![]() Chapter 9A Chapter by whatamafuThe sun was nearing its peak in the sky when the sound of yelling and stomping outside penetrated the dreams of a sleeping boy who resided in the worst room in the “lesser” boys’ dorm. Exited voices of unknown people resounded. “He’s coming!” “I can’t believe I’m going to meet Kamishi!” “The strongest one is going to visit our school!” Hiro rubbed his eyes groggily. Coming… Meet Kamishi… Visiting our school… “Oh s**t!!!” He suddenly sat up upon deciphering what was going on. His wounds had plastered themselves to the sheets beneath him, and when he jumped from the bed, they ripped of his body like a Band-Aid. The sudden reopening of the injuries caused him to double over in pain. Steadying his feet, Hiro forced his way to the showers. The shower room was empty. Daylight came through narrow windows near the ceiling. A bland tile pattern of shades of blue encompassed the whole room. There were no separate shower rooms, just rows of showerheads with a few feet between each one. Narrow drainage trenches lined all the walls. They were filled with all the filth associated with difficult physical training. It would be disgusting to the uninitiated. However, the residents of the dorm were used to it, and Hiro was no exception. He stopped in front of a showerhead in the middle of the room and turned the handle bellow it. The experience was miserable. Stinging flesh covered his body. Old scabs that were filled with debris had to be scrubbed off. The water coming off his body went from a clear brown to a stained red hue. He felt light headed to the point of near fainting, but made it through. He turned off the water, and grabbed his towel from the rack at the entrance. He carefully dried himself. Winching every time he touched one of his injuries. The towel grew redder and redder as it was gently pressed to the wounds, but eventual the bleeding stopped, and his body was dried. Hiro went back to his room and began to wrap his wounds. In the past, Lisanna would do this for him when he returned with minor injuries, but when they grew apart with their training; he had managed on his own. However, it was difficult work with so many places to cover, and to such an extent. When he finished, he tossed his soil cloths in a corner. Reaching down, he picked up a neatly folded stack of clothing. It was another grey shirt and black pants combo that were exactly the same as the refuse ones. In fact all the neat piles on the floor were of the same outfit. No one ever accused him of being the creative type. Having dressed, he hurried out of the dorm to the school. The sounds of a gathering crowd filled the air. Juniors and underclassmen were all lined up leading to the school. A path had been left in the middle, and at the end of it were the seniors, or at least what was left of them. If they were still haunted by the deaths of those not present, they no longer showed it. Instead they had looks of anticipation. Kamishi was coming, and they all idolized the man. The one they called their leader. In the past, a particularly cruel man named Sensoken ruled Sazakira. He had an amazing power to manipulate other people’s bodies. In the early days of his rule, many had gone to claim his title of strongest, but no one even managed to lay a finger on him. Sensoken would make them kill themselves or others around them without even moving. He was known to slowly break every bone in the body of his opponents before finishing them. That cruel man was untouchable, and before long, none dared to challenge him. Regardless of the lack of opposition, he began to kill anyone who he believed could ever threaten him. He banned the battle schools from operating anymore so that no one would ever raise up to challenge him. He left no room for competition. Anyone with a power was forced into the military. If it was discovered that a civilian had a power, Sensoken would have them killed along with their whole family. No one dared to say anything in opposition to the evil practices, as even mentioning Sensoken’s name poorly would lead to certain execution. The people lived in fear of the man until five years ago. Kamishi emerged from anonymity and killed Sensoken. No one had seen the fight. On the day Sensoken died, his servants had lead Kamishi to the battle room where challengers would face the man. Their masters’ cruelty sickened them, and they left knowing how the fight would end. Just like countless others had. So when they heard their mastor’s screams just a minute later, they rushed in only to find him dead on the floor. An untouched Kamishi stood over the body. How he had won was never known. What was known is that he had killed an undefeatable man without getting so much as a scratch. That man was a different breed. That man that they would come to call “Leader”. Sounds of cheering exploded as that very leader appeared alone on the dirt path to the school. He had no need for guards; no one would be foolish enough to attack him. The cheers grew louder as the man approached. The sky was cloudy as Hiro looked down the path. The figure drew near. His hairstyle was similar to Hiro’s, however it was a golden blond. He had a fair complexion and his face was smooth, other than a single scar on his left cheek. He wore an open black coat with matching baggy pants that ran into combat boots, all of them were black. The man appeared to be in his mid-twenties and was very handsome. He did not stop as he passed Hiro, but looks where exchanged. Brown eyes meet sky blue ones. Hiro’s blood froze. Kamish! Those eyes!! Hiro grabbed his head. The images of his past started flooding in again. He
was crying. The blood stained every part of his body. It felt like his heart
had been ripped out of his chest. The unmoving bodies lay before him. A hand reached down and took hold of
him. Looking up from where he sat, Hiro looked into the piercing sky blue orbs of
a man in front of him. “This wasn’t your fault. Come with me. It’s time you
leave this place.” Hiro was now on his knees. The crowd around him took no notice. The most powerful man in the country was the sole focus of their attention. Hiro was lost in a different world. Hiro was flung back into a tree
in the forest. His muddy body slumped to the muddier ground. His body was
covered in bruises and cuts. The grass in the area was torn up. The falling
rain had long since turned the ground to brown sludge. Puddles were everywhere. Hiro looked up to the blond man
in front of him. The rain rolled off the tips of his hair and onto his black
attire. The cloths were plastered to his body, but he was otherwise clean. “I turned seven today.” “Meh. That doesn’t mean you get
to take it easy today.” The boy looked at the ground
dejectedly. “I didn’t expect you to let me take it easy. I just thought you
might care.” “Your age changing doesn’t affect
your training, so I don’t care.” “Mom and Da-“ “You’re parents are dead! I’m
responsible for you now, so all you need to train!” “All we do is train and wander!
Can’t you at least act like you care about me Kamishi!” “I’m not hear to play house with
you! I’m here to make you useful!” “What am I to you?!” The sounds of something
approaching had Kamishi instantly pressing up against the same tree as Hiro.
Moments later a patrol of soldiers emerged not but a hundred yards away. Some of the guards were
conversing as they passed. “Another murder! We always get
the s****y clean up jobs! Now were stuck out here in the rain searching for the
guy that did it.” “Yeah I know what you mean. If
this guy wants to kill people so bad, he should just join the military.
Sensoken has plenty of dirty work that needs to be done.” “And judging from the way this
guy kills people, I’d say he’s on par with Sensoken’s cruelty. Did you see the
body? Every time it’s the same thing. Man those villagers were not prepared for
something like that.” “Yeah what kind of a person-“ Kamishi leaned down to Hiro. “Meh…
We need to move.” “But we just got to this town.” “And why is it that we train
outside the towns we visit? If Sensoken knew I was training you, we would both
be killed. The guards are on high alert over something that happened in town,
so it’s not safe here anymore.” The soldiers’ voices grew louder.
“-and blood. And no witnesses
either.” Kamishi grabbed Hiro and they
quietly went deeper into the forest. They got further and further away from the
guards until their voices were no longer audible. “We need to get out of the area
before more guards show up. Meh, we’re running.” Hiro nodded, and then they were
off. That was how life had always
been. From one place to another. Training in secret. That was how he was
raised. That was his childhood Ever since Kamishi took him from that house
where they meet. The images stopped for a moment. His head was spinning. Why was he in that house? Why did he take me with him to begin with? This isn’t right! More memories flooded his mind. Upon his ascension to power,
Kamishi reinstated all the battle schools, and took special interest in making
sure they were used. A task force was put together that would travel the
country and take children, whom they deemed had potential, to those schools. It
was not optional. At that time, Kamishi took Hiro to one of those schools. A twelve-year-old Hiro stood
outside a large school building with his guardian beside him. The grounds were
filled with new students of the battle school. It was one of many that Kamishi
had reestablished since killing Sensoken. Kamishi spoke to the adolescent
beside him. “Hiro, study here from now on. Grow stronger for me. You have to
repay you’re debt after all.” He rubbed the boy’s hair and left without another
word. A young silver haired boy yelled out to the now isolated
child. “Ha! What a baby! Can’t be brought here by the soldiers like everyone
else? You have to have you’re dad drop you off? You were all cute with him!
You’re a daddy’s boy aren’t you?!” Hiro’s voice was cold. “He’s not
my dad.” “You can’t expect me to believe
that. Now you’re just making excuses!” His past experiences weighed in
his voice. “He’s nothing more than a guardian.” The boy came up to Hiro and hit
him. “I thought you said he was your guardian. Looks like he can’t guard crap!”
He went to strike again when he
suddenly felt paralyzed with fear. A killing intent so powerful it overwhelmed
his system struck him. In a panic he searched for its source. Then he found it.
That man had stopped, and his sky blue eyes were impaling the young Kazuto.
After a few seconds, the man turned and left. His voice was shaken and quiet.
“W-who is he?” “Kamishi.” His face was that of a ghost; his
voice a whisper as he looked at the boy before him. “The one who killed
Sensoken. the strongest man. He’s your guardian?!” Kamishi continued on, but those piercing eyes and bitter memories remained burned into Hiro’s mind. The last words Kamishi had spoken to him repeated themselves over and over. I have to repay my debt? What am I to you? The leader of Sazakira reached the end of the path, and now stood before the seniors. After raising a hand, the crowd fell quiet. “Men and women… No, warriors of Sazakira! The time to prove yourselves is upon you! You must uphold not only your own pride, but also that of your country’s! Thirteen surrounding nations will be competing in this year’s exam. It is imperative that we show them our strength. Give them a demonstration of our power! Show them that they cannot challenge us! Show them that we are the best!!!” It was as if nature itself understood the power of the man who had just spoken, and the wind blew strongly around him. The clouds in the sky opened up, and it seemed as if the sun shown brightest on Kamishi. Birds from the surrounding trees took to the air as the fearsome cry of the senior class erupted in response to their leaders words. If an enemy heard them now, they would have been overcome with fear. However, in this school, no one was fooled by the seniors’ display. It was known that they were weak. With the short speech over, Kamishi went to retire to the place that had been prepaired for him. Despite others efforts to stop and speak with him, he disappeared into the now swarming masses. A hand was put upon Hiro’s shoulder. The voice was not the passionate one that had just spoken, but the cold one he had known throughout his childhood. “Do not disappoint me.” Hiro turned to see Kamishi, but he was no longer there. Hiro’s mind was swimming, his body ached, and his heart was faltering. The memories weighing on his mind were amplified by his physical exhaustion. Sickness arouse in his stomach. He quickly withdrew from the area. When he thought he had isolated himself, he bent over to release his sickness. However, a soft hand took hold of his. Lisanna had concern etched into her face. “Hiro… are you alright.” The warmth that entered his hand reminded him of that night when he walked her to her dorm. It calmed his nerves, and the sickness subsided. Her very form was soothing, and her voice was comforting. Her beautiful purple eyes showed care for him, and when he looked into them, his mind cleared along with the memories. The only thing he could see or think about was her. He found himself thinking it again. She really is beautiful. She let go of him. “W-why are you looking at me like that!” “You’re blushing.” “S-so are you!” “Meh.” She started to get angry and drew up a fist, but then she burst out laughing. When she had recovered she spoke. “That’s good. It seems like your already back to your old self. You had me worried these last two days.” She took notice of his poorly wrapped injuries. “Did you wrap those yourself?” “Yeah. Why?” “Idiot! Don’t you know how to take care of yourself?! You did it all wrong! Come with me, I’ll do it!” She grabbed him again and started to drag the boy away. “No really, I’m fine now! They don’t really hurt anymore!” He wasn’t kidding, he felt a lot better. “You dummy, and what happens when you get an infection from dirt getting in these poorly done wrappings?” “Dirt can get in?” He reexamined himself and noticed all the gaps. “ I guess I though I was better than this… Meh…” She looked back at the boy and smiled. “Just leave this kind of thing to me!” Lisanna then continued off in the direction of his dorm. Hiro entered his room with Lisanna. Upon seeing a bloody sheet, disheveled clothing, and general filth in the room, she felt overwhelmed. “W-what happened here?” “I woke up.” She held up the bloodied sheet. “People don’t wake up like this!” “I couldn’t clean up last night.” She instantly knew what he meant by that. “…It’s alright. Do you have any other sheets?” He indicated a place beneath the bed. “Give me a second, then we will get to your bandages.” She put the new sheet on, called him over to sit, and then tended his wounds. Lisanna was the only one grimacing as she removed the bandages that clung to him. He insisted he felt fine. She looked with horror at the wounds that covered his body. She took a deep breath and began to carefully wrap them again. Lisanna took the bloody bandages and got up. “You lay down and get some rest.” “What about you?” “Don’t worry about me. I am just going to do some tidying up.” Feeling his exhaustion, Hiro took her up on the offer and closed his eyes. In just a few seconds, his breathing took on a rhythmic pattern that indicated sleep. Lisanna then began to move about the room. Soft rays of fading sun reached out and touched Hiro’s face. He began to stir, and then opened his eyes. He yawned. “Aaaahhh… meh… meh… meh.” The brown haired boy looked out his window. “Lovely, waking up as the sun goes down…” Feeling a weight against his legs, he looked down. His body froze stiff, the thumping in his chest grew faster, and his palms grew moist. On the floor beside him, there was a beautiful girl. She was sitting on the ground, body leaned over the bed, and her head was resting in his lap. The rays of the sun made her hair a soft gold. Her skin appeared luminescent. The sleeping figure was both graceful and striking. She
looks like an angel. With great difficulty Hiro removed his eyes from her form and looked about the room. It was spotless. His dirty clothing and sheets had been cleaned and folded. She even placed them in their correct places. The floors had been washed, and anything that could be dusted, was dusted. He looked back to the captivating girl beside him. Hiro smiled as he touched the bandaging on one of his arms. You did all this for me… You’ve earned a rest yourself.
Painstakingly slowly, Hiro moved himself out of the bed in such a way that he could still support Lisanna’s sleeping figure. When he had managed his way off, he cradled the girl softly. Using all the care his body could muster, he picked her up and laid her on the bed, and pulled the cover over her. He took one last look at her and then left the room. © 2014 whatamafuAuthor's Note
Added on July 16, 2014 Last Updated on August 26, 2014 Author |