The blue planet of evil part 42

The blue planet of evil part 42

A Story by wayne1234

We all walk along the damp pathways of the dragons cave while water drips down onto  our cold heads of torture. Our eyes look around the cold cave tunnel of terror while we make our way  towards the darkness from hell. 

A shocked luitent megs holds my arms of bravery while we trudge through the thick purple water of mystery. After waking for miles down the cave of capture we begin to hear the sound of fire  hitting walls of shock in a distant cave below us  

The horses lead us deeper down the tunnels of torture while the silver prince holds a light of in front our tired eyes of mercy. After walking for miles down cold purple steps of mystery we suddenly begin to notice a light of hope.  

At that moment the thunder of feet begin  to  run closer towards our deep heats of of tender torture. The horses tell us to hide behind some purple rock of safety while the  purple dragons figures of horror start to run past our bodies of mercy. 

Our army then hides  within the purple stones of safety while thousands of the creatures appear in the  tunnel heading towards a large bright light in the distance. All of  a sudden the dragons of torture stop and look at our rock  of safety before rolling on down towards the bright light of mystery. 

After the dragons have vanished into the light of the unknown we embark on a quest towards this bright light for a means of escape.  Once arriving at the bright tunnel light our eyes open with shock at an underground city of dragons and magical figures of mystery hitting our eyes of mercy. 

written by wayne mockler 
ownership and copyright wayne mockler 

© 2021 wayne1234

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Added on May 30, 2021
Last Updated on May 30, 2021



teesside, teesside, United Kingdom

name is wayne and love wrting more..
