The End of a Line

The End of a Line

A Poem by Jay Ligda


A risk taken
Like so many times before
Yet always a bit different
And a little more exposed
My love is not selfless
What I offer I yearn for me
But it is through this avenue
That I will not receive
Yet this heart is not broken
Sorrow replaced with ecstasy
What new lesson was learned
That has always eluded me
What greater an affair
To offer one’s heart away
Like nothing is more vital
Watch the ego in its decay
It’s the end of a line
A substitute will not occur
But at the end of each line
Is a new world to explore
In this house of mirrors
Only my reflection will I see
Everything that I send out
Does return back to me
In reaching line’s end
The mirror’s illusion will fade
Leaving only what radiates
Circles back and penetrates
No one to give
No one to receive
Everything one hopes for
Always existed if we believe
Until the lesson’s forgotten
And cycles will repeat
Another risk will be taken
This next time we shall see

© 2009 Jay Ligda

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Added on May 13, 2009
Last Updated on May 14, 2009


Jay Ligda
Jay Ligda

San Francisco, CA

I mainly write as a way to clear my mind of unwanted thoughts. Most of it is too personal or rough to publish here, but here is some that I polished up to share. more..
