

A Chapter by Robert Francis Callaci

a tasty treat






new, young

exciting, opening, awakening

birth, creation, dawn, origin

closing, finishing, dying,

completion, oblivion





cold, dead

freezing, decaying, rotting

barren, desolate, empty, lonely

smothering, smoldering, suffocating

hot,  burning





CLOOT                                    Satan




A fall from heavens grace

Beauty lost, blackened, maimed and scarred




(from the memoirs of Lucifer Morningstar)






Blue skies


White lies



Lost years

Death nears

Fake smiles

Forced tears


Dreams change

Memories fade

Fire turns to ash




Storm clouds

Black shrouds

Moments pass

They never last


(from Lilith’s “Book of Confessions”)








Death dispatched Kezefa and Kezon back to the second gate to take charge of ITS legions and prepare for battle. IT instructed them to stand ready to attack upon ITS order, but until then, no matter the provocation, no overt moves of aggression will be tolerated. Lucifina did the same, She dispatched Joshua and His Legions to the First gate to bring relief to Penemue and protect the Tree from being severed but commanded Him not to make any aggressive moves or formulate any modes of attack until ordered to do so. As the orders were given Death lifted ITS gaze to Lucifina and said:


It seems Our well laid plans have hit a roadblock. A Great Power has lain hidden from Us and now has awoken with a rage that has a familiar scent to it. I fear Our arrogance has blinded Us from realizing Our Powers combined are no match against the Power that Your Twin Lucifer commands. The Gabriel Aspect within Me, who still holds a shadow of loyalty to its old Master, has now just revealed to ME that this Power is named Gaia, a devoted and loving daUghter to Lucifer. Two of the First Born have become hEr acolytes and sHe can flow hEr Power through them without the trick of possession; for they are made from the same clay as hEr. Soon sHe will have an army equal in power to heaven’s angels which would make hEr a Power hard to defeat. We need to make peace or war with hEr before hEr power eclipses Ours; for I fear that Heaven cannot withstand the combined Powers of eaRth and Hell.


Lucifina felt the weight of Heaven, Hell and Earth on Her shoulders. All of Her plans so carefully thought out seemed to be unraveling before Her eyes. Her gambit of burning both ends of the candle, one of Heaven and the other of Hell, seemed to be setting Her hair on fire. Just when She thought that the tightrope that She tip toed upon was taut and secure, a new facet of the weave appeared to make that rope unwind and buckle. Death’s words that this rage of Gaia’s had a familiar scent, sent Lucifina’s head spinning; for part of it smelled like Her own….




Mikealla was becoming quite alarmed at the hurried departures of Heaven and Hells forces to the inner gates. Lucifina and Death were still closeted together in the adjoining room discussing matters concerning the news those haggard angels brought Them and the mood in the halls turned from festive to glum. Only Lucifer sitting a few feet from her seemed calm and at ease. As she was about to confront Lucifer with her concerns she felt a tingling sensation in her body that she had not felt since the Sundering. The large gates to the hall slowly opened and on the other side stood The Archlord Michael, first in command to Lucifer’s forces and Hell’s appointed Ambassador to Leviathan. Emotions of joy, fear, love, hate, happiness and doubt flooded Mikealla as she laid eyes upon this dark brooding titan that was the grief and love of her life-


His wings have that blackened hue with hair bright red and eyes pure blue, Proud and grim, corrupted in sin walks Lucifer’s Kin and Mikealla’s soul twin


Michael acknowledged his Lord and Mikealla with a bow and addressed all those that still remained in the gathering halls and said:


I have come here to take up the role that has been elected upon me at this Gathering Meet. I will serve alongside the Archangel Mikealla as a member of her governing body as Hell’s Ambassador to this realm now called Leviathan. I will abide by the covenant and rule of law that has been agreed upon by my Lord and His Twin; for my honor dictates that I do so. I bring with me only a token force of three legions, a tenth of what Mikealla has, as a show of our peaceful intent. What say you Mikealla, will you offer me a seat in your governing body for me to sit upon.


Mikealla wanted to share more than just the seat of governorship with Michael but she swore to Lucifina that she would not unite and become as one with him as did the others; in order to assure that any of her decisions concerning Leviathan reflect those of Lucifina alone, rather than be clouded with the taint of corruption  that would only divide her loyalties. This was one oath that she knew would be difficult to keep, for her heart desired him so, but try she knew she must. In the most neutral tone that she could muster she gave Michael her reply:


Come and take your place beside me for the left side has been reserved for you. Let us now begin the work of governing Leviathan…




A geyser from the earths bowels erupted amongst the white fire dousing its flame. The way was now open for Gaia and Pandora to enact their vengeance against the God who abandoned Pandora’s parents, Adam and Eve, and the Mother who never heard hEr child, Gaia’s, cries.


Penemue directed her angels to form a living shield around the Great Tree’s but she knew that she and her battalion of angels were no match against the power that assailed them. She only hoped that she and her sisters would be remembered and avenged as she prepared for the final attack that would probably end their eternal lives.


The sky above burst into a white sea of flame where out of its smoke a swarm of angels, led by Joshua, in full wing and battle gear, flew to the relief and aid of Penemue and her beleaguered sisters. A full legion rather than a battalion now formed a shield around the Great Tree’s while another flanked Pandora’s back leaving her no avenue of escape. Joshua feeling the rush and thrill of His first command decided to teach this demon spawned sorceress a lesson. In His most menacing tone He addressed the creature and said:


Oh you wrenched defiler of scared ground; your little display of power has been stilled by the might of Heaven. Get down on your knees and prostrate yourself before Me and hope that I show mercy to your pitiful bones. I the Son of Man and of Heaven decree that you will be whipped till your bones show and be shackled in chains, unwashed and unfed,  where you will be paraded throughout the realm from whence you came, so that all may see, what becomes of those who dare to defy Heaven.


Pandora’s contempt of all things from Heaven grew a thousand fold as she listened to this puffed up buffoon issue His threats. If the Mother was anything like the Son then Heaven must truly be a wasteland. Her parents must have been bewitched into worshiping such a venal God. Instead of prostrating herself before Him she chose instead to laugh in His face and in a voice dripping with contempt and distain said:


I would think that One who claims to be The Son of Heaven and of Man would know who stands before Him. But You are too blinded by Your stupidity and arrogance to see that You and I share the same blood, both swam in the same womb and were made by the same father. He would weep in despair to know that the Son made from his seed was nothing more then a preening peacock. Better that he dies with his illusions of a Loving God and Son rather then the reality that he was nothing more than a toy for Your Mother’s amusement. I Pandora, Loving daughter of Adam and Eve and devoted acolyte to the daughter of the Lord of this Universe and a siSter to You as well, asks not for mercy, but of revenge for Your Mother’s defilement of this once beautiful garden, of Her abandonment of Adam and Eve, and Her neglect and disregard of Her oldest cHild. It is not I who will be shackled and chained in shame; for when this night is done it will be You who will get down on His knees and lick the dirt off my feet. - BEHOLD GIAS WRATH !


The eaRth bubbled, rumbled and roared; baking and cooking the solid ground around the legion that flanked Pandora, into a sea of boiling lava. Those angels that were caught in its flow were consumed by its fire, as the more nimble of wit took to wing. Then the  ground behind Joshua heaved a great sigh and split in two, and out of its chasm a swarm of Hell’s children and their hounds, led by Sateen, wingless and in full battle gear, rose out of eaRth’s bowels to give aid to one of their own…




As Sateen and Her cousins battled with Joshua, Lilith and her twins gave relief to Gadreel and eaRth’s children by keeping Death’s forces at bay by the use of their magic’s. She directed her elementals to merge their spirits with Gia’s children in order that they would be endowed with angelic intellect and guile. With their already formidable strength and ferocity the enhancement of their spirits made them a power unto themselves thus adding a more powerful weapon to Hell’s and eaRth’s arsenal of might. They formed and gave body to themselves as colossal giants in the form of Man but with bodies made of granite and stone. A race of one eyed giants now aligned to Hell and eaRth now roamed the earth to seek vengeance against a Father who raped and caused their beloved moTher pain.


Kezefa’s eyes nearly popped out as she saw an army of giants materialize out of thin air. There were thousands of them swinging large looking mallets and axes with the children of Lilith, Kali and Mitheriel leading them. She ordered her legions to defend their positions only if attacked for they were outnumbered two to one as Kezon’s legions hadn’t yet arrived. She readied herself for battle as she heard the giants chants grow louder.


Kezon’s advance towards the gate was blocked by a horde of Hell’s legions and stone giants with Kea and Azriel directing their movements. He had a mind to break through the blockade as Kezefa was in need of reinforcement. It seemed that this unknown power that assailed Death had Hell as its ally, which didn’t bode well for Death and ITS servants. He had to laugh at the irony of it all for not too long ago it would’ve been he on the other side fighting for the glory of Hell. But things change and he had to keep his wits about him before all Hell broke loose.


Lilith looked at her grandson with pride. These children of Adam and her daughter Eve possessed great courage and daring and a little bit of foolishness to take on Death and Lucifina. Only the young would think to do such a thing. They did so remind her of herself. As she talked with Gadreel she was filled in on the family history and all that happened when she left. Her heart grieved at the tragedy that had befallen Caineth and Abeline and she was stunned to hear that her soul twin was nearing death due to Abeline’s kiss. She needed to be by his side when that time came to say her last goodbye and to comfort her daughter Eve as only a mother could. She was torn with her need to be with Adam and Eve and her duties to eaRth, Hell and her grandchildren. She needed for this feud to end quickly for she knew that death waits for no one.


All was at a standstill; each side waiting for the other to make their move.  It was Odin, formally third in command to Death’s legions reduced to caption of the 5th battalion due to poor command judgment, who seeking to regain his honor, ordered his battalion to attack the earthen giants for the glory of Death. Odin raised his sword and flew into the face of the enemy. The storm clouds of war had erupted in full force and all Hell broke loose…




Joshua was once again cornered by Sateen and Her cousins but this time He was fighting for His life and for those under His command. He cursed Himself for his lack of judgment and inexperience. His rash actions and disregard of His Mothers orders led to the materiel deaths of nearly ten thousand angelic souls. And if what Pandora said was true and she was indeed His Mothers song Childs daughter, then His attempted emasculation of His sister was a grievous sin. But no matter His mistake He was at war with eaRth and Hell and His duty now was to protect the Great Tree’s from harm. He found Himself cut off from His troops from the din and chaos of battle, which found Him in the situation He was in now; in armed combat with Sateen and Her cousins. He fended them off for as long as He could but exhaustion got the better of Him as He fell to His knees and waited for the death blow. But Sateen didn’t seek His death for how could She kill such a tasty treat such as He. She felt Herself go wet as She threw Herself upon Him and ate upon His manliness. Joshua offered no resistance; for this was so much better then death….




Are you here?

Are you there?

Or are you just floating

next to nowhere


Do you hide

in an abyss?

Or in the no space

of nothingness


Do you dream?

Do you weep?

Are you dead or asleep?


Are you real?

Or just some smoke

That we inhale

Just one cosmic joke


But I can hope

And I can pray

That you are Thou

In every way


I just know

inside my heart

That you exist

In this abysmal mist



Out there

Dreaming and weaving

this cosmic nightmare


Here then than and there








(from the lost writings of the immortals)





Out of the stillness

of nothingness
a faint vibration
a tiny stirring was caused
and felt
was heard
and came to Be


The First the One
dared to Be

creating more

just like Thee
Now there were Two
then there were Three
knowingly seeding



Ah but they Hunger





And Yearn


Hoping one day to return

To Nowhere

In the empty womb of




(from the journals of Lucifer Morningstar)





Lucifina and Death came back from their meeting concerning the crisis that was developing in their realms to find the halls empty of all but Lucifer. He feigned surprise as They entered, and in a jovial off hand manner with undertones of sarcasm He addressed Them both and said:


The gathering has been adjourned and the closing ceremonies suspended by the orders of the presiding government of Leviathan. I protested that they should wait for Your return, no matter if it takes an eternity but as You can both see, I was overruled. It seems they took offense to Your call to action amongst Your forces behind closed doors. I on the other hand was applauded for conducting My affairs out in the open for all to see. They all approved by unanimous vote that I tender my aid to a daUghter in need.


Lucifer’s demeanor changed from one of feigned joviality to menace as He continued on and said:


You need now attend to Your realms for those that you put in charge don’t seem to be up to the task. Many fences are in need of mending, due to Your acts of negligence. You both need to make amends with the Power that You have offended; for if You do not, You will find Yourselves stuck in Time, the Thing that You both had a hand in creating for Me to rot in- forever- with no hope of Heaven, and with Me, as Your tormenter and jailer.


Lucifina felt a chill of dread run through Her being as the implication of Her Twins words sunk in. She was stunned that Her own Mikealla was not on hand to meet Her and adjourned the proceedings without Her consent. It seemed Lucifer’s shadow ran deeper then She had imagined. Once again She had misjudged Her Twin’s mastery of subterfuge and deceit and His ability to see through that which He was adept at. That misjudgment could prove catastrophic for all of heavens lights. She had no doubts that Lucifer would follow through with His threats of cutting Her and Death off from heaven, even though it would mean that He too would be forever trapped in His prison of pain with no hope of relief or redemption. She stilled Death’s tongue as IT was ready to give answer, knowing that IT would only fuel Lucifer’s rage, making matters even worse then they were. A cool head was needed now, not one who would only add more flame to the fire. So She opened Her hands out in supplication and bowed to Him as one would a liege and said:


Oh Great Lord of this Universe and Great Love and Dark Light of My Life, I stand humbled before You in this empty hall. We meant no offense in our call to action, for it was meant as a defensive posture against an unknown intrusion from a Power unfamiliar to Us. You now tell Us that we have offended this Power that is a daUghter of Yours which You never told Me You had and that You now give aid to; pitting Us once again against each other. You claim that Death and I have been neglectful and I ask of who or what have We been neglectful too. And why now do you threaten Us with cutting Us off from Heaven while moments ago You held Me in Your arms. We will do what We need to do but first You must tell Us why!

And to this Lucifer said:


Well it seems that Your defensive posture has turned into a full blown attack. Your dim witted Son, rather then ease a tense situation instead increased it, by trying to  whip and chain a daughter of the earth-his half sister- and acolyte to Gaia, who’s not only My daUghter but Yours as well. Your legions are falling by the wayside, Pandora is ready to sever the Great Tree from its connection to heaven and Your Son is now the captive guest of Sateen, My darling little firebrand. As for Death’s realm the situation is as dire. One of Your captions, Odin, another dim witted fool needing to prove his worth, ordered an attack on Gia’s children, which for the record are Yours as well. Of course eaRths children with the help of Lilith’s loving guidance, responded in kind, and now Your legions trapped and cut off from help, are praying for a miracle.


As for the second question: what have You both done to offend Gaia? Burning down Eden, a place that was part of hEr body and sacred to Her, as well as ignoring Your child’s cries  while sHe screamed in pain, seems like a good reason to be offended. Being raped and having hEr belly torn open by Your black fire and leaving hEr to weep alone while You played GOD on earth as You did in heaven, seems like a good reason to be offended.


As for neglect, well I would think that’s self evident. When You, My Dear Sweet Lucifina, created Paradise, from Our long ago dreams, as a place for Our Song children to dwell and submerged it amongst the torn ruins of My body, the earth that formed Paradise came to life. How is it that in the pitch black darkness of space, where I and My angels froze, I could hear the faint cries of Our daUghter, when You standing above hEr could not. How could You not think that the eaRth was not alive and sentient, when from out of that very clay, is where Our Song Children were made. Sensing an emerging sentience, from the rock that You created, You took efforts to still its voice by reigning down Your Elemental Assassins into the bowels of hEr being; so as to weaken hEr strength and retard hEr growth, in order that- only You- would have complete sovereignty over the Song Children and their Progeny; fearing that another influence would only dilute Your power and influence over them. And You have the audacity to ask Me, to Who or What? You have been neglectful too.


And lets not forget the Glorious Triad of Death where the Dark GOD, Your erstwhile LoVER, takes refuge. As Death mixed ITS evolutionary brew and redesigned the order of things using eaRth as ITS fodder to create life that would flourish in ITS death stewed physics, IT didn’t take into account or did IT care, that the fodder that IT wiped ITS feet on was alive as well. Not once but twice did IT defile hEr.


Lucifer turned away His gaze from Lucifina and directed it towards Death and speaking directly to IT said:


You reigned down upon hEr- Your fire of death- searing away all the flowers, plants, bushes and trees, that was the clothing that covered hEr skin, while all the bugs, birds, bees and animals that sHe nurtured and let suckle from hEr breasts, were turned into blood soaked ash. You stripped hEr naked and had Your way with hEr as You reshaped and molded hEr from head to toe so that Mortality’s Gate can be made. And when sHe pleaded for mercy, You made Your ears go deaf. As sHe lay in a pool of bile and blood, naked and bruised- from Your loving caresses- You then defied hEr once again; as You exploded Your black semen deep into hEr bowels-laughing- while sHe wailed in agony from hEr belly being ripped in two. And You dare to wonder, to Who or What? You have been neglectful too.


Lucifer turned again toward Lucifina, sighed, and in a tone of resignation rather then anger said:

And as for Your last question: why do I threaten You now with damnation, when just a short while ago We were in each others arms declaring Our eternal love for One another. And I say Why not now. I made My choice to defend My daUghters honor, no matter the cost to Me. I held hEr rage in check as long as I could as I waited for You both, at this Gathering Meet, to acknowledge hEr existence and give apologies for the atrocity’s that You both committed against hEr. None came, and now You find Yourselves on the brink of defeat and endless suffering. There’s still time to divert disaster but You now need to go to hEr and plead for forgiveness and sue for peace. If You do not, and that choice is Yours, Hell and eaRth will sever Your ties to heaven and You’ll learn what suffering truly is…..









































© 2009 Robert Francis Callaci

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I would think that One who claims to be The Son of Heaven and of Man would know who stands before Him. But You are too blinded by Your stupidity and arrogance to see that You and I share the same blood, both swam in the same womb and were made by the same father.

This is so truthful here. We are blind only to the fact of that we know we can't save our own soul.
By the grace and love of God we can. This is so wonderful and such an insight.

He had to laugh at the irony of it all for not too long ago it would've been he on the other side fighting for the glory of Hell. But things change and he had to keep his wits about him before all Hell broke loose.

I found this amusing really i know i shouldn't but I did. Only hell can be in itself. To fight against itself
is a chuckle really. It's them battles that we fight everyday against ourselves. Like this alot.
Well said.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I would think that One who claims to be The Son of Heaven and of Man would know who stands before Him. But You are too blinded by Your stupidity and arrogance to see that You and I share the same blood, both swam in the same womb and were made by the same father.

This is so truthful here. We are blind only to the fact of that we know we can't save our own soul.
By the grace and love of God we can. This is so wonderful and such an insight.

He had to laugh at the irony of it all for not too long ago it would've been he on the other side fighting for the glory of Hell. But things change and he had to keep his wits about him before all Hell broke loose.

I found this amusing really i know i shouldn't but I did. Only hell can be in itself. To fight against itself
is a chuckle really. It's them battles that we fight everyday against ourselves. Like this alot.
Well said.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on February 28, 2009
Last Updated on February 28, 2009


Robert Francis Callaci
Robert Francis Callaci

Port Richey, FL

My passion is writing- I've been writing a mythological tale on the many facets and faces of GOD- I've been a net poet for the past seventeen years- I'm a former admin at lit .org and active one (Patr.. more..
