The blue planet of evil part 36

The blue planet of evil part 36

A Story by wayne1234

After the lights our body's are dragged  from the arena of horror and back towards city of evil demons.  Our eyes look round with torture while the demons drive about their  city of torture hooting their horns of torture. 

Our eyes then glow with shocking horror while our terrified  bodies are dragged towards the main street of evil. All of a sudden the horses notices  a terrifying  dark building of horror while we walk past the city centres flashing lights of terror. 

A shocked silver prince see the  shops of torture flashing their light of  evil upon the walking demons of mercy. We notice various cultures of evil  passing by our bodies of capture while we are pulled along the bright streets of horror. 

I hold a shocked luitent megs in my warm hands of mercy while we are taken towards the square of the  demon and made to sit near the many shops  of torture flashing their bight open signs at the walking monsters of terror.  

We watch with shocking minds of mercy while our army is chained on the railings of evil while we watch the restaurants show off their  food of horror to the baying  creatures  of evil pleasure. The gift shops of terror flash with lights of red gore while the demon children  run about their  premises of torture.  

All of a sudden a few  yellow demons of torture spot our minds of defeat and walk towards us while other demons  sit down and enjoy the green sun of horror and tucking into their  meals of evil  being served by the skeletons  horror

The yellow demons then walk towards us and look deep into our eyes of shock while police demons watch from a red glowing fish and chip shop. We all just stare back  at their eyes of torture pleading for mercy in their land of the evil monsters.  

written by wayne mockler 
ownership and copyright wayne mockler 

© 2021 wayne1234

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Added on May 23, 2021
Last Updated on May 23, 2021



teesside, teesside, United Kingdom

name is wayne and love wrting more..
