

A Chapter by Robert Francis Callaci

end of days






There’s nothing left to say

on this billowy hot summer day

For words cannot express

the wonder-ness of natures nest


A slight breeze in the air~

lightly touching your sun bleached hair


The soft sand of the beach~

pressing against our red hot cheeks


Whispers of the ocean deep~

gently rocking us to a bliss filled sleep


Oh Gaia My Love My Hope

Swallow us in your stillness and serenity

And make this sweet hot summer day


Eternal in every way


(from Pandora’s ”Book of Shadows”)





Into the depths

of the darkened wood

a creeping doom follows me

as I walk amongst the ruins

that crumble in decay


lost amongst broken memories

of those who lost their way

never again to witness

the glory of the day


what once was

may have been

may yet again be


the wind blows the tears

of a thousand souls

upon my weary heart


the air turns sour

at my breath

but walk on I must

to meet my fate

beat my doom




what else is there to do


(from the journals of the Archangel Domini Lucifina of the Morning Sun)









As Pandora spoke the words of Power; the skies answered her call, as thunder, lightening, wind, hail and rain-in full force and glory-poured forth its fury down upon the  Great Trees and those angels that watched over them. The angels who formed a shield around the trees were swept up by the fierce winds and trapped in its current finding themselves flailing about like headless chickens. The Great Tree of Life stood firm under the barrage with only a few of its branches torn from it roots but the Great Tree of knowledge, that same tree that shaded Adam and Eve from the sun and whose blood coursed through its sap, did not fare as well. The wind tore at its roots severing them in half while the lightening struck at its rotting trunk and branches setting it aflame. As the Great Tree burned, the blood from its roots flooded the landscape with its miasmic goo. The path was now clear for Pandora to scale up the Great Tree of life and sever its truck from heaven. But first she scooped up and poured the blood and sap that oozed out of the accursed apple tree, into three water skins. The first skin was for her father, so that he may drink from the blood of his youth and regain his health and vitality. The other two would be for her magic’s and potions, to be used in the service of Gaia. She was now ready to free earth from heavens grasp and with ax in hand started the assent to heavens border.


Lucifina entered the 1st gate with no fanfare or armies behind Her; for Her Presence alone was enough. The situation for Heaven was grim as She watched Joshua’s Legions fall under the might of eaRth and Hell. She heard the cries and felt the deaths of all those angels who were swallowed in the fires of Gaia’s wrath. She watched as Hell’s children and their hounds remade Her realm into their playground, with Joshua, as Sateen’s mascot and pleasure slave. As She entered the sacred grove, the earth was covered in blood and feathers, and one of Her Great Trees was in the ruin of flames. As she looked upon the Tree of Life, She saw Pandora, scaling its heights with ax in hand and ready to chop. This was not one of Her better days, as Her misjudgments cost Her dearly, but the day was not yet done, and although things looked bleak as She and Death were now perceived as weak, an old adage of Lucifer’s kept popping in Her head; “desperate times called for desperate measures” and now was as good a time as any to throw the dice and hope for the best. Death received no welcome as IT returned to ITS realm. ITS legions were pinned down by Lilith’s hell hounds and ITS b*****d giants, and it was just a matter of time until they fell. But Time was something IT knew a lot about, being that IT was the one who set it in motion. Time’s flow needed to expand in order for the Balance to be restored and for Lucifina’s plan to have a chance at working. IT needed to become Time’s Keeper once again, as well as a rallying agent to ITS beleaguered troops. IT called down upon ITSeLF the Red Fires of Death, and was consumed once again in its merciless heat. IT’S ear shattering howl of pain shook the earth, as IT was ripped apart and torn in Three. Out from the fire emerged Gabriel and Gabriella both terrifying to behold for the look of Death still danced in their blood red eyes. A shadowy black spidery MiST as well emerged from the fire covering the earth in its deathly web. Death’s legions cheered as Gabriel and Gabriella turned a score of giants into melting rock from the black fire that erupted from their death ridden eyes. Hell’s forces were gripped in fear as the deathly MiST coursed through their bodies. Gabriel and Gabriella headed towards the circle where Lilith and Gadreel stood guard. As Lilith braced herself for their attack and upcoming doom, her only regret was that she would never again lay eyes on Adam and Eve. As Gabriel and Gabriella approached within a few feet of Lilith, rather then turning her into cinder and ash, Gabriel stood face to face with her and said:


Oh Child of the Night and Queen of Hell, move aside and cover your ears, for if this world is to survive, it shall need you in it


They both faced the entrance to the 1st gate and raised horned objects to Their lips and proceeded to blow. Out from those horn shaped funnels a blast of mind numbing sound-filled the air-with such force and power, that it shattered the barriers that were in place between the 1st and 2nd gates. Both worlds collided and became one. The BLacK MiST moved the currents of time of the 2nd gate to the 1st with the purpose of ending the disparity between the two by making one time flow. This merging caused massive disorientation amongst those in both gates. For those in the 1st gate it seemed like the world was speeding up while they themselves were stuck in slow motion. The opposite was true for those in the 2nd gate, as the world seemed to slow down while they seemed to be moving at an accelerated pace. The Triad of Death and Lucifina used this time flux to their advantage by speeding up the growth of the Tree of Life to a point where it roots lay exposed. The BLacK MiST then wrapped ITSeLf around Gabriel and Gabriella and proceeded again to set THeMSElVes to flame, and what was Three was One once again…




Eve kissed the cold lips of her beloved Adam. No angels cried, no trumpets blared, as the First Man, Created not Born, closed his eyes and willed himself into a death sleep. Eve lifted Adams frail and lifeless body and carried him back home where she would perform the funeral rites and prepare him for the final burning. When she arrived home she found the caves deserted of all family with the exception of Sareeth, her youngest daughter. Sareeth ran towards her mother to give her the news of the Great War that was upon them but was stopped in her tracks by grief when she saw what was in her mother’s arms. Eve carried Adam into the family compound and gently laid him on their bed and when relieved of his weight opened her arms to her daughter and comforted her as only a mother could. As Eve stroked her daughter’s hair and wiped away her tears she asked Sareeth to tell her the news that she was left behind to give. Composing herself as best as she could, Sareeth Said:


Every morning for the past six moon months I have come back here hoping that you would return. A great war has turned this world upside down and we all thought that you and father had been taken with it.


Eve was taken aback by her daughter’s words and said:


Your words confuse me for we were not gone for no more then a few hourly cycles. And what is this war that you speak of that has caused my family to desert their home?


Sareeth understood all to well her mothers confusion considering the insanity that was unleashed upon the world these past few moon months or was it years or maybe even days; for time had lost its constancy and had become jumbled. She took her mothers hand and said:


Time is out of sync. It speeds up and slows down and what is a day for some is a weekly or monthly cycle for others. It seems to becoming slowly back to normal, whatever normal is, for I can sense the even passage of time once again. The world is on the brink of destruction and I fear that it was Pandora and Gadreel who were the ones that stroked the flames. They became the Great Mothers acolytes and through hEr power punched a hole through the First Gate in order that Pandora could collect a piece of bark and sap from the same Tree that you and father ate the apple from; hoping that the sap and bark would heal father and restore his vitality. The First Circle of Eden is not how you remember it. When Pandora entered the 1st gate what she saw was not the paradise you described to us as children-but a burnt desert. In her anger at this sacrilege to this holy land she attacked the angels of heaven and the war between eaRth and heaven began. A great battle now rages and while it looked like eaRth and hEr allies were near victory the tide seems to have turned with the arrival of Lord Death and the Heavenly God of Light; for they have merged the two worlds into one and altered the flow of time causing chaos in its wake. It seems like the whole world has gone mad.


Sareeth couldn’t contain her grief any longer as the reality of her father’s death swept over her in waves. She fell into her parent’s bed and laid her head upon her father’s chest and wept. Eve put her arms around her daughter and gently parted her from their father’s bosom and said:


Oh sweet daughter be not distraught, although Adams physical light is burned out, his soul only sleeps; waiting for another spoke on the wheel to inhabit when the time is right. Even if Pandora found a way to restore and heal Adams health, he would have refused; for to drink of the blood of the root and to eat of the bark that nourished the fruit would put a spell of forgetfulness upon him and his children would become as strangers to him. He chose to die knowing who he was and that’s all anyone can ask for. Clear your wits my child and continue on with your news, for if the world is about to collapse, I would like to be ready for it.


Comforted by her mothers love, Sareeth found the strength to continue and said:


Most of this madness started a day or two after you and father left. Thunder, lightening, winds and rains roared and crashed throughout the valley, flooding the land with its rage. Our gardens were washed away and our cattle were slaughtered by the unseen claws of Deaths Hounds. We all took refuge deep in the caves while Seth and the strongest of our sons left the caves in search for you and father. They headed toward the mountain where you both went to pray but the way was blocked by the ghostly soldiers of Death. As they attempted to pass, Ezra was stuck down by the red blade of mortality. As the ghost soldiers were ready to lay their swords through Seth and the rest of our sons, large giants, made of stone, descended upon the death ghosts and crushed them to ghostly dust. A being half angel, half man, with hair the reddest of reds and eyes the bluest of blue, with wings of fire, not of a heavenly hue, laid his hand upon Ezra’s breast and brought the life near dead to health again. He embraced Seth, calling him kin; for his father was a brother and uncle to him. He called himself Loki, son of Azriel-a son of Adam and Lilith-and the Archangel Uriellona. He helped Seth search for you but the pass was covered by a thick miasma that could not be penetrated. Loki surmised that you both were trapped between two gate points and the only hope for your return was upon its closing.  He told Seth of the Great War of the Two Gates and of the alliance between Hell and eaRth. He said that Gadreel was fighting alongside and under the tutelage of Hell’s Queen- our grandmother Lilith. Loki escorted Seth and our sons back to the caves and filled us in about the current situation, our family history and the Powers that be. Loki urged us all to follow the eaRthen ways, being that we are hEr children, and join Gadreel in his fight against Death’s servants. Daneil, Methuselah, Zorcastor and Maya with all their children in tow left with Loki to join with Gadreel and ally themselves with Hells forces. They like Pandora and Gadreel are now acolytes to The Great Mother and now abide by hEr Will and follow hEr Ways. Abram, myself, Seth, Aklia, Homerah and Mythera and our sons and daughters decided to stay, for our bond with the elementals was strong and to desert them in their time of need was not an option. Their war with Mephistopheles and heR beasties has escalated. The second born enhanced and made strong through Caineth’s seed are on the march laying waste to everything in their path under the dark leadership of Caineth and Abeline. We left our caves in order to better protect our family for Caineth knows its defenses. We live in the nests with the Hawkosti; those elementals who took bird form, and ride upon their backs partaking in the hunt against the evil infested spawn of our deluded brother and sister.


Eve didn’t know whether to laugh or cry from the news that just passed between her ears.

The bubble of seclusion that protected her and her family from the comedy that played throughout the universe had finally burst. She wasn’t surprised by the news for she saw flashes of these events many times in her dreams. She knew now why Adam chose this time to go into the death sleep- for their truly was no difference between the darkness and the light- and by leaving the world arena; he made his choice of not to be a pawn of either. And neither would she be such a pawn for she now knew what needed to be done. She only hoped that she would see her mother and the twins in the interim.





Lucifer was jolted out of His meditation. The flow of time as well as the configuration of the gates had been altered. The path to the Great Tree of Life was now open to Him. His way back to heaven was but a breath away but at a cost He was no longer willing to make. For millennia He had waited for this moment; to renter heaven and leak His corruption upon its purity and with it end His existence. His pain and suffering from His endless burning would finally cease, as would all materiel existence; for heavens light would melt Him to dust and ash. His hatred for Heaven and GOD did not wane, as well as His desire to end the agony of His existence; as each breath, thought, and touch, that He took, had, and felt, was foul, bitter, and painful. But by ending His existence would also mean Gaia, Lilith, Sateen, Hell’s children and His angels would end as well and that He would never let happen. He would endure His suffering forever if need be, so that they might live; for they made Him smile, when he forgot how, and Hope, when He thought there was none left.


Lucifina and that Thing of Death were playing a dangerous game, one He didn’t think they had the nerve to play but desperation was a powerful motivation. With a mighty shout that rang throughout Leviathan; He cried:


Oh Children of The Light and Night: Prepare Yourselves and Bear Witness Too; of What May Very Well Be The End of Days!


Lucifer of the Morningstar, Lord of the Universe and Soul Twin to Lucifina of the Morningsun, in all His splendor and glory, raised His great wings to flight to once again meet His destiny and behind Him in full wing and color did all the spirits of Leviathan fly; to meet theirs as well…




For what seemed like days, minutes or maybe hours, she wasn’t quite sure; for the pace of time seemed to flow at an odd pace: Pandora finally reached the branches that led to heavens borders. As she lifted the ax and prepared to strike, her eyes were blinded by the whitest of lights and a Voice that came at her from all directions spoke to her in the gentlest of whispers and said unto her:


Is your hatred for heaven so great that you are willing to risk the end of all things as you know it. Do not let My daUghters anger guide your hand; for although sHe has cause for hEr anger, you on the other hand do not. If not for Me, you would not exist; for it was from My dreams that created Adam to living form while My Twin from His; created Lilith. Everything that you see, touch, feel, and hear; are the products of Our thoughts and dreams which I made come to be. Know this, My young Pandora, if you cut off the branches that lead to heaven, leaving Me stranded forever from GOD; then I will strangle the breath and drain the blood from your beloved eaRth by cutting the roots of this Tree that nourishes hEr. I leave the choice to you.


Pandora let the ax fall from her hand; for she knew that it was the only sane choice to make. The Power that spoke to her was the kind that she thought was only in her parent’s dreams. Her mind was swimming in confusion as she started the climb downward to face the judgment and doom of Heaven…




Amongst the smoke and din of the shifting tides of war, Lilith and those allied with her, managed to hold and defend their positions under the increased onslaught from Death’s forces; by brute courage and will. Now that no barrier between the gates impeded their way, Lilith ordered her forces to pullback and unite with Sateen’s legions wherein all of Hell and eaRth would either rise or fall together…


Gaia hoped hEr Father would arrive before it was too late. She heard hEr Mothers threat to Pandora that She would cut the roots of The Great Tree. Without its sap for hEr to drink, would make hEr and all things that were a part of hEr; dry up and wither away. The Earth would become nothing but a lifeless rock. sHe cursed hErseLf for letting hEr anger put the world and all of hEr children at risk. All sHe wanted was for hEr Mother to acknowledge hEr and Death to apologize for hurting hEr. If only sHe had listened to hEr Father to confront Them both with hEr grievances at the Gathering but sHe was hEr Fathers daUghter; and let pride stand in the way…


Sateen bit into Joshua’s arm to ease the pain as the bABy within Her belly struggled to get out from the womb. The time distortion sped up Sateen’s birthing process at an alarming rate for only a few hourly cycles had passed (or so it seemed) since She and Joshua had coupled. But Time did more then just speed up the birthing process for Sateen; it altered and changed the composition of the two Entities that formed in her belly- to that of only oNE. Joshua was thrown clear across the room by Sateen as the bABy made its final push to freedom. As Joshua regained His senses, He was horrified at what he saw; for the thINg that He and Sateen sired was an Abomination to the eyes of Heaven. Near full grown and aware and flickering in and out from male to female, iT immediately seized upon Sateen’s breast and fed. Joshua was revolted by the sight and felt the weight of His sins crash down upon Him. While Joshua cursed iTS birth all of Sateen’s legions and cousins rejoiced at the new poWEr that was born out of Heaven, Earth and Hells seed. sHeHe was given the proper name befitting iTS lineage of Satannas Jesuriah: Prince of Hell, Son and Daughter to Earth and Conscience of Heaven.


The last thing Joshua heard was Sateen calling out to Him from within the birthing pit as he took flight from Hell’s passion and headed home to the angry arms of His Mother…


© 2009 Robert Francis Callaci

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Is your hatred for heaven so great that you are willing to risk the end of all things as you know it.

Heaven would be hell this way. I think I'd much rather worship the ground that heaven is on
but i guess in terms that is still worshiping the wrong ground. I am not really sure.
A thought to ponder on.

I enjoyed this chapter and found it quite intriquing and thoughts to ponder on.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 28, 2009


Robert Francis Callaci
Robert Francis Callaci

Port Richey, FL

My passion is writing- I've been writing a mythological tale on the many facets and faces of GOD- I've been a net poet for the past seventeen years- I'm a former admin at lit .org and active one (Patr.. more..
