![]() kontrollverlustA Story by walker
Lying on a pale floor, with screams surrounding you. The concussive pounding of your headache overwhelms you and you slowly lean against the wall. The jacket and your skin have been slit and stained. With your arms free, they have been weakened from all the beatings and tortures but fighting in the jacket, you use them to help you up. The walls still an unsightly white, the door still there, but a hole is now there with a red flashing light shining in.
Opening the door seemed easy for you. The hallway is dark, each interval the light grows dimmer, and a trail of blood blurs your vision. The light reveals a river lining the floor; the blood coated everything and dribbles down. A bland smile forms on the wall across from the door, you stand paralyzed as more features appear, a head connected by a neck mostly severed their eyes are black spheres with blood trailing down their small cheeks. The figure becomes its own, a dress she has on, stained from the wall, her blonde hair damaged by flames and stained by the wall. After a few moments of hideous screaming from her spit jaw. She speaks "this is revenge." she crumbles under the flash of the red light... as more screams are heard throughout the hall... The screams suddenly stop. You step into the river, and walk with the current, you hear "I never wanted to die..." from an eight-year-old's mouth, you stop. And the nightmare appears "I never wanted to die" echoes throughout the halls, the nightmare crawls closer to you without a noise. A shrill scream pierces the air and the nightmare flakes apart, into ashes... the red light never flashes again. You wake up in a white bed of a hospital, strapped into the bed. A man walks into your room and asks, "How are you feeling?" "With walls fallen you become locked into a chemical abyss." A voice echoes in your head... You wake screaming when your thoughts drizzle into tears, pinned to the floor and drenched in warmth. A pattern of feathered wings clawed into your back. The door has been torn apart to reveal a pristine hallway. In the neighboring room it’s been painted by the patient strapped to the bed. "Please forgive me; I never wanted to be known as a demon." Stumbling out of the room, the hall goes dark except for an emaciated figure of what once resembled a human sits back in a wheelchair. Its chest beating, quickly until it slows down to a stop. The figure is no longer breathing and pulse gone. Its head once leaned back now jerked forward, its chin pressing against its still chest. With slender arms, it rises from the wooden chair and beginning from its empty jaw snapping apart it rips its mouth down to his chest asunder. With needle-like fingers, it punctured its own flesh, spilling more blood around. Still creeping towards you. After coming within arm's reach of you, it stops tearing itself apart. Only to lift its arm and begin to swing at you. And begins to flake away into ashes... Behind the next door, a woman is crying... you open the door and see a clean room. With flowers next to the bed. An expecting mother lies in the bed, tears flow from her eyes, you step closer, with a smile and the room speaks... "Her neck is snapped, it was a painless death." Now, the little girl walked into room, and puts her ear to the woman's stomach and whispers loud enough for you to hear, from across the room. "Say goodbye to mommy" and she smiles. The nightmare grabs you by your throat, lifting you up, only to throw you out of the room. The halls empty and clean, the nightmare nowhere, the front doors’ lights are blinding but you continue towards them. Then the little girl walks out from the shadows behind a desk. She extends her hand so you can take it. You grab her small hand, as she whispers, "Please forgive me..." to you, and walk towards the bright light behind the glass door, she smiles and says, "I’m sorry..." and turns into dust as you open the door. And you drop to the floor... "You were shot through your head. So that you could be caught dead. Now locked in here. For this is your nightmare." A voice echoed through the dark room. She kissed her bear... right before you cocked your rifle... In tears, you whisper... "I’m so sorry... i don't want to hurt you... I’m sorry." And you place the barrel against her forehead... "Please forgive me sis..." And without hesitation after saying that... you pull the trigger... And the room falls apart... © 2011 walker |
Added on November 19, 2011 Last Updated on November 19, 2011 Author![]() walkerhereAboutI'm a freshman at my local community college. learning IT and programming more..Writing