointment with Ms. Delacroix”

“I.D. please?”

I had him my Id and he stepped inside of the booth. One minute later he reappeared.

“Thank you Mr. Samuel, please proceed to the green sign to right for visitor parking. Make sure to hang this in your window.” He handed me back my ID and a Parking pass

“Thank you”

“Have a nice day”

I pulled forward and parked where instructed. I got out and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. My phone vibrated and I looked at the screen it was a text from Alex


Me: Thanks! GO TO CLASS!

Alex: :-P

Alex’s text was just the encouragement I needed with a smile on my face I headed into the building that will forever change our lives.











After signing in a security a guy no older than me approached.

“Mr. Samuel” he said reaching out to shake my hand

“Yes” I responded shaking his hand.

“My name is Paul Sanders personal assistant to Ms. Delacroix. Please follow me.” He turned and I followed him to an elevator where he swiped a card.

“This elevator is reserved for the top partners and their assistants. It requires a keycard to access it. Mailroom is in the basement. Corporate offices such as accounting and HR are located on levels 2 and 3. IT services are located on 4 and 5. Levels 6 through 9 are lawyers of different specialties. And as I stated before the top level 10 is reserved for partners and theirs assistants.”

I nodded he acted like I already had the job.

We exited the elevator and he led me through a pair of double doors. The reception area was very warm and comfortable. I can’t tell you why this surprised me.

“Please wait here. May I get you something to drink?”

“No thank you”

He turned and walked down a long hallway. I sat on one of the sofa and had to fight the urge to moan. Seriously the sofa was made of the best leather by butt has ever met. I looked up to see the receptionist smirking at me.

“Nice isn’t it” she asked

“Was I that obvious” I smiled

“Just a little” she laughed

“Ms. Delacroix will see you now” Sanders said reappearing

“Good luck” the receptionist said as I passed I winked at her.

At the end of the hall Sanders opened the door to Ms. Delacroix office. The space was fairly large.  A black leather sofa sat over to the right and a wet sat to the left. Above the wet bar was a large flat screen TV. In the middle of the room was big antique looking desk with two black chairs in front of it. Behind the desk sat the lovely Ms. Delacroix.

“I’m so glad you came.” Said standing

Behind me Sanders closed the door and I approached the desk and shook her hand.

“I would have to be a fool to turn down your invitation”

“That you would, please have a seat” she said waving to the seats in front of her.

  We both sat down me in front of the desk and her behind it.

“I am going to get straight to the point. I was very impressed with what I saw in court the other day. I pulled your file and I didn’t think I could get any more impressed but I was wrong. 95% closure rate, top of your class at law school while being legal guardian to a teenager. You seem to have complete control over your professional and private life. That is exactly the type of person we look for here. My only question to you is when can you start?”

“Wow that was quick. I thought I was here to interview.”

“Mr. Samuel, here at D&J Law group we don’t interview or have job fairs. Employees are thoroughly researched then invited to join our team. I must admit I have been watching you for a while. I like how you never shy away from the difficult cases but volunteer for them.” She passed me a folder on her desk. “This contains your job description, salary, and benefits. Take 24 hours to think about it discuss it with your family. I’ll walk you out”

More than a little stunned I followed her back out to the reception area. When the elevator arrived I turned to her. “I need a couple of days to properly hand off my old cases. But I can start Monday.”

“That was quick.” She smiled

“carpe diem”

“See you Monday Mr. Samuel”

“Call me Jason” I said shaking her hand

“See you Monday Jason” she said

With a ridiculous smile on my face I rode the elevator down to the lobby. I don’t even remember exiting the building or getting in my car. I was on cloud 9. I couldn’t wait for Alex to get out of school. When I got home I opened the package she gave me and when I saw the salary I almost had a heart attack.  My starting salary was in six figures! Starting salary! I take that back I think I am having a heart attack.





© 2014 Wicked Writings

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Added on December 9, 2014
Last Updated on December 9, 2014


Wicked Writings
Wicked Writings

Washington, DC

I have been writing poems for years and recently started to write short stories. Sometimes I can write nothing for days and then have a moment of inspiration and sit for hours. I'm a bit of a purest.. more..

Soul Soul

A Story by Wicked Writings

1912 1912

A Story by Wicked Writings