Chapter Four: Doctor, Doctor. Is there a doctor in the building?

Chapter Four: Doctor, Doctor. Is there a doctor in the building?

A Chapter by Amanda Eckhoff

            After he sat in the passenger seat, I closed his door. Then, I walked around to my side and turned on the car. With one last glance at MiKey who was clutching his tail, I pulled out of the driveway

It didn't take long to get to my house. My dad's car was there, so he was home. I pulled in behind him and turned off the car. He didn't even have the damn decency to move his car.

"Okay, uh he is still here so that is good." He nodded and I got out. He followed me inside, tracking behind like he was scared for his life. I would be too though in his situation. My f*****g house gives off an Adam's family vibe. I lead him into the kitchen and sat him at the table.

"I don't know what is going to happen about the situation with your dad. If you don't want me to say anything, I won't. But I don't how long I will be able to just sit back and let him do this to you." He averted his eyes.

"I don't know. I can't tell anyone about this. Not yet." I sighed. I felt that I should tell my dad. Just to get him help even though he didn’t want it. For some reason though, it really hurt to see he had gotten hurt.

"Okay. Stay here and I'll go get my dad." He just nodded.

I climbed the stairs to the hallway I assumed his office was still in. I walked down the hall and stood outside the door wringing my hands together in a nervous manner. I lifted my hand and knocked softly on the door. I heard shuffling of papers.

"Yes? Come on in Benjamin." I cringed, he just had to call me Benjamin. It was like he tried to spite me. I walked in slowly, though I felt just a bit pissed off already.

"Hi." He stared down at his desk.

"So, why are you here?" He said as if I was truly interrupting him. I almost rolled my eyes before sitting down in the plush chair.

"I have a friend downstairs who got into a fight and got pretty hurt. His parents are out for the week and he refused to go to the hospital. He thinks his nose is broken so could you check everything out?" My dad stood up.

"A fight? Don't you think we should contact his parents? I'm sure they wouldn't be too happy about the fact that their son is getting into fights while they are gone." He walked around to where he was standing over me and looking down at me.

"Well he doesn't want them to be concerned. They are on a vacation. It wasn't really his fault, see? It's not like he went out looking for fights.” He nodded.

"Well okay. But if his parents ask, he was never in my custody." I nodded and he walked to his door. All he really cared about was not getting a law suit the size of this house. I followed close behind him. He walked slowly and cautiously down the stairs and it felt like forever before we got to the kitchen. When I stepped through the door, MiKey was sitting where he was when I left. He looked up as we walked through the door. I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"My dad is just going to check things out okay. Do you want something to drink or something? I think we have water and uh I think that's all." He nodded. I went over to the refrigerator and noticed my dad was just standing in the doorway staring.

"Uh, what are you doing?" He walked slowly over to MiKey. He knelt down in front of him and touched his sensitive wolf ears.

"A h-hybrid? You're a hybrid? I can't believe this. The anatomy, it's so human. But your ears and-and tail." MiKey backed away from his touch.

"Come on dad your scaring him." I brought the water over to MiKey.

"I know, I'm sorry. I've just always wanted to see a hybrid in person. You know that there are only a hundred registered in the United States alone. All of my colleagues have gone to different countries to study them but I have never been able to make it. Where are you from?" MiKey looked at me scared. I shook my head.

"No, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to. I thought you were just going to check things out?" My "dad" looked at me then back at MiKey.

"Yes, right. I'm sorry." He lightly grabbed MiKey's face and turned it back and forth. He looked so helpless as my dad touched his cuts and bruises. He pulled out a tiny flash light and shined it in each of MiKey's eyes.

"Okay, kiddo. What's your name?" MiKey looked at me again then back.

"Uh, MiKey." My dad nodded.

"Okay, MiKey I want you to follow this flash light with your eyes."

After a battery of little test, he finally looked at MiKey's nose.

"Okay does it hurt when I apply pressure?" He pushed on it slightly and MiKey flinched.

"A little bit, yeah."

"Okay since I can't x-ray you obviously, I'm going to do this the old fashioned way." Mikey nodded and my dad pushed his nose to the side a little. MiKey flinched slightly. "On a scale of 1-10 how bad is the pain?"

"Uh, 5?" My dad nodded and stood up.

"I don't think it is broken. It’s probably just a bruised the bone." He nodded to me then to MiKey.

"Just keep the ice on it. And Benjamin I'll see you tomorrow. Try not to bother me in my office, unless it is truly important?" I nodded. If he is was going to try and gain daddy points, he isn't doing a very good job of it.

I turned to MiKey again and helped him to stand even though I knew he didn't need it.

"Um I know this is a stupid question, but do you want me to take you home? Or do you want to stay here? You can stay here. I don't want you to think that you can't." I looked him over and waited for him to answer me.

"I could s-stay here? I mean I won't if you don't want me too. I-I just don't want to be alone tonight." I gave him a weak smile.

"Yeah MiKey. Any time you’re in trouble you can stay here. Of course, you can stay here when you’re not." MiKey looked up at me with a spark of something in his eyes I haven't seen before. He nodded. "Come on." I led him up the stairs and to the hallway that was opposite of my dad's office and lead him to the last door on the left. I opened it up and knew he was trying to suppress surprise.

My dad told me that I could do whatever I wanted to my room, since my mother told me I couldn't do anything to it. I loved blue and old articles from newspaper that where from the 1960's and down. So, that is what I did to it. Well I didn't do it, I just drew out a plan and my dad hired people to do it for me. My walls were a baby blue and my bed sheets were navy blue. My walls had bits and pieces of very old articles plastered to them with a paper glue.

My bed was a California king and across from it hung a flat screen TV. A little to the right of the bed, in front of the TV was a small blue futon. On the wall my bed was lying against, was a big D.V.D and bookshelf case, made entirely of glass. It had every movie I had collected over the years and books from when I was really little. I had a plain white themed bathroom that connected to all of this. My dad had a lot of money so I had a lot of stuff.

"My uh, mom never wanted me to do anything to my room, she said that I should just be grateful for what I had. Then she left and my dad let me do anything I wanted to it." I blushed feeling embarrassed about how spoiled I was. MiKey just looked at me with no passing judgment whatsoever, he just smiled. The first of his smiles I had seen in a while.

"Wow I've never seen anything like this before. I wish I had stuff like this when I was growing up. Before I was adopted." He was looking at my bookshelf now.

"Do you mind me asking about it? How you got here I mean? Where is your mother?" He sat on the edge of my bed.

"Um, I was from England, but the people I lived with were from America. So, I never acquired an accent. I lived with them, and my mother. Well, it was more like my mother and I lived with them. In England they mostly used hybrids for maids. So, my mother cleaned and did housework for them. The man of the house I guess you could say, got her pregnant. My biological father.  When I was five she got leukemia and died the same year. I fought with them for 2 years and denied doing anything, so they just sort of gave me away to a friend of theirs. He flew me to the U.S. and registered me as his foster kid. Um my dad. I've lived with him ever since." He looked down at the floor sadly and I took a seat next to him.

"I'm sorry MiKey. I really am. I shouldn't have asked." He looked up at me and shook his head.

"It felt good to tell someone."

"My mom just left me. I don’t know where she is or if she’s alive but I have this house of a constant reminder of her. Do you have anything that reminds you of your mom?” I asked, just genuinely curious of how he felt about her. He must of really loved her.

"Yeah, I do…actually.” He reached in the collar of his shirt and pulled out a shiny gold chain, with a gold ring attached.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I touched it softly and he nodded.

"She told me to give it to the one person I was going to spend the rest of my life with, the love of my life. She told me I was hers. She was never married."

 "I'm sorry MiKey." He just nodded. After a tense moment I stood up.

"Uh, I don't know about you but I'm getting pretty tired. You can sleep on my bed tonight, and I'll just sleep on my futon." He stood up and awkwardly walked over to stand in front of me.

"Um, do you think that you could…um sleep…with me, on your b-bed? I don't want to be alone." I was shocked that he asked. I wasn’t sure what to say. I wasn’t sure what I wanted. What would if mean if I slept next to him? What did he want from me? Did he really just want comfort?

"Huh. Uh sure. If-if that is what you want." He nodded. After thinking a minute about it and debating on my next action, I hugged him again.

"You’re my friend right?" He asked. He should have known the answer to that. I knew I wanted him as a friend. But I wasn’t sure if that’s all I wanted. The thought made my heart beat quicken.

"MiKey…of course you are…" I trailed off and stared at the floor.

"Angel…" His voice was so tiny and scared. I wasn’t sure what else he was going to say because he didn’t continue. I watched him carefully.

“What?” I asked him. He pulled away from the hug and stood silent.

"Alright." I said, partly to him, partly to myself. "I have to brush my teeth and stuff do you need a tooth brush?" He nodded, well yeah he hadn’t brought anything with him.

"Come on." I led him into the bathroom. I took off my shirt and pants only standing in boxers. I popped my tooth paste tooth brush in my mouth and began vigorously scrubbing. He slowly took off his jeans and folded them in the corner. I smiled at him. He was only wearing a black shirt and green boxers. I smiled as he walked back over to the sink. I pulled a tooth brush from under the sink and handed it to him, it was still packaged in plastic and he had a hard time opening it. Finally, right before I spit my tooth paste out he got it open. I spit it back in the sink and rinsed with some mouth wash.

"Use whatever you need in here okay?" He nodded and I walked out to go get my bed ready. The lady that cleans my room puts the fifty something pillows, my dad made me buy, on my bed so I have to strip it down to like 2 pillows and just my comforter. Once I had that finished I climbed under the massive comforter and heard the water shut off in the bathroom. MiKey came out and switched the light out so it was completely dark. He found his way over to the bed and just stood there. I lifted the comforter up as a gesture and he climbed in, facing me. We were so close I could practically taste the mintiness on his breath. He just stared at me with his deep brown eyes and I couldn’t do anything else but stare back. Finally, after what felt like an eternity he slowly brought his mouth closer to mine. For a moment I leaned in to, but right as his mouth was about to touch mine. I pulled back. He looked hurt but I tried my hardest not look at his face. He turned around. I took a few moments to slow my breathing and heartbeat. I laid on my back for a while, eyes open and adrenaline pumping. I wanted to touch him. I knew I wanted to. I didn’t know if I should. I wasn’t sure what kind of moves I should make. I thought about wrapping my arm around him. It took me a long time to work up enough courage to actually move myself. I turned slowly and wrapped my arm around his midsection, pulling him closer to me from behind. He froze for a moment beneath my touch. I could feel him holding his breath but he then relaxed into me and sighed.

I couldn't understand the feelings he gave me. I didn't know what I was going to do with MiKey or how far I was going to go. I certainly didn't know what it all meant. But who the hell really cares? I tried to convince myself that it didn't matter how I felt about MiKey, but really it meant everything.

"MiKey…" I whispered, knowing I had something to say that needed to be said.

“Yeah?” He asked softly.

“I’m here for you.” I didn’t say any more, I didn’t think anymore. Then a few minutes later I drifted to sleep feeling right pressed against him in a way I never knew I had never felt before.




The next morning I woke up with MiKey practically on top of me. I was on my back and he had his face against my stomach. One of his legs was on my right side and the other on my left. His arms were wrapped around my middle and his tail tickling my nose. Before I was fully awake and I was just dozing in and out of sleep, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him cozily.

When I finally came to, I realized that we were embracing in a way that I wasn’t quite ready for. I tried to get him off of me softly without waking him but he only replied with holding onto me tighter. After a moment of struggling to get him off without waking him I finally just flipped him over on to the bed. He moaned and clutched onto the pillow next to him, but he didn't wake up. I took a deep breath and got up to go to the bathroom.  His back was too me. I couldn't see his face but by his steady breathing and stillness I could tell he was still asleep. I walked into the bathroom, and turned on the water to the shower. I quickly removed my boxers. I was glad it was Saturday.

I studied myself in the mirror looking at my naked self. I wouldn't say I was the greatest looking guy but my build wasn't bad, and I had a lot of muscle. Not all of it noticeable.

Thoughts of last night filled my head along with all the things MiKey had said. I didn't want him to ever feel lonely or neglected ever again. I stepped into the shower and just stood there, frozen.


After my shower I walked into my room with a towel around my waist and my hair a wild mess. I walked straight to my dresser and got a clean pair of boxers out. After I was clad in a clean pair of boxers, I walked back over to my bed. I sat on the edge and stared at MiKey's sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. No fear, trepidation, or nervousness; just peaceful. I slightly petted his tail, which he had snuggled under his nose. He moved a little and I didn't want to wake him so I stopped. I grabbed my cigarettes off my bedside table and popped one in my mouth after hitting the pack against the table a few times. I lit it quickly and took a long drag of it. The satisfaction of the nicotine calmed me.

MiKey stirred lightly and sat up in the bed. He squinted his eyes in attempt to keep some of the light out of his eyes.

"Hi." I said softly. He looked down and blushed lightly. God, this is going to take some getting used to. My girlfriend is a w***e and nothing embarrasses her.

"Hey." He said back. I took a long drag of my cigarette and blew it out quickly.

"So…" I turn to him. "Umm, it's nine thirty and I have nothing to do all day. What do you want to do? You could stay here or I could…take you home." I was quick to add, "If you want too." He looked at me with his eyes a little glazed with sleep.

"Uh…c-could I maybe take a shower?" I took another drag of my cigarette quickly.

"Yeah, yeah of course you can! You can shower. Um, you'll probably need clothes. Except for…I don't have any clothes with tail holes." He blushed some. I blew the smoke out of my lungs and stabbed my cigarette out in the ash tray on my bedside table. Quickly I stood up from the bed. I went towards the bathroom. I was almost to the door when MiKey's voice stopped me.

"Umm, W-what are you…" I turned and smiled at him.

"Just wait. I have an idea." I opened the first drawer on my sink and grabbed a pair of black handled scissors. I walked out and over to my closet. I opened it and got in the tote that had all of my old clothes. I had so many; I decided I would just store a few. I grabbed a pair of sports sweats and laid them on the floor. I figured everything I owned would be big on him, so I gave him something with strings. I glanced up at MiKey and he was staring at me a little bit confused. I grabbed the sweats and motioned for MiKey to come over here. He slowly stood up and walked over to me.

"All right Mikey turn around I want to get this right.” I took a sharpie from the drawer in my closet and opened it.

He nodded. I measured about how big I needed to make the hole and drew it on the pants. He sat down by me. I cut out the first hole slowly and intricately. It was good I thought.

"Kay, go try this on and see how it fits. I don't want your tail to be uncomfortable.” He left to try on the pants. He came back out with his tail lagging behind him lazily. He had taken his shirt off and my eyes unwittingly skimmed his midsection. The sweats hung lowly on his hip bones and rode down just a bit. I realized I was staring and quickly shook the thoughts from my head.

"Good fit?" He nodded.

"Thanks." He said it cautiously.

"No problem. I figured I’d give you something to wear here. I hope you'll be here a lot." He blushed.

"Yeah…me too." He smiled some and picked at the carpet. I reached up and touched his ear softly.

The touches and the way he blushed sent electricity through my body. I wanted to just…I didn't really know. I wanted to be close to him I guessed. I wanted to feel him near me. I wanted to taste him. Of that was I now completely sure of. The urge to kiss him hit me and my heart beat sped up. He looked up at me and his eyes took my breath away. I leaned forward some, he noticed and I saw him react if only slightly. I brought my lips close to his and attentively hovered there for a moment. I noticed his hand twitched like he wanted to move it somewhere but wasn’t sure where he wanted to put it. Slowly, he brought it up from the carpet and rested it softly on my hip. That was all the motivation I needed. I closed in the rest of the way and pressed my lips to his trembling ones and savored the warmth he gave me. We stayed connected that way for a few long, sweet seconds before I opened ever so slightly and felt him follow suit. I could feel and hear the sharp intake of breath he took through his nose when our tongues touched. I sighed with relief. I knew this is what I had wanted. What I had needed. It felt so damn good. It felt so right. As I kissed him, my hand came up to touch his cheek. That moment made those butterflies in my stomach flutter almost violently and a pleasant heat came over me. I never thought it would be this good to kiss a guy. I never knew it would feel so right.

I pulled back slowly and I wiped it away the remnants of the kiss from my lips. MiKey had his eyes closed and was ever so lightly caressing my hip. After a moment he opened them and looked at me.

"What does it mean?" His voice was soft and quiet. I shook my head.

"Don't. Just don't worry about what it means. Let’s just do this okay? Let’s do this and be crazy. I wanna do something crazy for once. I don't wanna be predictable anymore and you, you…god I don't know. You make me feel good." He smiled.

"Okay." I kissed his lips softly again before handing him the clothes I had. 

"Here you can use these and I'll give you a shirt when you get out." He nodded and stood up. I watched him as he stood up and walked to the bathroom. The after effects of that kiss still lingered in me. What had I just done? Did I really want it? I knew the answer was yes but it wasn’t an easy one.

When I saw the door close I lit up another cigarette. I wondered how he could be so small. I picked up all of my stuff and put it back in the closet, before going to get a shirt and sitting on the bed. It was one of my favorite shirts. It was comfortable, so I figured MiKey would feel better in it, instead of the old black shirt he was wearing that was scratchy. The shirt was special. My dad bought it for me on Christmas last year. It's red and longed sleeved. Kind of silky, really warm and button up. It's nice and I used to wear it all the time, then I put it up and forgot about it. MiKey should have it. It's so comfortable; maybe he'll feel safe even when I'm not around. I started to shake some. What should I think about the situation? What was MiKey to me now? What did he want to be? I was frightened and unsure about a lot of things but there was one thing I was sure about. I wanted him. I couldn’t push it down any longer. I wanted him.

It didn't take long for MiKey to walk out of the steamy bathroom, with just his sweats on. I couldn't help myself looking at his slim figure. I couldn't quite place what it was about him that turned me on, he just did. He saw me looking and blushed. He continued to walk over to me and stood in front of me. I handed him the shirt and he timidly took it from me.

"This is really all…just…crazy." He said it softly and the tone of his voice made me want to just hug him. "Thanks for all of this. You know?…Everything." I nodded. He just stood there with the shirt in his hands.

"I know it's crazy. I've never done anything like this before, not with anyone. It's just…I-I really like you." He smiled so big and genuine that it had to have been one of the first real smiles he's ever given me.

"I like you too Angel." I smiled back. He slipped the shirt on his shoulders and buttoned it up. When he was done, I pulled him down on the bed.

"When do you have to be home?" His eyes dropped to the sheets below us.

"Um, I need to be home before four at least. My dad gets home at six and if I don't have my homework done by then, then he'll be pissed." I nodded.

"Well it's only…" I turned over and pulled the blankets up a little to see the clock. "Ten." He nodded.


"I want to ask you questions so I can get to know you better. You know like understand were your coming from." He nodded.


"Okay, so like what do you do for fun or like a hobby, or whatever." He looked at me and smiled.

"Uh…I love school."

"Really?" He nodded.

"I don't really know what it is, I just…I love working on stuff. I love accomplishing things even if it's just a little worksheet. I love to read too. I read anytime I can grab a book. I love English and literature. Oh and Edgar Allen Poe is my favorite author ever. It's crazy how we can get entertainment from his pain now. Like when he was writing all of that stuff, I bet he never once thought of having people in future generations reading all of it and getting amusement from it. You know? I love that. Every sentence he writes is a poem in itself. Every one. It's like a painter and colors. He doesn't just pick one color, he picks all and just combines them into something beautiful…" MiKey continued on talking about Edgar Allen Poe and other artist. I could tell that he was excited to talk about all the stuff he loves. I could tell that he never gets time to talk about his feelings, what he likes, and all the things that are just wonderful about him. I was perfectly content with giving him that. I watched as he seemed to just get this crazy burst of energy and just letting everything out that he never had a chance to tell anyone else.

"…Do you?" I snapped out of my trance.


"Read? Do you read at all?" I smiled.

"Yeah, a little here and there. I've read a couple things by Edgar Allen Poe, like The Fall of the House of Usher and William Wilson." He smiled.

"Those are some of my favorites." I smiled back.

"Where do you come from? Like after England but before here." He frowned a little.

"Um, we did live in Wisconsin." I smiled.

"Wisconsin? What did you do there?"

"Nothing." He blushed slightly. I had a feeling I knew what that was about.

"Did you have a girlfriend?" I said in a teasing voice.


"I kind of had a…boyfriend." I kind of felt like I was punched in the stomach. I mean, was it selfish to think that I was the only guy MiKey had even looked at differently? I never really thought that he was gay. Just…I don't know what I thought.

"A boyfriend? Are you like…"

"Gay?" I nodded.

"Well, I don't really know. It's weird cause when I see a girl that is really pretty than I'm attracted to her. But it isn't enough for me to be interested in her. I can't really help but to think that a guy is hot in my head, but when I see a girl I can control it." I sort of saw what he was getting at. "Okay, say you saw a girl walking down the street. You know she is pretty, but you don't feel the urge to just touch her. But then you see this guy walking down the street and you know he's hot, and you imagine yourself touching him. See?" I just nodded. I sort of felt that way too, I just never gave the thought the time of day.

"So, what happened between you two?" He looked down again and an expression I couldn't place crossed his face.

"Well me and Daven dated for a while. He never really acted like he liked me much. Sure he'd act interested when he wanted something from me. When I moved he just said good-bye and sent me off. It didn't even seem like he cared at all. I guess I didn’t really feel anything for him either. He was kind of a dick anyway." I frowned.

"His f*****g loss. If it makes you feel any better, I think that you're the most interesting person I've ever met." He smiled and I did too. I leaned over a little because I really wanted to feel his lips against mine. Just to feel them you know? I pressed mine to his and just savored it. He was the one to deepen it. He pressed his tongue into my mouth and they slid together perfectly.

"Mm." I moaned as he raked his hand through my hair softly. I could feel myself getting hard and in a way I wanted to, but then again I didn't. I was attracted to him and he turned me on in a way I hadn’t felt before but I didn't feel right to use MiKey like that. Sure it was okay with Candy. She was a s**t. As much as I wanted to, and oh I wanted too, there was still something holding me back. I pulled back from him for a moment and caught my breath. I had an introspective debate with myself and initially, my head won and I decided against anything my body wanted.

"Do you want to do something?" He shrugged.

"How about…we go see a movie?" He turned towards me a little.

"Like at a movie theater?" I nodded, a little confused.

"I can remember the last time I went…my dad never let me go and Daven never really took me on dates before…" He smiled and I smiled. Then, I jumped up and grabbed his arm, lightly pulling him from the bed. "Well, come on then. We're going to the movies."

© 2013 Amanda Eckhoff

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Added on May 20, 2013
Last Updated on June 12, 2013
Tags: chapter four, cigarettes and pepsi, story, beginning, introduction, boys, gay, romance, hybrid, abuse, violence


Amanda Eckhoff
Amanda Eckhoff


I love writing about things out of the ordinary. In my writing I love to explore human sexuality, relationships, and human struggles. Most of my writings involve gay main characters but are not limite.. more..

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A Chapter by Amanda Eckhoff