![]() horror of the native american ghostsA Story by wayne1234![]() american ghost story![]() The cowboy ghost suddenly turn around and look at us their evil red eyes shining straight inside our deep minds of fear. We try and run out of the vault but the monsters capture us and drag us back towards the blood red table of rest. We try and break free but the spirits pin us towards a big yellow piano in the corner. The piano suddenly starts to play by itself and the pictures on the walls start to move and throw themselves towards our scared bodies. The golden goddess gets captured by the cowboys of horror and take u to saloon stairs kicking and screaming in terror. We try and follow her up up get thrown back down by an unknown force of power. We sit and watch the ghostly cowboys take the golden goddess into an upstairs room whilst she fights with honour to escape. The room door shuts tight with a loud thud and a calm quietness covers the saloon of horror. All of a sudden screams lash out from the room and a loud cheer by all the cowboy creatures fill our troubled minds. We see the clothing of the golden goddess being thrown out of the door and she is paraded back downstairs naked for all the evil cowboy spirits to see. We quickly cover her naked body up until a loud bang fills the saloon vault and native american ghosts fill up the saloon watching the ghostly cowboys with deep yellow spooky eyes of hate. The cowboys start to run but the native ghosts aims their arrow at them killing each spirit with a arrow throw their ghostly brains of shame. We watch in horror while the native american spirits scalp each cowboy ghost leaving blood pouring on the saloon floor. At that moment the native american ghosts look at us with their big evil eyes and walk towards us with a twisted smile upon their haunted faces. we sit and tremble on the saloon floor whilst the spirits surround us looking at us with devilish smiles. We sit and watch while the native Americans stand around us dancing and holding the tomahawks in the saloon of horror. The golden goddess watches with intense eyes while the saloon becomes a black smoke of nothing with red hot flames start flashing about our scared minds of torture . A flash of light suddenly hits the large vault and we are transported down the dark tunnel with the white light of terror towards another strange place . After a few short moments we wake up in another dark cave of nothing but darkness and the sound of ghostly voices echos around our scared and tried minds . The golden goddess notices a strange light beginning to develop in the cave until it suddenly erupts in front of us creating a large rainbow of colours inside the vault . We sit and wonder at the amazing ray of lights flashing about the bright cave until ghostly figures start to appear in front of our bodies and watching with green eyes of hate. All of a sudden the figures get closer and native american ghost creatures appear in front of our terrified bodies. We then notice the cave has turned into a native american campsite with a large flowing fire burning bright and a blue table of terror stood in front of our captured bodies. We notice we are tied up and under the mercy of the monsters while their large yellow horses jump about near the a large blood red river. The horses suddenly see some spirit cowboy figures tied up towards the burning fire bent down and crying while the native creatures sharpen their glowing carving knives The ghostly chief of the tribe suddenly stands up and throws a mist of spray in the air and declares war with his twisted soul. A cowboy spirit is then taken to the blue table and tied up screaming foul words of hate while the creatures surround his ghostly body. We watch in horror while the chief cuts his body up with a large axe making him into a thousand bits until the screaming stops. His braves then throws the body parts in the flowing red river of blood with evil smiles upon their sadistic minds . I hold on to luitent megs while she turns away in disgust being sick on the clay ground at the cheering natives dancing with great joy .The horses bury their heads into the gravel of hate while the golden goddess looks up towards the black flowing clouds A cowboys wife is then strapped to the evil blue table of horror screaming at us while the male native creatures remover her orange dress and white underwear uncovering her naked body for their pleasure. The other women natives collect her clothing and hold it up to admire its cloth. She is then cut open and thrown in the river of blood while the native chief dances round a big red pole of hate . We sit with a long hard heart and beaten shoulders until the dark night rolls in and the stars set on a evil camp of horror. We wake up and the red sky shines upon the yellow hills of horror while the ghost walk around watching for evil to rise on them. The golden goddess stops and looks at the cold hills rolling in while we all sit and wonder what awaits our troubled minds. After a short few minutes we suddenly start to hear the sound of horses in the distance and loud shouts of hate echo around the ghostly camp. The native american spirits jump to their feet and get ready for war while the chief sounds the battle horn of danger. All of a sudden the hills come alive with figures on horse back look down on the natives camp fires. We try to hide ourselves in the brown dirt but the figures start to descend on the camp with their ghostly guns firing at the brave spirits. A fire suddenly engulfs the camp burning down the natives homes an destroying the ghostly table of torture while we look in hatred. The golden goddess try to reason with the cavalry ghost creatures but they line the native american's up towards the smouldering fire. The ghostly commander of the brigade picks out one of the natives and throws them onto the fire burning while the troops watch and laugh at the screaming ghost burning to a cinder. We plead with commander to stop but he holds up his sinister head and reveals a deep cut in this eye and a big deep scar down his face. we suddenly notice the Cavalry advance on the ghostly natives forcing them back against the red river. One of the evil Cavalry tells them strip naked and they start to cry and scream in horror while we all show our hate at the commander. The native american's braves start to remove their clothing and stand bare in the cold dark orange hills while the women scream hatred at the ghostly army. l hold onto luitent megs and cover her eyes while the evil army creatures start to cut open the brave natives leaving arms, legs and heads covered across the large golden plain. We watch with tears pouring down our red filled eyes when the ghost Cavalry creatures finish of the braves by putting their bodies in the red river whilst laughing and joking each other in a sadistic smiles. The commander the gets all the natives women and makes them stand near the burning fire of hate while the golden goddess jumps about making evil spells with her magic wand. The woman are made to take off their brown tribal dress and black pants before standing naked so the evil ghost army can see their warm bodies. We look in horror when the commander suddenly goes past each one and chops their heads off leaving them to fall on the burning fire. I hold luitent megs body and turn her head away while the screams of torture fill the cold dark mountains of hate The golden goddess turns to horses and pleads with them for help while the white tiger offers to fight the army. The commander of the army then gets his evil ghost army to put the headless bodies in the flowing red river of horror. We stand and look at the evil army with hate in our eyes while they burn the natives camp down to a tiny cinder. All of a sudden the hills start to turn a bight red glow and figures start to appear everywhere across the smouldering mountains of terror. The golden goddess notices the figures are spirits of native american's and come down towards us in their thousands. The commander sees them coming down the hills and tells his troops to move and escape towards a big brown hill across the plain. We run with the ghostly army while the native spirits fire thousands of arrows at the army killing many before they escape. We get towards the big brown hill and hide behind the army of horrors while the ghostly natives surround us on the mountain of horror. The golden goddess notices some of the ghost natives holding up tow of the army on a big black wooden table before cutting open their screaming bodies and slicing their heads off. A big black figure wearing a chief clothing then holds up one severed head and scalps it with blood pouring down on his blue painted hand. We scream in terror and the sky light up a smoke of hate while the native american's dance through the night We wake up to a loud banging from the natives drums of hate and the ghost army walk around the secluded hill watching for the native spirits to strike. The golden goddess looks towards the big red sky of horror and the native Americans start to advance on the generals ghost army with their war paint dripping and blood pouring down on the ground of hate. The general leads us all back towards a narrow mountain gap while the spirit chief rides faster on his black ghost horse leading his warriors on for the rest of the pack. The golden goddess get worried and keeps us safe behind the general while some of his men are caught by the evil spirits. We run up a big black path of hate and get trapped behind a grey rock while the native creatures surround us everywhere. The general suddenly sees a narrow pathway and leads the rest of this army down it towards a green flowing stream. After a few minutes we start to hear screams of pain and stop still wondering what will happen next to us The screams get louder and we start seeing the generals captured army getting hung up on yellow trees in the distance. The horses tell us to hide and keep quiet while the men are hanged and cut down with the chiefs long hunting knife. We see their body's being thrown down a deep hill after the natives wives have stripped them naked and cut them open with native american knives. We look in horror at the wives pleasure to scalp each one before they meet the bottom of the mountain pit. The general leads the rest of the ghost army down the river look for a way out watching for any sudden ghostly movement After walking along the yellow flowing stream the general see some natives women on horseback and chase them until they fall off the golden horses We quickly rush towards to help but get thrown back by the ghost army towards a big green rock. The ghost general then makes the crying women stand near a big blue tree while red flows in his raging mind. One of the ghost arm sees open of the pack look different from the rest wearing a long golden native dress and a special sort of head garment. We watch with hate towards the evil general when he notices she is the spirit chiefs daughter and pulls her to one side while her friends scream. The general then tears off the the special native dress and leaves the daughters chief standing in her black pants. The rest of the ghostly army then quickly surround her stripping her naked to admire her body while she screams in terror. we watch with hatred in our faces while the other native women suffer the same fate while the ghost army laugh and smile at their perils. we look in disgust while the general holds up the daughters gold tribal dress in one hand and her black underwear in the other whilst smiling at the red faced chief. We try and grab hold of the general but he slays all the native women and throws their body's in the cold yellow stream of sorrow. The spirit chief has seen enough and send his braves down the hill killing the general and his ghost army of horror. The braves rip their body's open and pullout their beating heats and cutting the heads of each one. We suddenly notice a large black hole appear in the ground and jump down it towards a big bright tunnel of nothing. The horses notice we are heading towards a big red light at bottom of it. The golden goddess looks up and sees the generals head and and face being scalped until we disappear for sight. written by wayne mockler ownership and copyright wayne mockler
© 2019 wayne1234 |