The blue planet of evil part 10

The blue planet of evil part 10

A Story by wayne1234

The strange animals then begin to walk towards our eyes of horror while the old man shakes his face of torture at our nervous bodies. At that moment the horses stand read y to defend our bodies of mercy while the creatures  get closer towards us. 

All of a sudden the silver prince swings his sword of bravery at the creatures heads while we scream for mercy.  I hold a shocked luitent megs in my arms of bravery while the evil creatures  begin to creep closer towards our bodies. 

A shocked human then notice the creatures are large dragons  and  giants snakes of terror hissing towards our heads of shock. The silver prince swings his sword of destruction at the monsters but it cuts through  their spirit bodies with ease. 

Our voices scream louder with anger while the old man walks up and pats his creatures heads with his claw hands of evil. We are then surrounded by these monsters while they watch our shaking bodies of surrender.

written by wayne mockler 
ownership and copyright wayne mockler 

© 2021 wayne1234

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Added on April 25, 2021
Last Updated on April 25, 2021



teesside, teesside, United Kingdom

name is wayne and love wrting more..
