The Calm

The Calm

A Chapter by Robert Francis Callaci



The Calm



The heat of passion

Erupting Volcano’s

Lava and lovers


The hot blinding heat of young love

A cooling breeze from a sun drenched day

The thunderous clamor of a volcano blast

Rivulets of liquid fire soon turn to ash and stone


The frost and the dew

The flame burns within the ice

A new dawn arises


The cold winter frost melts into spring

As the fog clears the rainbow sings

Free from the ice the flame grows to new heights

Time rewinds and the cycle begins again



Life death rebirth

Fire wind water air

Snowflakes raindrops blue skies black nights

Morality’s gift


(from Deaths “Book of Life”)










Adam and Eve settled in one of the caves in the great pocket of mountains that lied east of the great river of nourishment. This was to be their home till the end of their days. The valleys below were fertile and full of life and the natural caverns that formed within the mountains, offered them protection against the outside elements, as well as supplying them with fresh water and heat from its volcanic origins. In these caves were the children of Adam and Eve born. Seven sets of twins of male and female were born unto them during those years when God’s voice was silent. Caineth and Abeline, known by man as Cain and Abel were the first to be born of Adam and Eve, followed by Seth and Aklia, Daneil and Methuselah, Gadreel and Pandora, Homerah and Mythera, Zorcastor and Maya and lastly Abram and Sareeth. As they grew into adulthood, each became adept in their own skills and art, and as they spread their seed throughout the four corners of the earth, new stories and legends were made.


Adam and Eve never wavered in their love of God. They felt that God’s silence towards them was but a test of faith and God’s way of teaching them to rely on themselves and be strong of heart. Each day they offered a portion of the blood and meat of the hunt to God as a way of showing piety and thankfulness. They knew that God hadn’t abandoned them for when they were alone together watching the stars they caught glimpses of God’s angels watching over them. This view of God was held in a different light by the first born of their loins, Caineth and Abeline, for they often wondered how could a God who claimed to love them; cast their parents out of their home and into the wilderness just for eating and drinking of the root and fruit of a tree. What really bothered them most was that God had left them on their own, to either live or die, without offering any help or guidance to ease their burdens or heavy hearts, but instead offering them only silence.


Caineth and Abeline were born unto Adam and Eve in the eleventh cycle of their exile. Caineh was of darker complexion then His parents with a brooding and explosive nature while Abeline was the near image of Eve in looks but her temperament was more reminiscent to that of her grandmother. As children they constantly fought and teased one another and there was always an underlying tension between them but in spite of all that; there was also a deep and unbreakable love between them as well.


Caineth was a physical being and reveled in the hunt. He was exceptionally strong and quick footed and as he grew into manhood he became an expert tracker and hunter. He cared little to converse with angels or the voices that lived in the wood or pray to a God that was mute, for all they could offer him were but words, but the challenge of the hunt that consumed him; not only offered him and his family a full belly rather then an empty one but made him also feel vibrant and happy to be alive.


Abeline was enraptured with all things of the earth and like her grandmother before her felt most at home in the woods. Abeline’s eyes were open to things unseen and heard the voices of the wood, those same elementals of God who were exiled along with Adam and Eve, and opened up her heart to them and in return they offered her the secrets of the earth. She also caught glimpses of Death ITSeLF and at times saw ITS eyes look towards her in a hungering way which always filled her with foreboding and dread. As she grew in womanhood she became an expert tiller of the land and knew the ways of plants, fruits and trees and how to properly plant their seeds. But like her brother, she too had no use for a God that remained deaf to them and preferred the company of Her exiled angels, and even of Death and ITS consorts, then to that of God…




Mephistopheles finally was free from the chains of the rotted and long dead snake that she inhabited. Her hatred of God and all that She created increased a thousand fold while she lay rotting in the dirt while hunger twisted all throughout her very being. She vowed that she would reap vengeance on God’s children and so decided to choose her victims wisely. As she reached the wood of her exiled sisters she smelled the scent of humanity nearby. A wave of joyful hate washed over her as she plotted her revenge. But this time she promised to herself that she’d be more discreet in her deception while filling up her hunger in the bargain…


Lucifer was first to speak as He and Lucifina walked hand in hand towards the Gathering gate. Being so close to Her filled Him with memories that He tried so hard to forget, for the pain of Her loss was an unbearable weight to bear. And now here She was once again, more beautiful then even He remembered Her to be, but this time She was here as an adversary, not as a lover or one who was once a part of Him when they once were as One. Oceans of grief, betrayals, and misunderstandings now stood between Them, and these few moments together, no matter how bittersweet and precious they may be, will lessen the rift between Them. Her hand trembled ever so slightly while in His as He realized that She too was in as much as a flutter as He. But this was not the time for moonlight walks down memory lane for those days were now but dust; but of treaties and boundaries and who owns which slice of the pie. Lucifer spoke to Lucifina in a whisper so no prying ears can hear and said:


Why could you not warn Me what GOD had in mind for My Gabriel. Maybe if I had known I could have put a stop to it or made HIM choose another to serve Death’s role. Gabriel was My Heart as Gabriella was Yours and to take such a large piece of Us diminishes Us both. Are You still so afraid of GOD that You are willing to be cut up as one does a piece of fruit. Have We not been sundered enough as it is, and if We keep letting HIM cut us up, soon they’ll be nothing left to cut. Is that want You want, to be nothing more then HIS shadow puppet.


Lucifer’s words cut through Lucifina like lightening does to a tree, quick, merciless and devastating. An eternity of suffering didn’t seem to have changed Him at all, He was still angry and defiant as ever and still didn’t seem to comprehend the true might and power of GOD. She had almost forgotten how dizzy and alive Lucifer made Her feel and how easily He could cloud Her mind with His words. But as much as Her Heart wanted to join Him and unite themselves against GOD; Her Mind knew just as before that They needed GOD more then HE needed Them, and if they got HIM angry enough HE would just dream them out of existence and dream a new dream. Of course Lucifer thought differently about the extent of GODS might and was willing to go toe to toe with HIM, even if it meant the end of existence. She was not willing to take that risk, no matter how much She yearned to be back in His arms. She collected Her thoughts and said unto Him:



Warning You would have accomplished nothing but GODS wrath. GOD called Gabriella and Gabriel to merge with a piece of HIM to become Death, and redo a part of paradise from the blood of Adam and Eve. HE took Our hearts from Us not to diminish Us but to extend a piece of Ourselves, to share not just the Voice, but the Mind of GOD as well. HE now offers You His Ear, for the Gabriel within HIM will now listen to what You have to say. GOD has made yet another Trinity and has merged Our dreams into HIS and modified the rules of the game. We’ve always been HIS favorite shadow puppets, but I’ve learned how to maneuver around HIS strings, and if You want Us to one day to be as One again, You best learn how to maneuver around them as well.


Lucifer had forgotten how much alike they really were. She always knew how to soothe His raging Heart and wake Him up to all the possibilities. He now understood why She didn’t plead for GOD to forgive Him but remained silent while He was burned and cast out of Heaven. She always knew the ways of GOD better then He and understood that it was better for One to still have HIS ear then none at all. She went along with Him the last time when He convinced Her to make Her protestations to reconsider from breaking with GOD to EDoNi not as loud or convincing as His urgings for HiM to declare HiS freedom from GOD. Now it was His turn to go along with Her plan to be free from the foot of GOD and be reunited and whole again. Of course this will require Him to suffer even greater hardships and pain for an eternity of Time, but it will be all the more sweeter when the Trinity of EDoNi, Lucifina and Lucifer reform and dream their own dreams. Lucifer kissed Lucifina’s hand and with a smile said:



So tell me about Death’s Domain and what role does IT want me to play…















© 2009 Robert Francis Callaci

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The frost and the dew
The flame burns within the ice
A new dawn arises

Love these words here.

Mephistopheles - don't know what that means.

I like this nothing needs to be said
It is all said here, you speak of truth.
I like this chapter alot.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on February 24, 2009


Robert Francis Callaci
Robert Francis Callaci

Port Richey, FL

My passion is writing- I've been writing a mythological tale on the many facets and faces of GOD- I've been a net poet for the past seventeen years- I'm a former admin at lit .org and active one (Patr.. more..
