

A Poem by whiteNight

I really distain stoplights. So much D;

Oh, the light is green
Go go go go-
Oh God d****t
It had to change to yellow

I come to a full stop
As the red light mocks me
I sigh and drum my fingers
I have somewhere I need to be

"Come on, come on",
I mutter with a frown
Why is this taking so long?
I need to be across town.

I look over at the next lane
At the driver beside my car
It's filled with so many drunks
It looks like happy hour at a bar

I sigh at turn back to the light
And it's still that taunting red
Oh my God, this is bull-
Hell no, is that a moped?

I scowled as a moped squeezed
Between me and the mobile drunks
I banged my head against the wheel
I try to channel the peace of monks

Red red red red red
Roses are red, I am so blue
I'm beyond bored at this light
I'm late and there's nothing I can do

Red, red, red - Green
My foot is the gas
And I'm long gone
Stoplight - kiss my a*s

Oh no. Oh God no. Please no.
I see another traffic post alike
I stop and bang my head on the wheel
I'm so getting a bike.

© 2013 whiteNight

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haha i love this and I can totally relate, red lights can get very frustrating.
Enjoyed it a lot :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Aha, completely thrilled to hear that you did ^u^
Yeah, I disdain red light with a passion .-... read more

11 Years Ago

you're most welcome :)
This is very well written, it is such a common emotion that affects most humans in, what we may call, society and is primarily, inherent, with the young. Though, can have on affect through one's life. you have such a good perception of being human for someone with, at the moment, your minute physical presence and being in this life.


Posted 11 Years Ago

This is a well developed process of thought, it has quick development and expression of a particular emotion. If i may also say, it shows a handicap, generally affected by youth, though not confined to just being young, for it can be lifelong. You seem to have a very good grasp of, if you will, life, for someone with the minimal experience in this particular plane. Well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you! I really wanted to express the strong emotions in a simple everyday scenario.
And .. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on June 17, 2013
Last Updated on June 17, 2013
Tags: #stoplight, #ineedsleep, #traffic, #impacience



San Antonio, TX

Hi, I'm 16, and constantly moving. I've lived around the world, and I wanted a place to share my writing. I'm a sucker for beat poems, and I would be lost without sports and literature in my life. .. more..

Soul Soul

A Poem by whiteNight