The Good Life....or Is It?
A Story by Benjamin Wright
This is just my personal opinion on life.

"Life is good." So they seem to say. But that all depends on the true definition of "good". It really depends on how you want your life to be displayed. Some may disagree that their life is nothing but....good. Some may go as far as stating that life, as a whole, is just too over-rated. And, that if they didn't have the massive problems and tribulations in their own personal life, then...yeah, life would be good. If not better for worse. I personally believe, and this is just my own personal opinion; that life is what you make of it. It can be your best friend. And, it can be your very worst nightmare. I believe that, although, we are sometimes bombarded by constant obstacles (to overcome), we can still enjoy the good life. It is what it is. Only you are in control of your destiny (that is IF you believe in that). You are the captain of your own to speak. And, if your ship goes down, so does everything (ok, well...almost everything) in your life that you either worked hard for....will go down with it. Of course, some may beg the difference. They would say that, there are times...."you" really don't have total control of your own destiny. And, that the fact is, it sometimes takes you by surprise. So, if that is the case....can anything in your life could have been preventable? Meaning, can you seriously believe that if those (bad) things that are happening be fixed? They always seem to say, "If it is can be fixed." Hmmmmm.... ( be continued.) What do you all think?
© 2011 Benjamin Wright
Author's Note
What do you all think?
Added on July 26, 2011
Last Updated on July 26, 2011
Benjamin WrightDestini Falls, , MI
I have been an avid writer for 10 years. I have written mostly short stories and some poetry.
But this will be my first novel. And, I would like to share the world a few chapters, insights and tid.. more..