Shall I praise thee like they do in the Heavenly
Thou art more greater that the sound of the Harp:
The bird nigthingale do sing all night long
But I your child shall sing your praises forever:
Sometime music sound too low and too high,
Aloud will I sing unto your glory and majesty
Fear disappear in praises like darkness before light,
True to be told you dwell in praises of your own
I'm sure thy blessing will never seize coming to me
The eagle of my praises will never stop flying high
The sound a bass guitar is louder than that of tenor
No sound can brag better than all tunes played,
All together will I play all my instruments of praise;
As long as I can breathe, your praises shall sing songs
As long as I can walk, my feet shall dance to your holy name.
In the presence of God life is living and life is happy.,
Food is not hungry and water is not thirsty, my Provider provides.
Chairs are seating, mind are resting in the Lord.
Peace in our mind, joy in the heart and fear is trembling.
How excellent and glorious is your name O Lord my God.
Enoch O. Akanji