The blue planet of evil part 17

The blue planet of evil part 17

A Story by wayne1234

After a few hours  trapped in the capsule of danger we decide to try and escape this hell of terror. The silver prince then slowly opens the capsule door of safety while we look on with shock. 

Once the door is open we slowly clamber from its fortress of capture and onto the  dark ground of evil horror. Our eyes then look around for the skeletons creatures heads of horror while the horses lead us out. 

At that moment the silver  prince spots another hole of light and walks towards it sparkle.  All of a sudden the skeletons appear from the darkness and begin to run towards our minds  of torture.  

The horses pull us further towards this  hole of light while our hearts race faster with worry. I hold a shocked luitent megs in my arms while the horses whisk our army towards this cave entrance while the skeletons stop with shock.  

After entering the bight cave of safety we are faced with a world of goblin creatures lurking with a corner of horror.  Our eyes glow with surrender while the goblins begin to crowd around our bodies of capture.   

written by wayne mockler 
ownership and copyright wayne mockler 

© 2021 wayne1234

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Added on May 2, 2021
Last Updated on May 2, 2021



teesside, teesside, United Kingdom

name is wayne and love wrting more..
