The blue planet of evil part 16

The blue planet of evil part 16

A Story by wayne1234

Our eyes look around with shock while the capsule door bangs loudly with extreme anger. The horses shudder with shock while the door handle begins to turn with something trying to force it open with terror. 

We then hold each other tight  while the horses and silver prince   get ready to fight the  mystery creatures of  horror.  All of a sudden the  door swings open  and strange  yellow skeletons stand looking at our shocked bodies of torture.  

The evil yellow skeleton creatures then pull away from the capsule while the horses shoot their bones of evil with laser guns of shock. We finally  climb out  of the capsule while the silver prince swings his sword of horror  cutting down two of the creatures in the process. 

Our army then walk slowly down this tunnel of red lights while the skeleton horrors head back towards a dark cold door of mystery. We then walk towards this door and watch its cold exterior  glow from its dark shady doorway.  

All of a sudden the door opens  and we look inside  its strange flickering lights of mystery.  At that moment the silver prince notices  a strange city  glowing in the shaded outback of horror.  

We then begin to stagger back while  these  glowing skeletons of terror  begin to form an army  looking at our shocked minds of terror.  Our army then begins to rush back along the bright tunnels of terror  while the evil skeletons pursuit of terror  starts to  bite at our heels of mercy. 

The horses guide us back towards our capsule of capture with the creatures in motion.  A shocked silver prince  locks the doors of safety while  the creatures clamber at our faces of shock inside it. 

written by wayne mockler 
ownership and copyright wayne mockler 



© 2021 wayne1234

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Added on May 1, 2021
Last Updated on May 1, 2021



teesside, teesside, United Kingdom

name is wayne and love wrting more..
