Thanksgiving Poem

Thanksgiving Poem

A Poem by Jay Ligda


Half serving of everything
With respect for each taste
Eaten twice as slow
Nothing goes to waist
Food is God
With attention each bite
I take in his goodness
And reverence will ignite
Twenty minutes to pass
Before refilling my plate
I will just say “no”
To Holiday weight
So I sit in gratitude
On this gluttonous night
Health is what’s central
To last all my life
I’ll enjoying the meal
But know this godsend
The true source of joy
Are my family and friends

© 2008 Jay Ligda

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Added on November 27, 2008
Last Updated on November 27, 2008


Jay Ligda
Jay Ligda

San Francisco, CA

I mainly write as a way to clear my mind of unwanted thoughts. Most of it is too personal or rough to publish here, but here is some that I polished up to share. more..
