![]() Adventure in writingA Story by dogpack![]() I've been severely bitten by the writing bugs. I'm off to a new adventure in writing & will follow the trail & tail of the story.![]()
The beginning has been interrupted by the dogs because I think they need to go outside. I shall return.
I've returned which is a good start for becoming consistent in writing and continuing to write. This will help me get better at writing which is why I'm doing all this typing. Perhaps I may eventually consider taking a course in writing or ....well I wouldn't want to take a course if I become lousy at writing. I would take a course if it helped my writing. Seems today is a writing day because I've written to my http://vpclass.blogspot.com blog and made an entry to the blog hosted on this web site. By the way which is correct? Website or web site or does it matter? I noticed it written both ways, humm. I also wrote information about the group I started and wrote an e-mail or two today. Interesting, sometimes I can't get a word on paper and other times I don't know when to stop writing because I'm able to get many, many words on paper and then keep going and going and so on until I have a run-on sentence like this sentence, so you see what I mean? I hope to do much more writing and produce quality content and quality writing with out run-on sentences. Earlier I didn't think about writing a large project, however I found the information about the National Novel Writing Month which lead me to their website. I'll have to do much practicing of writing and research in order to prepare for this event. Who knows, I may create some interesting art. Yes, to me writing is art which is produced using a pen, pencil, typewriter, computer, or any other implement which allows you to put words on paper. Actually writing is art with in art. There is the art of arranging the words and getting them on paper properly, creating content and getting it organized ( organization is art) and being creative (art again) enough to get your art work noticed. Having the computer, internet, digital photography are great tools which allow me to practice this art for which I have had a passion when I was a child. I had no idea what to do or how to write in my early years, so didn't do much with this artistic medium. As my knowledge and understanding of writing and the types of writing which can be produced grew so did my interest and passion. Unfortunately I was not consistent with writing. I have some challenges when it comes to writing. Spelling is something I have to work at to make sure I am producing the words correctly. I guess being legally blind and now entering the world of the hearing challenged, I will have to be very careful to spell and type correctly so that I can be understood when I write. I take this as a challenge which I can handle with a smile on my face. I have a sense of adventure and so learning which I think goes with writing is just what I need and must do. Not surprising, this is a huge reason for me being here and writing right now. I'm enjoying writing, reading what you write, and learning from you. This is a great classroom and place of learning and sharing. I'm glad and thankful I am able to be here and share my thoughts and writing with everyone. ---------------- Any ideas, thoughts, suggestions are appreciated, thank you. --------------------------------------- 6/7/2011 Today is a very joyous day for me I've been able to log in to this site and get to this page. I'm very happy and pleased to be here. My goal is still to write every day. I will eventually be able to start writing something which will have a title, plot, plan and other items. This is my journey toward this new adventure. Yesterday I wrote for a while so will put my words into this document. COULD NOT LOG IN 6/6/2011 This is yesterdays efforts to be consistent in writing every day: I've tried about three different times to log into writerscafe today and have had no success entering this site. Apparently the site is too busy, my computer is too slow, or both; bumber! Because I set a goal to write something each day I'm using notepad for now and then will enter this onto the website when I'm able to log in. This folks is a writing exercise.If you would be so kind to read and comment on when you have time, I would appreciate, thank you very much. Today has been a very pleasant day for me. So far it has a tolerable temperature; I'm extremely grateful :-) I've been able to enjoy spending time with my animal friends. The road is being resurfaced which is a huge blessing because wheelchairs roll much better and smoothly on a smooth surface. I won't be bounced around any more, hurray! And, this is very, very important! I'm writing today. I will write tomorrow. I don't know what I will write but I decided to write this statement so I will be forced to write tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow thankfully there is still some of today left to enjoy until tomorrow. I have been richly blessed today with the tools which enable me to write and I look forward to doing much more writing. Also, I realize the more I write the better I will become at writing. My appreciation goes out to the people who are making writerscafe available at the price I can afford. Thank you very much for this precious gift. I will not dishonor me, you or anyone else when using this site. Further more I will not dishonor me or anyone else any where or time on purpose. If I should do so it is purely by accident and not knowing i have done so to you. As long as there is no dishonor involved in this day I will be happy. HAPPINESS Happiness is a gift which we have the choice of having in our day or rejecting. I prefer to be happy and share this with people. In my opinion we are in control of our happiness and this can not be taken away from us unless we allow the theft. Guard and cherish your happiness. Share you happiness with others and we can all be happy. WHY NOT! Why not go for an adventure today. There are many choices and many ways to have an adventure. Actually lets leave out the "not" and just go! This writing exercise is for me an adventure. Wonder which path I should take today? How far will I go? Choices; it's nice to have choices. Having an imagination is good also. I have so many gifts it's like Christmas every day. Yippie! I'm free to choose who, what, why, when, and how today and for more days to come. Please come along with me I go on this incredible journey. Oh, I guess we should pack our bags for this trip. Let's see what we should take with us. Probably because we havn't decided where we are going or how long we are staying, we should be prepared for a long journey to many different places. If the trip is shorter then we havn't lost anything we just have extra stuff packed. I should probably date this writing. Today is June 6, 2011. It's warm and probably going to get warmer so I'll take extra beverages and summer accouterments and then just in case we're gone for a very long tim e I should have something for colder weather. Better to have more than I need than need something. I should probably properly introduce myself and tell you my story which is a trip. Another good thing about today is I havn't tripped over anything. INN THE BEGINNING I was in a hurry to be in this world because I was born six weeks early. In 1953 babes born with in this early time frame had a chance for survival. What the doctors didn't know then was putting infants into incubators which saved their lives also caused disabilities. *I can tell I'm getting tired because I'm making a lot of mistakes typing the words I'm writing. I will try to resume this process later today.* -------------------------- Yesterday I read, wrote, spent time with my animal friends, took pictures of the road being resurfaced, and watched a movie. Also, I spent time doing the usual necessities of life like eating, drinking so I didn't dehydrate and other Mundane chores. LEARNING 6/7/2011 As part of my writing I started reading the magazine "The Writer" which I receive on cassette from the library F/T Blind & physically handicapped. So far I like this magazine because there is information about a full spectrum of writing and different writing styles and approaches. When I heard about some techniques for determining if something was worth writing based on if it would be read by many people, I took notes. Taking notes is vital for me. Unfortunately I'm not able to write about what i read because the information escapes me. Guess I'll have to refer to my notes. I'm puzzled by this new issue and challenge when it comes to my learning new things and retaining what I read. Most of the time I have to wait for a while for information to switch from short term memory to long term memory for me to be able to find the information, get it to the point where I can reproduce this information in my own words and then be able to use it to continue building on what I've learned. I know I'm not stupid and I know I have to work diligently to learn. The best way I can explain my learning process is: I have to read, say, taste, handle and manipulate, sleep on, and go over and over this information to get it into my head so I can recall and use what I've learned. Certainly having limited vision and reduced hearing and mobility has a part in my learning challenge. The question is; What can I do to make learning a more productive and successful process? Added to this question is: What tools and techniques are available which will help me learn more efficiently and speedily? I'm still looking for answers to these questions and also working on understanding how I learn. ------------------- JOURNEY Now I'm on a unique journey into the world of writing which is a continuation of what I started when I was in elementary school. I am determined this time to be very consistent and persistent in pursuing my writing and honing my writing skills. I know I will succeed because of my determination and how important obtaining this success is to me. The first challenge is for me to have a plan which I have to create using what exactly i'm not sure yet. I'm off to a good start because at least I'm writing. Although this particular project is still an exercise in "writing every day" I can tell it will become more than just an exercise. I did some research into programs which help writers write and discovered there are many which are free; which I can afford, and some which require payment, which will have to wait a while. Does anyone have any recommendations and guidelines so that I would know which program may work well for me? I am very interested in word count and outline creation functions. What else is beneficial to a writer for successful organized writing? Other information i have searched for is grants and free tutorials for writers. Any one have any recommendations? What is available to help with research about topics I may want to write about which I may know about or may not know about? It's interesting how when you write you also wind up with many questions along the writing journey. I like this adventure very much. Perhaps it's the process of being a scientist and detective all in one entity. I've realized another bonus with writing and using spell check. My spelling is slowly improving. Spelling has always been a major challenge for me. Reading is a lot of work however I don't mind because I like reading. Fortunately I have the recorder books from the LBPH. They recently went digital with their recorded materials which is absolutely marvelously marvelously wonderful! Best of all is with the digital recordings there is no extra noise like that of the analog tapes and the speech is much clearer. Makes listening and understanding clearly easier for me. This is a great technology for me and other people who have hearing and visual challenges. Another advantage I have with this format is being to listen to a book even when it is dark :-) Just to let you know, I do have vision. It is limited to about 20/200. I'm legally blind. I do read braille, however I'm a slow braille reader. Large tprint was ok if it was big enough, but now after cataract surgery I'm not able to read 24 pt type. I hope to get glasses soon so I can read print again. I use Zoom Text for the computer which makes the print as big as I need for reading. I always have a place to sit because I use a power wheelchair; or on rare occasions like when my power chair needs repair, my manual chair. This is why I say I roll with the punches because I have the right equipment. I'm getting tired so will have to take a break now. --------------------------- RETURN 6/13/2011 I have returned to this collection of words, thoughts, and ideas which my writing adventure attempt has conger-ed up from the depths. Fortunately I have been writing everyday which is my goal for this month activities. I started a course and have added a lesson. Light bulb moment! I guess this story is more a journal or documentary. Whatever this is; I hope I get better at writing. To write for is to take flight and sour wherever my imagination takes me. My brain is an awesome tool which I can use to share ideas and help people be the best writers they can be. We should be all we can be and hold nothing back although being considerate is nice. I like going places when I'm not able to go out to somewhere. In my mind I can travel, imagine a scenario, try something new with my writing, research and experiment, and put this activity onto a document for people to read and enjoy. I'm trippen and you're flippen; pages that is if your reading something I've written onto paper or in digital form which requires changing pages :-) This can be a good situation for all because we are able to benefit from the written word. Words are the foundation for communication. Words convey what Writers want to tell. For me words open up a vast array of possibilities. I enjoy reading and writing almost equally now. For me reading and writing go together. I've been able to learn many things from these pursuits. By working each day on reading and writing I have obtained a larger vocabulary. This larger vocabulary has enabled me to express myself more effectively and incisively. As I have added to the tools with which to write, I have also added to my ability to be creative in using these tools. The tools for writing are quite adequate for painting a detailed picture in words and showing your artistry and knowledge. I've enjoyed art for as long as I can remember. Being an author is being an artist. ------- HALFWAY 6/15/2011 I'm halfway towards my goal of writing every day for a month. I had originally planned to write something here everyday. I found I was better able to write everyday by writing different things. and, writing different things at the same time for me is helpful. Fortunately I've been able to work on different reading projects or a variety of projects at the same time most of my life. This activity is really becoming part of my daily activity. I'm grateful things are working out the way I had hoped. I guess if you want to do something very strongly, then you will find a way to make your plan a reality. A reality I would like to see happen instantly right now is for the fly that is bothering me to go far away. Fly be gone! ------- 7/2/2011 I'm pleased because I have written something every day except for the 2 days I spent doing related activities. More of my writing is located at: writing.com which is a slightly different writing site. I enjoy both sites for what they offer. If you join both you will get the very best of everything :-) http://www.Writing.Com/?rfrid=vpbanjo I like the writerscafe because of the very useful features and cafe atmosphere. Writing com is great because it has other features which complement writerscafe. It is like a town or neighborhood. Both writing sites have made it possible for me to realize my dream of being consistent with my writing. I intend continuing this writing journey for as long as I am able to write. Because writing is a passion, I started a group called Your Passion I'm glad to have started this group because there has been some really nice writing presented for everyone to read. to me reading and writing go together, so I try to read regularly, and this helps me grow and write better. 9/30/2012 (/27/2012 is Bellas' BIRTHDAY! My service dog enjoyed her birthday the day before because we were at the mall in Annapolis where we spent time visiting with friends. To add to the joy and fun of visiting with friends and celebrating her birthday, a friend is giving her a tee shirt which should be available for her this week when we return to the mall. Having this new tee shirt will be a major blessing for Bella because when it gets cool she starts getting cold. Het new tee shirt will help Bella stay warm during the fall. Hopefully I will be able to get her a sweater and a coat for the winter. I'm impressed, because I've actually been able to return to my writing and actually write, yeah! For a very, very long time, I have not been able to do many of the activities I enjoy and need to do because of the medical, personal, and nature related events which have caused me to stay away for so long and not write for much longer than I had ever expected. Being able to write about Bellas' birthday and why I've been away for so long is at least a start to begin writing again. I guess this means that I still have the writing bug serum going through my vanes. What a relief to know that writing is still in my blood! © 2012 dogpackAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on June 5, 2011 Last Updated on September 30, 2012 Tags: writing process story in journal Previous Versions Authordogpackinternet, ARAboutMy friend, Mary, says I was hatched & crawled out from under a rock. I roll with the punches and have a sense of adventure.. I have returned after a very long hiatus. It's good to be here. Bel.. more..Writing