Gone Goodbye

Gone Goodbye

A Poem by R. P. Coke

Age age age age age

I feel the age

The coming of an age

The time slipping, slipping away

I don’t want this

I want this

Time is passing

I am gasping

The time is

I am



Soon it’s gone

And I am evolved

And there is history

There is now

There is the nothing

There is the hour

And I am floating

Floating away

Away I am gone soon

And then I am gone forever

And my time is over

And I am gone

Like really gone

That’s messed up

That’s hardcore

Oh I am so scared

And so excited

I love you, maker

I love you lover

Time is coming, always

Time is gone, soon

Soon gone

Gone soon

I am gone

Goodbye the world and time

I am gone

Gone, goodbye