I NEED SOME HELP: school & life

I NEED SOME HELP: school & life

A Story by whitfit



I don't know what I'm doing or getting myself into. I'm a sophmore in high school and I've been debating wether or not to drop out now for the past two months.


I know, I know. "What the heck are you thinking Whitney?! Your'e a sixteen year old sophmore in high school and you want to just stop now?!" No. I'm a sixteen year old young girl who thinks she has it all figured out, then changes her mind, then again, then again. I'm supposed to be a senior next year, if only I haden't failed 8th grade. Then, 9th grade I got into the drug scene, got arrested, and spent my freshman year in juvi. Now that I look back, I don't think I could have passed freshman year if it weren't for all those 100s on all my word searches in jail.


I'm failing almost everything. I never go to class, and when I do, I talk to friends and color pictures. I have no excuse as to why I'm failing and I don't expect any sympathy. I could pass if I wanted to, but the thing is, I don't. I know I sound really stupid right now but I could care less about school. I know I will later, I know whats right for me and what I SHOULD be doing. I just don't want to. It's laziness I'm fully aware. It's so frustrating and I wish I weren't this way but I am. I know I have the power to get back up and just do what I need to do in high school to graduate, I JUST DON'T WANT TO.


I've met a boy. He's a senior and about to graduate. He's going to tech school in August, and we want to get an apartment then too. My plan WAS to drop out, get my GED, and get a full time job. A friend and his twin brother were also going to move in too, so there would be 4 of us, all with jobs, mine full time, one still in high school also with a part time job, and the twins going to school half days and working the rest of the time. It sounds perfect. Were all not the type to throw a party and trash everything, we do whats expected, and respect each other. I was so stoaked for it until me and my boyfriend started arguing more, and I realized he's not someone who would be able to support me down the road.


I think I'm going to just go to an alternative school, get a diploma there, and go on with my life.

I want to do something with kids. I want to become a nurse, councelor, SOMETHING. I like to help people.


I just, need to help myself first. I don't know. I'm so lost I don't even know what to say. I want to feel bad for myself and get all this pity but at the same time, I know whats expected of me, and I know what I need to do. It's MY fault I wont just get up and do it! fdsklgkjhjklghnkldzng I Don't know :[




© 2008 whitfit

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Babe, I think you know exactly what you need to do.
I think you should screw the alternative school and graduate high school the way you knowyou can. You need to work a plan where you just get it done. I know plently of people who NEVER do homework at home and can still make straight 70s. I think you should instead of seeking ways and opportunites to not doing it and seeing all these roads you could take just stop and make it something you have to do. Stop looking at alternative schools and knowing their are other ways. I'm sure if alot of kids knew you could just drop out andget a GED they would. But they don't stay in school because they want too? Because its a way of life. Look at it as something you need to do. Just start next year as a brand new year. Go to school, and I'm sure Nick will support you and God knows I will support you. And if you can't do it forever yourself baby doll, do it for me. Do it for the people you love. Who know how smart you are. You wouldn't write this whole thing if you care. Just take action and do it. Whitney it breaks my heart to know you might drop out. Honestly. You belong in school. And you are SUCH a smart person that it will only make you that much better. Education is something NOBODY can take away from you. People die, friends dissapoint you, life changes. Your education is what is in your head. Nobody is going to bash your brains up and ruin what you know. Its the ONE thing you have control of. And I mean I know you are lazy or you just don't want to but the thing is you can. Prove to everyone you can. I know its wrong to do things for other pepole but maybe thats what you need in this situation. I just don't get why more people aren't telling you to stay in school. I didn't want to say anythign because I thought you would feel like I was juding you. And I'm not judging you at all. Not in anyway. I just know you can do better. It breaks my heart to see you in Mrs.Hick's class. As much as I love talking to you and drawing pictures with you and laughing with you, I feel like I'm an accomplice to something that shouldn't be happening.

You deserve an education.
You just do. And I really want you to stay in highschool.
Redo sophmore year with me, I will help you. You don't even know how much I'll help you.
I'm always here, and I knowyou don't need my help.

I know you're smart Whitney. I mean come on. Your Whitfit.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Whatever you'll decide,I think no matter how hard you work, you can't succeed in something that you're doing because you consider it a must! You must love what you're doing; otherwise, you won't do it with all your heart. So follow your heart and your dreams. Good luck.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Not real sure if you would take advice given to you, so I'll tell you how my life turned out.

At 16 I had the option to become a drop out.
At 18 I had the option to stay wasted.
At 20 I had the option to have a baby or not. I unregrettably kept my baby.
At 20 I no longer had the options that so many around me had. I had a baby, who would grow up to have the same options I had. I screwed my life up. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure my child doesn't make the same mistakes I made.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on April 28, 2008
Last Updated on April 28, 2008



Grapevine, TX

I'm Whitney. I'm 16. And my passion is all for writing. I hope to learn about this website soon, and begin writing tons of work that interest different types of people. My main goal is to write about .. more..

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