![]() Chapter 1: The Lost KingA Chapter by VtigerThere was once a world that even the bravest of people would not dare to adventure. People would get lost trying to find their way around this beautiful yet dangerous world. Despite having horses and ships, people couldn’t travel far from their homes, due to the fact that nothing in this world was mapped. Even if maps were made, they were horribly inaccurate and would lead people into their deaths. Because of the lack of travel in between civilizations, they became isolated. Trade routes were never established, and there was a lack of knowledge of other civilizations. This was troublesome for people as they couldn’t leave their homelands, as the majority of them were ruled by ruthless kings or powerful dictators. This is a story of a young man whose goal is to map out the world to fulfill his dream and to help people along the way. After traveling through the hot desert, our adventurer finally makes it to a shady town in the heart of the desert. As he walks through the main entrance he notices that locals have natural shining silver hair as he tries to ask for the nearest inn. Altas: Hello there, my name is Altas. Do you speak English? Random Person: †α≠≥? '"£¢"γ? Altas: *Sighs* I guess not… ENGLISH.. Does anyone here speak it? Random Person: *Points to another local* Local: We... donut.. speak.. you.. luggage… Altas: Yes that's pretty clear.. Thanks anyways… Altas wanders aimlessly for someone who speaks English, when he sees someone who sticks out of the crowd of locals. This person has a magnificent burgundy hair rather than the usual silver of the locals or black of Altas’ hair. He was equipped with some sort of sword and wearing fine clothes made of silk which made him seem even cleaner when compared to the dirty rags of the locals, in short, he looked rich. And as the first non native person here, Altas quickly finds himself attempting to talk to the strange man. Altas: Excuse me, my name is Altas. Do you know how to speak English? ???: Hello there! My name is, King Baron Von Sir Leonardo The 69th, but you can just call me Mr. 69th and yes! I do speak English. Altas: Ehh.. I’d rather just call you Leo.. Do you know where the nearest inn is? Leo: Leo? I love that name! I can tell we are going to get along just nicely! Oh, think of all the great things we can do in this shabby town! Wait.. the inn, I almost forgot! Its this way! Let me treat you out to a drink! Altas: *This guys a nut..* A drink? Its not necessary.. I don’t have the mature tongue for liquor just yet.. It all just tastes bitter for me, Im actually 21, but only recently. Come to think of it, you aren't that much older.. Leo: 21? Im 21! WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON! And everyone knows that liquor tastes nasty as hell, you just drink it to have fun! Lets go! *Grabs on to Altas's Arm* Altas: Hey! Let go of me! *Leo quickly drags him into the inn and sits him down for a drink.* Altas: Geeze! You don’t gotta pull me like that, I can walk just fine... Leo: Sorry! I just got a bit too excited, it’s been forever since I’ve met someone who spoke the same language as the people back in my kingdom, Ill make it up by ordering something to drink! Altas: Well… I just traveled through the desert so I guess… Speaking of kingdom... you said you were a king? I don’t think I believe you.. Leo: HA! How funny… the women always say the same thing.. BUT ITS TRUE! I am a king, its just that… I lost my kingdom… Altas: *In a sarcastic tone* OH really now? Then how did Mr. King get lost then? Leo: Funny story.. So basically when I was 18 my mother died and I became the next heir to the throne. A few months after I became king, which were the kingdom’s most happiest months, I decided to go take a nap on the prized family ship, unfortunately it was being robbed by the famous Thieves Guild and I instinctively jumped off and hoped that I didn’t drown. I drowned. BUT! When I woke up, I was washed up against the shore and was wondering ever since! Altas: …*awkward silence* *answers reluctantly* Well.. I think I know how to help you. But you have to keep this a secret, you must tell NO one. If word gets out, there are people out there who wouldn't hesitate to turn me into a slave. Leo: YOU CAN BRING ME BACK TO MY KINGDOM!? *People begin stare to look at Altas and Leo's table weirdly* Altas: SHH! You idiot, I told you to keep this a secret… Is there any where private we can talk? Leo brings Altas into his inn room and tells him to show him how to get back to his kingdom. Altas pulls out a strange sheet of paper from his messenger bag with lots of weird drawings and writing on it, it fascinates Leo, however he doesn't understand what exactly he is looking at since he has never seen anything like it before. Altas: This is my life’s work. This is the map that one day will be a map of the whole world! Look here, there are separate tabs to show more detailed maps from a certain location, I’ve marked down all the civilizations I've been to and the terrain as well! Leo: THE WHOLE WORLD?! That's crazy talk, no one has ever thought of mapping the area of a few civilizations let alone the whole world! How do you know this is even right? The reason there are no mapmakers is because their line of work is too dangerous and unrewarding, there's not a map in this world that is accurate enough to not get anyone killed. Altas: Exactly, that's the reason why this is my life’s dream. I'm going to tell you a secret okay? Don’t ask how, but I use magic to tell me about my surroundings.. Leo: *awkward silence* … HAHAHA! And you said you didn't believe me when I said I was a king! Okay then Mr. Mage, prove it. Altas: Okay first off, you should know that there are real mages out there, ones that can shoot fire, raise crops, summon thunder. They aren't fairy tales, they are real, but are extremely rare and those who are born with these powers choose not to use them because they are afraid of.. well.. The slavers and tyrants… They are occasionally used for tools of war. That's why I need you to NOT tell anyone, do you know how much power a slaver might have if he has access to this type of map? Altas demonstrates his ability by drawing an intricate map of the entire town that they are in, every alleyway and street he has been drawn perfectly. Altas: My power cannot be used in combat in anyway, It can’t show any living beings besides plants and I can only see what's within a certain radius around me, hence the reason why I’m traveling. Compare it to some sort of clairvoyance. Leo: SO wait, that's it? No magical light shining from the sky? No fire, or lightning? Its all in your head? Altas: Basically, its completely invisible. I mean… people other than you do know about my powers… and the map. Slavers to be exact, not to worry you or anything since I gave them the slip along time ago, but I’m still a valuable target due to my ability.. ..SO did you find it? I tried my best to copy down all the entrance signs I came across to their town’s particular alphabet. Leo: I don’t even know where to start, where are we right now? Here? Or is it here? I CAN’T READ THIS!!! Altas: Give it here *snatches the map*… just give me the name. Leo: Riryia, have you heard of it? Altas: Nope, its not likely that I have, the world is pretty big you know… Anything near by that you might know? Leo: Well there is this big fishing city that is close enough for people to trade in between towns.. I think it’s name was… hmm.. Altas: Fishing town huh? Let me search around the shore then.. I should find it fairly easily.. Leo: EDART! Im sure it’s Edart! Altas: Edart? I remember that town completely, Its right here! which means Riryia should be in this gray area here… wait thats actually pretty close to this town! Just travel east until you hit the sea and go north! Leo: *starts sobbing uncontrollably* … *sniffle* I can’t believe you found it! Please! Come with me to my kingdom, I will reward you with money and women! AND WOMEN! I need to reward you for helping me find my way! Altas: Thanks but no thanks, Im not really interested… Leo: Okay fine… money and ...men? Altas: NO! I didn't mean that! I appreciate you doing this for me, but I don’t need money or women, I'm happy just helping people such as yourself. Leo: Fine then, at least let me treat you out to dinner tonight… A dinner at the most expensive restaurant in this shabby town! … WITH WOMEN! LOTS OF WOMEN! Altas: Alright fine, Its not like I don't mind good food or women… Later that evening, after the desert sun turned into dusk, the two men went out to the fanciest restaurant in the shabby town which wasn’t that shabby at all! They feasted on many exotic dishes and were entertained by dancers as exotic as the food. It was to Altas's surprise when he heard Leo speak the local language so fluently, he said its a gift of a king’s tongue. Leo was a rich man, he said he has hefty amount of money due to the jewelry he had with him at the time he jumped off to escape the thieves, which he then pawned off to salesmen. With this money Leo was able to reward Altas with all these pleasures, however their fun would soon come to an end during their walk home, once Altas runs into his past. Altas: Haha! Thanks Leo, you sure know how to “reward” someone. Leo: Oh but of course! *I was pretty much rewarding myself at the same time*. Anyways I’m still thankful for you finding my way to my kingdom and I feel I still haven’t rewarded you enough. So travel with me! Please come! Altas: Its not that I don’t want to, it's just that I’d be losing a few weeks or a month of time traveling. I’d be happy to travel with you if it wasn't for that.. Leo: Oh, I understand, it is your life’s work, I guess… I guess it's goodbye once it's sunrise. I hate goodbyes *He tears up*, I wish I had someone like you who woul- *The rest of his words weren't understandable due to his sobbing*. After Leo calmed down a bit, not so long after, a group of three men with black cloaks came before both Leo and Altas as they were walking back to their inn. At first, neither Altas or Leo recognizes any of them, but it seems like the mysterious men know them. Suddenly Altas tugs on Leo’s arm to run away, and with a slow start, Altas and Leo find themselves being chased by the mysterious men. Suddenly, Leo stops running and starts walking the other direction. Leo: WHY the hell are we running away from these losers, IM A KING! Altas: Its not about that! You have no idea who they are! They are dangero- Leo: WELL THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHO I AM, IM A KING! Altas: No! Dont you know about their black cloaks? They are famous bounty hunters! They most likely are hired by slavers to capture me and kill anyone near me! Leo: I DON’T GIVE A DAMN! The bounty hunters all of a sudden start laughing and taunting Altas and Leo. Altas feels intimidated by their husky voices, but Leo is unmoved. The bounty hunters begin to talk among themselves to discuss their plans as Leo is slowly moving towards them with Altas. BountyHunter1: Ha! Look at them! They gave up and are just letting themselves get killed now! BountyHunter2: Yea! It looks like the black haired one is gonna wet himself, I can’t believe this job pays so much, didn’t expect this little runt to be worth so much! BountyHunter3: Remember, the slavers said that he needs to be alive, we need to capture the runt and more importantly, his bag. Don't you guys F**K this up like last time… BountyHunter1: Look at that guy with the weird clothes! We are allowed to kill him though right? He looks so pathetic! Lets not leave any witnesses... In a bitter rage, Leo pulls out his weapon, it was a magnificent sword, so thin, pointed and beautifully decorated, truly a weapon for a king. This is the first time Altas has seen Leo with a serious face. Its the face of a man whose passion takes over and becomes something as fierce as a lion. Leo: I heard you said something about capturing my friend? … MORE importantly I overheard you say something about me looking pathetic.. BountyHunter1: Ha! Aww! How cute, he’s tryin to act all tough and macho, it looks like hes also pretty cocky, *He draws his sword* LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO COCKY PEOPLE! *he charges to attack Leo* BountyHunter3: Stop you idiot! You need to wait for us! As the bounty hunter charges toward Leo, Leo’s will was not changed, he walked at his average pace with his strange sword out. When the bounty hunter finally got close enough to Leo to look in his eyes, the bounty hunter was filled with regret as he noticed Leo's murderous intent. He knew at that moment that he was going to die and before he could even react Leo’s weapon has already pierced him numerous times. Then instantly before the body had even hit the ground, Leo began sprinting toward the other bounty hunters. The two bounty hunters split up at the sight of one of their member’s death, however Leo still gave chase and caught up to another bounty hunter. BountyHunter2: SHIET, dead end! *hears Leo’s footsteps and pulls out sword* COME AT ME! IM NOT SCARED! Leo: *Looks with intimidation* Do you know who I am? *In a more serious tone than usual* I am a king! BountyHunter2: Wait… King? Burgundy hair.. Weird sword.. I know you.. You're the rumored missing king of Riryia, one of the only people whose escaped one of the Thieve's Guild assassinations! Leo: Assassination? I was supposed to be assassinated? *Leo walks forward and uses his sword to slap the bounty hunter’s sword to the ground* How did you hear about me? *Leo sticks his sword to the bounty hunter’s throat* BountyHunter2: Okay okay! Everyone has heard about it, not about you or your kingdom, but how you escaped death! The thieves guild is known for never failing an assassination attempt and they always track run always and kill them, don’t ask me how they do their dirty work, I ain't one of them. Leo: Well who hired you to capture my friend? Was it the slavers? BountyHunter2: Yea it is, he was one of the higher ups, if you think I’m telling you his name you’re mistaken. Leo: Thanks for the info, that's all I need to hear, now let me ask you a question.. do you know what this “strange” sword is? BountyHunter2: No… that's why I called it a “strange” sword.. Leo: Its a sword fit for a king, don't you see it’s beautiful designs...Well you may call it a “strange” sword, I call it a “RAPE-IER!” *Leo thrusts the rapier through his throat and kills him* While chasing Leo, Altas hears someone coming up from behind him, before he could even tell who it was, the bounty hunter was off running. BountyHunter3: *steals Altas’s messenger bag* HA! All I need to do is get this and I’m rich, no need to capture or kill either of you! Altas: GIVE THAT BACK! THAT'S MY LIFE’S WORK! Far from Leo, Altas was on the chase to the last bounty hunter who has stolen his messenger bag filled with a large amount of maps. The chase soon took place on the roofs of the town once the bounty hunter tried to lose Altas, however unluckily for him, Altas is a master at running away, mastering it from all of his years avoiding and running away from slavers and bounty hunters, but this is the first time ever where the tables have been turned. Finally after a long chase, they have reached the last building at the edge of the town. Altas: END of the line! *Altas pulls out his dagger* Give me back my bag and no one has to die! BountyHunter3: Do you really think I could forgive myself If I let my subordinates die without giving them the revenge they need? *Pulls out dagger* IF YOU THINK I'M GONNA GIVE UP TO A LITTLE RUNT LIKE YOU, YOU'RE MISTAKEN! Furious, Altas makes the first move charging toward the bounty hunter. Despite it being the first time Altas has ever fought someone instead of running away, something overcame Altas. He felt more confident than before and more alive because he was fighting for something he felt so passionate about. He knew he wasn't going to die tonight, nor ever until his goal of mapping the world is achieved and with that mindset he got a lucky strike to the bounty hunter’s chest. Instinctively before he fell over, the bounty hunter tried to make it to the edge of the roof.
Altas: With a wound like that you're going to die eventually! Just give up and give me my bag back!
*He takes off the bag and takes out all the papers out of it* YOU SAID YOU’VE WORKED ON THIS YOUR WHOLE LIFE HUH? IN THAT CASE, SINCE I'M SAYING GOODBYE TO MY LIFE, ITS ONLY FAIR FOR YOU TO SAY GOODBYE TO YOURS! *He tosses the papers in the air and the desert wind scatters the papers, never to be seen again* After this tragic moment the bounty hunter fell over and died. Altas was filled with dread as he wasn’t able to get back all the time he spent trying to achieve his life’s dream. As the sun rises up, Altas makes his way down from the roofs of the town and finds Leo waiting for him. Altas explains what has happened when Leo was gone taking care of the other bounty hunter and at that moment something extraordinary happened. Something that was falling was blocking the radiant sun from Altas’s eyes. Altas looked at it and found it was one of his maps that was thrown into the wind. After looking at it, Altas noticed that this map was a map to Edart and after he had shown Leo what was on the paper, the both of them automatically knew that from that point on they were traveling together. © 2014 VtigerAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on June 20, 2014 Last Updated on August 5, 2014 Tags: Adventure, Anime-Inspired, Humor, Comedy, Hardships, Friendship, Drama, Altas Author |