Sweetest Taboo

Sweetest Taboo

A Poem by wett ink

Portuguese Love . . .



The Sweetest Taboo
            The words you speak are the sweetest taboo. They mesmerize my heart and give my spirit the light, darkness receives from the moon.
          The whispers you breathe into the air towards me are the loudest silence the wind blows this way. The distance in our hearts connected by fantasies we keep locked, deeply away.
          In another life, time will stand still so our bodies may finally join. The chemistry that will ignite and flow between us will result in two souls conforming to one. Won’t it?
          For now, listen as the ocean's tides cover the echoes of our storm. They ricochet off rocks crashing along the shore. Later, not now, we’ll hear poetic justice sentencing us to eternal love"eternity, forever, always, ever more.
          Apart we signify shadows"dark clouds of emptiness forming, foggy, building a haze. But when we're together our shadows become images of reality " of a tabooed love our hearts so passionately claim.
          So look for me out over the ocean, and listen for my whispers to rise from the bottom of the sea. When you walk along the shore, reach behind you, in your hand, mine will be. Copyright © February, 1998.

© 2011 wett ink

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I liked this one. I am not use to story poems but you did very well on this..You held my atttention and left me wanting to read more..lovely write..lol and God bless..Valentine

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 17, 2008
Last Updated on January 9, 2011