![]() Prologue, sort ofA Chapter by Emily Weaver![]() Meeting the characters!![]()
I shoved my sweater over my head. Today is going to be annoying.
Almost tripping, I jogged down the stairs to meet up with my older brother, Ian. "Hey, Skylar. How are your legs feeling?" I glanced at him and simply shrugged. I meandered into the kitchen and grabbed a red sphere off the table. "Don't worry. It gets better once you get used to it. It took me a few weeks to get over the whole "gravity thing," he admitted. I nodded as I nibbled the sphere. What was this called again? I wondered. "Hey, uh Ian? What is this called again?" He glanced at me and took note of what I was eating. "It's an apple, Skylar. Oh, and before I forget to tell you, I called the superintendent. You are to start school tomorrow morning." He walked to the patio before the words began to sink in. "What? But I just got here! I didn't even know this was an ap-ple!" I argued as I followed him out onto the deck. He held up a hand. "I don't want to argue about this. In order for you to fit in, you have to go to school. That's what all the normal kids your age do here." I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Whatever. I'm going out," I spat as I made for the door. "Well, okay. But make sure you're home before--" I slammed the door as I walked out in the front lawn. I heard Ian mutter 'sunset' as I rushed toward the meadow beside our house. ... That night, I rushed home. Oh, God. What if I don't make it in time? I quickened my pace as I tried to act normal on the street leading up to my house. Almost there. I can make it. I sped up as I reached the last step up onto the porch. I reached out and turned the doorknob and scrambled in. I slammed the door and leaned up against it, sighing deeply. "Where were you?" Ian rushed out from the kitchen. He peeked out the window as he closed the blinds quickly. "I didn't think you would make it--" "Yeah? Well I did." I glared at him as I went to sit down. I noticed his hand glimmer before he was able to shut the last window. "Skylar, I know you are mad, but it's just not safe for you at home right now. There is a war breaking out and I don't want my little sister in the middle of it!" I sighed in defeat as I sunk back down onto the seat. Ian sat next to me and slung his arms around me. I flinched. "W-what are you doing?" "It's called a hug, Skylar. Listen, I know you are home-sick, but just trust me when I say this: I will take you back home as soon as it is safe." I looked back at him, something blurring my vision. "Really? Promise?" He nodded sincerely. "Promise." I put my arms around him in a hug too. ... The next morning, I yawned as I rolled out of bed and trumped down the stairs. Hmm, what is that smell? As I reached the kitchen, I saw Ian doing something with his back hunched over. "What are you doing?" I questioned, sneaking up behind him. "Well, these are eggs," he said, pointing over at some yellow things in a pan. "And this is bacon," he motioned over to some brown sticks sizzling in a pan. "Eggs and ba-cun. Interesting." Ian smiled as he flipped the things onto a plate. I stabbed at the ba-cun and put a piece in my mouth. Mmm, this is good! Ian still had the smile plastered on his face, but his eyes had a hint of sadness glinting in them. I swallowed. "Ian, what's the matter?" Ian grabbed my hand and led me out onto the back porch. I looked from him to my feet as I tried to understand what was going on. Once he looked at me again, I saw that his face had gotten a little brighter than normal. "Skylar, I have been called back home." In the few second that it took to process this, Ian's whole body had gotten another shade brighter. "What? No! You can't leave me here! Y-you said that you would take me home when it was safe! J-just don't leave me alone!" I collapsed onto him as I wrapped my arms around his waist. Ian rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing?" I sniffed. "It's called a hug, remember?" Ian unraveled my arms from him as he looked up into the sky. He got a few shades brighter. "Skylar, just remember to be safe!" As he got a few shades brighter, I had to look away. Once I looked back, all that was left was the empty porch. I sunk down onto the splintered boards and rubbed at my eyes that were suddenly wetter than usual. © 2012 Emily WeaverAuthor's Note
Author![]() Emily WeaverTXAboutMy name is Emily and I love to read romance novels... So that is a lot of what I write. I have been wanting to be a writer for a couple of years now because I just have such a strong interest in it. (.. more..Writing