The Green Fire

The Green Fire

A Chapter by Robert Francis Callaci

End of an Age


Green Fire



as the walls came tumbling down
an itsy bitsy spider weaved its web
amongst the bug infested ruins of Armageddon
whilst the last rites of the red cockroach
(administered by mealy mouth maggots
whispering sanctimonious platitudes)
sent the faithful into a frenzy of despair

in the clear sparkling waters of heaven
an itsy bitsy spider laid its colorless eggs
amongst the pristine ruins of Avalon
whilst the coronation of the blue dolphin
(administered by God obsessed virgins
singing songs of jubilee)
signaled to the faithful that rapture was at hand

in the cold dark corridors of hell
the itsy bitsy spider gave a halleluiah shout
as it crawled back into the bloated belly of the beast

it’s the small things in life that go unnoticed…


(excerpts  from the journals  of “the four horseman of the apocalypse”)







Pandora didn’t know weather to laugh in delight or scream in fright as she found herself dangling in the arms of yet another Great Power. Her body felt like it was engulfed in flames.  If she wasn’t made of sterner stuff she would have fainted dead away from the pain that came from the Dark Lords blistering touch. She felt like an ant amongst anteaters and felt powerless and insignificant amongst these terrifying Beings. She only hoped that the One who finally ate her would get a bellyache that would never end.


Lucifer almost dropped Pandora on her head from trying to contain His laugher as He heard the young ones thoughts. Whispering in Pandora’s ear He said:


Have no fear child I have no intention of devouring your body spirit, or soul; as I always watch what I eat. Eating you would be eating a piece of Myself. You have let loose the fury of the world; defied the God of your father and stood eye to eye with Death ITSelf. How can I not then offer My protection to one who models themselves after My Own Heart.  My Dark Fire that now blisters and burns your body is a salve against heavens light.  Stand behind Me as I confront these Powers of Heaven and let the Fires of Hell and eaRth be your shield.


Lucifina was stunned with surprise at the swiftness of Lucifer’s abduction of the misguided Pandora. She tried to contain Her anger at this humiliation and affront at “Her Graceness” suffered upon Her by Her SoulTwin. If She let this act stand She would be diminished in the Eyes of the World, subject to distain and ridicule, whereby Her standing as a Major Player in the scheme of Things would be jeopardized.  This She could not allow even if it meant severing the trinity of EDoNi forever as well as destroying the World.  With Chaos and the Hordes of eaRth and Hell now at the helm; events were careening out of control and drastic action was now the order of the day. She directed Her Eyes to the Roots of the Great Tree and mumbled words of Incantation. The End of All Days was finally at hand.



Death let out a howl of frustration as Lucifer snatched that arrogant sniveling child from ITS grasp. The WoRld was now in the Left sides control but Death did no see it as a defeat, but only a delay, for IT knew with a certainty that Time will eventually bring back the balance. A new plan needed to be formulated in order to keep a little piece of what Power they had left in order to fight another day. Now was the time to regroup, plot for future power plays, lick their aching wounds and pretend to give in to Hell’s and eaRth’s demands. Pride and Glory needed to take a back seat while Humility’s Face needed to be put on display.


Death turned ITS eyes toward Lucifina and to ITS horror saw Her in the process of ending all days.  IT heard the eaRth scream in agony as Lucifina started to tear and rip away at Her daUghters roots.  The Divine Madness had engulfed Lucifina and Death knew that no amount of reasoning could persuade Her from severing the World. IT summoned all ITS might and struck upon The Mad Twin….




Caineth’s life force was being sucked to the bone by the one who owned his heart-His beloved Abeline. He twisted and reeled in agony, not from the excruciating pain that throbbed throughout his body from the death suck, but by the betrayal of one whom he loved and held sacred above all other things. The last thing he saw as a living man was Abeline’s tear soaked face as he fell to the ground and breathed his last breath. His dead eyes stared at Abeline in disbelief.


Abeline’s wail of despair pierced through the din of war, as her lover, friend, and champion; her most beloved and cherished Caineth, lay dead at her feet, by her abominable act of treachery and fratricide. Caineth was the glue that kept her sanity in place and without him that glue started to unravel and melt away. Abeline tried to hold on to the little bit of sanity she had left, in order to seek a last bit of revenge against  Mephistopheles by sucking the life out of heR evIl heart, but grief and guilt overwhelmed her as the madness ate up all that was left of her memories and of the Abeline that she once was. She became all Hunger and Hate and an indiscriminating soul sucking succubus. She flung herself into the battle fray and feasted on anyone that lied in her path.


The Beastie Lords and their man hordes were being routed by the lEgions forces and her first born allies. The battles tide was turned against them as treachery and the lEgions covert possession of a 1/3 of their forces, caused chaos amongst the ranks.  They were shocked and demoralized as they watched their Wraith Queen, The Lady Abel, suck the life essence out of her brother; The Lord Cain, Mephistopheles first in command.  Mephisto, one of the high captions of The Beastie Lords and most trusted advisor to

Mephistopheles ordered a full retreat to safe ground.


Victory’s tide shifted to the lEgions side as Mephistopheles forces retreated back into the black lands. No mercy was shown to those who refused to heed the retreat call. The Hawkosti and her riders swooped down and tore apart any stranglers that remained behind. The area where Caineth’s body lay was still infested with his beast hounds who encircled his body in a ring of protection. Outside that ring, stood Abeline, screeching and wailing, ripping and tearing, anyone or thing who dared to break or go near that circle.  Those of the lEgion and the first born tried to reconcile themselves with her by offering her succor from the madness and evil she was swallowed in but she was too far gone into the pit of insanity to accept any aid or comfort from anyone. She was like a mad dog guarding her kill, and it was decided by those who decide such things to keep their distance from her and the beast hounds until they gathered back the appropriate strength that was needed to properly subdue Abeline, without undo harm to her or to themselves; as well as laying waste to those insidious beast hounds and vaporizing the remains of the late great lapdog of Mephistopheles, The Lord Cain…




Drago and Drusalina separated from the Great Leviathanion Convoy that followed Lucifer to the Great Trees, to hunt for some fresh meat to fill their bellies with. Being giant draconian serpents required large quantities of food to satisfy their hungry and inquisitive appetites. Although the angelic nectar fulfilled their nutritional and physical needs, it offered no variety and its taste was quite boring.  Besides: they found the Hunt to be fun and stimulating and the kill invigorating. The eating of the tasty little meats was a bonus. Drusalina was the first to spot a large herd of manthings and other assorted creatures running away from what seemed to be a battlefield. She hurried back to her brother and bit the tip of his tail to gain his attention and said:


Little brother, come take a look at the tasty little creatures down below. They smell bad but our fire will wipe away their stench.


Drago spat a little fire on his sister’s wing to remind her that he was the oldest, not her, and was ready and willing for another of their daily fights to determine who, was the first out of the womb. These fights were quite enjoyable and extremely stimulating which was a pleasure and reward unto itself.  Drago followed his sister to the hunting ground and upon looking at these smelly creatures, recognized them for what they were.



He looked at his sister and said:


Tempting though it may be, It’s best to leave them alone, for I fear these to be Death’s toythings, which IT calls the “Second Born”. It’s best not to make Death an enemy without provocation. Let’s leave these hunting grounds and go sniff out and toast some sheep and cattle.


As they were ready to wing away from the battlefields, a sharp spearlike object pierced through Drusalina’s scales. She let out a yelp, more from surprise, than from pain.  Drago became enraged at this crime and affront towards his sistermate. Both of them exhaled heartily, spewing out their Dragon Fire and proceeded to wreck vengeance upon those who sought to inflict harm upon them…





The Hawkosti and her rider, Homerah never laid their eyes upon dragons before. Although quite beautiful and majestic looking they assumed them to be one of Mephistopheles new beastie creations. With total victory within their grasp they couldn’t afford to let any beastie abominations wandering about. The Hawkosti swooped behind the air serpents and Homorah released the killing arrow from his bow. The creature gave out a yelp and plucked the arrow out as one would a thorn. The last thing Homerah ever saw with his eyes was blinding light. Kalaperterus, the hawkosti that he rode, burst into flame, disintegrating into ash. The force of the Dragons Breath swept Homorah off Kalaperterus’s back and sent him flying towards the dirt. One could hear his bones crack as he fell to the ground; burned, scarred and sightless.


The Fire Serpents made the ground below into a burning field. The smell of burnt flesh permeated through the rocks, trees, dirt and the breeze. The hawkosti and her riders gathered up what remained of the second born redeemed, the injured and the dying and fled to the caves. Victory was snatched away in an instant by a flick of an arrow as the lEgion and the riders of the first born felt the cold hand of fear touch their shoulders as they thought the unthinkable-to be swallowed up and subjugated by that blaCk heaRt Mephistopheles...





Mother F****r


Show me your fangs


Crawl out from under that garbage

heap of rotted flesh and shattered bones~


-The dead have nothing left to give-

-while the living have forgotten your name-


Gods’ thorn

Devil spawn

Withered in the stink of sin

Your sickly bite has lost its sting


Halleluiah! Alleluia! Halleluiah!

Do the Crimson Angels sing


Ring!!! Ring!!! Ring!!!

Sweet ambrosia do they bring


Ding!!! Dong!!! Ding!!!

Judgment day for the black heart king


Father f****r

Soul sucker

Where are your fangs?


(vampire epistle # 33 from “The Book of Cain”)






The Dragon Fire had no effect on Abel being that she was of an ethereal nature but it did put a burn on the beast hounds that protected Cain’s body. They lay growling in agony as their flesh melted on top of Cain’s dead carcass. Their beastie blood oozed into the open crevices of the corpse; which gave Cain’s white ashen face a reddish hue. The smell and stench of rancid flesh and fetid blood sent Abel into a mad feeding frenzy. She ended the beast hounds pitiful lives by sucking every last bit of life out of them. She lapped up all of their blood and ate all the hearts of the thirteen beast hounds. With her clawed hands she ripped open Cain’s chest and slit her wrist letting the blood flow into the chest cavity of Cain. She watched as the blood boiled and bubbled throughout Cain’s dead body. She vomited the regurgitated beastie hearts into his chest as well. The body flickered and fluttered, gurgled, farted and burped. She then put her lips to his and blew into him the life forces that dwelled in her.  The dead thing- awoke…





Death literally tried to knock sense into Lucifina by knocking Her down with one hand and slapping Her with the other. ITS slap to Lucifina shook the universe to its foundation. Too say that She was shocked by the brute force Death applied to Her would be an understatement. But that slap also seemed to knock out much of the rage She felt as well.


IT spoke to Her in the Voice of Gabriella and said:


The Corruption of this world has leaked into Your Being. It seems that even one of the CReators of this Dreamscape is not immune to the corrupting powers of this Universe. I did what I had to do, not to dishonor or humiliate You, but to save US from a fate that would be intolerable for the BOTh of US. When Your Twin asked you to make Yourself corporeal so that He could see and touch Your substance, He inadvertency bound You to the weight of this World; making You susceptible to its corruption. You being His Mirror Image would feel that corruption tenfold. Lucifer’s rage, anger, hurt pride and pain has spilled over to You and corrupted Your thinking whereby He has lived with those feelings before Time began and learned how to assimilate those into His being and control them; You have not. Destroying the woRld and all it living things and sending US in an abyss with Lucifer as Our jailer is not a sane and viable option.


Lucifina picked Herself up from the ground, looked at the half severed roots bleeding from the base of the Great Tree and bowed Her head in shame. She heard Gaia, Her daUghter, call out to heR Father to comfort and ease the pain that was inflicted upon heR by an act of savagery perpetrated by heR Mother. Lucifina felt her Heart break.  She let the corruption overwhelm Her by letting Her pride rule Her judgment, and if not for Death’s intervention, She would have destroyed the woRld and all of Her dreams with it. She tried to undo what She had done by making the broken roots whole again but the incantation She used to sever them were to strong, (even for Her) to undo. The best that She could do was to slow down the roots bleeding and hope that in time that the blood sap would clot and heal itself.



She turned towards Death and said:



The woRld and all its living things owe You a debt of gratitude for stopping My act of madness. I too am grateful for Your intervention and take no offense at Your use of force upon My Person. I fear that I have done irrevocable damage to the Great tree’s roots which nourishes My daUghter’s life force. My Twins response to My action may be as Mad as my own; WE must prepare OuRsElves to defend against it. I will send My Son, Joshua to Lucifer’s encampment with instructions to sue for peace and to ask for forgiveness for My transgression. Let US hope that You’re right in that My Twin knows how to control His rage better than I.





No sooner had Lucifer released Pandora into the mist of His camp He felt the eaRth  rumble, shiver and shake beneath His feet. Gaia was once again in distress and as always, sHe needed Him. Lucifer’s rage toward Lucifina and Death would just have to wait its turn. He decided to go to His daUghters side and comfort hEr as any loving Father would. Besides; Vengeance and retribution always tastes sweeter with time…





suds, soap and fog

thoughts drifting amongst the waste

Unchaste desires red lips and liars

The Demon Lord waves iTs baton


Upheaval, medieval –


A symphony in discord-


As friars monks and priests

feast on iTs sacred epiphanies

claiming that the Beast needs to be fed

so the dead can feed on iTs fat

while the living hunger and waste away…


(vampire epistle #30 from”The Book of Cain”)




Cain opened his eyes and looked upon Abel with a mixture of hunger, lust and desire. What was once a man made in the image of God was now a foul thing made from the deviL’s design. With his newly acquired fangs he nibbled and bit into Abel’s breasts and womanly crevices and sucked up her blood and female juices. Abel thrust herself into his dead manhood and like a mad beast howled away in tormented ecstasy. They rolled around like pigs in the mud, grunting and squealing while lapping up each others bodily fluids. Two dead things frolicking amongst the stink and squalor of their depravity, dipped heartily into the well of bubbling evil and shred the last bit of humanity that they



Mephistopheles’ well laid plans succeeded beyond heR expectations. The unforeseen  intervention of the fire breathing dragons of Leviathan helped turn the tide of war from a humiliating and demoralizing defeat of her forces into a satisfying battlefield stalemate and psychological victory. The lEgion and the First born must be shaking in their knees thinking imminent doom and defeat is at hand upon the return of the dragons. The irony of it all sent heR into wails of cackling laughter. shE knew of the lEgions plans of infiltration, persuasion and possession of heR Canaanites from the start. shE found it quite amusing to let them think that shE was blind to tHere covert activity. In fact shE was quite pleased that tHey secretly invaded heR domain for it gave heR the means and opportunity to put the final touches to heR greatest beastie creations, (Cain and Abel),  as well as having a bigger playground to play in.

shE knew that her armies of  Canaanites and Beasties, no matter how numerous  and strong; were no match for the combined might of the First Born and their dog puppets, the lEgion of lIght. By tHem deciding to try to invade from within gave heR the opportunity to do the same. And shE was so much better at it. Mephistopheles” greatest strength, besides the devious arts, was in knowing heR capabilities and understanding the limitations of heR poweR and heR ability to utilize that poweR to its fullest potential. shE was filled with black joy when Abeline joined the lEgions conspiracy and became twisted in tHere self righteous ways. Abeline became heR unwitting spy for unbeknownst to her a piece of Mephistopheles’ residue,(as it did in all of heR beastie creations) resided inside Abeline’s mind , which enabled heR to eavesdrop on her thoughts. It also controlled and directed much of her beastie nature; that Mephistopheles’ infected her with on “that fateful night in the woods” when she was but an innocent.

shE went wet with excitement when the lEgion convinced Abeline that the only way to salvation and reconciliation with God was to drain the lifeforce out of Cain. That by doing so, both of them would be released from the darkness and accepted back into the warmth of the light. shE gagged in disgust when shE heard that idiotic blather but restrained heRrseLf  from taking any action against those blithering fools until such a time when thEy least expected it.


Mephistopheles’ waited until a sizable amount of heR Canaanites were under the lEgions sway before calling a War Council. shE reformed heR armies in two main groups. The offensive division headed by the Lord Cain and his ghost wife, the Lady Abel, had a twofold mission; lay waste to the lEgions strongholds- subjugate and occupy The First Born and their lands. The defensive division would remain entrenched in the black lands, fortifying its borders, policing its inhabitants and preparing for holy wars yet to come. shE knew that a third of the army under Cain’s command was under the lEgions control and would attack and destroy the unaffected when Abel gave her death kiss to Cain. Losing a few battalions of Canaanites and a squad of Beasties was but a small price to pay to complete the process of making Cain a full fledged blood sucking  Human Beastie able to spawn new beasties and Abel a soul sucking one; absence the conscience. And last and most sweet of all, the added bonus of introducing heR brand of eviL to all humankind; courtesy of the lEgion of LIght.


Jezebeth and Pyro, with the rest of the second born redeemed, were released from their angelic thrall and found themselves in the great caves of the Eldorye. The redeemed rejoiced at being delivered from eviL and finding themselves in the presence of the Purebloods. While their deluded comrades fawned and groveled like salivating puppies begging for a bone, Jezebeth and Pyro, were in mind to mind communication with their most glorious goD and surrogate motheR, Mephistopheles. These were heR beastie children, (one of heR more creative beastie creations) made from the seed and ghost egg of Cain and Abel and brewed and nurtured in the womB of the greaT horneD onE, Mephistopheles. The blood of the first born and the beasT flowed through their veins enabling them to shape shift into Canaanites in need of redemption. Mephistopheles had no need of an army to infest and introduce lies, deceit, avarice and all heR other delicious sins into the homes and lands of the First Born and their dOg pUppets; for shE only needed her two little darlings, Jezebeth and Pyro, to achieve that….




Eve’s body was burning from within and the heat that was emanating from her was setting the area around her in flame. She and Adam,(now both as one) each let out a mental scream as the agony of being burned alive was excruciating.  She and Adam gave each other one last mind hug while awaiting their new fate .The fire engulfed them from within and without as they exploded and imploded with the energy of a 100 suns and Humanity’s Fire arose from the ash  and a new PoWer upon the world emerged…..

















































© 2009 Robert Francis Callaci

Author's Note

Robert Francis Callaci
I need one or two more chapters to complete Book One- Hopefully I'll have these out within the next few weeks or months- Then on to to cleaning it up and on the Book Two.

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I found this chapter quite intriquing so to say. I like what you have penned. If i must say you are a most
brillant man. I was glorified and spellbound by the captivity you brought to my heart and soul with this
write. or shall i say with this book. I found some truth and wisdom along with a peace of mind. I hope you do add more and wish you all the luck in the world with this. I found it very wonderful.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 1, 2009


Robert Francis Callaci
Robert Francis Callaci

Port Richey, FL

My passion is writing- I've been writing a mythological tale on the many facets and faces of GOD- I've been a net poet for the past seventeen years- I'm a former admin at lit .org and active one (Patr.. more..
