Crystal Creek

Crystal Creek

A Story by Wicked Writings

I'm not exactly sure where this story is going. I had an idea and decided to write it. Please ignore the grammar and spelling as it is still pretty rough.


Crystal Creek


Another beautiful day, the sun is shining but I can’t feel the heat. The wind is blowing but I can’t feel its gentle breeze. You see it’s hard to feel anything when you’re dead. Bet you weren’t expecting me to say that were you. I died at the ripe old age of 21 about 100 years ago. Wow it’s really been 100 years! You think I would have moved on by now. I can’t and believe me I have tried. But I am stuck in this stupid town. All of my loved ones have moved on - minus the occasional visits at the local cemetery how sad is that " Any distance relatives I have left town years ago. So here I am floating above my newly remodeled and empty childhood home. I don’t know why I am stuck here it’s like I am waiting for something but I don’t know what. Wait I haven’t introduced myself have I? How very impolite of me. My name is Arianna Vidal. In life I was fun outgoing girl and also a witch. Yes I said witch. I died saving someone I loved who didn’t love me back. Now I am forced to spend eternity in this little Georgia town known as Crystal Creek, population 700 humans and one very lonely ghost.





Chapter One

What should I do today? There is decade dance at the local high School. I believe the theme is 1920’s maybe I should drop in. Now that is a decade I am sad I missed. The dresses were so beautiful and the music was fun. Just then a black BMW pulled up in front of the house. Well if it is Ms. Beth Ann Franklin. I wonder what poor idiot she got to look at the house today. Beth Ann got out of her car and she looked like she stepped out of a 1980’s magazine complete with the big hair and poor blond dye job. Somebody should really tell her how completely horrid she looks. It’s 2013 for heaven’s sake; I mean it’s not like she a ghost stuck in her 1913 clothes. Hmm looks like she on the phone. I floated down to the street and walked behind her into the house. “Yes that’s right Mr. Prescott. The house is a beautiful Victorian completely renovated. It sits on four acres with a private dock and boat house. It has four bedrooms 3.5 baths, a two car off street parking and an outdoor pool.”

Oh great a family man.

“No it’s been vacant for some time.”

Yeah something scared the previous owners. I wonder what it was. hehehe

“No there are no problems with the house it’s perfectly normal. It’s just that some people don’t like small town living”

Tsk tsk, now Beth Ann you know it’s bad manners to lie.

“Excellent I will see in an hour. I know you’re going to love this house.”

Ohh so were going to have visitors. How fun!

“Now I need to open some windows and air out the house some. I can’t wait to get rid of the piece of property.”

What a coincidence I can’t wait to get rid of you.

For the next hour I followed Beth Ann around the house blowing over everything she tried to setup. When I heard the car pull in the driveway I went up to my old bedroom which was located at the front of the house to look out the window. I swear if my heart was still beating it would have stoped at the moment. The man who got of the car was well beautiful that is the only way to describe. He kind of looked like the guy from that TV show the previous owners use to watch. What was it blue something, no White Collar that’s it’s. Only his skin was slightly darker and his black hair just reached his shoulder. He was wearing a black pea coat, dark blue jeans and a black knit hat. Now let me see your face come on. Then as if he heard he looked up at the window. I was wrong he looked nothing like the guy from the show he looked way better. But his eyes are what drew me. They were a pale grayish blue. It’s like something was pulling me to him. Then looking right at me he smiled lifted his hand and waved. I flew away from the window. OH MY GOD!! He saw me! I can’t believe this. I heard the front door open and I drifted to the steps so that I could hear them without him seeing me.

“Mr. Prescott, I presume.”

“Yes, and please call me Zander”

“Well it is nice to meet you Zander, you may call me Beth Ann.”

Even his voice was amazing deep, rich and slightly southern. Why did Beth Ann sound so breathy? Wait better question why did I sound jealous?

“Pardon the rudeness but this is a lot of space for one person Mr.. I mean Zander”

“I like my space. Is there someone else here?”


“No why do you ask?”

“I could have sworn I saw a young woman in the upstairs window”

Double Damn

“No one is here. I went through the whole house before you arrived.”

“Hmm, My eyes…”

I didn’t hear the rest of his sentence because I rushed off to the woods behind the house. I can’t believe he saw me. In the entire 100 years I floated around no one has ever saw me. Not even my family. It’s cool there is no need to panic he won’t want this house. It’s too far out and too big. Yeah he won’t be staying.




Chapter 2 "two weeks later


Did I happen to mention that I am almost always wrong. I mean for once in my life I would love to be right is that too much to ask. I watched as the movers moved Prescott’s belongings into the house. I can’t believe he bought the house and why does he have so much stuff. Is he some kind of weirdo hoarder? I knew something had to be wrong with him nobody can be that good looking and normal. Okay Ari think what are you going to do. Maybe I could scare him out. I started to think about all the things I could do to make him leave when suddenly everything clicked. Maybe just maybe he could help? Duh that has to be it. Nobody has been able to see me with in the last hundred years yet this dude shows up and waves at me. He must be who I am waiting for. I walked into the boat house to wait for the other humans to leave. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror I passed. Man I wish I could change my clothes.


Let’s clear up a few miss conceptions about ghost. Yes we can see our reflections but humans can’t, yes we can move things, yes we spend eternity in whatever we were wearing when we die and no we aren’t balls of light side note I don’t know who came up with that one. I can only slightly change my appearance you know like getting rid of the nasty stuff like blood and death. In life my skin was a beautiful olive complexion; now my skin is very pale which make my blue eyes stand out more. My hair is still raven black and reaches half way down my back. I shouldn’t scare him too much. In the distance I heard the rumble of trucks. I looked out the window and saw the trucks leaving. Well Prescott it’s time for use to get up close and personal.

As I approached the window I saw Prescott walking around in his living room going from box to box muttering to himself. How should I approach him? I don’t know even know if he will be able to see me this time let alone hear me? Maybe I should call out to him from a different room to see if he hears me.


“Where the hell did I put that box? I really do have too much stuff”


Zander head snapped up when he heard someone calling his name. “Hello”


It sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. He began to approach the kitchen then stopped. “This is a bad idea. I shouldn’t be following disembodied voices.”

Please Prescott

Aww hell, rounding the corner to the kitchen he saw a woman standing just beyond the doorway. It was the same woman he saw when he viewed the house. She was very pretty gorgeous even, but something was off about her.

“Who are you and why are you in my house?”

You can see me!

“Of course I can see you I’m looking right at you”

Oh my! You can hear me as well

“What’s going on?” Then it hit me the pale skin, the clothes, the questions and soft way she spoke.

“You’re a ghost aren’t you?”

Slowly ghost girl nodded.

“Great! Isn’t that perfect! I come out here for peace and run into another ghost. I thought I got rid of all of you guys.” he turned to storm out when she spoke

Wait, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Please I need your help.

Don’t fall for it Z, but she sounded so sad. Reluctantly he turned to look at her and she looked very sad.

“Fine, what is it you want from me.”

Forgive me if my language is a bit dated but I have been stuck here for a number of years with no one to talk to. In fact you are the only person who has been able to see and hear me.

“What exactly is a number of years?” She didn’t respond “I promise I won’t freak out”

Freak out? I have heard that one that means panic yes?


I have been stuck here for about 100 years

Okay pause he was not expecting that kind of revelation. “I think I need to sit” he walked into the living room and flopped down on the couch. The ghost girl followed and sat beside him.

You said you wouldn’t freak out. This is freaking is it not?

“So you have been haunting the earth for that past hundred years” he said ignoring her question

Not, the earth just this town.


Why am I stuck here? I am not completely sure. It may have something to do with how I died. It’s like I was waiting for something or someone.

“Okay let’s back track a little.  Have you been alone all this time?” She nodded

“You weren’t able to contact your family”

Not while they were alive. When they died I was able to get a few brief moments with them, but they moved on and I remain here.

“That’s really sad” the ghost girl merely nodded.

“What is your name? I keep calling you ghost girl” at that she smiled

“My name is Arianna Vidal and why are you smiling”

“For a while there you were merely whispering but you voice started to get stronger and when you said your name it sounded, well it sounded human”

“It did, how about now”


“and Now”

“Still strong”

All of a sudden she jumped up and started flying around the room. “This is AMAZING!!”

She shrieked so loud that he had to cover his ears. “OKAY!! Arianna there is no need to scream”

One minute she was flying the next she was standing in front of him grinning from ear to ear. “Sorry, It’s so nice to talk to someone and even nicer to hear someone say my name out loud.” Then she got right in his face “Say it again”


With a whoop she was off flying around the room again.




Chapter 3


This is truly amazing to finally be able to talk to someone again.

“Do you think you could calm down just a little bit.”

“Right, Sorry”

“No need to apologize” He smiled reaching for his coat.

“I’m starving and see how I just moved in I need to go out and get something to eat.”

“Okay let’s go”

“Whoa where do you think you’re going?”

“With you duh”

“You can’t. I just moved here I don’t need people thinking that I like to talk to myself”

That is true but I don’t want to stay here by myself I thought “I’ll be quiet”

“No you won’t” Well he got you there Ari. Wait I got it!

“Don’t you have one of those mini phone things with a cord that goes in your ear.”

“You mean a cell phone and ear buds” he said trying not to laugh

“Yeah that! You can use that and pretend like your talking on the phone. Just try not to look at me.”

He stood there for so long looking at me I thought he was going to say no. “Please I’m tired of being alone.”

“Oh alright! Get in the car”

I was out of the door and in the car before he even finished his sentence.


He was clearly losing his mind. He can’t believe that he was not only going to help this ghost but was going to talking to her in public through a cell phone. Zander thought to himself “I have never done anything like this before. Most ghosts just have a simple request and leave me alone.” As he approached his car  he could see her smiling from ear to ear and littering bouncing in the seat. There is something about her that is hard to resist. He was startled to find himself smiling back at her. He was equally surprised to find that he actually had more fun in the last few minutes than he had in the last few years. And it figures that the person capable of doing that is dead. Sliding the behind the wheel of his black Audi he turned to Arianna. 

“So where to”

“Why are you asking me you know I can’t eat”

“Yes, but you can observe. I know you have been all over this town and know everything there is to know about the hotspots.”

“True. Well there is Crystal Grill not too far from here. It seems to very popular and has been open the longest. People seem to enjoy the food and drinks.”

“Crystal Grill?” he asked bemused

“Don’t look at me. I didn’t say the town was very creative.” I shrugged

“Sounds perfect”


It wasn’t perfect in fact it was as far from perfect as one could get.

“What’s your problem? Why are we still sitting here?” I asked

“You said nothing about it being a teenage hangout spot.” There were teenagers everywhere.

“Oh, come on it’s a small town I told you it was a popular place.”

“You’re lucky I’m so hungry” he took out his cell phone and turned it on silent and plugged in his headset. The last thing he needed was for this thing to go off while he was pretending to talk to it. He got out and locked the car and began walking to the restaurant. I was walking beside him talking but he was only half paying attention to me. His main focus was on the teenage boys eyeing his car. “They can look all they want but they better keep their grimy paws off.” He muttered. I couldn’t help but laugh.

He walked in and approached the hostess table “Excuse me , Is  the full menu available at the bar”

The girl behind the host table looked up and gapped at him. “She looks like a guppy.” I said from beside him.

He couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face. Slowly the girls’ cheeks started to turn red and she quickly looked down. “Yes sir, umm you can order at the bar.” She stuttered

“Thank you”

“Aww she has crush on you”

“Be quiet”


I looked around the bar as Zander ordered his food. I was so focused on everyone else that I didn’t notice the woman come up to the bar and sit on the stool I was currently occupying. As the woman literally sat on me she shivered as if she just got a chill. I quickly jumped off the stool and turned to glare at the woman who just sat down.

“How rude”

“Calm down it’s not like they can help it” Zander said into his earpiece

“Your new in town aren’t you?” the woman who just sat down said

I looked at the woman again and immediately recognized her.

“Prescott don’t talk to that woman”

Zander turned to the woman and point to his earpiece and mouthed moment please. The woman mouthed back sorry and settled in to wait.

“You mind telling me why” he asked into the earpiece

“Ever heard of the town w***e”

“You’re being dramatic”

“I’ve been here longer than you and that lady is a viper.”

“Really, well maybe we should have a talk”


“Don’t yell at me. I can do whatever I want. Goodbye” With that Zander pretended to hang-up on me and turned to face the woman.

“Fine don’t say I didn’t warn you”

By the time Zander looked up again Arianna was gone.


Zander left the restaurant and wondered what was up with Arianna. She completely had a melt down at the bar. Kate seemed like a nice enough person. Where did she get off telling him who he could and couldn’t talk to anyway. Because he didn’t want to deal with whatever happened at home he stayed at the bar and ate his food and talked to Kate. When he first walked into the house he noticed that several boxes had been knocked over. “Very mature Arianna” he called out and got no response.

He walked into the kitchen and put his leftovers in the fridge.

“Arianna” no answer

“Come on you can’t really be mad” Still no answer

“ARIANNA!” he yelled

“Leave me alone!!”

The quiet voice was definitely female and mad. “Fine, go head and pout I’m going to bed.” Ghost can be so temperamental he thought as he stomped up to his bedroom.





Chapter 4


I listened as he stomped off to bed. That was close. I was currently sitting in his study going through the books he unpacked. He sure has a lot of them. Some of them are super old I wonder where he got them from. That’s a mystery better left for another day. One thing was clear this guy was definitely a witch. I never seen so many spell books in my life. Oh how I miss my spell books, I wish my parents hadn’t burned them. Several hours later I learned a lot but nothing that would help me. I was just about to give up when a book on the bottom of the pile caught my eye. It was really old and tattered and had yellowing pages sticking out of it. Carefully I began to turn the pages in the book it was a slow process but didn’t want to miss anything. As I turned the pages I noticed that the spells were written in what appeared to be a really old language, a language even older than I.  The next page showed a really crude illustration that showed a man holding a bleeding hand over what looked like a person lying on the ground. Beneath that was a blotted image that I couldn’t make out. Last image was a man standing next to a woman. This has to be it! I looked at the spell on the next page and was discouraged when I saw it in the same language. I stood up and began pacing back and forth, maybe Zander knows someone who can translate it. I floated down the hallway to his bedroom. When I entered I saw him completely sprawled out on the bed a breathing heavily. I looked at the clock beside the bed and saw that it was only 3:00am. If I wake him now he may never help me. I thought about it for maybe five minutes and decided that I can’t wait. I went over to his ear and whispered gently Zander and nothing happened I tried again Zander wake up. He grunted and waved his hand at his ear trying to bat me away. Come on Zander, Please. He cracked his eyes open correction he cracked one eye open and looked at the clock then glared at me and said “Go away”. He then promptly covered his head with the pillow and went back to sleep. The strength behind that one eyed glare was enough to discourage me from trying again. Fine I waited a hundred years what’s a couple of more hours.


Zander, Zander, It’s time to get up

Something or someone was trying to pull him towards consciousness. Zander groaned and rolled over and cracked his eyes open. He was immediately blinded by the sun that came in through the windows.

“Ughh, I forgot to put up the curtain last night” He groaned covering his face with the blanket and rolling away from the window. When he rolled over he came face to face with a pair of big blue eyes and nearly had a heart attack.

“JESUS CHRIST!!” He exclaimed sitting straight up. “Are you trying to kill me!”

“Sorry, You sleep like the dead”

“What time is?” he groaned flopping back down and throwing his arm over his eyes.

“Almost 10, I have been trying to wake you for hours”


“I think I found something and need your help...” He held up his hand cutting her off in mid explanation.

“I need to coffee before you continue. Do you mind leaving so that I can get dressed?”

“Right sorry, meet me in the study”

Zander watched her leave and dragged himself out of bed. Today is going to be one hell of a day he thought walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower.




Chapter 5


45 minutes later Zander walked into the study. “It’s about time” he ignored her and walked over and sat behind the desk forcing her to move from his seat. Looked at the mess she made. “What have you done to my stuff, first the boxes in the living room, then my clothes in the bedroom now this?” He said waving his hand around the room.

“I apologize for the mess but I knew you had a lot of books so I started looking for them. I guess I kind of got carried away.” By the time I finished my explanation he was rubbing his forehead.

“You could have just asked”

“Well I was kind of mad at you too. That’s why I threw your clothes all over the bedroom.”

“Because I was talking to Kate?” When I didn’t respond he shook his head

“What should I have said Sorry my ghost friend said you were the town w***e and I’m not allowed to talk to you.” He pitched his voice higher in order to sound feminine and I started to laugh. Finally I said

“Your right I was being completely childish. I truly apologize for the way I behave and for messing up your belongings”

She sounded so formal that he couldn’t help but smile. “You’re forgiven. Now tell me what you found”

“I found it in this book come pick it up” I proceeded to tell him everything I found and waited while he looked at the book and the spell.


“Hmm?” he asked distracted

“Do you know someone who can read it?” I implored

“Yes, Me” he said still distracted. I was stunned for a moment.

“How is that possible that book has to be over 200 years old. Did you study dead languages?”

Slowly he turned to look at me and leaned back in his chair. “I did not study dead languages when I first came across this book it was only about 30 years old maybe older I’m not sure”

“Just how old are you?” I asked completely stunned.

He seemed to hesitate then quietly replied “I was born in 1819”

I quickly did the math in my head 194!!! How is that possible? I realized that I had been staring at him for awhile

“You look like a guppy” he said with a smile mimicking me from last night

“How are you still alive?”

“Several names have been used to describe us over the years, but I prefer the term immortal.”

“But you said you were a witch”

“No, my dear I never said I was a witch” I thought back to our previous conversations and realized I never asked him if he was a witch I just assumed it. What’s going on?

“I think it’s time for a little history lesson. I’ll tell you my story if you tell me yours. Agreed?” he asked

Still too stunned to speak I merely nodded my head.

“Good. I’ll go first then my story begins in 1844 in Texas I was 25 years old and was set on having a perfect life with the woman I love. One day she told me to meet in the woods near her house. There she showed me this book and told me how it contained several spells.”

“I can imagine that freaked you out.”

“Just a tad” he smirked. In reality he completely lost it.

“Mary goes on to tell how she practices magic and that there is a spell in the book that will guarantee us immortality. At first I tell her she crazy there is no way that is possible and that I don’t want to be immortal. Then she starts to plead with me saying we can go anywhere we want do anything we want and never have to part. The part about never being apart really grabbed and convinced me in the end. She read me the spell and we agreed to meet the next night to conduct. Mary said that she will make me immortal first then I was to make her immortal because she will be too weak to do it herself.” He paused and got up to walk to the window “She didn’t tell me there were parts of the book that she didn’t understand.”

“Zander what happened” I asked

“Well apparently in the fine print it is written that in order to create an immortal a mortal must be sacrificed.”

“No” I gasped

“Yes, Mary died that night making me immortal. Something I never wanted in the first place. I was powerless to help her so I took her back to her mother and left before anyone saw me. I spent the next couple of years obsessing. I was determined to either bring her back or die. I found every witch I could I had them teach me their ways” Some by force but he didn’t tell her that “I tried to contact mediums to see if I could contact her ghost. I’ve been contacted by a number of ghost but none of them were Mary. Finally in 1900 I ran it the one witch that could help me. She said I couldn’t find her because she couldn’t be found. You see Mary knew what she was doing she just read it wrong. I was supposed to die so that she could be immortal. She never wanted to spend forever with me. Why be tied done to one person when you had forever.”

I want to comfort him but what can I say “I’m sorry” seems so inadequate.

“How do you know that was what she wanted.”

“Because this witch came from Mary’s blood and was able to contact her. Mary spirit appeared and told me everything. She is gone and my immortality is permanent. No one should live forever, how can one value life if one never dies?”

 “So after that witch told me that I went on a downward spiral; destroying everything and anything near me. You see over the years I had obtained a bunch of useful skills from the witches I encountered. After 20 years I figured it was time to stop feeling sorry for myself. I have spent the last decades amassing a substantial amount of money and traveling the world helping myself as well as others.”

“Wow Zander that is quite the story.”

He nodded his head in acknowledgement and came back to sit at his desk. “Now ghost girl tell me what happened to you.”

“Ha. My story is a little less tragic and more stupid naïve poor little witch girl.”

“That’s quite the title” he replied with a smirk

“You have no idea”

“Bringing someone back from the dead or changing their fate is known as black or dark magic. In either case they both have consequences a life for a life. Your girlfriend both performed dark magic but for different reasons. Only in my case the one I loved didn’t really love me back. He loved me for what I can do. I was too young to see how he was using me. He would be so reckless because he knew I could heal him. One day he hurt himself badly and I knew I had to save him. He promised everything would be different if I just helped him one last time. My mother always said never use the dark magic at the end of the book but it was the only place I could find the spell to save him. I sacrificed my life for his. I died that night and he left my body in the woods and never told my parents what happened.”

“Oh my god, what a jerk” he said angrily

“Oh, Don’t worry he didn’t get away with it. I made Brandon’s life a living hell. I would destroy his things and hunt him around town. Then I did the one thing I knew would have major repercussions.”

“What was that?”

“I killed him. I was already dead and doomed for eternity so what did I care. Anyway with Brandon gone I thought I could finally move on but apparently that wasn’t my fate. So here I am.”

“You’re wrong?”


“That was a very tragic story.”


Chapter 6


I didn’t know what to say to that so I quickly changed the subject. “So what does that book say?”

He stared at me for a second and let me the subject drop. “What you need to know about this book is that nothing is what it seems. There is always a catch of some kind with each spell. It’s not exactly dark magic but it’s not good either.”

“Yes, Yes but what does it say?” I asked impatiently. I don’t need a warning I mean what the worst that can happen.

Dark immortal created from mortal soul

Spill thy blood on doomed soil

Bring forth from the earth a darkened soul

Forever bonded not bound by time.

“Doesn’t exactly rhyme, does it?”

“It’s a spell not a nursery”

“I’m just saying “I said with a shrug “Is that all it says? What does it mean? It’s more of a riddle than anything.”

“It’s not a riddle it’s pretty straight forward it you listen. Dark immortal created from mortal soul

That’s me: Spill thy blood on doomed soil: that means that I must spill my blood on your grave. Bring forth from the earth a darkened soul: that’s you; Forever bonded not bound time”

At that phrase he froze and frowned at the book.

“What? What does that mean? Why are you frowning?”

“Remember when I said everything had a catch?

“Yeah, what’s the catch?”

“If we complete this ritual you will be forever bonded to me. Meaning where I go you go and since I can’t die…” he said trailing off

“Then neither can I.”I said finishing his sentence “Well hell!”

“Yeah” he agreed.


I walked out to the boat house and left Zander to continue reading the books. He thinks he may be able to find something else. I don’t’ think he will find anything else. All I ever wanted was to finally move on and be with my family again. On the plus side if I go through with this I will get to live again. On the down side I will never see them again because I will not be able to die. I sat down on the edge of the pier and pondered my predicament. One thing I was sure was that I was tired of being alone I don’t want to be this wandering sprit with nothing to do but torment the living. In the distance I heard Zander calling my name and with a start I realized that the sun had set. I had been sitting here for hours. I got up to find Zander and tell him that I have made my decision.




Chapter 7


“What you can’t be serious?” Zander exclaimed when I finally came back into the house

“What are my alternatives?” I asked

“If you give me time I am sure I can find something” he said running his hand through his hair clearly frustrated.

“Would having me around really be so bad?” I couldn’t hide the hurt in my voice that he was rejecting me.

“That’s not what I mean. You are already bound here. I wouldn’t feel right having you bonded to me as well. That’s not fair to you”

“I appreciate your concern but I’m tired of floating around here and not being able to interact with anyone. If I can’t move on then I rather be human again or close to it.”

He eyed me for a minute “Are you sure about this?” he asked

“Yes, 100%” I said with a smile

He looked at me for so long I thought he was still going to refuse. “Okay, Fine but if we do this you have to promise me one thing.”


“You have to really live. Where ever you want to go we will go, whatever you want to do we will do. I will not be responsible for holding you back and will not force you stay anywhere you don’t want. The only way this can truly work is if we are completely truthful with each other.”

I couldn’t help the smile that over took my face. “When this is complete and I am human I will give you the biggest hug you have ever had.”

“Is that a promise?” he asked grinning

“Yes! Yes! I promise!” I yelled “When do we start?”

“Well according to the book the ritual will work best if performed on the day that you died. So what day was that?”

“What’s today October 1st

“Great, I died October 4th, we just made it!”

“Good we should have some privacy in cemetery since it’s not Halloween. To be on the safe side will go at midnight on the 4th. That way it is still dark and everyone should be sleep. With any luck in three days you will be born again.”

With a whoop I took off flying around the house screaming I’m going to be human and Zander watched laughing as well.



Chapter 8


Over the next couple of days we prepared for the ritual. Occasionally we were interrupted with visits from that Kate woman. Seriously when I became human again those visits were going to stop immediately. Zander thought it was hilarious but he didn’t see how she was constantly trying to sink her claws in him. I told him as much and his reply was “She’s not even my type” and walked off chuckling.

“I think we will need food.” Zander said coming down the stairs caring a first aid kit,


“Because you haven’t eaten in what a hundred years I don’t need you going into shock or something.”

“I can see your point, but what are you doing with the first aid kit?”

“Were you not paying attention or did you completely blank on the part about spill thy blood?”

“But your immortal right?”

“That only means I won’t die from blood lost. It doesn’t mean it won’t hurt and it doesn’t heal immediately.” He said looking at me like I just grew two heads

“Maybe now is a good time for you to tell me what it will be like to be immortal.”

“Well unlike stories it’s not so grand. I don’t have superpowers. I am only as strong and fast as I train. I can do a few things because of what I learned from the witches over the years. I heal really fast and my stamina did increase so I can go long periods without sleep but when I do sleep I am out. Also because of the increased stamina I eat a lot.”

“I can see that” I said laughing. He was always eating “I think this is the longest you’ve gone without eating”

“hahaha, smartass”

“What about aging?”

He sobered instantly “That’s one of the hard parts. I stopped aging at 25. I can make myself look older by growing out my hair and beard and dying them gray. But I usually leave before that becomes an issue.”

“So I will forever look like I’m 21. I don’t think I can grow out my facial hair to look older” I said with a smile

“You’ll be surprised what a good hair cut can do for you. Actually we can pass for teenagers if you want and go back to school.”

“Mister I hate all teenagers.” I said pitching my voice deep and pounding on my chest like a caveman

“Funny. I didn’t say I hate all teenagers but I am willing to try it if you want to but we can’t do that here because I came here as an adult.”

“So when I come back. What will I be to you a distance cousin?” I asked distractedly

“I was thinking something closer” he murmured. Before I can ask him what he meant he announced that it was 11o’oclock and time to head to the cemetery. He barely finished his sentence before I was out of the house and in the car ready for my new life to begin.






Chapter 9


“Okay this isn’t creepy at all.” Zander said stepping into the cemetery and looking around. “Well ghost girl lead the way.”

“We got a ways to go. My grave is in the old section of the cemetery on the other. The good news it far away from prying eyes.”

“Thank god for small miracles” He muttered.

I lead him through the cemetery staying on a straight path so that he wouldn’t need to use a flash light the last thing that we needed was to get caught. Occasionally I had to tell him where to step so that he wouldn’t trip. He hated no being able to see where he was going and he made sure I knew just how unhappy he was because he complained the entire way. I was in too good a mood to be irritated. Besides he was going to be the one in pain so he can complain all he wants-let’s pause the story right here, remember when I told you I am always wrong yeah well hold on to that thought.

“I hope you will be able to find your way out of here.” He called from behind me

“Don’t worry” I said smiling knowing full well he couldn’t see me in the dark

“You better not be smiling up there” he muttered sounding like a child.

Finally we made it to my family plot. “Here we are” I announced

“Finally!” he said dropping the back pack and checked his watch “It’s midnight so it’s officially the 4th. I think you should lie down on the grave.”

I walked over and laid down on top of the grave and watch as he kneeled beside me pulled a knife out of his pocket and rolled up his sleeve. After that he paused and started at the knife.

“What are you doing?”

“Give me a minute. I’m not exactly thrilled about cutting myself.” He took a deep breath “You ready?”

I nodded and sliced down his forearm and muttered a string of colorful curses in several languages. I watched as the blood poured through me into my grave. Zander grabbed a towel to stop the flow of blood and nothing happened. “Is that it? Shouldn’t you say something?” I asked panicking

All of a sudden the wind started to blow like a hurricane had moved in and thunder rumbled in the distance. Then the pain began. It started in my feet and slowly made its way up. A scream built in my chest and made its way out before I could stop it. I could hear Zander’s alarmed voice but it sounded so far away. All I could feel was the pain all over my body. I forced myself to stop screaming and endure the excruciating pain. After what felt like forever the pain began to ebb. The first thing I noticed was that I could feel the breeze against my skin. “Arianna! Answer me? Are you okay?” Zander’s voice pleaded.

Slowly I opened my eyes and saw him leaning over me. I reach my hand up and stroked his face. I could touch him and feel him.

“Hey” I whispered

“Hey yourself”

Slowly I sat up and took a deep breath. It worked I could feel my heart in my chest , I could smell , I was alive!

“It worked Zander it worked!” I yelled and like I promised him earlier in the week I gave him the biggest hug I could muster.

“Here drink this” he handed me a bottle of something called Gatorade. I started drinking it. It wasn’t the best thing I ever tested but I could taste it and that’s what was important and soothed my dry throat.

“What happened; you screamed like you were dying and then convulsed like you were possessed.”

 “It was horrible; it was like I could feel my body being created every bone, every muscle.” I shuddered recalling the pain.

“Oh my god! I knew there had to be another consequence to this spell aside from the being bonded” He said looking equally outraged and guilty. “ I’m so sorry”

“Hey it wasn’t your fault. Can we get out of here?”

“Sure, help wrap up this cut and we can go home.”

Home I like the sound of that.




Chapter 10


The next morning Zander woke to the sound of music blaring and what sounded like someone jumping. After checking his wound and seeing that it healed he grabbed a T-shirt and headed downstairs. At the entrance to the living room his paused and watch Arianna jumping, dancing and doing a poor job at singing along with Panic at the disco.

"What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!" says a bridesmaid to a waiter
"And yes, but what a shame, what a shame
The poor groom's bride is a w***e"

I chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality…


 She was dressed in pink sweat pants and a white T-shirt. She had made sure he picked up a few clothes for her because as she put it “Once we are done I don’t want to spend a minute longer in this stuffy dress.

“See you learned how to use the ipod player” he yelled over the music

I whirled around and smiled at him. Then I skipped across the room and turned it down. “Is that what it’s called? I saw people using it so it was pretty simple.”

“I wouldn’t peg as a panic at the disco fan” he said with a smile

“Ha, the same could said about you. I mean it is your ipod, but I really like that song.”

“Did I wake you? I’m sorry. I don’t know how to use the coffee maker or anything else in the kitchen so I made cereal. I can make you some?”

“Slow down. Come on I’ll make us some breakfast.”

I watched as he turned on the coffeemaker and made an omelet and toast memorizing what he did so that next time I could do it myself. It all seemed easy enough. As if he was reading my thoughts he said “Please don’t try to cook by yourself, the last thing I need is for you to burn the house down. If you want to learn I will teach you.”

“Fine” I sighed and since his back was still turned I stuck my tongue out at him.  He told went on to tell me that we were going shopping today because I needed more clothes among other things. I didn’t think I could get any more excited I couldn’t wait to go shopping. As we finished breakfast his cell rang he said it was business and that he will be right back.

I got up and to the plates to the sink and started washing dishes " this I could do " I wonder what he did for a living. I can’t believe I never asked. Just then the doorbell rang startling me I grabbed a hand towel and went to answer it but froze half way there. I turned and ran down the hall to the study and saw that Zander was still on the phone deep in conversation. The doorbell rang again.

“Do you want me to get that?” I mouthed to him. He nodded distractedly and I backed out closing the study door. I ran to the door just as it rang a third time " Seriously can they be anymore impatient " I hurriedly opened the door before they could ring it again. Low and behold it was Ms.Kate something or other I forgot  her last name.

“Oh is Zander home?” she asked clearly taken aback by my presence

“Yes, but he’s busy. Can I help you with something?” I asked straining to be polite

“Oh, umm my name is Kate and you are?” she asked feigning politeness and holding out her hand.

“I’m Arianna” I said briefly shaking her hand

“I would really like to speak with Zander. Would you mind if I came in and waited.” She looked me up and down and judging by the smug smile she had on her face she must have saw me as not being a treat. Well she was so wrong.

“Actually I would mine. If you would like to leave a message I would be happy to give it to him.” I said sweetly

“What I have to say is personal, very personal.” She replied

“Oh well in that case you definitely can’t talk to him. My boyfriend has nothing personal to discuss with you. I bid you farewell madam.” I said closing the door on her shocked face.


 “I bid you farewell madam” Zander asked from the hallway. Shocked I turned around to see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “Exactly what century were you born in again? We need to work on your vocabulary.” He said trying to but failing to hide his smile.  

“How much did you hear?” Ignoring his question

“Enough” he said walking closer “So I’m your boyfriend huh?”

“Well you wanted closer, now go get dressed I’m ready to shop” I said pushing him toward the stairs

“Yes ma’am” he said jogging up the stairs

I can’t believe he heard me call him my boyfriend. Truth be told I’m kind of glad to have it out in the open. I have been trying to hide my growing feelings for him for a while now. I can only hope that he fills the same about me.


Chapter 11


Who knew shopping would be some much fun and so tiring.  I was currently in my room putting away all of my purchases. I had to get properly size in everything and I mean everything. Zander said that my furniture would be here tomorrow for now I am sleeping on something called an air mattress. It was actually quite comfortable but still I prefer a real bed. I was sitting on this bed of air reading the instructions for my new cell phone when Zander walked in.

“You’ve been up here awhile”

“Why are there so many buttons on this phone?” I said exasperated “I still have to learn how to use the computer and the ipod!”

“I told you I would help you”

“I want to try it on my own first. Everything looked so easy.”

“How about a break I’m starving.”

At the mention of food my stomach started to growl. “Yes, a break and food will be nice.” I threw the phone on the bed and jumped up.

“ I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. You want to order something or go out.”

“Out! Can we go to Crystal Grill please.”

“Fine let’s go.”

I ran pass grabbing his arm pulling him with me.

“Do you ever slow down.” He laughed



“It’s not as bad as last time.” I observed looking around. Zander merely grunted, which I learned could mean anything from are you crazy to whatever, or could just be a grunt. The waitress came over and took our drink order "looking at zander the entire time " and walked away. When she left zander got down to business.

“I have set up an identity for you the paperwork should be here tomorrow”

“How did you do that?”

“Sweetheart money can move mountains. I went ahead a kept your real name. See as you have been dead for over a hundred years I don’t think anyone would make the connection.”

“Thanks” the waitress approached and we placed our orders. Zander waited until she left to speak again

“Now about this boyfriend thing”

“I thought you forgot about that” I said covering my face with my hands trying to hide my embarrassment. “Just forget I said anything”

He reached over and lowered my hands. “Why would I do that? The truth is for the first time in my really long life I am actually happy. I didn’t want to say anything before because I didn’t want you to feel obligated to me because of the bond. Arianna I would truly like to start a relationship with you.”

Before I could respond the waitress returned with our food and he let go of my hands. I couldn’t help the excitement that was building up inside. As soon as she left I shouted the one thing I have been dying to say


“Great, but you didn’t need to yell” he said smiling

I looked around a noticed several pairs of eyes on my and felt my cheeks heat.

“Sorry, I’m just so excited.”

We spent the rest of the night talking about everything. Turns out he is some kind of stock broker " whatever that is " it doesn’t require a lot of face time and people think is the Alexander Prescott V. Our discussion continued until we got home. We talked about our greatest fears mine- spiders duh zander’s nothing of course. Our favorite color mine is blue and zander’s is black (no shock there). We talked all night until we both fell asleep on the bed of air.


A most irritating ringing woke me the next morning. I looked around for the source of the racket and found it was coming from my phone. It took me three times to answer it.

“What” I snapped

“Good Morning to you too sunshine. It’s about time you answered” Zander said

“Where are you?”

“I had an emergency and had to head out early. I need you to get up.”

“Why?” I groaned it felt so good to sleep

“The delivery people should be there soon. I left detailed instructions in the kitchen on where all of the furniture should go.  Arianna?”


“Are you listening to me?”

“Hmm, kitchen, list, furniture.” I mumbled

“Get out of bed. I should be back later tonight.”

With that he hung up. Reluctantly I got out of bed and headed to the closet. What to wear today? I chose a nice heather grey maxi dress " as the sales lady called it " and went in the bathroom for a quick shower and to brush my teeth. Once dressed I went down stairs and found the instruction sitting in the kitchen.




Delivery Instructions

1.       Have the men set up entertainment system on the far right wall in the Den. (Have them show you how to use it in case I am not back)

2.       Black leather couch goes in the den across from entertainment system.

3.       Persian rug, brown leather sofa, loveseats go in the living room. (decorate as you see fit)

4.       A number of painting will be delivered have them leave them in the den. DON’T let the movers unwrap them!

5.       Your bedroom furniture (bed, dresser, nightstand) - Of course decorate as you see fit ;-)

6.       Dining room set " in the dining room

7.       Someone will come to put blinds and curtains on all of the windows. Except the study no one is to go in there except you.

8.       Finally a small package should be delivered from a Jason Smith put this on my desk in the study.

Call me if you have any questions

~ Z

Well he sure thought of everything. As soon as I finished reading the list the doorbell rang. Today was about to be a very long day.

I didn’t hear Zander return because I had the music from the newly installed entertainment center blaring. I barely noticed that he turned down the music. “Do you think you have the music loud enough”

“It’s not like I was disturbing anyone” I said distractedly. I was seated at the island in the kitchen staring at the computer screen.

“What are you looking at?” he asked coming to stand beside me. When he saw what I was staring at he started laugh.

“Don’t laugh, I think it’s broken” I said looking at the black screen

“Did you plug it up?” he asked

I didn’t respond but stared blankly at him. “I take that as a no”

“How am I supposed to know what to do? It didn’t come with instructions!” I yelled slamming the laptop shut and jumping down from the counter.

“First be careful with it. Second it did come with instructions but since it’s my laptop I threw them away.”

“Why would do something like that? What if you need help with something?”

“That’s why they invented computer technicians.” He walked off down the hallway a returned a few minutes later with a cable in his hand. I watched as he plugged it into the machine and turned it back on.

“That’s it?”

“That’s it”

“Hmm, seems simply enough”

“What were you trying to do anyway?” He asked turning around and opening the refrigerator.

“Just curious as to how it worked. You to see some kids working on it doing research. They would all on this website with a funny name ogle? Goggle?”

“You mean Google” He said suppressing a smile

“Yes yes, how do I access that?”

“Come here”

I walked back over to the counter and hopped back up on the stool.

“First click this internet icon and it will take you online. Then at the top here type in”

I did what he said the screen change to a white with Google spelled in big letters.

“Now what?”

“Now in this box just under the name type in whatever you are looking for and hit enter. From there you will get a list of results you can click on.”

“Do you think I will be able to find out what happened to my family?”

“Hmm, that will require a little more than just a Google search.”

© 2015 Wicked Writings

Author's Note

Wicked Writings
I'm not exactly sure where this story is going. I had an idea and decided to write it. Please ignore the grammar and spelling as it is still pretty rough.

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Added on November 18, 2014
Last Updated on March 11, 2015


Wicked Writings
Wicked Writings

Washington, DC

I have been writing poems for years and recently started to write short stories. Sometimes I can write nothing for days and then have a moment of inspiration and sit for hours. I'm a bit of a purest.. more..

Soul Soul

A Story by Wicked Writings

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A Story by Wicked Writings