The blue planet of evil part 40

The blue planet of evil part 40

A Story by wayne1234

After walking for long hours though the evil purple forest of  torture we suddenly  find a large flowing waterfall of mystery. Our eyes glow with  shock and  terror while the green demons begin to walk us towards a long winding footpath of mystery. 

Our hearts flutter with  tension while the demons lead us down a long embankment of mystery towards the bottom of the waterfall. I hold close to a shocked luitent megs while we all walk down the thin purple steeps of deep torture. 

Once at the bottom our hearts race faster at the flowing purple waterfall of  mystery flowing  down  towards the  evil rivers edge of darkness. the horses keep tight towards our army of brave warriors while the creatures push us towards  a black rock of mystery. 

After reaching the black rock of mystery the green demons smile with terror and evil  grins at the flashing black stone of mystery. We look on with shock wondering what surprise the creatures have in store for our bodies of mercy. 

All of a sudden the rock starts to turn on its on and our eyes wonder what evil spirit force is pushing  our buttons of mercy. The humans scream out in terror when the water suddenly turns to yellow and a strange creature appears in the shape of a dragon. 

We look on and hug each other with shock while this ghostly dragon crawls out from the yellow water of torture and pulls three humans into its den of horror while the creatures laugh.  A shocked silver prince stands  ready to fight the creature with his armour of bravery while we pull him back to safety.

written by wayne mockler 
ownership and copyright wayne mockler 

© 2021 wayne1234

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Added on May 28, 2021
Last Updated on May 28, 2021



teesside, teesside, United Kingdom

name is wayne and love wrting more..
