Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Torrey

The annoying buzzing noise broke through the silence, causing me to want to take a shot gun to my alarm clock. Damn. School. I slowly sat up, pain shooting through the whole of my body. I looked at the clock, it was six, time for me to get up take a shower and go to the hell I call school.


I forced myself to get up out of the heaven I call my bed. My legs were incredibly shaky and protested to every movement I made. I went over to the closet, got out a long sleeved purple shirt and jeans, and headed to my bathroom.


I stared at myself in the mirror in the bathroom. My bathroom was amazing. An entire wall was just a fish tank. With a curtain I could pull around, of course. I desperately tried to not think about what had happened yesterday. I wished it was all a dream with everything in me but it wasn't. My arm was all wrapped up all the way up to my shoulder. The pains in my chest had lessened, proving that a doctor had been in to take care of me, giving me some pain pills that would without a doubt get me through the day. No one would know I was hurt at school. It would all stay hidden under my clothes.


I turned on the shower and stripped my clothes off. I showered quickly, trying not to get the bandages too wet, but I failed miserably.


I sighed as the hot water ran down me. I had killed the pureblood. I felt overly guilty about it but he had tried to kill my Dad. What else was I suppose to do? Just stand there? I don't think so. Everyone else was probably celebrating, thrilled about it. I could already tell I was going to have horrible day.


I got out of the shower, got dressed, and brushed my teeth and threw my hair up into a loose pony tail. I left the bathroom and headed down stairs.


My Dad was sitting at the dining room table, reading the newspaper, just like any other day.


"You really don't have to go to school today," he said, putting the paper down, "You did get pretty beat up last night."


"Actually, I have to go to school today. I have a big AP Lit test." I was dying on the inside. I was going to fail my test miserably. I never have time to study, not to mention I'm always falling asleep in class.


"Are you sure Abigail? I could tell them your sick. I mean look at you, you're still really pale."


"It's alright. I have to go Dad. Don't worry about it." I walked over to the cabinet and got out the Lucky Charms and then walked to the fridge and got out the milk, "Did anyone else get hurt last night?"


"No." he replied and relief and surprise swept over me, "There were only few small injuries but that was it. I'm pretty sure you got the short end of the stick last night."


"That's great."


"You did really amazing last night, Abigail. I'm really proud of you. You killed the pureblood, everyone's talking about it."


"You know I'm no where near proud of it." I said, avoiding making eye contact with him, "And you know that he's technically not dead, yet. It will take awhile for the poison to kill him . . ."


"You did an incredible thing last night though! Abigail, you should be thrilled. Who knows how many humans that a*****e has killed! You are a vampire slayer. You are supposed to be excited when you kill a vampire!"


"Well I'm not happy or excited or whatever the hell you want to call it! I'm not like you, okay?! I don't even want to be a vampire slayer! I f*****g hate it dad! Don't you see that?! I'm miserable!" Tears quickly started to form in my eyes. I hated this. My dad and I had been fighting a lot lately, whether it be about this or the whole ridiculous marriage thing. I guess, we just didn't agree on things.


"I'm sorry, but you were born into this family and there's nothing you can do about it! Deal with it, Abigail! What you did was amazing. You need to come to terms with the fact that this is your life."


Tears overflowed so I stared at the back of the cereal box, not wanting him to see me cry, to see me weak.


"Listen Abigial," he said, in his stern fatherly voice, "I don't want you to be pissed off but I need you to be home by four today."


"Why?" I asked still looking at the colorful red box that seperated us.


He took a deep breath, "I have really want you to meet."


I spun around, perhaps a bit to quickly, glaring at him, "What kind of men?"


"You know, other vampire slayers, from other groups, possibly a future husband? You need to get married soon."


My mouth wide hung open.


"No." I said, snapping my jaw shut.


"What the hell do you mean by 'no'?" He asked, anger flashing through his eyes. I was pissing him off and I knew it.


"No. Just no. N-O. I will not be home by four because I refuse to sit through another unbearable afternoon with more annoying, conceded men, that view me as some play thing. As a sex toy."


"You are going to be home by four whether you like it or not!"


I left my full bowl of cereal on the counter, grabbed my backpack and sprinted for the door. I left quickly, slamming the door behind me. He better not have a bunch of men lined up for me when I get home. I wasn't ready to find a husband. Hell, I haven't even had a boyfriend in god knows how long. I stomped towards the gate.


I lived in a gated community. Only people from my family lived here. They all knew about vampires and were either a vampire slayer, or people from my family related by blood or marriage, that firmly supported vampire slayers. My family was HUGE, I didn't even know all of them. A lot were distant relatives, but they still had the slayer gene in them.

I walked through the gate, listening to the gravel crunch underneath my feet. It was the beginning of winter and it was becoming colder and colder every day.


"Well if it isn't the pureblood killer." Connor voice came from behind me. He jogged in front of me and stood in my path. I instantly stopped walking. His smile was huge and he was beaming like it unicorns had just made their existence known.


"Con, please don't. I can't do this right now. I just, please don't." I said, crossing my arms and looking away. I was going to start crying again at any moment.


Connor's smile disappeared, "Aren't you happy?"


"No, Con. I'm really not." Tears began flowing freely down my cheeks. He wiped them off with the sleeves of his sweater. I fell into him and he hugged me as a sobbed into his shoulder, staining his shirt with my tear.


He was much taller than me, even though I was older. Connor had always been just like a brother to me. We had trained together and have been friends ever since we were little. He was always there for me.


"We're going to be late," he said, ruffling my hair, "Why don't we talk about it on the way to school?"


I nodded. As we were walking I told him about the argument my dad and I had and how he wants me to be at home by four so I can meet his new line up of concieted a******s he wants me to the marry. I also told him about how horrible I felt about the pureblood.

As soon as I finished and I had stopped crying, Connor looked at me and smiled, "You worry way too much Abby. Every thing's going to be alright. I promise."


"No it's not Connor. I don't think you get it. Even if he wasn't human at one time, I still feel like I murdered someone. I mean, I know he was going to kill me but..I don't know. It still gets to me."


"I do get it and I still know everything will turn out. It's going to be fine."

I sighed. Well that didn't help at all.


At the end of the road sat Red's beat up blue car. Connor and I jumped in the back.


"Hey Abigial!" Fran said from the passenger seat, "Hey Connor."


Red glanced back and smiled. I smiled back at both of them, trying desperately to hide my terrible mood.


Fran and Red had been my best friends since second grade. They still had no idea that I was a vampire slayer. They both thought my dad owned an coffee shop and that was where I worked. Yeah, sometimes I felt really bad about hiding the truth from them but in the end it was definately for their own good. They didn't need to know about vampires. It would only put them in danger.


Red began to drive to school, his maniac driving always got us there pretty early. Fran and Red were completely in love with each other but neither would actually admit to it so they were stuck in that awkward limbo stage. Of course, they were both oblivious to the others feelings.


"Why do you two look so tired?" Fran asked, concerned. "Long night?"


" Yeah, we had a really late night last night." I said, yawning loudly.


Red laughed, "Doing what?"


Connor grinned, "We wouldn't have worked that late if I hadn't knocked over one of the coffee machines, spilling coffee literally to every corner of the shop. Clean up took a long time."


"That really sucks but leave it to you to flip a huge coffee machine over." Fran said,

grinning before turning her attention back to me. "Are you ready for the big AP Lit test?"


"Ugh. Are you kidding? No." I said, frowning.


"I'm not ready either. At all. I'm fairly positive I'm going to fail." she said.


"Well we'll fail together." I smiled.


"Yay for togetherness!" she yelled.


We all laughed. I stared out the window. At least it was a gorgeous day. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad of a day after all.


Yeah, I was wrong. Today was horrible.


I walked slowly to my locker trying to hold back tears. I totally failed my AP Lit test. I put away my small Lit book and slammed my locker shut. Today just wasn't my day.


First period, in P.E., coach decided to make us all run the a 5K, including me, because I had forgotten to get a note from home saying I couldn't participate in P.E. and on top of that, I fell. Then in Biology we had a freaking pop quiz, which I failed, and then there was Stats. Somehow I had totally forgotten about my Stats project that was due today. I had typed it last week but had left it on my desk at home and Ms. Becker doesn't except late work. Then there was that stupid Lit test. Ugh!


Karma's a b***h. This is all because I shot the pureblood, isn't it?


Fran appeared next to me, grinning hugely, "Well, the test wasn't too bad. I think I did pretty good, actually."


I wanted to go home and cry.


"Whoa, what's wrong?" she asked, confused and slightly worried.


"I am one hundred percent positive I failed."


"It's alright," she said trying desperately to comfort me, "It wasn't even worth that many points."


"Yes, it was. I'm failing almost all my classes." I leaned my head against my locker, damn vampire hunting duty, "I might as well just flunk out of high school," I was trying to hold the tears back.


She hugged me, "You're not going to fail out of high school. You're going to graduate along with the rest of us."


Red then walked up, wrapping me and Fran in his arms, "Why are you guys hugging? It makes me feel left out. You know better than to hug without me!"


"Abby's having a really bad day." Fran said.


"Well f**k it. Hug time!" he exclaimed, pulling us really close to him.


Fran and I pulled away from Red. We all grinned.


Then Fran's smile disappeared, "F**k. Well, your day? It's about to get worse."


Red and I looked over to where Fran was staring and there stood Vanessa, staring right back at us.


Damn. Vanessa was a royal b***h, as Red, Fran and I called her. She thought she was the best thing on the whole damn planet. She was always bragging about how many times she's had sex or about how beautiful she is or about how rich her family was. I hated her with a firey, burning passion. and she hated me just the same. She walked over to me like a fashion model in her fancy stiletto high heels. She wore a tight mini skirt and a light pink tube top that went against the dress code. S**t.


"Hey Abigail." she said looking me up and down, evaluating me. It really bothered me how she acted like she owned the place. Sometimes I just really wanted to hit her.


"What the f**k do you want?" Red asked her, glaring. He was one of the few guys at school that wasn't drooling over Vanessa all the time. That was one of the reasons we got along so well.


"I don't recall speaking to you, Red." she said smugly.


"Can't you just leave me alone?" I asked desperately. I really wasn't in the mood.


"Aw. Is the poor baby having a bad day? You poor poor girl." she laughed.


"Shut the f**k up." Fran said, standing up for me.


"You shut up, b***h." she said to Fran, glaring. "Who in the hell names their child Fran anyway? Are your parents stupid or something?"


"Vanessa, can't you go be a b***h somewhere else?" I questioned.


She smiled, "What's wrong Abigail? You afraid of me or something? It doesn't really suprise me. Everyone knows that I could kick your a*s."


"I'm not scared of you, I'm just really not in the mood."


"So you are having a bad day? You poor baby," she said sarcastically.


Tears started to roll down my cheeks. Damn tears.


She laughed, "Why don't you go crying home to your mommy? Whoops...I forgot, you don't have one! She's dead. Better than having to deal with you, I suppose. I mean, you are the one who killed her." She started giggling hysterically, like she had just made the most funniest joke ever. My heart dropped and sadness filled me, followed by rage.


I punched her across the face as hard as I possibly could, which is pretty hard, sending her flying into the lockers. She grabbed at her nose, blood starting to gush out. She flung herself at me slapping me and pulling at my hair. She is the cliche of a 'chick fight.'


Everyone gathered around and watched us fight, of course. Red jumped in as quick as possible, grabbing Vanessa and pulling her off of me. Someone pulled me away too and I looked up to see Connor's green eyes.


The principal stomped up and grabbed the two of us and dragged us to the office, her annoying voice yelling at us, but I tuned out what she was saying. I didn't care. My dad was going to be so pissed...


It was silent on the drive home. My dad had come and picked me up from school, after we had a long talk with the principal and all three assistant prinipals about the strict no fighting policy. Blah Blah Blah. Vanessa and I were both suspended for a week. I was actually really surprised he wasn't started yelling at me yet. Tears still rolled down my cheeks. I wasn't the type of girl who got into fights, except with vampires of course.


We got home and we got out of the car without saying a word.






"Is it okay if I go lay down for a little bit?"


He nodded his head. I walked inside and ran upstairs. I wondered why he was acting so strange. I thought he was going to scream and yell at me but he barely said a word. It hit me then. He was being on his best behavior so that when the vampire hunter men show up I'll behave. Good God.


I put on my sweats and curled up into a ball in my bed. I cried for a while, staring at the green walls of my room. I was really pathetic. I eventually stopped crying and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

© 2012 Torrey

Author's Note

Chapter Two, I need some opinions on this story...I would be really grateful if someone could shoot me a message or leave a comment about what they think of the story..

My Review

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Excellent! I enjoyed the story!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Couple of grammar mistakes, but those can be fixed, no big deal. Overall, I like the story line so far. Good job! :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Ugh, I know. I can never spot them! I'll have to go through it again. Thank you!
Liz Rutledge

12 Years Ago

No problem :)

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 16, 2012
Last Updated on July 16, 2012
Tags: vampire, teen, drama, young, adult, kiss, lust, love, slayer, blood, fangs, werewolf, hate, romance



I love writing and getting opinions on my stories. I'm a college freahman and I'm almost 18. I love music, anything from Green Day to One Direction. :) more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Torrey