![]() Turkey SurpriseA Chapter by Wendy Seames Garner![]() Bang...the turkey exploded! Uncle Harry's toupee was blown off in the blast.![]()
The Thanksgiving dinner smelled amazing! We were all gathered around the table. Festive Christmas music played in the background. In an elaborate display of pomp, Mom entered the dining room prominently displaying the turkey on a large oval platter. Everyone applauded at the sight of the sumptuous offering. Dad prepared to carve the turkey, making a show of sharpening his carving knife. Then with a large fork in one hand, he lifted the carving knife with doctor-like precision and made the first cut...
Bang...the turkey exploded! Uncle Harry's toupee was blown off in the blast. Pieces of turkey now resided across the table, on the floor and even on the ceiling. Cousin Tommy was going to town eating the pieces that had conveniently fallen on his plate. Mom was crying. Dad was sitting there, gape-mouthed, trying to figure out what had happened. Grandpa, ignoring it all, had his plate piled high with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, even the yucky squash!
Sport, our black lab, thought he had died and gone to heaven. Taking no chances he was gobbling up turkey like there was no tomorrow. The consequence of this was that he immediately threw it all up on the living room rug, only to gobble it all up again, not one to waste food. This caused little Susie to start heaving. Aunt Karen rushed to Susie's aid and was rewarded with a face-full.
From the dining room came the sound of uncontrolled laughter. Everyone looked to see Grandma laughing uproariously, tears streaming down her face. We were appalled! Had Grandma finally lost it? Was she soon to be a resident of the loony bin?
All eyes were on Grandma...our silence could be cut with a knife. Suddenly from the family room radio blasted:
Grandma got run over by a reindeer Coming home from our house Christmas Eve
Dad's eyes widened, Uncle Harry's lips started to twitch before we knew it everyone was laughing. Everyone but Grandpa that is, he was still at the dining room table, enjoying his meal.
This was one Thanksgiving we would never forget!
© 2017 Wendy Seames Garner |
Added on December 2, 2017 Last Updated on December 2, 2017 Tags: Thanksgiving, Cooking, Copy Right Wendy Seames Garner 2, Surprise AuthorWendy Seames GarnerLapeer, MIAboutI believe that every person we meet, every thing we touch has a story. more..Writing